Alex Roseman

About Alex Roseman

Alex Roseman is an international speaker, Coach and Author. He travels the World inspiring and transforming people to take action.

He is usually found reading, working on his content for his clients or exercising.

Alex Roseman Description

International Speaker, Results Coach and Author of 21 Actions!

He lives to help people take action that helps transform and empower peoples lives.



Beware! This comes with WARNINGS!
Results may be extreme!


The way it is set up in society, is we find the job and then build the 'lifestyle' around the money we earn!
Does this sit with you okay?
For me I unconsciously started to build the lifestyle I wanted and find a way I enjoyed earning that would slot in nicely.
... With this mindset, I have created just that and coming from a very challenging past and moving up to the 9-5, I thought living the life I am now was just a fantasy! (Seriously, impossible!)
But, here I am currently in Cyprus and soon back to London for my event on the 15th June - Called Wake Up! Go Big, & Live Extraordinarily. If you are in London, I would love to have you there so we can have you design the life you want!
Details here -
For your weekly drop of magic to get value in supporting you on your journey to a bigger refined life, you can find here:-
I am living my life the way I want it, you will want to live your life the way you want it. But are you? As one of my top mentors says - "Model others"
I am here to support you on your journey as I have my clients.
Peace and love Alex Roseman
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What has been coming up over and over recently with my clients and what really began my journey into personal development!
I have been in the personal development game a short time compared to many people I have met, yet what has got me to take action with far less "knowledge" than others who have been in it for years who have stayed where they are!?
I have been on this journey to uncover that thing within me that is so deeply embedded that I have become the coach who can it out of others where no seminar or coach has done before (from my experience of not being able to reach it with anyone else).
Once it is found, uncovered and shown to you. You are no longer in fear of it and finally able to be free to express who you truly are and be seen by the world.
What could you do with that new sense of inner power?
Please comment and share what you gained from this video (I understand not all will agree, just my experience to share and to give you space to do the same).
Peace and love Alex Roseman
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What has been coming up over and over recently with my clients and what really began my journey into personal development!
I have been in the personal development game a short time compared to many people I have met, yet what has got me to take action with far less "knowledge" than others who have been in it for years who have stayed where they are!?
I have been on this journey to uncover that thing within me that is so deeply embedded that I have become the coach who can it out of others where no seminar or coach has done before (from my experience of not being able to reach it with anyone else).
Once it is found, uncovered and shown to you. You are no longer in fear of it and finally able to be free to express who you truly are and be seen by the world.
What could you do with that new sense of inner power?
Please comment and share what you gained from this video (I understand not all will agree, just my experience to share and to give you space to do the same).
Peace and love Alex Roseman
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Blows your mind....beware. If you watch you may just do something extremely courageous! 😎 id=10161745779305015&id=826865014


Why has this video really made an impact to people!?
Check it out! 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇


From my 121 breakthrough sessions, group and seminars I have noticed a pattern appear that stops us from what we want.
Let me help you see them:
Where would you like to be in 12 months?
... What is currently stopping you from getting it?
Where are you right now?
I ask these questions to my clients in order to get clarity. What we think is stopping us is very rarely the case. What stops us is out of our view! We are to close to ourselves to see it and it takes a trained out to spot it.
A lot of what is stopping us is based on decisions we made from our childhood and that child is still making those decisions now (UhOh!) Unless it is brought to your awareness, you will most definitely keep making the same limiting decisions for the rest of your life.
Check out my video and if it resonates take a moment and click the link.
It will be worth it :) roup
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A little intro to my talk - Wake Up! Go Big, & Live Extraordinarily!


How do you do it? Ho do you get up and release who you really are to the world?
Raise your standards and make it a MUST!
Get a drop a week in your inbox to remind you are amazing you really are!
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We have 2 deeps fear:
1. The fear of not being loved 2. The fear of being rejected
... Which then opens us up to Am I enough and Am I worthy.
From this place how can you possibly expect to dream big unless you deal with your foundation so you can show up as your true self authentically.
To finally let go of beliefs and the stories that are robbing you from truly showing up in the world. Click the link below - choose the best option for you to Wake Up! Go Big, & Live Extraordinarily. y-session
Peace and love Alex
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The Ultimate Breakthrough Group Program!
Details below 💪😎


We have 2 flavours of suffering....and they are likely your home!
Why? Because our 2 million old brain loves comfort even if it causes suffering.
What are yours...?
... Find out how to overcome these feelings to take control of your life.
Humerous and engaging content packed newsletter below 👇👇👇👇👇👇 Click to get involved 😎
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We have 2 flavours of suffering....and they are likely your home!
Why? Because our 2 million old brain loves comfort even if it causes suffering.
What are yours...?
... Find out how to overcome these feelings to take control of your life.
Humerous and engaging content packed newsletter below 👇👇👇👇👇👇 Click to get involved 😎
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I am excited to announce I will be in Cyprus as the only male speaker at the Creative Women event.
The line up includes:
Award Winning Journalists and Broadcasters... President of the law society UK Charlie Chaplin's Granddaughter (Actress, Model and entrepreneur) Leading psychologists
The list goes on......
This extraordinary event will be taking place on the 3rd-4th May.
To meet and network with powerhouses such as these ladies and of course myself in a 5-star resort in Limassol or you need to do is click this link and book yourself a ticket: r/
An event like this does not come around often.
Let's have fun, learn and network together.
Wake Up, Go Big, & Live Extraordinarily
Peace and love Alex Rx
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Clearly I have something to say! 😆
In this short video you will learn hands down the quickest way to success.
Warning 👉 It means doing what the majority won't.
... Are you willing to take on this Superhero challenge....?
Let's see.
Click this link for short to the point content you can implement right away to give you the levels of success you deserve. 😎
Wake Up, Go Big, & Live Extraordinarily
Peace and love Alex Roseman
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Please read and support! 🙌

More about Alex Roseman

Alex Roseman is located at 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, WC2H 9JQ London, United Kingdom
+44 7890988280