Agility Wise

About Agility Wise

Dog Agility Training by International Champion handler Natasha Wise. If you are new to the sport or have international aspirations there is something for all to enjoy at Agility Wise.

Agility Wise Description

Agility Wise offers you the chance to learn from Natasha through our Educational Videos and Online Personal Training functions, plus a chance to be a member of the Agility Wise Online Training Club. The website enables you to have the tools, direction and support to train your dog at home, with Natasha’s expertise close to hand to steer you in the best direction possible. . .



Evening All, Online Club Members your NEW session plans have been published on your profile pages .... I hope you enjoy the sequences.... this edition is focusing on skills I believe will be featuring in 2019 and what I have been working on with my dogs .... some at Group Training found them challenging so don’t forget the Online Personal Trainer function at AW is available for bespoke support tailored just to you.... speak soon Natasha xx


Buzzing after our super training session with Lisa Frick yesterday ..... what with this and then being beasted at Pilates I’m not sure if there is a part of my body that doesn’t ache!! Today’s recovery run will be most welcome as we conclude our prep for Squad Day 2 on route to Crufts 2019.
Our fitness is building after a break following Olympia as the juggling act of peaking and preserving continues in the quest for our performance goals and sharing this wonderful hobby tog...ether.
Thanks soooo much Lisa ... for your focus, support and for sharing your precision to create the best lines for the dog.... sheer brilliance - for that it’s clear why you have achieved so much in this wonderful sport.
Also thankyou to Laura for hosting and inviting us to share a fun day with my fellow groupees in such a great group.
Pebbles you work so hard, your skill set is magnificent and I savour all our training moments as my belief of ‚Äėdogs only have so many jumps‚Äô continues ..... you young lady have lots more competitions to come - to use and display the depth to your knowledge for which I am very proud of what you can do and the speed on which you do it! Here are some of our highlights.....
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Great few days spent with Pebbles as we are well into our plan on road to Crufts 2019 via Squad Day 2. Yesterday a much needed ground work session with Maria Johnston then today, training with our 2018 Teamies Greg, Martin & Dan as the team continue to build on a successful but not victorious 2018. Then finally a 5k recovery run finishing with a lovely walk where she enjoyed just being a dog and chase the bunnies! That leaves just enough time to catch up with my Online Training students before planning my sessions for the next few days when I catch up with my monthly Group Training students. Feeling tired now but looking forward to seeing how everyone’s homework has been doing and helping everyone out with their journey after investing in my own. Huge thanks to Matthew, Maria & Lowri for keeping us moving on this journey with our little firework Pebbles.
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****SOLD**** We have a rare opportunity for a Grade 6/7 dog and handler to train on our July/August Camp (30th July - 3rd August 2019). All the details are below, so please contact us at if you are interested in attending.


On a frozen day here at AWHQ these little cheeky monkeys had chance to work on their self control skills and strength and conditioning exercises ..... ‚ÄėToto‚Äô likes to use his bed as a trampoline .... trouble is I can‚Äôt stop laughing at him!!! The Prefect ‚ÄėKiki‚Äô excelled above Naughty Pebbles who most definitely has fallen off the Olympia pedestal ..... with Squad Day 2 and 4 days at Crufts looming it‚Äôs time to accelerate the training plan! To our Online Club members your new edition will be published this evening so your training plans will be on hand for when the grass thaws! Also keep your eyes peeled on your inboxes as lots of exciting events to look forward to as members.


Kiki .... loves catching up with our Online Personal Training students! Working on a variety of different themes such as running & stopping contacts, Weave skills, start line waits, training program insight, troubleshooting areas of concern, young dogs plans. I love my little co worker!!!


* Do you want to train like a Champion? * Are you looking for increased direction and motivation to train? * Are you ever left stuck for ideas of sequences to train on?
If you answered yes to any of the above then our Online Club could help you ……
... The Agility Wise Online Training Club offers something for everyone. With a new course layout once a fortnight, with 3-4 sequences to work on for each level of club. Each sequence will be accompanied with clear objectives, suggested handling techniques and a breakdown of suggested reward points to help you and your dog’s partnership improve.
Every course layout and sequence mirrors Natasha’s current training plan with her own dogs and her face to face group and personal training clients.
Whether you train on your own, in a group, or you are an instructor who struggles for ideas, or a club looking for ways to make your teaching consistent across groups and instructors, the online training club can help you and those you train achieve your ambitions.
Interested? Visit our website for more information ( e-club) , or contact us at to discuss how we can help you.
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Weave training still progressing well .... a further 45 mins from my previous posting and I‚Äôm delighted to report that both Kiki & Toto have their ‚ÄėWeave clocks‚Äô. Toto is finding it hard to concentrate with his sister being deep into her season but the little man is working hard as his nose so desperately wants to take over! Kiki has taken a few days off practical games to allow Toto some focus time!! Next steps - adding movement .... I‚Äôll keep you posted. #theadventuresofTotoandKiki #AWWeavetraining


Just home from a fantastic day of group train coaching in preparation for Team GB Squad day 2. Partnerships looking super speedy, showing excellent skill sets but most of all having fun with their dogs. Great job guys it‚Äôs great working with such a positive group of people .... hope you enjoyed our Olympia celebration cakes too! Don‚Äôt forget work every obstacle and attack attack attack .... until next time .... keep on it ūüí™ūüí™ūüŹÉ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüŹÉ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüĎćūüĎ ć #lovemyjob


The next edition of our Online Training Club is soon to be uploaded for members after its QC check. I’m really looking forward to training these sequences over the next few weeks, perfecting a few skills required for the forthcoming season .... I hope you all enjoy your sessions too. #trainlikeachampion -club


Day 2 was equally rewarding .... Martina presenting new challenges for us to try to develop our skills and strategies to further our partnerships abilities and communication structure. Her wealth of knowledge is exemplary and gives increased drive to try harder and never stop learning. Fantastic day spent learning with an awesome group of people and nice to catch up with some Online Club members who live further a field who came to spectate...... don’t want it to end ..... but still 1 more day to look forward too.


Fantastic first day on our Martina Magnoli Klimesova seminar. Interesting learning the different styles and methods of teaching with the variety of students that have been invited to participate. Martina your gift to treat everyone as an individual and your depth of knowledge is very inspiring to be around - thank you. I try to help all my students through participating and spectating at these awesome events so that as a country and population of enthusiasts we seek more and strive for more from our wonderful sport of agility..... can’t wait to re run the fun tomorrow. I hope as a coach I strive to help all achieve their dreams. #methodinmymadness


One more sleep ..... until our 3 day seminar commences with the amazing Martina Magnoli Klimesova. An excellent opportunity for our Face to Face and Online students to gain some expert advice from the multiple Medium FCI World Champion through participating or spectating.
The groups and attendees are all fantastic .... I am so proud of all of you and I have a feeling by Monday my legs will be sore from working so hard with crazy Toto and my stomach from laughing.
Roll on 2019 ..... this is a perfect way to start the year. #agilitywise


Finally had chance to put together our long awaited Olympia video ..... Olympia was a chance to celebrate an incredible year for us. To come home winning was really the cherry on top of an already huge 2018 cake. Thanks Pebbles for being you .... as in true dog agility form it‚Äôs about the journey not the destination and I love the lessons you are teaching me. You blew 2018 out of the park with becoming an Agility Champion, reaching Champ final at Crufts and running clean - se...tting up a great final, European Championships Team Silver with our awesome teamies and finally Olympia. Wow .... thank you to our awesome little red firework and all those who support us to achieve such great things. I believe it‚Äôs the journey that counts not the destination and that‚Äôs why I love this sport so much ..... Agility Wise students will be celebrating with a ‚Äėcake o clock‚Äô month for January .... thanks to Aileen for her support with this.
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Success ..... mission accomplished ūüí™ūüí™- Toto and Kiki are WEAVING ūüėäūüėä ...... although they still have lots to learn and style to perfect.
As always such a rewarding experience and I love these two little characters to the moon and back‚̧ԳŹ‚̧ԳŹ. It reminded me about how fun dog training is as ‚Äėevery dog is different‚Äô which is why I love our game soooo much!
It was not a race but interestingly Kiki (the prefectūüėá) took 1hr 10 mins and Toto (cheeky boyūüėą) took 1hr 50mins (broken into... small daily sessions) both were hindered by a malfunctioning Manners Minder so were not able to break Princess Pebbles record!
However a hugely rewarding experience - as always - having to be tactile/calming with one and fun/bubbly with the other, but above all, having patience and giving timely positive feedback is the KEY TO SUCCESS with any form of trainingūüėćūüėć. The adventures of Toto & Kiki continue .......
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Happy New Year to all Agility Enthusiasts especially all our students (face to face and online). 2018 has been an epic year for you all so many successes to shout about, lots of special memories to treasure but the biggest of all for me is supporting you to achieve more and having fun with your canine partner. 2018 .... has been my best yet and as I say every year how will we ever top it, but the AW team and I will give it a good go. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL ..... have a great evening. Lots of love Natasha & the AW team xx Ps the new edition of the Online Club has been written and once QC checked will be uploaded shortly for you to enjoy.


After a few days rest and time with family, I’m looking forward to catching up with my students over the next few days, Group Training today & tomorrow, Online Personal Training and Online Club before starting the New Year festivities. I have some exciting challenges for us to try ...... focussing on speed and independence. The other exciting news is Kiki and Toto are nearly Weaving ..... happy holidays xxx

More about Agility Wise

Agility Wise is located at Bicester, Oxfordshire