Al-Tawheed Islamic Education Centre Maidenhead

About Al-Tawheed Islamic Education Centre Maidenhead

This is the Official Facebook page of Al-Tawheed Islamic Education Centre Maidenhead

www. LegacyForJannah. co. uk



See poster for donation details. Please donate generously!


Exciting news!! The inner walls of the masjid are currently being built! May Allah put barakah and rahmah into every brick that is laid. And may He reward everyone whose contributed to this project so far. Aameen. #legacyforjannah #alhamdulillah #tooblessedtobestressed ☺️


Foundations of the new masjid site almost complete! Alhamdulillah. Jazakallah khayran for the continued support #legacyforjannah #alhamdulillah


Please donate generously in our attempt to raise a sadaqah jaariyah for our beloved Chavez Ameen whose soul returned to his Creator earlier this week. havez


Our mosque project is well under way alhamdulillah! #legacyforjannah


*TIECM- Update On Move to NEW Site*
Asalamwalaykum. In sha Allah everything is in place for our move to occur over this weekend.
Due to the move please note the following:
... *1. On Saturday 15th Dec ALL 5 salaats will occur at 22 Cookham Rd UPSTAIRS 1st floor AND Sunday 16th Dec Fajr only. * 2. In sha Allah from Sunday 16th Dec Zuhr we will perform salaat from the new site.
3. Monday 17th Dec - after school Childrens class will be at new site 4-6pm for boys. Older girls at Imams residence as per my letter.
4. Next week Jummah Friday 21st Dec will be at Braywick Sportsable (hall open from 12midday).
5. After Sunday 16th Dec please do not access the old 22 Cookham Rd site as we will be moving items etc. and the site may become unsafe.
6. There will be no electricity at 22 Cookham Rd from Tuesday 18th Dec.
7. Demolition is scheduled and confirmed for Monday 7th January 2019 following which construction will in sha Allah commence. We have agreed a quote and appointed a local reputable firm to undertake the ground works.
8. Those of you who have pledged money and not yet transferred funds to the masjid - please do so and transfer whatever you can as this will help cash flow. We will be approaching you individually to chase these.
Jazarkallah Khair. Any questions please message Dr Asif TIECM
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“If the sins of a servant (of Allāh) are numerous and he does not have good deeds to compensate, then Allāh afflicts him with sadness as an expiation for him.”
-The Messenger of Allāh | Musnad of Imām Ahmad, (no. 24708)


Raising money on behalf of Crisis Aid charity to purchase brand new underwear for our Syrian sisters, as part of Crisis Aid’s Winter Container 2018.
You can support by donating Online or via Bank Transfer. Donations will be used to purchase brand new underwear.
“Surely (as for) the charitable men and the charitable women and (those who) set apart for ALLAH a goodly portion, it shall be doubled for them and they shall have a noble reward.” Qur’an 57:18


*TIECM Eid Al-Adha Announcement* *Eid Al-Adha 1439AH Announcement*
‎السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ As-salāmu 'alaikum wa rahmatullāhi wa barakātuh,
... It has been confirmed that the moon has been sighted in the Middle East.
The 1st day of the month of ذُو ٱلْحِجَّة Dhu al-Hijah 1439AH was Sunday 12th August 2018.
The Day of ‘Arafah with be on the 9th of Dhu al-Hijah which corresponds to Monday 20th August 2018. Please ensure you keep fast on this day (if not performing hajj) which absolves the sins of two years - the one past and the one coming.
Eid Al-Adha is on the 10th of Dhu al-Hijah which corresponds to Tuesday 21st August 2018.
Talhah bin Ubaidullah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: At the sight of the new moon (of the lunar month), the Prophet (ﷺ) (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) used to supplicate: “Allahumma ahillahu `alaina bil-amni wal-iman, was-salamati wal-Islam, Rabbi wa Rabbuk-Allah, Hilalu rushdin wa khairin (O Allah, let this moon appear on us with security and Iman; with safety and Islam. (O moon!) Your Rabb and mine is Allah. May this moon be bringing guidance and good).” [Recorded by Imam At-Tirmidhi and also quoted in Riyad as-Salihin].
InshaaAllaah Eid will be prayed outside in accordance with the established Sunnah (weather permitting). Details will follow in due course.
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#legacyforjannah absolutely smashed it last night alhamdulillah raising around £160,000 in one night - which calls for a takbir! Allahuakbar - which takes our total raised in donations and pledges to over £600,000!
Beautiful things happen when we all come together. #communityspirit #oneummah
Jazakallahu khaair for everyone’s duas and patience.
... May Allah accept all our worship - our siyam, qiyam, Quran and sadaqah. Ameen.
Masjid At-Tarbiyah Crawley Masjid Masjid Al-Jannah Masjid Nabawi Wembley Masjid MasjidAsSalam Masjid DarusSalam Masjid Quba Masjid Arrahma East London Mosque and London Muslim Centre Muslim Speakers WISE Green Lane Masjid Cumberland Road Masjid Masjid Aisha
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Please watch and share the video below by our beloved Sheikh Abu Suhayb Bassam Abu-Haj. Green Lane Masjid WISE Makkah Masjid-ul-Haram East London Mosque and London Muslim Centre Masjid NabawiMasjid Darusalam Cumberland Road Masjid Masjid Annoor


LegacyForJannah - support our Tawheed Masjid expansion project in Maidenhead upon the Quran and Sunnah. We have a target to raise £1.65m by July 2019 to build a new masjid. Build for our children and for future generations to come and leave a legacy for yourself to enter Jannah (in sha Allah).
We are a small community and need everyone’s help. We need your support to help us reach a wider audience and inform them of our masjid expansion project. Please post the video on all y...our social media platforms, and share this message and video with all your contacts. Everyone can do something, so please support us. Get a share in the reward of every pound that is donated towards our masjid redevelopment project, especially in this blessed month of Ramadan. What better opportunity will you have?!
Jazaka Allah khair!
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Launch Event for the mosque redevelopment project, Sunday 29th April 2018, starting at 1.30pm.


#visitmymosque Al-Tawheed Islamic Education Centre Maidenhead

More about Al-Tawheed Islamic Education Centre Maidenhead

Al-Tawheed Islamic Education Centre Maidenhead is located at 22 Cookham Road, Maidenhead SL6 8AJ