About Ai Hack 2021

All students are welcomed to become our member: https://www. icdss. club /joinus. html[AI Hack 2021] Imperial College Data Science Society are excited to announce the return of the largest student-led AI Hackathon in the UK! Our third AI Hack aims to bring the most forward-thinking and creative student data scientists to solve some of the world's most pressing challenges. Come meet like-minded students and mentors from some of the pioneering companies in the data science space on the 20-21 February 2021 virtually to take part in a 24h frenzy of hacking, data science, and networking. ✓ Out-of-the-Box Cloud infrastructure✓ Exhilarating set of problem statements and data-sets✓ Exciting prizes ✓ Workshops by industry experts ✓ Freebies✓ Networking opportunitiesTickets release dates to be announced. Website: 2021. aihack.orgWhile you are waiting for AI Hack 2022, you can join our conference or simply follow this page for competitions organised by our collaborators. [DataCon 2021] - Our flagship event will come for the first time. This will be the continuation of hackathon series. We want this events to balance the qualitive skills in data science. The speakers will give you insight on how data science can be implemented and viewed from different perspective. ✓ Experienced speakers from across industries and academic institutes✓ PhD students opportunities to present their work in front of industry leaders and top academics✓ Interactive panels✓ Networking opportunities✓ Limited free entryEvent page: https://en-gb. facebook.com/events /2218981348225875 /Connect with us: https://www. linkedin.com/company Link - Linkedin: http://www. linkedin.com/company /aihack2021
Keywords: education management

More about Ai Hack 2021

Ai Hack 2021 is located at 7 Princes Gardens, London, England SW7 1, United Kingdom