Alison Jones

About Alison Jones

Publisher and book coach, director of Practical Inspiration Publishing and host of The Extraordinary Business Book Club.

Alison Jones Description

After a 22-year career in trade and scholarly publishing working with major publishers such as Oxford University Press and Macmillan, during which I pioneered digital publishing, I trained as a coach and set up Alison Jones Business Services and the Practical Inspiration Publishing imprint in 2014 to establish a new model: partner publishing.

I work with businesses and organizations wanting to build their brand and reach. My focus is on clarifying the strategic purpose for the book, coordinating content creation and publication with core business activities, and creating superb books with professional, polished editorial and production standards.

I am also an affiliate associate with Maverick Publishing Services, offering a wide range of consulting services to the publishing industry, an associate with training and creative agency Thread at the University of Falmouth, and an associate lecturer with Brookes University, teaching on their MA in Publishing.

What can I do for you?
* executive coaching
* small business coaching
* workshops (eg innovation, content strategy)
* publishing (both traditional and self-publishing)
* scholarly and academic publishing
* digital publishing
* content marketing
* strategy
* innovation
* knowledge management