Agna Holistic Personal Development Coaching

Monday: 12:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 20:00
Friday: 09:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 14:00
Sunday: -

About Agna Holistic Personal Development Coaching

Mind and body based coaching for well being, empowerment and freedom.

Agna Holistic Personal Development Coaching Description

Agnieszka at AGNA Personal Development Coaching offers holistic coaching tailored to your current areas of focus. During your time with me her you will move quickly and effectively from one mindset to a new fresh perspective to gain more confidence and empowerment in making sustainable changes, all this whilst I facilitate your process in an attentive, agenda free, positive, allowing, playful environment. Wether you want to make a life plan, understand your goals, find ways to reduce stress, build balance in life, improve motivation, develop healthy physical and dietary habits or simply raise your awarness of self or ability to relate to others - coaching can support you move thorugh nay of these changes fully and completely. Agnieszka is committed to your wellness and prosperity and will assist you seeing your issue fully: in expanding your perception, shifting your awareness and grounding lasting change. With you fully committed to your own process we will surely anchor your new reality and embrace the change, as you see results each time and have increasing trust in active power that is always within you.
What others say: " Agnieszka has an ability to help you seek the calm in the storm. She had helped me overcome some difficult decisions while I was working on my new business. " (Lily, London)
"Agnieszka was a vibrant, positive and motivating coach. Coaching gave me tools to help me clarify and follow through on tangible short term goals, that I could get a real sense of achievement from (. . . )it gave me time and space to consider my overall wellbeing and what my soul was longing for" (person chose to remain anonymous).



Say not, "I have found the truth," but rather, "I have found a truth." Say not, "I have found the path of the soul." Say rather, "I have met the soul walking upon my path." For the soul walks upon all paths. The soul walks not upon a line, neither does it grow like a reed. The soul unfolds itself like a lotus of countless petals.
... - Kahlil Gibran
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On the Transformation through Movement front d here at AGNA coaching, there have been little adjustment and preparation to offer the best service to those kinesthetic learners among us who are ready to put their best foot forward. I, for one, will be definitely dedicating equal amount of movement and stillness (meditation) as I walk into the new year. Life IS the journey of discovery so I invite you to just think, very lightly, of yo...ur untapped gifts, your confidence and motivation and ask yourself: WHAT'S THE COMPELLING FUTURE THAT I AM ARE BEING CALLED TO? HOW DO I WANT THINGS TO TURN OUT FOR ME? Then, watch the free flow of answers as they arise and, as you are ready, focus down on the one step that you know you can take now to get you closer to that sensation you have just been savouring. I am a strong believer in movement as a source of liberation from the assumptions we have about ourselfs and the world - and what a great place to start your coaching journey! Powerful informative video below.…
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What does it mean to truly surrender? I want to offer one possible interpretation of it, where the focus is shifted from surrendering on the outside to surrendering on the inside. More precisely, when one drops in, internally, inside of the moment that presents itself and sees that the moment consists of vast space that holds everything that is needed-that is a true surrender. There are moments of elation and moments of sorrow that make up our existence and maybe it is a us...eful practice to sometimes drop into the sad moments to see what gifts they bear. All it takes is catching yourself that nanosecond in the time between stimulus and response, before one labelled and categorized how one feels. Pause, and follow on until the surrender to the moment is complete - therein lies growth and freedom. Like the power of gravity that acts upon our physical bodies 24/7, the moods or emotional climates are constantly passing through us and we can't help but repsond tho these. Ingoring low moods will only put us in the seat of a resistant armchair critic and the cutting off may well beigin to pioson us on the inside. If we were only able to hold the un-edited, raw version of us long enough, in the stilness of the moment of surender, we would begin to practice the true self-regulation method, no cost attached, all - time - available practice of true surrender. Powerful read follows on.…/1/…/the-surpris ing-purpose-of-sadness…
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There were two babies in the womb. One asked the other: " Do you believe in life after childbirth?" the other replied, " Why? Of course. There has to be something after childbirth. Maybe we're here to prepare for what we'll be after ". "Absurd" said the first. " There is no life after childbirth. What kind of life would it be? " The second said, " I don't know, but there will be more light than here. Maybe we'll walk with our legs and eat with our mouths. Maybe we have other ...
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Can you be okey with the unknown?

User goes life today! The purpose behind this is to deliver even more of an interface between you and myself, give you a broader choice of my services and give me opportunities to continue to inspire. I would love you to have a look!


Festive season is fast approaching and let me ask you something: What different kinds of non materialistic gifts to yourself are you going to be putting under that Christmas tree or in your stocking? I’ve been inituiting into the works of this current season and one story keeps coming to mind: sowing winter seeds. Every experienced old-school gardner will tell you that winter can be a perfect time for sowing seeds and the seeds themselfs do really well in a dormant soil. Mois...t and cold environment helps break their hard shell and later on the change in temperature triggers them to sprout quicker! How about applying this ancient technique to our own goal-seeds? What if we were to defy the concept of new year resolutions and begin setting new goal dreams NOW? I’m experimenting with this pre spring seedling myself and having some good results. Feeling a spirit of generosity high in me, I made myself available now and through this festive season for you, so that you can if that’s your wish, give yourself one more non materialistic gift in a form of a free breakthrough coaching session with me. Use the link and the coupon code SOFREE below to reserve your time slot.
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Coaching self is as much about raising awareness and learning as about regulating. I’m talking here about balancing our deepest unconscious patterns, the flight/fight/freeze reactions, the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. There is only so much we can work out for ourself on a mental level and a feeling that a more complete and effective change is possible is just too visceral to be ignored. Where do we begin? Historically, I’ve had wonderful results with body centered... practices. Body is such a great portal in and through perception of senses into the beyondness of it all. In the intuitive and often non verbal, intimate dance/movement practices we are so much more able to reduce stress and create perfect conditions for release or reintegration into wholeness (depending on individual’s approach)of the not so useful patterns. When we drop our personal self and let go of ‘own stuff’, for once we can feel like we are equal with the other humans and the environment, softer and more forgiving and innocent. Being present to the life we are creating moment by moment, the choices we never cease to make; in such alive ~ alert ~ flowing space we are meant to be the greatest at game changing, turning the tables, course correcting. Wether you are self regulating or working in partnership with a coach, keep your body in check. Take courage to scan the body, notice what you notice and ask those questions you may not even know the answer to at that moment. Move a little, or perhaps move in a big way -take it to a dancehall. Get to know that part of you that is too often taken for granted just because it is always here for us: our very own body. An interesting article from selfishactivist for further inspiration. :// y-happens/
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How life plays out in us has very little to do with randomness and is so much about our moment to moment choices. What do we say a clear 'yes' and a clear 'no' to, where do we say a murky 'maybe'. I think that, more than we want to admit to it, we are held back from being clear about something by our insecurities, doubts and yes - hopes (and by that I mean expectation of a ' better ' result). If we only knew that the only time to convert our ideas into actions is the now mo...ment, perhaps we wouldn't hesitate any minute longer. After all, what's the worst thing that could happen? And, if it did, that worst thing: fail (first attempt in learning) or fear (flawed evidence appearing real) could I live with this? What's the other option? Things staying the same, the gap between where one is and where one wants to be is not only preserved but also widened. We become upholders of the concept of the opposites, and truly it is an outdated paradigm. All the dichotomies as intristicly untrue but they do serve a purpose to learn the ABC's of human existence, so that one can consciously and clearly choose. How about deciding to stop being such a human -divided, conflicted, rigid and start living the life out loud! This phenomena of flowing with life is best illustrated in a free dance of the seemingly opposite (sexes, symbols, elements) where a range of moves is permitted to when it is not longer about the form but about the spontaneous emergence. Don't we all dream that we had greater spontaneity in life! Here's my invitation: next time you say yes or no really stick to your declaration and follow through, expect to be at least surprised. The steps of the dance of life really follow the dancer's firm feet on the ground and a clear head in the skies.…/5779f01d1fd284 93efaf468e…/tenor.gif
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Other than goal setting and following through on one's inspired actions the big piece of a puzzle of a holistically lived life is staying positively charged. What personal attitude do we assume upon waking up? More often than not, wether we want to admit it or not we are run by our own or other people's stories and how and wether we look after our vibrational attitude becomes of utter importance. The way I'd like to see my "vibrational hygiene" is how I see brushing my teet...h - daily responsibility, simple task that it's just plain silly to excuse myself from. "But" is a great eraser, let us remember that. Taking a shower is another example, and the beauty of it is that it can actually cleanse and uplift us both physically and non physically. Here's the thing, you and only you can catch yourself when you slip into downward spiral of the monkey mind chatter/compulsive doing/blind accumulating and similarly you can choose to snap yourself out of it, fall forward or pick yourself up, or whatever it is that feels that notch better than the previous state, to avoid locking yourself in the "low feel" spells, as described in the recommended article.…/12-signs-your-vibrati ons-are-getting-dan…/
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A stumbling block is only an obstacle if it is hidden. When it is seen, it can be turned into a stepping stone to progress. Imagine setting off to cross a fine river with your only pathway to the other side being randomly arranged stones. You'd like to be equipped with not only a pair of good gripping boots or be skilled at toe gripping but also you'd want a positive mental attitude and a set of well meaning beliefs. Balancing on stones immersed in water is like balancing the life itself-a fine, focused walk it is. Allow me to help you uncover any underlying "blocks", see them for what they are and progress in a balanced fashion to where you desire to be. I'm currently working with Preconceptions/Disempowering beliefs however my offering is not limited to this. I would love to be of assistance!


“When you don't cover up the world with words and labels, a sense of the miraculous returns to your life that was lost a long time ago when humanity, instead of using thought, became possessed by thought.” ― Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose


“When you don't cover up the world with words and labels, a sense of the miraculous returns to your life that was lost a long time ago when humanity, instead of using thought, became possessed by thought.” ― Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose

More about Agna Holistic Personal Development Coaching

Monday: 12:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 20:00
Friday: 09:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 14:00
Sunday: -