Alcohol Abuse And Recovery Therapy Birmingham

Monday: 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 21:00
Friday: 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 21:00
Sunday: -

About Alcohol Abuse And Recovery Therapy Birmingham

Alcohol dependency and excessive consumption therapy for effective control and recovery from
Call Stuart: 07825 599340 / 0121 403 3163

Alcohol Abuse And Recovery Therapy Birmingham Description

Beat your Alcohol Addiction
Sometimes in life, alcohol can gain a bit too much control over us.
Where did it begin…. . ?
An extra glass of wine before dinner?
A bottle after?
A few beers with friends after work? Every day?

I will help you understand why alcohol has become a problem and identify the root causes. I will help you re-examine your lifestyle, lead to better coping strategies and allow you to create a different attitude towards alcohol.

For whatever reason you drink alcohol, I will help you release that urge, craving or need, so that you can change your habits and behaviour.
YOU will regain CONTROL of your drinking and alcohol consumption and reduce the intense hold it has over you.
I use techniques that are specifically created to change the triggers in the brain, stop self-sabotage issues, release trauma and redirect the neural networks in the brain. When applying these same processes to clients who need alcohol addiction help, their addictive behaviours frequently stop and their fear of relapse disappears.
My work with both alcohol addiction and alcohol reduction therapy has achieved some truly marvellous results with clients. Clients have regained control over alcohol, become empowered, changed their lives, increased their self-belief, self-esteem and confidence.
Other clients have sought to reduce their alcohol consumption, and to use it in moderation once again, removing alcohol as a crutch. Once the feeling of control has been achieved, many of these clients have gone on to choose sobriety, as they appreciate the positive and beneficial impact on their lives.

You will be surprised how powerful and empowering our session will be and the fantastic, rapid changes we can achieve in a gentle, relaxed manner. Restart your life as you regain control over alcohol and remove that destructive pattern for good.
Break free of alcohol and create the future you desire and deserve.
Appointments available in London, Edgbaston, Birmingham and Kenilworth, Warwickshire .
Call Stuart 07825 599340 for a free confidential, no obligation discussion regarding your issue.
Stuart@harleystreetaddictionspecialist. co. uk
www. harleystreetaddictionspecialist. co. uk


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Self Image article published in May 2018 in Hypnotherapy Directory Call Stuart - 07825 599340 for a free telephone consultation


When We Don’t Love Ourselves, We Can’t Be Loved By Someone Else When we don’t love and accept ourselves fully, we can’t ever have a great relationship or a happy life.
Our partner may whisper, “I love you so much” and we won’t believe them. We’ll always be looking for evidence that they are secretly losing interest.
... Did they call us when they said they would? (If they didn’t, it’s because they don’t love us.)
Did they initiate sex, or cuddle like they used to, or hold our hands when we walked down the street? (They are losing interest. They’ve met someone else. I’m less desirable than I was ten years ago.)
We can’t tell them our secret feelings or fears, because it will push them away.
We feel like we “aren’t good enough” to date our crush, or we settle for someone who is “safe” or “fine” but who doesn’t make our heart leap with joy.
We don’t trust our partners (they aren’t telling the truth). We think they are cheating (where was she last night?)
We carry around the pain of never feeling good enough to have the kind of love other people experience. We doubt ourselves; we doubt our partners; we doubt love.
We let challenges demoralize and deflate us, and it’s not long before we realize we’re a much smaller version of ourselves. We won’t ask for a raise; we’ll stay in dead-end jobs.
We’ll lose weight and feel fatter than ever. We give up on our health, thinking it’s too hard or takes too much effort.
We’ll look for quick fixes to make ourselves feel better: a new haircut, a one night stand, a bottle of bourbon, a brownie sundae.
But none of these fixes fix us at all. They leave us feeling lonelier, emptier, sadder.
And we will remain that way until we stop looking for other people to give us the love and care we yearn for and deserve.
After all, why would someone else love us, if we don’t think we are worthy? Call Stuart -07825 599340
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Through Hypnotherapy, instead of trying to force yourself to do things against your body’s will.
• You will turn your attention toward understanding why your body wants to smoke/over eat/drink too much etc.
• You will stop seeing it as the enemy that just won’t listen to you.
... • You’ll stop trying to push it around and force it to do something against its will.
• You’ll understand why you want to smoke/over eat/drink too much etc.
As soon as you understood that there are reasons, you'll start to give your body what it needs. Call Stuart for a free telephone consultation - 07825 599340
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What happens to your brain when you drink ? Alcohol out of control ? -Call Stuart -07825 599340


Interesting Alcohol and Addiction study - Personality traits and alcohol treatment outcome
Foulds J, Newton-Howes G, Guy NH, Boden JM, Mulder RT. (2017) Dimensional personality traits and alcohol treatment outcome: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Addiction, 112, 1345-1357. doi: 10.1111/add.13810. Click here to read.
... Which personality traits may protect us from alcohol use disorder?
Personality disorders have been demonstrated to be an important predictor of the development of substance use disorders, treatment response and retention, as well as morbidity and mortality across different health conditions, including depression and anxiety. Therefore, it is important to identify whether individuals who exhibit certain personality characteristics (rather than disorders) are associated with treatment outcomes.
In a recent study in Addiction, the authors conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies to map the association between dimensional personality characteristics and treatment outcomes for people with Alcohol Use Disorders.
Commentary by Dr Andrew Jones, Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Liverpool
The data from this meta-analytic investigation demonstrate differences in dimensional personality traits between individuals who relapse following treatment and individuals who do not. Specifically, individuals who relapse scored higher on novelty-seeking and lower on persistence, reward dependence and cooperativeness. This suggests that identification of patients with these characteristics may inform treatment prognosis and inform service delivery strategies.
It is possible that personality variables may influence treatment outcome through retention. The authors state that: "It seems plausible that behaviours associated with high novelty-seeking would reduce treatment retention and those associated with high persistence and cooperativeness would enhance it." However, this is speculative until further research in the area is conducted. Call Stuart - 07825 599340 to discuss your alcohol issue
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Alcohol a problem , need to take back control ? Appointments available in Edgbaston, Birmingham this week Call Stuart - 07825 599340


Alcohol affecting family life ?? - pleasure or pain - association with sociable behaviour or drinking alone to forget - you can regain your freedom to take back control of your alcohol drinking Call Stuart - for a free no obligation consultation regarding your drink issues - 07825 599340 Skype consultations available


You cannot force someone you love to stop abusing alcohol. As much as you may want to, and as hard as it is to watch, you cannot make someone stop drinking. The choice is up to them. Don’t expect the person to stop drinking and stay sober without help. Your loved one will need treatment, support, and new coping skills to overcome a serious drinking problem. Recovery is an ongoing process.... Recovery is a bumpy road, requiring time and patience. An alcohol dependent person will not magically become a different person once sober. And the problems that led to the alcohol abuse in the first place will have to be faced. Admitting that there’s a serious problem can be painful for the whole family, not just the alcohol dependent person. But don’t be ashamed. You’re not alone. Alcohol dependency affects millions of families, from every social class, race, and culture. But there is help and support available for both you and your loved one. Call Stuart for a free confidential consultation - 07825 599340
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Alcohol a problem , need to take back control ? Appointments available in Edgbaston, Birmingham this week Call Stuart - 07825 599340


You cannot force someone you love to stop abusing alcohol. As much as you may want to, and as hard as it is to watch, you cannot make someone stop drinking. The choice is up to them. Don’t expect the person to stop drinking and stay sober without help. Your loved one will need treatment, support, and new coping skills to overcome a serious drinking problem. Recovery is an ongoing process.... Recovery is a bumpy road, requiring time and patience. An alcohol dependent person will not magically become a different person once sober. And the problems that led to the alcohol abuse in the first place will have to be faced. Admitting that there’s a serious problem can be painful for the whole family, not just the alcohol dependent person. But don’t be ashamed. You’re not alone. Alcohol dependency affects millions of families, from every social class, race, and culture. But there is help and support available for both you and your loved one. Call Stuart for a free confidential consultation - 07825 599340
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When a loved one has a drink problem ? If someone you love has a drinking problem, you may be struggling with a number of painful emotions, including shame, fear, anger, and self-blame. The problem may be so overwhelming that it seems easier to ignore it and pretend that nothing is wrong. But you know that something is wrong, and in the long run, denying it will be more damaging to you, other family members, and the alcoholic. What not to do ? Don't attempt to punish, threat...en, bribe, or preach. Don't try to be a martyr. Avoid emotional appeals that may only increase feelings of guilt and the compulsion to drink or use other drugs. Don't allow yourself to cover up or make excuses for the alcohol or drug dependent person or shield them from the realistic consequences of their behaviour. Don't take over their responsibilities, leaving them with no sense of importance or dignity. Don't hide or dump bottles, throw out drugs, or shelter them from situations where alcohol is present. Don't argue with the person when they are impaired or high. Don't try to drink along with the problem drinker . Above all, don't feel guilty or responsible for another's behaviour. Call Stuart - for a free no obligation consultation regarding your drink issues - 07825 599340 Skype consultations available
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When a parent is misusing alcohol ? It is well known that a parent with an alcohol problem can have a marked effect on the other family members. The person with the problem is like someone stuck in a bog. The others, in their efforts to help, often get pulled down into the bog too. It is not easy to live with a person whose drinking is causing problems. The drinker is often full of conflict, torn between wanting their alcohol and not wanting the harm that always seems to ...follow. They often blame others when things go wrong.The partner or spouse often doubts herself (or himself). Am I not a good enough partner? How can I get her or him to stop taking that drink ? How can I protect my children? How can I hide this from my family and neighbours? The partner often feels hurt, ashamed, fearful, with an overwhelming sense of failure. Unfortunately, many partners then work all the more strenuously, taking on extra responsibilities, trying to cover up the mess …fighting a losing battle. If you are that partner, the first step towards putting things right is to take some time for yourself, and get support for yourself. Call Stuart - for a free no obligation consultation regarding your drink issues - 07825 599340
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Alcohol affecting family life ?? - pleasure or pain - association with sociable behaviour or drinking alone to forget - you can regain your freedom to take back control of your alcohol drinking Call Stuart - for a free no obligation consultation regarding your drink issues - 07825 599340 Skype consultations available


Beat your Alcohol Addiction/ Habit Sometimes in life, alcohol can gain a bit too much control over us. Where did it begin…..? An extra glass of wine before dinner? A bottle after?... A few beers with friends after work? Every day? I will help you understand why alcohol has become a problem and identify the root causes. I will help you re-examine your lifestyle, lead to better coping strategies and allow you to create a different attitude towards alcohol. For whatever reason you drink alcohol, I will help you release that urge, craving or need, so that you can change your habits and behaviour. YOU will regain CONTROL of your drinking and alcohol consumption and reduce the intense hold it has over you. I use techniques that are specifically created to change the triggers in the brain, stop self-sabotage issues, release trauma and redirect the neural networks in the brain. When applying these same processes to clients who need alcohol addiction help, their addictive behaviours frequently stop and their fear of relapse disappears. My work with both alcohol addiction and alcohol reduction therapy has achieved some truly marvellous results with clients. Clients have regained control over alcohol, become empowered, changed their lives, increased their self-belief, self-esteem and confidence. Other clients have sought to reduce their alcohol consumption, and to use it in moderation once again, removing alcohol as a crutch. Once the feeling of control has been achieved, many of these clients have gone on to choose sobriety, as they appreciate the positive and beneficial impact on their lives. You will be surprised how powerful and empowering our session will be and the fantastic, rapid changes we can achieve in a gentle, relaxed manner. Restart your life as you regain control over alcohol and remove that destructive pattern for good. Break free of alcohol and create the future you desire and deserve. Appointments available in London, Edgbaston, Birmingham and Kenilworth, Warwickshire . Call Stuart 07825 599340 for a free confidential, no obligation discussion regarding your issue.
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More about Alcohol Abuse And Recovery Therapy Birmingham

Alcohol Abuse And Recovery Therapy Birmingham is located at Quadrant Court,51-52 Calthorpe Road, B15 1TH Edgbaston, Birmingham, United Kingdom
+44 7825 599340
Monday: 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 21:00
Friday: 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 21:00
Sunday: -