About Akhtar & Co

Financial Accountancy profession is deeply rooted in legacy technologies and practices. It is our mission to re-invent the business processes and to develop a software application that will save Financial Professionals up to 90% of time in processing Year-end Accounts and Financial Statements and to disrupt the existing multi billion dollar Financial software market. As Certified Public Accountants in the UK for over 30 years and a software house we are in a unique position to accomplish our mission. Aimed at Financial Professionals, the Practice Management software is integrated with Clients' database, Financials, Bookkeeping, Invoicing, CRM, HR, Communications, SMS text messaging, Emails, Time Management, Project Management and Paperless Office enabling end users to become more productive and accurate. The software application was not built in a day. It has taken best part of a decade to test and perfect it in our practice
Social Link - Angellist: http://angel. co /akhtar-co-1
Keywords: information technology & services

More about Akhtar & Co

Akhtar & Co is located at Rugby, England, United Kingdom
+44(012) 345-6789