Ali Asif

About Ali Asif

Mind Healer



Pain hurts – in fact, it sucks! It’s a stab with a frozen knife in the heart. Living with pain feels like walking on the fire which gradually wears you down to the point when you are on your knees. There are some wounds which never show on the body. They are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds. And then there are some wounds written all over the bare skin and never truly heal and bleed again and again at the faintest words, they keep reminding us how painful the... source was. Remember, the pain you feel right now is derived from the happiness you once had.
But pain is only what you allow it to be. If you choose to suffer, you will bleed forever, however if you learn to endure it, you can weather the terminal storms. Your sorrow and suffering have something magical concealed within them. They build up your character, purify your heart and expand your soul. The feeling of suffering goes away ultimately, and strength takes its place. You just need to figure out how to guard yourself against your inner demons. Once you face your tragedies, there will always be a light at the end of the tunnel. The damage maybe everlasting and there will always be scars. But even the angriest scars diminish over time.
If pain does not teach you strength, humility and wisdom, you have wasted your sufferings. Because of pain, you can feel the beauty, tenderness, and freedom of healing. So, don’t let your sufferings go unemployed, use them for your renaissance. Your time is now to set yourself free and feel alive again. Let the sun shine on your face and let the wind touch your face while you are spreading your wings. Remember, behind every beautiful thing, there's some sort of pain, heartbreak or setback. So, face your life, its pain and its pleasure, leave absolutely no path untaken. Let it be the beginning of everything for you.
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Every new sunrise is a blank page in your life, waiting to be written. Take a deep breath, and write hope over fear, love over hate, kindness over meanness and happiness over misery. Let your heart win over your mind. #SometimesAllWeNeedIsFreshStart


Others can’t always define your true identity. You have to define it the way it suits you and never compromise it. You don’t have to be submissive to be liked – never put your pride on the line to delight others! #AliSpeaks #DontGiveADamn


Others can’t always define your true identity. You have to define it the way it suits you and never compromise it. You don’t have to be submissive to be liked – never put your pride on the line to delight others! #AliSpeaks #DontGiveADamn


Don't let the misfortunes of yesterday outshine the blessings of today. Be fully present, be fully alive! Love like it’s your last romance, sing like it’s your last song and pray like it’s your last prayer. Don't just breath - LIVE!!! #NoPastNoFutureJustRightNow


Do you struggle to find good friends? How about this if you become a great friend first? Don’t wait for people to be friendly, show them how! Everything we attracted to on daily basis is true reflection of our own character and likewise we will attract the friends the kind of person we are. When it comes to friendship, its more to do with your own definition of a “True Friend” – as no friend is a perfect friend, we all come with imperfections and seeing the good in people des...pite all their flaws is what opens the doors to some beautiful relationships. It’s a relationship that takes both sides to work.
If you simply change the way you think about others, you can become a magnet for new friends. First be who you truly are, without being fake – show that vulnerability – and provide the other person the space, and choice to be the same. Accept others just the way they are, without conditions. Don’t discard them despite their choices in life and don’t bail on them when they aren't who you want them to be. Understand them when they can’t come to rescue you and offer help whenever they are in crises. Show an effort, make an excuse to spend time with them, surprise them by showing up at their door. When they ask for your opinion on something, it means they value what you think – show them you are invested, wholeheartedly. When it’s time to get down to business, show no cheap attempt at being funny. Always be there in their darkest hours, this doesn’t mean you have to heave advice down their throat. It just means you want them to be alright. Tell them, “I’ve always got your back.” – and you mean it!
True friendship multiplies the good in life and divides its evils. Cultivating meaningful and ever lasting friendships enriches life immensely, but life goes on and everyone has their own thing to do and in the process it’s easy to lose contact. It takes effort, to maintain a good friendship – don't wait, show that effort. It’s quite seductive to focus on other’s faults but choose the “Golden 5” rule instead i.e. “Don’t criticize – build. Don’t judge – understand. Don’t force – attract. Don’t change – accept. Don’t ask – give” - show them the reasons to be seen, heard and valued!
Right Folks – Tag a friend, whom you love and trust so much that you can even reveal your best kept secret – Your WiFi Password 😊
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Life is a rollercoaster ride and it has never been or never will be perfect, so why do you continue to complain about its imperfections? Intentionally or unintentionally, you get into the habit of complaining about everything, from weather to traffic, from skin colour to weight issues, from every day prices to the food you eat. You consistently find faults in in your jobs and never seem to be happy with your boss. You whine about neighbours and relatives, impolite teenagers, ...and ungrateful spouses. Question is do you accomplish anything by complaining?
Problems and challenges in life are inevitable, you can either act, or accept! – but unfortunately, you pick the fast lane of complaining, worrying and crying, which leads to dead end. Although complaining seems amusing, as it satisfies the wrong side of your brain, but it leaves everlasting scars on your self-image, relationships and growth opportunities. Complains are like the clouds that yield no rain, no matter how thick they gather. A study shows, a half hour of complaining every day physically damages a person’s brain.
When you find yourself about to complain next time, think of your countless blessings, not everyone was fortunate to see another dawn like you did, the breath of life is not for SALE!!! So, kick this ingratitude spirit out of your blessed zone – don't feed the devil! A truly grateful person can discover peace in everything, while the person who constantly complains can find comfort in nothing! Before you ever complain about the lack of big opportunities, first be sure to grasp all the small ones that are already in front of you. So, stop complaining about life – My Friend, it has already given you much more than what you truly deserve!
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Are you tech savvy? Or social media addict? Are you among those people who look at their phone and check Facebook or any other social media app the first thing in the morning? And you can’t keep your thumbs away from uploading, liking and hash tagging. If yes, then there is good news and a bad one? Bad news is you are addicted to something which is more damaging than drugs…and the good news is you have a tool in your hand which can do wonders for you… just like Aladdin’s Magi...c Lamp!
Technology and social media have benefited our lives significantly, we have more technical, social and medical advantages than ever before. Social media is a great way to connect – people from anywhere can connect with anyone – regardless of the location and religion. It’s a platform for adding to real-life relationships or facilitating real-world meetups as it allows people to stay connected when they might otherwise never get to talk. People are using social media for donations, advice and awareness. Businesses are well connected and well equipped. Social media and technology also allow for great career avenue in making connections and networking easier. In short, tech and social media allow users to create a sense of belonging by redefining their way of existence.
However, excessive use of tech or social media can contribute to addictive behaviour and mental health issues. Keep checking social media while driving or while eating out with friends and family not only expose you to life threats, but also snubs your social contacts with your loved ones. Social media, comments, posts or even “likes” are left open to being misinterpreted. In some cases, social media is an ego-boosting activity for people with low self-esteem. Feelings of jealousy is another bigger threat, as people compare the often inflated and glorified lives of others with their own, without considering the fact that they only see a tiny snapshot of people’s lives online. While their social media walls may show as if everyone is winning at life except you, the fact is that most of their lives never make it online and you are unaware of their battles. Above all excessive use of social make you physically inactive.
Technology itself isn’t good or bad, it’s the way we use it. Take control of your life before your life is taken over by tech and social media. There is no magic bullet, but you can start with simple techniques, turn off notifications, have “No-Screen” time, turn off the phone when going to sleep and exercise more controlled use. Instead of having “Digital Neighbours & Friends” spend time with someone sitting right in front of you. Above all, may be it's time to reassess how reliant you are on the like button for your happiness!!!
My question to you is “Why do you use social media? What is your purpose?”
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How can you face the world if you are half a sleep? Wake up to an uplifting alarm tune, pray and do cardio, drink water with lemon & honey, avoid caffeine & social media, have healthy breakfast and above all, smile. #EitherYouRunTheDayOrDayRunsYou


How often do we hear of so many people complaining the lack of opportunities? All they see is closed doors to what they truly want from life. Opportunities are there, so what’s stopping them from pursuing? After all, if you don’t ask, you will won’t get!


How often do we hear of so many people complaining the lack of opportunities? All they see is closed doors to what they truly want from life. Opportunities are there, so what’s stopping them from pursuing? After all, if you don’t ask, you will won’t get!


Do you really want to be a Genius? But you have a perception that “Being a Genius” is some form of a supernatural power which is rare and only very few on the planet posses..... Wrong! Think again! Genius is an inner spirit, a gift which already exists in our inner being,our heart. So your job is to awaken it. Unfortunately we are so driven by the society we live in, that our Genius is beaten out of us. If you want to awaken it you have to start doing what you want, accept wh...o you really are! Be smarter and have the ability to release your genius. Be bold! Don’t worry what others think. Only you have the power to use your new found genius which was there anyway you just needed to unleash it!
So who is as a genius? A genius is often seen as strange, different, odd or even mad, a recluse, preferring only his own company. An outcast, rejected by society. He finds it difficult to connect with a social calendar and his high intellect and overall behaviour is taken as a medical condition such as Bipolar Disorder. But he is actually blessed with exceptional creativity, skills that can make very complex things look ridiculously simple. He immerses into a World where everything seems possible and doable. Geniuses have unquenchable curiosity with constant hunger for deeper knowledge of things which have been labelled as impossible. Lastly their journey in life is often difficult being ridiculed, teased and bullied by their peers, not being understood is yet another thing, which gifted unique geniuses encounter most days. Use your genius to pursue what you really want in life.
So, if you recognise any of these qualities, congratulations! You are not insane, weird, or a idiot as society tags you. You have a special gift, something valuable to offer to this World. Don’t play small with your immense talent, bless the World with it. Embrace something which signifies your genius and allows you to become limitless. There’s nothing worse than giving up on your dreams and hiding your gift by being average for the rest of your life like most people but you aren’t like other people.... you are, you! You may get called crazy, but listen no more to those who voice these words they are more than likely very average small minded people who don’t believe in success. Your job is to find out what makes you buzz and begin to perfect it. Discover your brilliance in life and own your natural abilities to perfect them. Concentrate on your strengths, not in your weaknesses. The upshot is regardless of the genes we have inherited, we all have the ability to impact our own lives and the world around us for the better!
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Life’s challenges ferociously force all their might on us, not to break us but to build us, they are needed to get us out of our cracked skin. After every grief there's a comfort, waiting to be embraced by our daunted hearts! #UnderstandTheWhyInYourPain


Your life is yours, none can live it for you! Why oh why would you give others the opportunity to control it? So many people’s dreams have shattered all because of “The Opinion of others”. Weight of other’s opinion is like lid on your brain and you unconsciously become so obsessed with their opinion that you gradually forget your own. Don’t ever allow yourself to be held hostage, some people will disapprove of you no matter what. The only thing you owe yourself is to become w...hoever you want to be and pave your own unique path. You are not in this World to live up to the expectations of others, nor should you feel that others are here to live up to yours.
Your self-esteem is not tied to the endorsement from others. You will only recognise your self-worth and accomplish a liberated life if you free yourself from petty opinions of others! Others can’t always define your true identity. You have to define it the way it suits you and never ever compromise it. You don’t have to be submissive to be liked – never put your pride and reputation on the line to delight others! Be quietly humble and operate in your own distinctive way and you will find, it can still be amazingly effective and rewarding.
When you stop giving a damn about what people think, you will find your freedom, it’s like breathing for the very first time. You only live once, so live without worrying about other people’s thoughts and opinion and live your life to the maximum. Let others enjoy their talks about you, but don’t let their trashy mind trouble you. Listen to your own heart and do what you want to do because only you will live with your choices. You don’t need to be validated by anyone else – you are already precious, unique and original. You just need to believe in yourself. Your destiny has been written and lies in your heart!
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Promises, promises, promises, we all make them and we have also broken them! - But How do you see promises? Do you whisper to yourself “Oh, its Ok if I don’t keep my words…Oh its Ok to let someone down…. Oh, people will eventually forget it” – Unfortunately it's a terribly aggrieved mindset!!! – How about this if same process reverses and you are on the receiving end. How would you feel? Of course, you will label other person as being “Unreliable & untrustworthy”, but why do... you have double standards?
With every single promise, you put your dependability, credibility and honestly on the line and you calculatedly invite others to put their trust in you. You also clearly understand that if you break the promise, you can’t expect them to trust you anymore and you will be treated with scepticism in the future. If you break your promise once, it will be Ok, but if you do it twice, you will feel the heat and you will encounter trust issues. With a broken promise, you not only just hurt others, but you make your own credibility questionable. And eventually it can ruin your self-image.
On the other hand, keeping a promise speaks volume about you, your personality, integrity and honestly. It also unfolds how you see and value relationships. It is said “treat others the way you want to be treated”. Keeping promises is the fundamental principle of a healthy and mutually respected relationship. When you know you can count on others and likewise they can count on you, trust deepens and grudges fade away. Promises spread hope...when you make a promise, you shine a light on something dull and hopeless.
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Immerse into your genius and find your own faults. Your blindness to those flaws can cause you to collapse and your enemies can exploit them. Be brave, uproot your deep seeded bad habits and discover your true identity. #DontMaskYourFualtsWithPride


Ask yourself one thing, are you going through life looking for someone, or going somewhere to find a helping healing hand? If the answer is yes??? You may never find it! Healing is an art and it all starts from you. Every part of your body has its own consciousness, build the ability to listen and talk to them. If you just sit back and think you’ll no longer have the sadness, anguish, guilt, anger and fear you are feeling right now and they will fade away as the time goes on..., then you are terribly wrong. You can compress the wounds with food, with drugs, with work, but eventually it will all ooze through and will stain your life forever. You must find the strength to open the wounds, stick your hands inside, pull out the core of the pain that is holding you in your past memories.
What does it take to heal your wounds? Well, you have to make a conscious choice by introspecting or working through your emotions, your anger, the blame, resentment and much sadness. You won’t always forget the person or the past event, but you can always come to terms with the loss and the circumstances around the loss with the passage of time and hold that experience as a beautiful life lesson that lived out its purpose. When you remind yourself that you are stronger than your depression and braver than your loneliness you won’t be exhausted anymore.
In a nutshell, scars are a reminder that your past was real, however you were strong enough to get through it. Running away from your grief will simply inflate your spirit, face it – accept it and work through it. The process won’t be easy, and you will be knocked over many time and you would even question your inner strength, but don’t let it distract you. The emotions that can break you have the strange power to heal you as well. You have always been criticising yourself for years and it hasn't worked, why not approve yourself and see the amazing turnaround. Have your walls crack open and let the light come in - rebuild - rebrand - relive!
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The wounds instigated by emotional unrest leave us with everlasting scars, but these scars are a reminder that despite all the heartaches, sufferings and wrinkles, we weathered all the storms and fought, loved & lived. #ScarsAreRealHealingIsAChoice


What’s holding you back from the opportunities that are there? Fear, feeling like you are not good enough? Or worthy? Delete these thoughts from your mind! If you don’t open that door you will never know! You will be stuck in the rut for ever more. You are limitless, and your possibilities are endless. You have no idea what you can accomplish with your infinite potential. When you stretch yourself beyond your limits, the Universe presents you with an opportunity to rise to yo...ur potential. All you need is an honest heart to visualise and seize it.
However, you never reach your true potential until you challenge yourself to go beyond your own limitations. Life’s challenges and adversities can hit you hard, but they unlock your true strengths and unveil the real you. Many people are stuck in a mental prison of self-doubt that blinds them to their own potential. They settle for a life of mediocrity.
If you limit yourself to the decisions which don't make you feel uncomfortable, you detatch yourself greatly from what you truly want, and all you are left with is a compromise and you never feel accomplished. Work hard, dream big, shoot higher and do not let the memories of your past limit the potential of your future. So, forget the past, you can do it right now, this very moment. Do not allow anyone, including yourself, to weaken the spirits of your potential. Show the world REAL YOU - chase your greatness! #CelebrateAndHonourYourPotential
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This person is a source of light in darkness he is serving humanity with his whole heart...if everyone were like him this world would be Jannah.


This is such a great page,it gives you strenght to be believe in yourself,and know your worth...If you want to archieve something in your life,you have to work for it and stand open for everything is coming your way,ok sometimes it's not always easy ,but if you are a warrior ,you never give up....Thank you Ali for awakeness us.:)


This is such a great feeling to see Asif Ali growing both professionally and personally. we know each other from more than a decade; his everyday thoughts are quite inspirational and made people's day; way to go Asif; keep the torch lit..!


The most realistic nd motivating approach u adopted sir really liked this page


Thank u sir for such a great mind healing...what u post here is really reaches in heart and mind v clearly...Plz carry on this great service to all human beings...we r grateful to uu...


I just saw ur one post but really it insists me to like ur page and obviously'i inspire by ur thoughts.....I think I will be learn alot from ur lectures....stay blessed


I have been with Ali asif posts for a few weeks now and find the reading of his posts very helpfull and understanding and it's so loveley to no someone that speaks such loveley words x


I find Ali’s posts very inspirational and achievable, his own challenging past proves you can succeed and be successful in one’s own right. I wish Ali all the very best in all he does.


� � �


This person is a source of light in darkness he is serving humanity with his whole heart...if everyone were like him this world would be Jannah.


This is such a great page,it gives you strenght to be believe in yourself,and know your worth...If you want to archieve something in your life,you have to work for it and stand open for everything is coming your way,ok sometimes it's not always easy ,but if you are a warrior ,you never give up....Thank you Ali for awakeness us.:)


This is such a great feeling to see Asif Ali growing both professionally and personally. we know each other from more than a decade; his everyday thoughts are quite inspirational and made people's day; way to go Asif; keep the torch lit..!


The most realistic nd motivating approach u adopted sir really liked this page


Thank u sir for such a great mind healing...what u post here is really reaches in heart and mind v clearly...Plz carry on this great service to all human beings...we r grateful to uu...


I just saw ur one post but really it insists me to like ur page and obviously'i inspire by ur thoughts.....I think I will be learn alot from ur lectures....stay blessed


I have been with Ali asif posts for a few weeks now and find the reading of his posts very helpfull and understanding and it's so loveley to no someone that speaks such loveley words x


I find Ali’s posts very inspirational and achievable, his own challenging past proves you can succeed and be successful in one’s own right. I wish Ali all the very best in all he does.

More about Ali Asif
