Alan Butcher For Bognor Regis & Littlehampton

About Alan Butcher For Bognor Regis & Littlehampton

Published and promoted by Heather Robbins on behalf of Alan Butcher, both at 1 Cornfield Close, Littlehampton, West Sussex, BN17 6HY.

Alan Butcher For Bognor Regis & Littlehampton Description

Facebook Page for Alan Butcher
Chair of Bognor Regis & Littlehampton Constituency Labour Party.

Born in Littlehampton, Alan has lived there all his life apart from his time studying Linguistics at University College London. Having worked in the Body Shop Laboratories for several years he now works for Cega, an Air Ambulance and Assistance company based in Chichester.

At UCL, Alan began representing people on the Students' Union as Departmental Rep and went on to be Chair of Union Council. He was a workplace rep from the Quality department at the Body Shop and became a founder of a TGWU branch there.
Alan was leader of the very successful majority Labour group at the Littlehampton Town Council and has been involved in many campaigns defending local amenities like the local theatre and the Post Office. More recently he led Labour's local Health Plan, which raised issue with the failures of local authorities in Littlehampton’s healthcare and provided a better solution.

Speaking after being notified of his selection, Alan said:

“Britain needs a government for the many, not the few – one that’s ready to invest in our economy and public services. The Conservatives have demonstrated that they, prefer to give the richest and largest corporations tax handouts worth tens of billions.

The NHS and social care have been pushed into a state of emergency. House building has fallen to its lowest peacetime rate since the 1920s. Schools across the country face losing hundreds of thousands of pounds in real-terms cuts to funding, and class sizes are rising – while young people hoping to go to university face ever-increasing debts.

Cuts in benefits have caused further hardship to those who really need help, and have resulted in tens of thousands of deaths nationally. Pensioners are concerned that the Conservatives will not guarantee the “triple lock” on pensions – indeed, they have already cut pensions by 20% for those retiring after 2016. Increasing numbers of families find it necessary to seek help from food banks because of the cuts in benefits, arbitrary sanctions or zero-hours contracts. Homelessness has doubled since 2010 and Arun has some of the worst overcrowding in the county. Security and safety at home are threatened by continuing cuts to front line services in the Police and Fire Services, again increasing unnecessary death rates.

This election cannot be founded on the Conservatives’ false hope for a mandate for a “strong and stable” government or on the premise that a walk in the mountains of Wales resulted in a conversion of the kind previously only seen on the road to Damascus. The need for this snap election has more to do with impending charges of election fraud against up to 30 Conservative MPs during the 2015 election which threatens the overall majority the Conservatives have.
It’s also not a second referendum on leaving the European Union. It IS about taking the best opportunity to vote for a party looks and sounds very different from the party in power. ”

More about Alan Butcher For Bognor Regis & Littlehampton

Alan Butcher For Bognor Regis & Littlehampton is located at 1, Cornfield Close, BN17 6HY Littlehampton