Alexandra The Violinist

About Alexandra The Violinist

Electric Violinist
- Weddings
- Private Events
- Corporate Events
- Shows /Festivals
- Funerals
- Charity Events
- Author of 'Stress-free Wedding Workbook'

Alexandra The Violinist Description

Electric Violinist
- Weddings
- Private Events
- Corporate Events
- Shows /Festivals
- Funerals
- Charity Events
- Author of 'Stress-free Wedding Workbook'
- Wedding Agony Aunt / Wedding Consultant
- Violin Teacher (Acoustic Violin / Electric Violin)
- Wedding Blogger

www. alexandraviolinist. co. uk



I‚Äôve been back in the gym for 5 weeks now...but this time with amazing PT @andyclements01 #bodiesbymoose Has also written a meal plan for me which I 90% stick to ūüėāūüėú I can‚Äôt lie, I had a weak moment yesterday and suck a hefty amount of chocolate...I woke up feeling dirty and ashamed of myself as I looked at the empty packet on my bedside table ūüėā but I enjoyed it sooooooo much
Body confidence is important. No matter what your shape or size, you should... own what you have and feel good about it! I have always struggled with body confidence, but right now, have never felt so good about myself.
NOTE: Don’t do it for someone else, do it for you!!!
What gives you body confidence? ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚Ä Ē‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ- ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ
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Check out these two beauties. Doesn’t this look like a celeb wedding photo features in OK! Magazine?! I love it!!!
Absolutely loved performing for this Wedding. I learnt John Denver, Annie‚Äôs Song especially for Kane, the Groom. Hands down has to be one of the best dressed weddings I‚Äôve ever performed at ūüôĆūüŹĽūüíď... ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚Ä Ē‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ
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I Feel so lucky to have this relationship with @castindoncaster usually about once per month, they give me free tickets to a performance, I get to enjoy it and sometimes meet the performers. These guys have been my favourite to date. @oddsocksproductions version of A midsummer Nights Dream was brilliant, so hilarious I almost wet myself. And all such lovely people. They were telling me how keen they are to do some Christmas shows at cast, so give the...m a follow, check them out and make sure Cast know how much you love them!!!! Let‚Äôs get them back again!!!! ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚Ä Ē‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ
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I can‚Äôt wait for this ūüėĀ
Also Don‚Äôt miss the jersey boys on the 12th - I was in at Andrews with them last week and they are fricken‚Äô fabulous. Great friends ūüíĖ you‚Äôll love them xxx


Thank you so much to this lovely guy for posting ūüėĀ hope you had a successful day xx


‚ÄúDon‚Äôt you ever f*cking give up on bettering yourself. You‚Äôre doing great love!‚ÄĚ - Sey Sey
Breathe in everything that you do. Breathe in the bad, learn from it. Breathe in the good, grow from it. Make every fibre of everything you do be a part of bettering yourself
... ūüíč Comment with something you‚Äôre doing to better yourself right now
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Where are you tying the knot?
I’m in Nottingham and Chesterfield this weekend and I can’t wait!!!
... On Sunday I‚Äôll have a long day of excitement because I‚Äôm performing for a ceremony AND I‚Äôm doing a show style performance for the evening wedding guests which includes me playing for the bride and grooms first dance ūüíĖ the first dance is one of my favourite parts of the day. I remember my first dance on our wedding day (@leeclothier1) to ETA James, At Last. The song is really special to us and speaks a thousand words about our relationship
On Monday, you can get involved ūüėĀ I‚Äôll be at the @ringwoodhall Wedding Fair from 1pm-4pm. If you‚Äôre getting married and haven‚Äôt chosen your venue yet, this one is really worth a look. And ladies, they have a spa ūüėČ you‚Äôll probably find me in there ūüėā I‚Äôll be performing there for the full 3hrs, whilst you have the joy of chatting to my Husband hehe. Don‚Äôt let him chew your ear off about golf ūüėāūüėČ _________________________________________
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Getting married without my Mum was heart breaking for both my Dad & I. We were very much a tightly knit little family of three. It didn’t matter how much of a bad mood one of us was in with another, when we needed help, we always came together. The three musketeers we called ourselves. When my Mum passed away in 2015 after a brave battle with oesophagus cancer it left a pretty big link missing in the chain mail. Suddenly I felt vulnerable, exposed and insec...ure. It must have been pretty scary for my Dad because now he was the only parent of a girl in her mid 20’s. Argh!!!
He was awesome! He‚Äôs kinda my Mum too now. He talks to me about all the stuff I would have chatted to Mum about, ya know, the ‚Äėwomen‚Äôs stuff‚Äô...and he‚Äôs pretty good at it.
The Wedding day was pretty hard, and I have to say the sadness did overcome me. I wanted to include my Mum in a way that didn‚Äôt mean shoving ‚ÄúMy mums dead‚ÄĚ down peoples throats, and without it overwhelming the wedding. So there were little trails of her throughout the day:
‚ÄĘ The chosen colour scheme (pink & purple) were based around the 2 fancy neck scarfs she wore the most
‚ÄĘ Both Lee & I had photos of both our parents on their Wedding days, so that there was still a photo of my Mum but it was light hearted
‚ÄĘ Dad bought me a locket after Mum passed away and we put a lock of her hair in it. That was wrapped around my Bouquet.
I felt it was all subtle, was she was still there ūüíē
Are you getting/ did you get married without one of your parents?
How did you include their memory in your day? ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚Ä Ē‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ-
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Are you a morning person? I am quite categorically NOT a morning person ūüėā I‚Äôm like ‚Äúdon‚Äôt look at me, don‚Äôt talk to me, don‚Äôt even breath in my direction‚ÄĚ ūü§¶ūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūü•ī this girl is seriously grumpy on a morning
... However, yesterday I was up at 5:30am to grace Doncaster Town Centre with my presence...I also dragged @saxocellist with me too. It was the 3rd time we’d ever duetted together. We can only play 6 songs together so far but we are building it up. What songs would you like to hear us play?
We are still thinking of a name for our new duo. It‚Äôs so tempting to go for something humorous or a bit rude but we are trying our hardest to keep our sensible heads on. It‚Äôs not easy is it @saxocellist ?! ūüėā ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚Ä Ē‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ
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I am so excited for the @ido_magazineuk awards next month ūü§ó I‚Äôm a finalist in the ‚ÄėEntertainment‚Äô category. Thank you so much to all who voted. Good luck to my much loved opponents @theundercoverwaiters ūüėĀ whoever wins, we‚Äôll be boogieing the night away ūüėČ ūü•≥ ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚Ä Ē‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ


I got completely caught out last night. The lovely @sianrebeccabooth invited some local Instagram influences to @castindoncaster for a meet up. First off I was taken aback that I was considered an influencer. I feel like it holds such responsibility because whatever you say can affect people watching, both positively and negatively. You have the power to change the way someone feels about themselves, and that’s a bit scary.
It was a fab night. I met a girl @rebecca_belk who is hilarious. We spent the whole night laughing.
After a really awesome chat with @sianrebeccabooth & @rebecca_belk, @castindoncaster gave us free tickets to see @phoenixdancetheatre perform ‚ÄėThe Rite Of Spring & Left Unseen‚Äô. I have to say, this is not the type of thing I would choose to watch, expressive dance is not my bag, however, from the moment the audience lights went out and the one light shone eerily on a dancer, the music began...I was completely hooked, mesmerised. I couldn‚Äôt take my eyes off all of the flowing movements on stage. I had no idea what it represented but it made me feel anxious and lost.
My Husband will tell you that I’m very close minded when it comes to watching something new, especially films. If I don’t like the idea of it then I won’t entertain it. So thank you @phoenixdancetheatre you have shown me that maybe I should give things a chance before making my mind up, because I might just like it!
I can‚Äôt say anything negative, other than for me, it was a bit of a heavy watch before bed ūüėĀ but I really did enjoy it.
I called my Dad @donparkers on my way home to tell him about it. Turns out, he studied ‚ÄėThe Rite Of Spring‚Äô for his GCSE‚Äôs (that was a long time ago, but I won‚Äôt go there ūüėā sorry dad ūüėė). He said it was about rape. So getting the feeling of being anxious and lost makes complete sense. Even if this isn‚Äôt your kind of thing, it‚Äôs a must see!!! ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚Ä Ē‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ-
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|| HOW DID I LEARN? || #meetthemaker
DAY 14: How Did You Learn?
... Well not surprisingly, I began how most kids school. I think I was about 9 or 10 years old and I loved it so much, I’d be playing before school, in school break times and after school. The violin became everything to me.
After I‚Äôd been playing for about 1 year, my Dad @donparkers took me busking in Scunthorpe. I wasn‚Äôt brave enough to stand on the high street so settled in an alleyway leading from the car park ūüėā (I know what you‚Äôre thinking ūüôĄ). After an hour I gradually edged my way into the High street. It was nerve racking but thrilling at the same time. We travelled from city to city busking on a Saturday. I think I was about 14 years old One particular day busking in Doncaster when I was approached by the Former 2nd principal of the London Symphony Orchestra, Dr Steve Jonson. ‚ÄúYou‚Äôre daughter could be really good. Please can I take her on as a student?‚ÄĚ He asked my Dad. So one Sunday every month, my Dad and I would get on a train to London where I‚Äôd meet Dr.Jonson at EMI Studios in South Kensington for a 2-3hr lesson. That incredible man had the biggest impact on me, out of everyone I had ever come across. I worshiped the bones of him, I still do. He instilled unimaginable passion in me which I‚Äôll be forever grateful for.
When I was about 17, Dr.Jonson moved to Thailand for an incredible job. I was devastated...inconsolable. He really got me, and understood how to drive understood how to get me to drive myself, and that was incredible.
As a teacher myself now, I strive to give my students what Dr.Jonson gave me. Patience, persistence, drive, passion, self discipline and self confidence.
Photographer: John Farrar ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚Ä Ē‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ- ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ
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|| PHOTOGRAPHY || ##meetthemaker
DAY 13: Photography
... This is my guy, my photography guru. Say ‚Äúhello‚ÄĚ to Aaron ūüĎčūüŹĽ
Since 2015 Aaron has been the only photographer I‚Äôve used for my promo photo shoots. He‚Äôs creative, an amazing photographer, lovely & really really tall, so he doesn‚Äôt need a step ladder ūüėā (inside joke). Shoots with Aaron are always good fun & he manages to capture my personality, which is tough because I‚Äôm always a bit stiff until about half way through a photo shoot.
Thank you @ched53 for always being awesome at your job ūüôĆūüŹĽ ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚Ä Ē‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ- ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ
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Admittedly I am 10 days late for this challenge #meetthemaker but I‚Äôm here and present ūüėĀ
DAY 10 - Me
... Hello ūüėĀ I‚Äôm Alexandra, 30 years old. I live in a cute historic town called Epworth. I‚Äôm happy go lucky, with an extremely positive outlook, some would call me a dreamer. Shopping and spa days are how I relax, I especially love a good massage...especially a head massage *ahhhh heaven* I love to sing, though it‚Äôs more ‚Äėdonkey skydiving whilst strapped to a lion‚Äė than ‚Äėmorning songbird‚Äô ūüôĄūüôą
SINGLE? I am happily married (when Lee‚Äôs not snoring ūüėā), approaching our 2nd Wedding Anniversary in July and I have a beautiful step daughter called Jasmine. She is 6 and we are best friends ūüíē *Trying for a baby* ūüĎ∂ūüŹĽ ūüćľ
FRIENDS & FAMILY I have a small handful of friends who are all diamonds & of course, my Dad. My Dad is super cute and is always there whenever I need him, no matter what. I couldn‚Äôt ask for a better Dad. I really do love him so much that it hurts ‚̧ԳŹ I lost my Mum to Cancer in 2015. She was an absolute Hero, my best friend. There was nothing she didn‚Äôt know about me. Now Dad has to listen to me whinge about stuff he really doesn‚Äôt want to hear about ūüôĄūüėā
PET HATES Loud noises & Eating naked
HOME LOVES Eating in bed Wearing comfy clothes Cuddles & face kisses ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚Ä Ē‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ- ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ
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‚ÄúYou have such confidence on stage, how do you do it?‚ÄĚ When it comes to playing violin, you‚Äôre right, I get a little tummy tickle but I‚Äôm confident in my art...when I approach the microphone to speak on stage, that is a completely different story!!! My palms get sweaty, my knees start shaking & my words come out of my mouth at a million miles per hour with lots of ‚Äúerm‚ÄĚ in between. It‚Äôs not necessarily what I‚Äôm saying that I‚Äôm not confident about. So...metimes I don‚Äôt know what to say and other times I think, who actually cares? Since beginning this book, my confidence and presentation on stage has completely changed, and I‚Äôm not even half way through it yet. Love to @vivgroskop ūüíē xx ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚Ä Ē‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ
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|| BABY ||
I have a hefty list of songs to learn for upcoming Weddings, an overwhelming amount...but I LOVE learning new songs. In 10 weeks I‚Äôm doing a 25 minute performance for an evening wedding reception & playing for the 1st dance. The Bride & Groom asked me to learn Baby by Luis Fonsi so today I ventured into my studio and learnt this one by ear ūüėĀ I love it. Can‚Äôt wait to perfect it ūüíē ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚Ä Ē‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ- ‚ÄĘ... ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ
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|| ‚ÄúYou May Not Survive The Night‚ÄĚ || ...they said, but I‚Äôm still here to tell the tale.‚ÄĚ 25 years they have been together, unmarried. Last May Jan & Brian went on a little holiday to Norfolk and onto the Norfolk Broads they ventured on a boat trip. That boat trip changed their lives. Jan fell into the water as 2 boats collided. She was between them. ‚ÄúI‚Äôll kill him when I get back in that boat!‚ÄĚ she thought to herself as she came back up to the surface of the water. As she ...took her breath she looked down to see her leg was hanging on by a thread. Jeans covered in blood, she was airlifted to hospital. 11 operations, 7 blood transfusions and sepsis. ‚ÄúYou may not survive the night‚ÄĚ they told her. 9 months on, after almost losing her leg, and her life, she has been and still is in rehabilitation. In October she will take an enormous leap and WALK down the aisle. I first spoke to this incredible lady on the phone tonight as she asked me to play for her Wedding. She‚Äôs coming over wigh Brian next week for a cuppa and to go through music for the big day. I feel so honoured to be a part of this journey for her and can‚Äôt wait to watch her walk down the aisle. There won‚Äôt be a dry eye, I‚Äôm sure of it ūüíē ‚ÄúStrength doesn‚Äôt come from the things you can comes from overcoming the things you thought you couldn‚Äôt‚ÄĚ-unknown ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚Ä Ē‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ
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Some sleepless nights are the best. I had the greatest weekend. This video is from the I Do Magazine Wedding Fair in Leicester...I had 3hrs sleep, which usually means my demonic side emerges ūüėā but I was unusually bouncy and full of energy haha. I blame it on my friends & Husband for such a great night the night before, (though I think the mounds of candy floss from Something Sweet May have helped). We had a couples games night, playing Mr & Mrs and pict...ionary which was hilarious. We all argued at some point ūü§¶ūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüėā
Life is to be enjoyed, so if you‚Äôre not enjoying life, grab it by the horns and take control ūüėė you won‚Äôt regret it ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚Ä Ē‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ- ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ
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More about Alexandra The Violinist

Alexandra The Violinist is located at Epworth, North Lincolnshire, United Kingdom