Al-Kindi Society Of Engineers

About Al-Kindi Society Of Engineers

Al-Kindi Society for Engineers

Al-Kindi Society Of Engineers Description

Al-Kindi is an Society of Engineers, established to foster the technical interests of engineers and associated qualified professionals, and promotes scientific interest within the community. The Society is open to all.



join us today at 6:30pm and enjoy 3 presentations on effective management of engineering projects. listen to the experiences of engineers and managers working in various sectors and benefit from their experience in your work, business and future projects.


This is an open invitation from Alkindi Society to the seminar on 4th October. Please mark the date and hope to see you there. Best Regards


The Al-Kindi AGM and Awards Gala Lunch to be held on the 15th July 2018.
To nominate someone for the awards visit :
To reserve your place at the Awards Gala Lunch visit :
... Email for more information.
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Dear Friends,
Al-Kindi Society of Engineers, and the Turath NFP in cooperation with the Iraqi Embassy in London is pleased to invite you to the Baghdadi Visions gallery exibition and associated workshops.
Baghdadi Visions, is part of “ihea’a Initiative calling for the Revival of the Historical City Center of Baghdad. This activity, which is part of London Festival of Architecture (LFA)’ is an opportunity for us all, architects, planners, professionals and all Baghdad lovers meet and share our thoughts and concerns about the future of our city.
It will be our pleasure to receive you at the gallery to view and discuss all aspects regarding the history, current situation and future visions and all about this Initiative that can revive this historically rich and unfortunate part of our beloved city.
Kindly register to attend one of the workshop events to help us with the organisation. owards-the-revival…
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يقام ضمن فعاليات مهرجان لندن للعمارة معرض في محطة لندن بريدج معرض العمارة في بغداد حيث يستعرض بصورة موجزة تاريخ وتطور العمارة البغدادية حتى القرن العشرين وسمات المشاريع المستقبلية الواعدة. يستمر هذا المعرض خلال هذا الشهر وحتى منتصف الشهر القادم. المعرض الثاني الذي سيفتتح في ٢٥ من هذا الشهر تحت عنوان (رؤى بغدادية) يحمل رسالة مهمة ورؤية لمستقبل المدينة التاريخية. نامل ان نراكم هنالك حيث يستمر المعرض ضمن فعاليات مبادرة "احياء" حتى يوم ٢٩ يتخللها برنامج يتضمن توقيع كتاب وورشة عمل وعروض تتعلق باحياء المدينة التاريخية وكل عام وأنتم بألف خير.


The programme for the Al-Kindi Engineering Forum being held today at 18:30 at the Hilton Double Tree Hotel in Ealing, London. The event is open to members and non members. We look forward to welcoming you later today.


Al-Kindi Society of Engineers is holding a one day training in Project Management.
The training consists of three sessions with a mix of theoretical and practical aspects. Certificate of attendance and completion will be issued by the Al-Kindi Society of Engineers, at the end of the training.
Venue: ... Radisson Blu Edwardian, Vanderbilt 68-86 Cromwell Road, Kensington, London SW7 5BT
Date and Time: Sunday 25th of February 2018 from 10:00 till 16:00
Fees: £50 for Non members £40 for full paying members and student members
Fees include: Tea / coffee / lunch / training material / Al-Kindi CPD Certificate of completion.
Please note that places will be limited to provide a better learning outcome. Places will be offered on a first come, first serve basis. Full programme details to follow.
To Register contact
Programme Overview:
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Al-Kindi Society of Engineers Training Course: Project Management Fundamentals
...Con tinue Reading


Al-Kindi Society of Engineers is holding a one day training in Project Management.
The training consists of three sessions with a mix of theoretical and practical aspects. Certificate of attendance and completion will be issued by the Al-Kindi Society of Engineers, at the end of the training.
Venue: ... Radisson Blu Edwardian, Vanderbilt 68-86 Cromwell Road, Kensington, London SW7 5BT
Date and Time: Sunday 25th of February 2018 from 10:00 till 16:00
Fees: £50 for Non members £40 for full paying members and student members
Fees include: Tea / coffee / lunch / training material / Al-Kindi CPD Certificate of completion.
Please note that places will be limited to provide a better learning outcome. Places will be offered on a first come, first serve basis. Full programme details to follow.
To Register contact
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نــدوة ألكنــدي حــول إدارة الأزمــات
Al-Kindi Seminar on Project Risk and Crisis Management
... Crises come in various forms ranging from catastrophic events, loss of key personnel, ethical breach, product recall, supply chain disruption and data breach. Crisis management is one of the foundation disciplines of strategic risk management and is a strategic imperative for public and private companies of all sizes and in all industries. Crises can occur at any time and most companies are under-prepared to promptly and properly respond.
We are delighted to host Eng Riahin Chalabi, a distinguished engineering consultant specialising in marine engineering and industrial safety and risk management, who will share his experience and outline different frameworks and practical steps that can be taken by engineers and senior managers to mitigate risk and crisis.
2:00-5:00 PM, 3rd December 2017
Radisson Blu Edwardian Hotel 68-86 Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BT Nearest Station: Gloucester Road
Light refreshments and tea/coffee will be served
The event is open to members and non members
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‎ إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون
نعي الزميلة نهلة جبار طلاب
بمزيد من الأسى والحزن تلقينا خبر وفاة المهندسة والزميلة نهلة جبار طلاب (أم مروان) يوم أمس بعد صراع مع المرض. لقد كانت المرحومة مثالاً للاُم العراقية المجاهدة الحريصة على الإبداع في عملها والحرص على تربية أبنائها بالإضافة إلى دورها الفعال كعضو في الهيئة الادارية لجمعية الكندي للمهندسين لسنوات عديدة.... سيكون موعد مواراة الثرى يوم الثلاثاء المصادف 17.10.2017 في تمام الساعة التاسعة والنصف صباحا في مقبرة East Finchley على العنوان التالي 278 High Road, East Finchley, London N2 9AG اللقاء في المصلى “The chapel” سيكون موعد الفاتحة على روح المرحومة السيدة نهلة جبار طلاب يوم السبت المصادف 21.10.2017 من الساعة 4 عصرا حتى 8 مساءا على العنوان التالي 7-11 Armstrong Road, Acton, London W3 7JL
نسأل الله أن يتغمد الفقيدة برحمته الواسعة ويدخلها فسيح جناته ويلهم أهلها وذويها الصبر والسلوان. اللجنة التنفيذية جمعية الكندي للمهندسين ١٣ تشرين أول ٢٠١٧
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Al-Kindi Society of Engineers is pleased to offer its members and friends, the opportunity to attend this rare opportunity for a site visit to the Thames Tideway Tunnel mega project, organised and hosted by our friends at the Institute of Water.
The Kirtling Street Construction Site, is on the southern bank of the River Thames and comprises four areas of land as well as an area extending into the Thames. It will be used to drive the main tunnel to Carnwath Road Riverside in ...the west and towards Chambers Wharf in the east.
Places are very limited to this site visit and priority will be given to engineers and students who have direct relevance to the topic.
Please contact to register your attendance.
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Al-Kindi Society of Engineers, invites architects, planners, engineers, and academics working in the area of urban gentrification and heritage conservation of the built environment to submit abstracts for a special supplement to the Al-Mohandis Journal Magazine (ISSN: 2513-8294) to be published by the Al-Kindi Society of Engineers in January 2018.
Submission can include the following topics:
- An appraisal of the research and documenting of historical gentrification efforts i...n Iraq - Conservation dynamics related to rural, urban, and suburban gentrification efforts in Iraq - Geospatial approach to equity, sustainability and gentrification of Iraqi cities - Solutions for mismanagement of historic areas in Iraq - Post conflict conservation, management and restoration of historic sites in Iraq - We encourage submissions of field case studies, theoretical examinations, and appraisals of current practices or policy programmes related to gentrification and cultural heritage conservation of the built environment in Iraq.
The deadline for abstract submission 1 October 2017. (500-word limit, maximum 1 image/illustration)
Notified of provisional paper acceptance by 1 November 2017
Final paper manuscript submission due 1 December 2017 (2000-word limit, Maximum 4 images/illustrations)
All submissions (Abstract and final paper) may be submitted in English or Arabic.
For further details contact
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@Al-Kindi Seminar on Renewable Energy in Mid East. Graph of electricity generation per year among 10 Middle East countries and the UK. Iraq fares among the lowest producers.


@Al-Kindi Seminar on Renewable Energy in Mid East, Attended by HE Ambassador of Iraq Dr Salih Husain Ali & distinguished guests & members

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