Air And Space Museums Around The World

About Air And Space Museums Around The World

Information and images of the differents aeronautical and space museums around the world.



Amazing job. Happy Weekend.


Is a good deal.


Convair TF-102 Delta. 8 Nov 1955 - 1st flight of YF-102B


In memory of those who gave their lives for freedom. Lest we forget.


Happy 84th Birthday to the Hawker Hurricane. First flight November 6th 1935.


The Hunter No.WT619 first flew on the 29th July 1954 and is one of the few surviving F.1 models, it has been acquired from the RAF Museum


Montrose Air Station Heritage Centre.


Boeing RB-47H Stratojet
The RB-47H was a electronic reconnaissance aircraft, developed from the B-47E. Boeing completed the first RB-47H in 1955, and produced 32 newly built RB-47Hs and converted three B-47Es into ERB-47Hs. The RB-47H first entered service in August 1955.... Over the next decade, RB-47H crews of the 55th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing (SRW) flew thousands of dangerous “ferret” missions. Flying in radio silence at night along -- and sometimes over -- the border of the Soviet Union and other communist nations, RB-47Hs collected essential intelligence about the size and capability of Soviet air defense radar networks. The RB-47H continued in service until the more capable RC-135 replaced it in the mid-1960s.
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SR - 71 Lockheed (Blackbird)
This month marks 20 years since the withdrawal of the service of one of the most incredible aircraft that has crossed the skies.


The Boeing (formerly Rockwell International) B-1B Lancer is the improved variant of the B-1A, which was cancelled in 1977.


FMA IA-58 Pucara
After almost 50 years of service, one of the most famous Falklans war aircraft has been removed. The FMA IA 58 Pucará (Quechua: Fortress) was an Argentine land attack and counterinsurgency (COIN) aircraft manufactured by the Military Aircraft Factory. It is a completely metallic double-turboprop low-wing monoplane with retractable landing gear, capable of operating from unprepared strips when operatively required. The aircraft went into action during the Fal...klands War and the Civil War of Sri Lanka. First flight 20 August 1969 Introduction May 1975
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Nice shot, happy Sunday.


SWAM, South Wales aviation Museum. Pictures MB's Pix


The United States secret supersonic spy drones that flew over China in the 1960s.
Fifty years ago, on March 5, 1966, a drone made supersonic history when a Lockheed D-21 drone was converted from the back of an M-21 Blackbird traveling in Mach 3. The United States always wanted drones of fast surveillance, and the D-21 - Project Tagboard with code name - delivered flatly. Unfortunately, we had the perspective of one, what I had in power thanks to its ramjet engines, lacked com...puting strength.
Made of titanium and weighing 12 tons, the 19-foot D-21 in its first forms is loaded from the top of a special variant of the A-12, the CIA version of the Mach-3 SR-71 . The A-12 was essentially the booster for the drone, climbed to 80,000 feet and accelerated to Mach 3.3 before separating from the vehicle without a pilot.
After a series of failures, Lockheed D-21 completed its first successful flight launched by B-52H in June 1968 and soon, the program moved to operational reconnaissance flights over China. Between 1969 and 1971, the US Office of National Recognition. UU. He deployed super fast spy drones over China in a failed attempt to spy on Beijing's nuclear program.
The U.S. Air Force UU. Cancel the program in 1971 and save the remaining D-21.
On March 21, 2019, the NRO declassified five-decade-old record scores documenting the development, deployment and termination of the "Tagboard" drone system.
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