Alive Mentorship Platform

About Alive Mentorship Platform

Alive Mentorship Group is an online mentorship platform for young adults across the world that provides an avenue for young adults to learn practical life lessons across geographical barriers. The platform runs on Whatsapp at the moment.



BIRTHDAY EPISODE *#WhatMy20sTaughtMe | Episode 8 (Final Episode) 2016-2019: WEDDING, SEX, PREGNANCY & PARENTING
Video Link:
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#WhatMy20sTaughtMe | Episode 7 2015: HOW TO GO TO BED HAPPY
Video Link:
... Two major events are the highlights of my 2015 and both events taught me how to live a fulfilled life.
1. The #50HappyPeople Challenge (May 1 to 31) 2. Establishing Alive Mentorship Group (August 1)
Key points:
— If you want to go to bed happy each day, be intentional about helping someone, appreciating someone, praying for someone, playing with someone and/or saying yes to someone...on a daily basis. — Help . Appreciate. Pray. Play. Yes! — Fulfilment is in blessing others with what you've been blessed — You glorify God by amplifying the expression of His image on fellow humans. Doing that is exactly #HowToGoToBedHappy each day! — When you help, you bring out the life of God in the people you are helping
Scriptures: Genesis 12:3; 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
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See you tomorrow!
PS: This and over a hundred such videos are available on the Alive Mentorship Group on Facebook—an online mentorship platform for young adults across the globe, providing an avenue to learn practical life lessons across geographical barriers. If you will like to be a part, just click here: orship/ and/or get added to the Telegram group here: 2dQ .
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Video Link:
... 2014 is the only year till date that I never got to see Anu physically. Hence we thought to do a video together to explore what that phase looked like for both of us...
Yes, the video is a bit longer than what we'll normally do, but that's because of some very practical questions that Eleos asked towards the latter part of the video. Watch to the end; you will surely find it helpful.
Key points:
— If you are purposefully busy, you will hardly have time missing someone unhealthily — To avoid disappointment, don't expect too much from your partner... — You can miss someone without dwelling too much on the "missing" — Leverage on different available means of communication — Don't put so much expectation on your partner (Yes, we say it again) — Communicate with each other CLEARLY — Explore creative ways to bridge the distance — Leverage on every opportunity to keep the conversation going — Having healthy friendships also helps — Talking about your partner also helps… — It also helps to not talk about your partner's deficiency to your friends... — Be confident in your partner… Don't be a "monitoring spirit" to your partner; it's a sign of distrust.
Questions and Answers Q1. "Why do guys (sometimes) get so busy, they can't even text?" Answer summary: Our brains don't work the same way… Women are wired to multi-think and multi-task...unlike men. Men are born with a "brain deficiency"
Q2. How were you able to stay undistracted by other ladies? Answer summary: I chose to intentionally, aggressively and constantly declare publicly: "This is the woman I love!"
Scriptures: Ecclesiastes 9:10
Feel free to share.
See you tomorrow!
PS: This and over a hundred such videos are available on the Alive Mentorship Group on Facebook—an online mentorship platform for young adults across the globe, providing an avenue to learn practical life lessons across geographical barriers. If you will like to be a part, just click here: orship/ and/or get added to the Telegram group here: 2dQ .
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#WhatMy20sTaughtMe | Episode 5 2013: LET YOUR LITTLE LIGHT SHINE
Video Link:
... Key points:
1. You have no idea how much influence you make by living out your Christian life.. 2. There is such a thing as preaching without words... “Preach the Gospel at all times. When necessary, use words.” ~ St. Francis of Assisi 3. Actions speak louder than words... 4. The things you do living out your "normal" Christian life goes a long way!
Scriptures: Matthew 5:16
Full Playlist of all the videos in the series available via: 1. YouTube - 2. Facebook - orship/videos
Feel free to share.
See you tomorrow!
PS: This and over a hundred such videos are available on the Alive Mentorship Group on Facebook—an online mentorship platform for young adults across the world that provides an avenue to learn practical life lessons across geographical barriers. If you will like to be a part, just click here: orship/ and/or get added to the Telegram group here: 2dQ .
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#WhatMy20sTaughtMe | Episode 4 2012: HOW TO JOURNEY INTO THE UNKNOWN
Video Link:
... Key points:
1. Trust God's voice more than facts... 2. Surround yourself with wise counsel 3. Go for fulfilment; not money
Scriptures: John 6:63; Hebrews 11:3
Feel free to share.
See you tomorrow!
PS: This and over a hundred such videos are available on the Alive Mentorship Group on Facebook—an online mentorship platform for young adults across the globe, providing an avenue to learn practical life lessons across geographical barriers. If you will like to be a part, just click here: orship/ and/or get added to the Telegram group here: 2dQ .
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#WhatMy20sTaughtMe | Episode 3 2011: RELATIONSHIPS (Friendships)...
Featuring: Anu Ola
... Video Link:
Key points:
1. Friendships are [priceless]. 2. Don't take the destiny-laden friendships in your life for granted. 3. Don't limit your friendship circles to people of same sex. 4. Define your friendships with the opposite sex from the start. 5. Don't let your "friendships" ruin your marital relationship. 6. (Ladies...) Don't overthink your friendship with a brother God sent to help you as a friend. 7. Clear boundaries are the best!
Scriptures: Proverbs 18:24
Feel free to share.
See you tomorrow!
PS: This and over a hundred such videos are available on the Alive Mentorship Group on Facebook—an online mentorship platform for young adults across the world that provides an avenue to learn practical life lessons across geographical barriers. If you will like to be a part, just click here: orship/ and/or get added to the Telegram group here: 2dQ .
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#WhatMy20sTaughtMe | Episode 2 2010: While You Wait...
Video Link:
... You can read up more about the story shared in the video in my book, "Waiting Compass: Finding God when He seems to delay" available here: Finding-seems-P…/…/
Key points:
1. "When God closes a door, He opens a window" 2. Almost often, our disappointments come 
with inlets to other opportunities 3. Open your eyes!!!
Scriptures: Genesis 21:8-21; Proverbs 23:18
Feel free to share.
See you tomorrow!
PS: This and over a hundred such videos are available on the Alive Mentorship Group on Facebook—an online mentorship platform for young adults across the world that provides an avenue to learn practical life lessons across geographical barriers. If you will like to be a part, just click here: orship/ and/or get added to the Telegram group here: 2dQ .
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#WhatMy20sTaughtMe | Episode 1 2009: The Burden of Unanswered Prayers
Pre Script: For my annual birthday series this year, I’ll be doing some daily video reflections on this last decade zooming into some key lessons I learnt through my twenties. Here’s Episode 1.
... Video link:
You can read up more about the story shared in the video here: osts/10212371765753969
Key points:
1. Death has lost its power 2. Unanswered prayer is OK!
Feel free to share.
The series continues shortly.
PS: This and over a hundred such videos are available on the Alive Mentorship Group on Facebook—an online mentorship platform for young adults across the world that provides an avenue to learn practical life lessons across geographical barriers. If you will like to be a part, just click here: orship/ and/or get added to the Telegram group here: 2dQ
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New Releases (£1.99 or less) - ses-199-or-less


Free Book: #Unaddicted: Finding freedom from sex-related addictions - -unaddicted
“I had the privilege of getting the electronic version of this book as a free gift. It has brought great joy and deliverance to me... Reading the book has opened my eyes to the victory God has given me which I'm expected to walk in. I have never seen it in the way you brought it… I am still reading the book over and over again and the more I read, the mor...e I see Him help me overcome in my daily life.” — Funmi, Nigeria
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It was nice debating with you, Anu :)


ON YOUR WAY TO MARITAL BEAUTY - Part 2 Three Doors you should open... #iRemember | Episode 336
_[Author's note: This is the second door in the series started yesterday. Yesterday's post can be found here:…/aliv…/perm alink/1794511454183998/ The audiovisual for this episode is available here: ...Let's go!]
...Continue Reading


ON YOUR WAY TO MARITAL BEAUTY - Part 3 Three Doors you should open... #iRemember | Episode 337
_[Author's note: This is the third and final door in the series started 2 days ago. Episode 1 can be found here:…/aliv…/perm alink/1794511454183998/ Episode 2:…/aliv…/perm alink/1794897224145421/ ]
...Continue Reading


ON YOUR WAY TO MARITAL BEAUTY - Part 1 Three Doors you should open... #iRemember | Episode 335
[Author's note: Apologies for being silent over the weekend. My wife and I went for an annual Valentine Dinner in Bradford followed by a Youth Sunday in which I was invited to speak to the singles on getting ready for marital life. Thankfully, the book we are reading this month has offered me some perspectives to look in retrospect into my own journey into marriage with my wife an...
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MATURING IN PRAYER (Part 1) #iRemember | Episode 338 (an excerpt)
...Today's point: PRAYER OF AGREEMENT IS NOT ABOUT ASKING PEOPLE TO AGREE WITH YOU ON YOUR BASIC NEEDS. No! I don't need to ask for people to agree with me on things that I am truly and fully persuaded that God is capable of doing. I don't need to ask for a prayer of agreement on the money I need for one thing or the other. I don't need to ask for a prayer of agreement so that I will wake up tomorrow morning. W...hy? These are things I'm persuaded God can do and will do so long as it aligns with His best intentions for me.
But there are issues we will encounter in life that will REALLY SHAKE OUR FAITH. There will be times when you will know deep down that God can do something➖at least, you've found a promise in His Word that He will➖but you are finding it hard to lay a hold on that promise. At that point, you may need someone to agree with you. Prayer of agreement is not to agree that your needs will be met but to agree that the promise from God's Word about your situation which you are struggling to truly believe will become true for you.
One of you here sent me a message about her nephew that was hospitalized after a fainting episode. When she spoke to her dad some evenings afterwards to check on the situation of things, in her own words, she said "my faith shook when I heard my dad's voice on the phone this evening. Sir, I want God to touch this boy between now and in the next one hour." That's something that requires a prayer of agreement! We agreed together right there and then reminding each other of God's promise concerning the young man. 3 days later, she sent another message to say the boy is now doing just fine➖he was watching cartoon when she called that morning.
The major thing to draw from that case study: Her faith shook! I think that's the main prerequisite for a prayer of agreement➖and we all get to that point along our journeys when we encounter stuffs that REALLY shake our faith. It makes sense to surround ourselves with believers at that point who can 'help our unbelief' by adding their faith to ours…and God's counsel shall stand.
I think there will be more instalments to come later to grow our understanding and attitude to prayer generally. But I thought I should drop that this morning...A prayer of agreement is not an automatic release button that guarantees an answer to your 'request'.
I hope that helps.
#iRemember is a daily mentoring retrospective look at Chronicles of my past drawing life lessons from past experiences. It is exclusive to members of Alive Mentorship Platform. The platform is basically for teenagers and young adults (25 and below) that, by God's grace, my wife and I are trying to pour into. If you will like to be a part, just click here: ementorship/ .
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FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR GLORIOUS FUTURES... (An excerpt) #iRemember | Episode 116
[Author's note: The full post is available here:…/aliv…/perm alink/1796908387277638/ ]
... ...If you are in a relationship where you are not sure where you stand or where it's headed, FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR GLORIOUS FUTURE before you conclude on your selfish assumption, why not ask God with an unbiased mind? (And be willing to accept what He says). The wisdom to end unhealthy/purposeless relationships is however accessed from God Himself.
It won't be out of place to actually take some time out and wait on God for clear wisdom to have such a conversation with that lady or that guy such that won't make things go worse but will release the two of you to go and fulfil God's best for your individual lives.
Lord, relationally, lead me in the way that I should go, and with Your help, I will obey IJN.
#iRemember is a daily mentoring retrospective look at Chronicles of my past drawing life lessons from past experiences. It is exclusive to members of Alive Mentorship Platform. The platform is basically for teenagers and young adults (25 and below) that, by God's grace, my wife and I are trying to pour into. If you will like to be a part, just click here: ementorship/ .
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