Alice Ruggles Trust

About Alice Ruggles Trust

Tragically, Alice Ruggles was murdered on 12th October 2016.
The Alice Ruggles Trust is here to raise awareness of the issues relating to her death.

Alice Ruggles Trust Description

The Alice Ruggles Trust has been set up by Alice's family and friends after she was murdered on 12th October 2016.
Our aim is to raise awareness of the circumstances surrounding Alice's murder such as stalking and coercive control. We are looking to educate people around these issues, lobby for legal measures, specific projects and research and much more. We are also going to work with charities such as the Suzy Lamplugh Trust and Women's Aid who share our mission to make people safe



Help your children be aware of the dangers of stalking and coercive control. download our free PSHE lesson plans here: #TalkStalking


Every donation helps us raise awareness of stalking and help prevent further murders from stalking


The current pandemic doesn't lessen any fear or distress you are suffering because of stalking. If you need help, the National Stalking Helpline is still open to support you. You can reach them here:


It's vital to create a society that understands the dangers of stalking, listent to Alice's story here:


We are looking for champions to join our trustee board! Find out more here: #trustee #charity #volunteering


We are proud of the Alice Ruggles Trust Relationship Safety Resource. Aimed at key stage 4 (14- to 16-year-old) students, the two lesson plans and accompanying materials promote awareness of unhealthy relationship behaviours and stalking in order to help protect young people from the potential risks in such situations. The focus throughout is on raising awareness of the steps young people can take to support their safety and emotional wellbeing whilst reinforcing that stalking and harassment are both socially unacceptable and illegal.


The Alice Ruggles Trust Relationship Safety Resource, launched in March 2019, is a package of quality-assured teaching materials and lesson plans on stalking and coercive behaviour that are freely available to secondary teachers throughout the UK as part of the relationships aspect of the new statutory RSE strand of PSHE education.


Dhillon left flowers and chocolates for Alice. She did not find this charming or flattering, it was scary and distressing. If you are concerned about someone's behaviour, contact the National Stalking Helpline


Alice broke up with Dhillon but he was not prepared to accept no for an answer. In the ensuing weeks he bombarded Alice with phone calls, voice messages, texts and emails. Some were pleading; others were aggressive and threatening. He also contacted her family and friends. In one message he stated he was not used to being denied what belonged to him. These are stalking behaviours. They are illegal and should be dealt with by the police.


During their brief relationship, Dhillon was critical of Alice's appearance, the way she lived life, and of her friends and of family members. Her friends and colleagues noticed that she was becoming withdrawn and distracted, and was losing weight. She had also stopped socialising. She fell out with her housemates and moved to a new ground-floor flat in Gateshead, shared with her work colleague Maxine. Dhillion used coercive and controlling behaviours to isolate Alice.


We work to raise awareness of Alice's tragedy to try and ensure this never happens to anyone else, that the police learn lessons, and our friends and family recognise the signs of stalking.


We are proud of the Alice Ruggles Trust Relationship Safety Resource. Aimed at key stage 4 (14- to 16-year-old) students, the two lesson plans and accompanying materials promote awareness of unhealthy relationship behaviours and stalking in order to help protect young people from the potential risks in such situations. The focus throughout is on raising awareness of the steps young people can take to support their safety and emotional wellbeing whilst reinforcing that stalking and harassment are both socially unacceptable and illegal.


Coercive behaviours can be really subtle and hard to recognise. In this podcast we explore some of the signs of an unhealthy relationship for Alice. If recognise any of these situations yourself, help and support is available.


It's important that we all recognise the signs of coercion so we can look out for our friends and family. Listen to our podcast to hear about some of the signs in Alice's story.


During August and September, Alice received a torrent of messages from Dhillon — texts, emails, and voicemails from several different phones. In some he professed his undying love; in others he used emotional blackmail, crying down the phone or threatening to kill himself. In yet others he was more menacing, using veiled threats to release compromising photographs that he had secretly taken of her.' If this sounds familiar to you, the National Stalking Helpline is there to support you.


Murdered by my stalker' is a powerful TV documentary telling Alice’s story. If you are concerned about someone's behaviour towards yourself, your friend, or your family member, help and support is available.


The Alice Ruggles Trust Relationship Safety Resource, launched in March 2019, is a package of quality-assured teaching materials and lesson plans on stalking and coercive behaviour that are freely available to secondary teachers throughout the UK as part of the relationships aspect of the new statutory RSE strand of PSHE education.

More about Alice Ruggles Trust