Ah Personal Training Studio

Monday: 06:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 22:00
Friday: 06:00 - 22:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 13:00
Sunday: -

About Ah Personal Training Studio

Ex Military PTI Level 3 Personal Trainer; GP Referral; Strength and Muscle Building and Weight Loss Coach.

Helping People Become Mentally and Physically Fit ÔøΩ

All Personal Training Sessions Are Carried Out In a Private Studio



It's cold, it's miserable and it hasn't stopped raining for what feels like forever! It's days like this when a lot of us crave something warming, heavy and comforting ie. Mother Nature's way of sayng 'time to put your winter coat on' Well to hell with that when there's still party frocks to wear and Greek God/Goddess bodies to sculpt!
Here's some delicious looking recipes to fulfil those earthly cravings yet still keep your calories in check for party season 🍲💪
Personally, ...Iove a big bowl of ramen...which one do you fancy trying out? Let us know and send pics!
https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/…/our- favourite-healthy-…/…
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Full body workout here for you to try at home or even at the gym.
Complete a minimum of 5 rounds, However feel free to push yourself and go for 10 full rounds or even 15 üòâ.


Kids trying to be healthy.
What she doesn’t know is she is trying to eat a plastic carrot😂, Trying to save them calories for her main meal of warm milk 💪🏻


Celebrate üåüYOUüåü and make time for yourself each day. Think about how far you've come in life and where you want to go next. How are you reaching your goals today?
#goals #results #aharkerfitness #seebelieveachieve


21 Sleeps until Christmas! Have you been good or bad this year...?
It also takes 21 days to change a bad habit so now's the perfect time to action a little pre Christmas damage limitation so you can indulge over the festive period without all of the guilt ;-) Even small changes can make a huge difference. Don't forget Personal Trainers are here to help with tips to beat the bulge! Please don't be afraid to ask, it's what we're here for; no question is a silly question!
(No co...mments on Santa's weight problem please!) üòÇ
Anthony Lisa
#decidecommitsucceed #loveyourbody #aharkerfitness
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Without consistency our goal will always take A LOT longer to achieve.
These days there are a lot of distractions and people with mixed opinions, So ultimately what ever you decide to do for yourself, There will always be someone against it, This is why sometimes surrounding yourself with like minded people you can progress to things you want to achieve a lot easier.
People who are like minded seem to be more for supporting you and encouraging than the ones who always tend to... say “Why you doing that”, You should not have to explain on why you want to do/achieve something.
You can achieve anything you want.
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Picture I came across the other day üò±.
No words really needed but makes you think and realise, Sugar is a serious drug and the biggest killer of all üòï


Roughly 6 weeks between pictures.
1- Make sure you are in a calorie deficit consistently, and review weekly. If no loss or change then YOU are NOT in a calorie deficit.
... 2- Ensure your protein is at least 1/1.5g protein per Pound of body weight e.g Body weight 170lbs - protein min 170g per day.
3- Be consistent, Don’t give up after a couple of weeks, It will be worth it, Trust me.
4- Don’t under eat and starve yourself, You will fall out with yourself 😂, If you say “I’m on a diet” your going to struggle. Just think smarter choices, Make it a lifestyle, Eat the foods you enjoy just don’t go over your calorie goal.
5- Start with 300-500 calorie drop from your maintenance calories to help create a deficit. However you can also hit your maintenance calories and UP your cardio to help create a deficit, you can decide what works best for you.
With this I ate out a lot more than planned, foods involved (sometimes more than once in the week üòÇ) -Pizza -Chinese -Indian meals out -Choc stop several times (and a lot of cake, Randomly everyone starting baking cakes)üôà These are just some of the calories dense foods I have had in 6 weeks.
It’s all about BALANCE, Calories rule everything, This is not the healthiest but it’s just to show you can eat the foods you love, You just have to be AWARE of your total calories each day if you have a goal you want to achieve.
Take away from this just a few things-
1- Enjoy the foods you love. 2- Just ensure you stay in a calorie deficit consistently. 3- Hit 1/1.5g protein per pound of Body weight 4- Weight lift 3/4 times a week 💪🏻
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In any given moment, we have two choices; step forward into growth or step back into safety. No matter how comfortable we are, progress can only come from feeling our fears and facing them. The more we do uncomfortable things, the less uncomfortable they become.
Progress can only take place outside of our somfort zone and in the end, we only regret the things we didn't do, not the things we did.
#stepintogreatness #innerstrength #faceyourfears #growth #aharkerfitness
... Anthony Lisa
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A quick 10/15 minutes of Bungee resistance training thrown in to the end of a weight training session.


Everyone will know someone who has got a negative outlook on things,And puts a downer on anything you ever say to them or do,And you know the feeling inside, If you can distance yourself away from these people.
People like this will hold you back..


Quote in one of the rooms at the studio.
I look at these each and everyday, These help me remember you can achieve things people once said you couldn’t make work.
Long story short back in 2015 as I was leaving the Army to persue a new career, I was pulled in to the office for my Sergeant Major to ask why I was leaving.
... After going through how I enjoyed what I did as an Army Physical Training Instructor, And Being held Back from going to do what I wanted to do and join the PT core, I wanted to start my own business personal training.
His words “No one is going to pay for personal training, It’s a mistake”.
üòÇüòÇüòÇüòÇüòÇüòÇüòÇüòÇüòÇüòÇ üòÇüòÇüòÇüòÇ Enough said have an awesome day.
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So it's the weekend and many of us are going to be faced with lots of temptation to indulge a little! If the temptation is too strong, just relax and have a treat. Don't set yourselves up for failure by being too hard on yourselves. We all deserve a treat especially when we've been extra disciplined throughout the week! Just acknowledge it afterwards and get back on track before it gets out of control ;-)
The pain of discipline is always easier to handle than the pain of reg...ret.
Some little tips to help you through the weekend;
⭐ If you're planning a night out, do some damage limitation by drinking plenty of water during the day before you start drinking to eliminate de-hydration from alcohol. On your night out, opt for spirits instead of lager, cider or wine.
⭐ Always eat a healthy meal before you start drinking!
⭐ Prepare a fake away before you go out so it's ready to re-heat when you get home instead of heading for a greasy kebab or pizza at the end of your night.
⭐ Stock up on 'clean' food so you're less likely to indulge in 'hangover' stodge the day after 😂
Take a look at the following link for some awesome fake away ideas. Have an awesome weekend guys!
https://www.gousto.co.uk/blog/the-best-of -british-fakeaways
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Some serious results coming this lads way, Back in to full swing of training prior to Christmas, very good move 👏🏻


As Albert Einstein once said, 'The definition of insanity is doing something over and over and expecting different results'.
Are you someone who often talks about starting a journey to a healthier you but never actually does anything about it? Why not take advantage of a free taster session with Lisa before the offer ends on 30th November? Drop us a message for more info or to book in.
There are 7 days in a week and Someday isn't one of them! Don't fear failure, fear being in exactly the same place this time next year. üí™


Someone will always have something you want, But remember someone will always want something you have.
Be thankful each day for what you already have.
If you stay focused you will get everything you want.


If it doesn’t knock you out of your comfort zone from time to time,Then you need to think about how serious you are about wanting to achieve your goal.
Change happens with doing something you normally wouldn’t..


Ever wondered about how your workouts can affect your appetite? This is an interesting read that also highlights the importance of a post workout meal to help recovery.
A good quality, high protein post-workout meal or drink will immediately start to repair muscle fibres that are torn during exercise, preventing muscle soreness and allowing you to train again much quicker than if you were suffering from sore muscles in the days after for example.
Don't forget, Anthony and I ...are both on hand for any advice regarding pre-workout (allowing you to train harder), post workout meals and general nutrition to help accelerate your results :-) üí™
https://www.livestrong.com/…/13589778-w hat-your-hunger-is…/…
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... 💪🏼 One personal training session with Lisa per week throughout January!
💪🏼 Full coaching to help change bad habits and lifestyle choices.
💪🏼 Nutrition and training support
To win, all you have to do is;
Like our page, tag a friend in the comments below and share this post. Winners will be announced 15th December! Remember to set the shared post to public or it doesn't count!
The above kick-start January package is also available to buy for yourself or a gift. Gift vouchers available!
Good luck!
#newyearnewyou #dreamitwishitdoit #happynewrear
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Well been training with Anthony now for about 6 months and I can honestly say I feel great.What ever your goals are,Anthony can help you achieve them.The gym is fantastic and there are two floors.I would seriously reccomend if your looking to improve your fitness.Also couldn’t ask for a better guy to train with,great personality.Dont take my word for it tho,give it a try yourself.


Outstanding and professional . I work really Unsociable Hours and he worked around me so I could achieve my goal .. so just want to say thank you! And see you next week , keep up the good work . ÔøΩÔøΩ


I thought I might be a bit self concious with Anthony being my nephew but I feel really comfortable with him. He has helped me understand my diabetes more and has inspired me to get into fitness and healthy eating. I really enjoy my sessions with him and we have a laugh ad well. Couldn't do without him


I couldn’t be more impressed or thankful.

I used to enjoy going to the gym and was there 5-6 times a week and I would also swim 3-4 times a week, and I was constantly on my feet lifting heavy weight with my job, so I was very active. I then started a family and had two boys close together in age and I never lost the weight in between pregnancies so my weight just ballooned and at my heaviest I was 20 stone plus! I managed to get a good chunk of weight off but I eventually hit a brick wall and just felt completely rubbish about myself. My partner told me to see Anthony. I remember going to my first session and feeling so self conscious, sick, nervous, you name it, but I was put completely at ease straight away and with it being a private studio I didn’t need to worry about being watched etc. We talked about what I wanted to achieve and two months down the line I couldn’t be more thankful. I now enjoy exercise again, I’ve had to put two new notches in my belt and I’m buying smaller clothes! Anthony’s positive attitude pushes you on and is contagious! Could not recommend enough �


Highly recommend! Hes whipped me into shape as brothers should ÔøΩ plenty of times. Can always rely on him to push me and i have achieved much more than i thought i would in my personal fitness through his support and guidance.


Had my first session with Anthony on Monday morning. I was very nervous but Anthony really put me at ease and I'm now feeling very motivated to continue. The health issues I've had have always left me feeling that I was never going to able to achieve my goals but Anthony has really inspired me and busted the myths that have held me back for ages. Thank you Anthony - I'm grateful for your faith in me....and it's only Week 1!!


Had my first pt session with ant today! He made me feel really welcome and comfortable! I can't currently feel my legs but i am looking forward to my next session! Thank you ant! ÔøΩ


Great sessions,great advice,Great pt.highly recommended


Great guy, knows his stuff! Not your average gym chump and great to talk to.


Genuinely turned my life around, lost a load of weight, gained a load of muscle, and gained a true mate. Absolutely brilliant this guy x


Brilliant pt sessions. Made me feel really welcome from day 1.the amount of support anthony gives you is amazing. And the weight is coming off nicely. Really pleased. Highly recommend to anybody. Thank you


Best PT around. I have been training with Anthony over a year now and never felt better. always keeps me motivated. He knows his stuff


Awesome guy highly recommend him...gets results fast ..


Anthony is fantastic. Have always avoided personal training as I felt a P.T. session on the gym floor was a bit awkward so I love the private space Ant has created. Sessions are intense and tailored to my exact needs with constant support throughout the week. Really could not recommend enough.


Anthony has been training me for about 4 months now and I can honestly say I've never felt better. very session is different so there's no chance of getting bored. He ALWAYS pushes me to work harder, through encouragement and motivation, has given me belief in my capabilities and won't allow me to limit myself. My fitness levels have improved massively and I'm getting definition in areas that I always struggled with when training on my own. Its very clear that he is passionate about his work and and about helping people achieve their very best. I can't thank you enough Anthony! Highly recommended!


Ant is so friendly and makes you feel very comfortable. Never feel awkward talking about my weight and is always just a message away if needed!


Amazing PT and really helped me get the results I want :-)


Absolutely brilliant personal trainer, listens to what your your goals are, and really takes everything into consideration. Helps you out with with gym and exercise (of course ) but also meal plans, any questions. Extremely helpful and would definitely recommend!


Well been training with Anthony now for about 6 months and I can honestly say I feel great.What ever your goals are,Anthony can help you achieve them.The gym is fantastic and there are two floors.I would seriously reccomend if your looking to improve your fitness.Also couldn’t ask for a better guy to train with,great personality.Dont take my word for it tho,give it a try yourself.


Outstanding and professional . I work really Unsociable Hours and he worked around me so I could achieve my goal .. so just want to say thank you! And see you next week , keep up the good work . ÔøΩÔøΩ


I thought I might be a bit self concious with Anthony being my nephew but I feel really comfortable with him. He has helped me understand my diabetes more and has inspired me to get into fitness and healthy eating. I really enjoy my sessions with him and we have a laugh ad well. Couldn't do without him


I couldn’t be more impressed or thankful.

I used to enjoy going to the gym and was there 5-6 times a week and I would also swim 3-4 times a week, and I was constantly on my feet lifting heavy weight with my job, so I was very active. I then started a family and had two boys close together in age and I never lost the weight in between pregnancies so my weight just ballooned and at my heaviest I was 20 stone plus! I managed to get a good chunk of weight off but I eventually hit a brick wall and just felt completely rubbish about myself. My partner told me to see Anthony. I remember going to my first session and feeling so self conscious, sick, nervous, you name it, but I was put completely at ease straight away and with it being a private studio I didn’t need to worry about being watched etc. We talked about what I wanted to achieve and two months down the line I couldn’t be more thankful. I now enjoy exercise again, I’ve had to put two new notches in my belt and I’m buying smaller clothes! Anthony’s positive attitude pushes you on and is contagious! Could not recommend enough �


Highly recommend! Hes whipped me into shape as brothers should ÔøΩ plenty of times. Can always rely on him to push me and i have achieved much more than i thought i would in my personal fitness through his support and guidance.


Had my first session with Anthony on Monday morning. I was very nervous but Anthony really put me at ease and I'm now feeling very motivated to continue. The health issues I've had have always left me feeling that I was never going to able to achieve my goals but Anthony has really inspired me and busted the myths that have held me back for ages. Thank you Anthony - I'm grateful for your faith in me....and it's only Week 1!!


Had my first pt session with ant today! He made me feel really welcome and comfortable! I can't currently feel my legs but i am looking forward to my next session! Thank you ant! ÔøΩ


Great sessions,great advice,Great pt.highly recommended


Great guy, knows his stuff! Not your average gym chump and great to talk to.


Genuinely turned my life around, lost a load of weight, gained a load of muscle, and gained a true mate. Absolutely brilliant this guy x


Brilliant pt sessions. Made me feel really welcome from day 1.the amount of support anthony gives you is amazing. And the weight is coming off nicely. Really pleased. Highly recommend to anybody. Thank you


Best PT around. I have been training with Anthony over a year now and never felt better. always keeps me motivated. He knows his stuff


Awesome guy highly recommend him...gets results fast ..


Anthony is fantastic. Have always avoided personal training as I felt a P.T. session on the gym floor was a bit awkward so I love the private space Ant has created. Sessions are intense and tailored to my exact needs with constant support throughout the week. Really could not recommend enough.


Anthony has been training me for about 4 months now and I can honestly say I've never felt better. very session is different so there's no chance of getting bored. He ALWAYS pushes me to work harder, through encouragement and motivation, has given me belief in my capabilities and won't allow me to limit myself. My fitness levels have improved massively and I'm getting definition in areas that I always struggled with when training on my own. Its very clear that he is passionate about his work and and about helping people achieve their very best. I can't thank you enough Anthony! Highly recommended!


Ant is so friendly and makes you feel very comfortable. Never feel awkward talking about my weight and is always just a message away if needed!


Amazing PT and really helped me get the results I want :-)


Absolutely brilliant personal trainer, listens to what your your goals are, and really takes everything into consideration. Helps you out with with gym and exercise (of course ) but also meal plans, any questions. Extremely helpful and would definitely recommend!

More about Ah Personal Training Studio

Ah Personal Training Studio is located at 79 Manchester road, BB11 1JY Burnley, Lancashire
Monday: 06:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 22:00
Friday: 06:00 - 22:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 13:00
Sunday: -