Alkaline Juice Factory

Monday: 08:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 19:00
Friday: 08:00 - 19:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 19:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 17:00

About Alkaline Juice Factory

Freshly made organic alkaline juices, smoothies and delicious vegan street food. Don't be shy, come and try!

Alkaline Juice Factory Description

Freshly made organic alkaline juices, smoothies and delicious vegan street food. Don't be shy, come and try!



Day 36 on Da Raw Ting💚 Upstairs at Cheapside Market in town there’s a small lil food shop that sells alkaline hot food called Renentet – Food for the Gods. It’s been there since 2008 and the owners a husband and wife duo, Kory and Carolann Lashley are inspired by the teachings of Alfredo Bowman. In fact Dr Sebi ate there when he came to Barbados for one week in August 2014. Much talk of Dr Sebi atm with the untimely murder of Nipsey Hustle. Important to realise that as the Cr...ips and the Bloods get inspired to show unity in memory of an inspirational individual who was giving back to his community.., can that inspiration grow and spread so that poor isolated people all over the world can recognise their true worth and value as a united force standing together..., forever?? I hope so. Just as Dr Sebi inspired me to open Alkaline..., isn’t that the core essence to the Nipsey Hustle tragedy? That he was inspired to create a legacy to inspire and empower all people isolated by the system. Starting with his own community first, so that they could inspire others by their good actions too and so the story goes on...., and on, and on..... We can only hope to inspire others towards what is right and not what is wrong by our own actions. It’s a battle against good over evil and people will stand and fall valiantly trying and doing their best...., but the message will still out. It’s beautiful but tragic at times. Herbalism is real and not an illusion. It’s from an ancient tradition where life is still a sanctity and nature is still a source of abundant life to share and preserve and not make money off of. We don’t need to patent nature coz we are nature and nature is us. Is for the benefit of all and not some. #fuckthebigpharmas #fuckthebigfarmers #thereisstillhope #knowledgeisthekey #unlockthetruth #cleanair #cleanwater #alkalinediet #betterthinking #nonhybridfoods #saynotofoodgreed #inspirebyactions #inspirationalpeople #positiveactions #createchangeforgood #inspiredbydrsebi #drsebiinspiredme #healingherbs #herbalism #positivevibrations #unityisstrength #peaceandlove #mannersandrespect #ancestral #mothernature #spirituality #inspirechange #goodoverevil @ Cheapside Public Market
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Last night the moon was visible again in full waxing splendour. The moons not been visible these last few days but it’s still been working it’s magic. New Moon is the 1st primary phase and it occurs the moment when the Sun and Moon are aligned, with the Sun and Earth on opposite sides of the Moon. A New Moon cannot normally be seen from Earth as only the dark side of the Moon faces our planet at this point and the moon doesn’t light up for a bit👀....,it’s paradoxically LIT! I... love it!!💜 The greatest difference between high and low tide also known as spring tides, takes place around New Moon/ Dark Moon as well as Full Moon. The sea is especially active and energetic during these respective phases. Last night I saw a waxing moon crescent appear in the night sky just after sunset. After New Moon/ Dark Moon is the beginning of the first intermediate phase called the Waxing Crescent Moon and that’s what I saw in the night sky last night. In the past...., this was traditionally called New Moon while the darkest phase or true New Moon was called Dark Moon. This traditional definition of New Moon is still in use in many cultures today, as with defining the beginning of the months for instance in both the Islamic and Hindu Calendars. When it comes to the spiritual aspects of New Moon many cultures and faiths in the world participate in various New Moon rituals, gatherings, holidays and festivals. Spiritually I think it’s a good time to meditate and reflect on personal desires, dreams ambitions and intentions going forwards. A great time for spiritual growth and to harness upon New Moon healing energy in tandem with healing sun energy too. In this manner, the New Moon is rich with symbolism. It represents a time of great self-awareness and positivity where hopes and visions for the future can be manifested in the here and now. #nature #divine #ancestral #sun #moon #god #goddess #universallove #creation #balance #aware #earthshine #spiritual #darkmoon #moonrise #moonstone #moonphases #energy #manifest #love #gratitude #astral #succeed #intention #vision #positive #peace #vibrations #connect #growth @ Enterprise/Miami Beach
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Had to post this as a lil reminder to myself as to how lucky I am to be able to work in a place like Alkaline Juice Factory. To have a vocation in life that enables me to meet everyday good, upbeat, positive, energetic people that are inspired by the principles of food being medicine and food being health for life is a divine gift. Beautiful souls who vibrate on a full spectrum of light where solidarity, peace and love are necessary, core values, critical to the journey that ...we choose to be on. The real alchemy is when we question everything all the time and resist the lure of mock food, mock information and mock science in the pursuit of being at oneness and peace with ourselves and the universe. We never discriminate..., no no no no!! We love wuna with a passion coz it’s you...,Our beloved customers..., with a lil help from the inimitable bra D Sunday who have proved yet again what immense value YOU are to the universe in getting truths out there for us all to question. As we enter into a new year and welcome in the spring new moon and say goodbye to winter for another year I would like to focus on the positives and remind myself of the many discussions and fun moments that have taken place in Alkaline in the 3.5 years it’s been open. To reflect on some of the incredible moments and incredible people that have become incredible friends too. I want to thank all o wuna who’ve shown Alkaline so much love and support over this time. Even the ones that haven’t...., thank you! Can’t forget to mention all the amazing staff members that have made it happen too..., thank you! It’s not been an easy road but it’s been an immensely fulfilling journey so far and I can’t wait to get back to it and building a strong new Alkaline team going forward into the spring/ summer. Alkaline is nothing without YOU ALL!! You are the oxygen, the alkaline food and the coconut water that is the sustainance keeping Alkaline’s engine burning and the Juice Factory’s wheels turning. Back soon! Stay strong! Stay alkaline! Avoid mock foods!💯🙏🏾 #alkalinecleanse #humble #grateful #thankful #peace #love #oneness #knowledge #wisdom #overstand #drsebi #inspired #ancestral #universallove
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Soursop Challenge. Day 25 on Da Raw Ting and the story continues. 10am every Wednesday at Oistins fish market I have a Soursop Rendezvous with a lovely Jamaican lady who sells soursop imported from the island of St Vincent, which is approx 96 miles off the north coast of Barbados. Bajan home supplies of soursop seems to have been exhausted in my local area so these imported soursop from St Vincent are my life blood at the mo.💯 One a day..., sometimes 2 depending on the size, ...keeps me properly raw powered up, ready and invigorated for anything life wants to throws at me. For those that know and for those that don’t..., I have a healthy fruit addiction to soursop at the mo and an equally strong desire to grow and farm them in the not too distant future.🙏🏾 I’ve mentioned it before but to create an environment and a community where people can gain experience and knowledge growing sustainable alkaline fruit, vegetables and herbs just as nature intended whilst living in absolute harmony with Mother Earth is where I really want to be. Some of the most interesting benefits of soursop relate to its antioxidant activity, which includes quinolones, alkaloids and acetogenins. Soursop contains several poly-phenolic antioxidants. Among them, the most prominent in the annona family of fruits are Annonaceous acetogenins. Acetogenin compounds such as asimicin and bullatacinare are powerful cytotoxins and have been found to have anti-cancer, anti-malarial, and anti-helminthes (parasitic worms) properties. These acetogenins are actually unique to the Annonanaceae plant family, which is what makes them so fascinating. They can apparently cut off blood flow to foreign or non-normal cellular growths, and have already been positively associated with treating breast, pancreatic, prostate, and lung cancers. #foodismedicine #eatraw #rawfood #fruitarian #fruitlove #healthisyourwealth #pesticidefree #herbicidefree #groworganic #preservetheseed #nongmo #permaculture #forgottentraditions #communitygrowers #supportlocalproduce #wearewhatweeat #plantpowered #soursop #alkalinecleanse #acetogenins #antioxidants #fightcancer #health #alkalinediet #plantpowered #inspire #motherearth #respect @ Oistins Fish Fry, Jump Up, Barbados!!
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Yesterday was all about the coconut. Sunday’s are all about community get togethers, friends and family, jokes and laughter, and good vibes right through. Sunday’s in Bim are about fresh pot fish in the fish market, hanging out at the beach with fam and friends and checking out the local coconut vendor for a revitalising restock on the best alkaline beverage in the universe. Yes the humble fresh green coconut! No I don’t eat fish.., I’m 100% plant based and I’ve spent the las...t 22 days just eating raw fruit so my hangout spots on Sunday morning is with the coconut vendor and the beach right thru. Today’s coconut technician is TallMan..., one of Scarborough’s finest. Manners and respect bra.., always💯 Mother Nature supplied the good vibes and fresh unpasteurised coconut water and I humbly and gratefully immersed myself in her glory. I had one coconut to drink and eat before my workout, run and swim and 3 litres of coconut water and 3 fresh jelly coconuts to restore and recover after and I felt totally amazing for the whole day. Spent the whole day at the beach chilling out with the lifeguards talking all things alkaline. I’m so enjoying being raw at the mo and appreciate how easier it is to achieve this living with the abundance of good alkaline food on my doorstep. That’s what we try to offer at alkaline 7 days a week but it’s hard work. The natural world always seems so far removed in London and the cost for nature’s finest food stock is so exaggerated. Plus the sun sea and sand has a massive effect on the human psyche that energises and motivates the spirit to higher heights. There is no feeling like it.💯💚 Coconut water is such a rejuvenator it’s hard to imagine a life without it.🤔😳 It’s so influential to my life and my family and I give thanks and praises to the most high for its existence, it’s knowledge and it’s amazing benefits. 🙏🏾🙌🏾💚 #freshcoconutwater #alkalinefoods #hydration #electrolyte #alkalinejuicefactory #foodismedicine #eatraw #rawvegan #healthisyourwealth #gratitude #groworganic #preservetheseed #permaculture #coconutvendors #communitygrowers #supportlocalproduce #wearewhatweeat #plantpowered #mind #body #soul #heart #spirit #love
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Day 21..., on Da Raw Ting still!! Eternal gratitude to the universe for the humble seeded red grape.💯💜🌅 Did you know seeded red grapes contain several important nutrients and powerful plant compounds that benefit our health!! Though they contain natural sugar, they have a low glycemic index (GI) of 53, (the measure of how quickly a food raises blood sugar,) and they don’t raise blood sugar levels at all.😉 Antioxidants in grapes, such as Resveratrol, reduce inflammation and ma...y help protect against colon cancer, breast cancer, heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes and bowel disease.👀 Resveratrol has also been shown to activate genes associated with slower aging and longer lifespan as well as helping to protect against and fight bacterial and viral infections. It’s also been shown to help protect against high cholesterol levels by decreasing cholesterol absorption in the body. The assimilatory power of red grapes is high, which increases the moisture in the lungs which in turn helps with asthma too. They contain many key minerals necessary for bone and hair health, including calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper, phosphorus, manganese, iron, and selenium. One cup (151 grams) of grapes contains 288 mg of potassium, which is 6% of your RDI. This mineral is necessary for maintaining healthy blood pressure levels in the body. Plant compounds and flavanoids in red grapes have also been shown to improve memory, attention and mood and may even help protect against Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease...., and so the list of benefits goes on. Small but impressive and massively instrumental in helping our bodies maintain a healthy nutrient rich plant based diet packed full of antioxidants, compounds, vital minerals and phyto nutrients to help keep our body, mind and spirit health in full ascendancy. Often overlooked because of the mass proliferation of the seedless European Thomson version excursion but never overlook the electric, non hybrid, as nature intended, seeded version. These could never be overrated nor it’s nutritional qualities ever overstated. #redgrapeseed #rawvegan #resveratrol #rawfood #fruitarian #love #nature #gratitude #joy #health #wellbeing @ Poreys Spring, Saint Thomas, Barbados
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Day 19 on Da Raw Ting and me nah look back. Everyday I give humble thanks for the gift of fruit and raw fruit and vegetables. Just like the universe which is perfectly balanced..., balance is fundemental to l so many strands of life..., but especially nutrition and diet. This is probably the longest I’ve gone solely eating fruit..., with walnuts, hemp seeds, seamoss, coconut jelly and nuff coconut water thrown into the mix for added value.... So now I need to ramp up my greens intake which I’ve neglected recently because of the rich abundance of super fresh electric fruit in my life. I missed my soursop appointment this week Wednesday so for all you PawPaw/ Papaya lovers out there here’s what good vibes you can expect to get from this tropically fibrous fruit force to be reckoned with. PawPaw is good for digestion. It’s a good natural source of water and it’s packed full of antioxidants to keep skin glowing and hair healthy. With a good source of phytonutrients and flavanoids that help the body fight the affects of aging, especially macular degeneration, it also contains alpha and beta carotenes which are proven to help with reduced cancer risk, especially prostate cancer in the under 40s.👏🏾 Also the fibre content in PawPaw has been proven to help balance and improve insulin levels in both type 1 and type 2 diabetics. Choline is a very important and versatile nutrient found in PawPaws which helps our bodies with sleep, muscle movement, learning, and memory. Choline also helps to maintain the structure of cellular membranes, helps in the transmission of nerve impulses, assists in the absorption of fat, and reduces chronic inflammation.👍🏾✅ This may also help with joint pain and arthritis too as well as being a good source of folate, potassium, magnesium copper and panthothenic acid lutein and of course fibre. So...., let’s all love the humble electric PawPaw/ Papaya and welcome it with open arms into our diets. It won’t disappoint. #pawpaw #fruitarian #papaya #healthyfood #fruits #skincare #breakfast #rawfood #nature #health #instagood #caribbean #vegan #loveyourself #balancedapproach #alkalinecleanse #alkalinediet #rawvegan #plantbased #wellbeing #detox @ Cane Vale, Christ Church, Barbados
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Day 17. Staying in the present, loving every moment and still on Da Raw Ting. Been reading about wild foods and non man made cultivars. It’s so interesting that so many of the foods we buy and consume are man made and grown in a specific way. It got me thinking about the humble banana and how it all started. I only eat the Bluggoe or Bloggo banana and the Burro banana which we call the Buffit and the Fig bananas respectively here in Barbados and both of these alkaline powerh...ouses contain resistant starch. Starches are long chains of glucose that are found in grains, potatoes and various foods. But not all of the starch you eat gets digested. Sometimes a small amount passes through your digestive tract unchanged. In other words, it is resistant to digestion. This is called resistant starch, and it functions kind of like soluble fermentable fiber. Resistant starches can have powerful health benefits which includes improved insulin sensitivity, lower blood sugar levels, reduced appetite and various benefits for digestive health. For example, allowing a banana to ripen (turn yellow) will degrade the resistant starches and turn them into regular starches. However resistant starch goes through your stomach and small intestine undigested, eventually reaching your colon where it feeds your friendly gut bacteria. The bacteria in your intestine (the gut flora) outnumber the body's cells 10 to 1 so in that respect, you’re only 10% human 90% bacteria.😳 Whereas most foods feed only 10% of your cells, fermentable fibers and resistant starches feed the other 90%. Resistant starch feeds the friendly bacteria in your intestine and increases the production of short-chain fatty acids like butyrate which feeds the cells of your colon and leads to various improvements in the function of your digestive system. Recent studies have shown that resistant starch improves insulin sensitivity and lowers blood sugar levels, especially after meals. By improving insulin sensitivity and lowering blood sugar, resistant starch may help you avoid chronic disease including metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease and Alzheimer's while improving the your quality of life too.💯 @ Cheapside Public Market
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Day 15 on Da Raw Ting. Always find myself going back to this amazing plant based alkaline food source. It's so versatile and packed full of nutrients to keep our body in tip top condition, providing us with super food goodness for our body and mind and a source of energy that could also be used to help fuel our planet. It’s the complete package. A permacultural sledgehammer and a delicious natural alkaline food and water source. Nothing else quite like it in the universe. If was used as a replacement for saline in a world war because it is sterile and has the same ph as human blood then you know it’s the real deal.🙌🏾🙌🏾💚 What I’m curious about it how they discovered these facts in the first place. It’s so intriguing..., but facts they are. The plant takes about 6-7 years before it will flower and each coconut takes about 9 months to grow on the tree just like a baby in the womb. Its packed full of key minerals to help support life to the fullest. It’s high in antioxidants, is anti inflammatory and contains only healthy fats that help the body with mineral absorption. It’s a raw food super food and is totally unique. So let’s celebrate life and give thanks for the humble fresh green coconut.💯💪🏾🙌🏾✅ #healthiswealth #freshcoconut #whatvegansneed #cleanandgreen #nutrition #wellness #hydration #rawfoodpower #instahealth #alkalinefoods #alkalinecleanse #glutenfree #plantpowered #plantbaseddiet #pesticidefree #cleaneating #dairyfree #naturalremedy #vitalminerals #naturalpower #organic #alkalinevegan #electricfoods #detox #alkalinecleanse #mothernature #motherearthremedy #oistins #barbados @ Cane Vale, Christ Church, Barbados
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14 days on Da Raw Ting and I’ve decided that I want to be a Soursop farmer for all the following reasons. Research has shown that Soursop leaf has hypotensive (reduce blood pressure) properties. Other properties of fresh Soursop documented by traditional uses include its use as anti-cancerous, anti-diabetes, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-malarial, anti-mutagenic (cellular protector), emetic (induce vomiting), anti-convulsant, sedative, insecticidal and uterine stimulant (...helps in childbirth)👀👏🏾. It is also believed to be a digestive stimulant, antiviral, a cardio tonic (balances and strengthens the heart), febrifuge (cures fever), nerviness (calms the nerves), vermifuge (expels worms), pediculocide (kills lice) and as an analgesic (pain-reliever.) Research has also confirmed the anti-viral activity of ethanolic extracts of Soursop against the Herpes simplex virus. Similarly extracts of Soursop have been shown to have anti-parasitic, anti-rheumatic, astringent, anti-Ieishmanial and cytotoxic effects too. Soursop has also been shown to be effective against Multi-Drug Resistant (MDR) cancer cell lines.👀💪🏾👏🏾🙌🏾 Life and health benefitting natural foods like Soursop, Avocado Pear, Key Limes, Paw Paw, Ginger, Noni, Burros Bananas, and Cherries to name but a few are all natural non hybrid superfoods that play a hugely important role in supporting our health and well being in these difficult times. Alkaline Famalay!! I wanna be a Soursop, Avocado Pear and Coconut farmer in the Caribbean immediately💯💯...., so if anyone knows of 7 acres of land I can use for an Alkaline AgroCommunity Health Grow Project in the tropics over the next 10-15 years pls let me know.🙏🏾💚 #foodismedicine #eatraw #rawfood #healthisyourwealth #pesticidefree #herbicidefree #groworganic #preservetheseed #nongmo #permaculture #forgottentraditions #communitygrowers #supportlocalproduce #wearewhatweeat #plantpowered #gorilladiet #alkalinecleanse #mind #body #soul #heart #spirit #love #light #inspire #motherearth #respect #universallove #sharethetruth @ Cane Vale, Christ Church, Barbados
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Hearts and Souls💚🙏🏾 As Da Raw Ting continues today is a day to celebrate life with two strong feeling from opposite ends of the emotional spectrum but both adding up to a double dose of sincere love remembrance and humble gratitude.💯 Today is my first born sons Earthstrong. I can’t believe where the time has gone.., but gone it has. Happy Earthstrong Benjamin..., keep that light burning bright son. Love you to the maximum..., giving thanks and praises continually for your lov...e and light.💚🙌🏾🙏🏾💯 Today is also the 10th anniversary of the passing over of my dear Dad, Winfield Thorpe. 10 years since you’ve been gone...,10 years since you moved on. Dear Dad you showed and taught us so much...., even when you were starting to lose your focus and your touch. Sadly never to be regained..., and yet you never once complained.... Coz charity and compassion was your middle name. Helping people was always the name of your game. But in trying to help everyone else..., you clearly forgot about, who else but yourself.... And so the story goes..., no more high no more lows, Just peacefulness and tranquility. More love, gratitude and remembrance for all eternity. Thank you dad for sharing your light love and charity. A loving husband, father, grandfather and friend. Forever thought about talked about and loved and celebrated by your entire family and friends. Winfield Orlando Thorpe 19.12.1932 - 15.03.2009 RIP Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with heart and soul there is no such thing as separation. Rumi #love #family #remembrance #laughter #joyful #happiness #gratitude #energy #light #togetherness #compassion #celebration #inspirational #guidance #ancestry #thanksdad #iwanttobeasoursopfarmer #imgoingtobeasoursopfarmer
@ Lodge Road, Christ Church, Barbados
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Day 3 of a lil renovation project up in Newton Terrace, Christ Church. Day 12 on Da Raw Ting and feeling some supercharged joy ready to celebrate with a delicious fresh soursop for breakfast lunch and dinner today. Just have faith in the most high and jah will guide you.💯🙏🏾 The Universe hears your call and gifts you with opportunity.💯💚 How we shine in acceptance is our gift back to the Divine Creator.... Don’t you find that giving back is always so rewarding to the human soul and lifts the spirit to inspirational heights unimaginable.💯💯 After a few adjustments to my soursop radar I’m happy to announce that an abundant supply of fresh soursop was located yesterday in the Oistins area near to the fish market at precisely 14.30. During my lunchtime excursion from work I came across this vegan fruitarian treasure trove purely by chance while searching for a coconut vendor to quench my thirst.🥥💦 Apparently they had come all the way from St Vincent in a boat..., with lots of bonifide marijuana🌱🌱💪🏾👍🏾hence the $4 per lb price tag pon dem..., but I don’t believe such scandalous talk for a hot second. All that matters to me is me finding pure raw alkaline gold right on my doorstep...., inna mi endz famalay!! Who needs mango when soursop is poppin off like fireworks night!! Soursop is life..., soursop is medicine...., soursop is raw food gold...., Certi!! Go on..., heal yourself and nourish your body with some fresh live electric food from Mother Nature today. Whenever you can and as often as you can. It won’t disappoint and your body mind and soul will thank you for it💯🙌🏾 Nothing but love..., all day and every day xx💚 #rawvegan #freshsoursop #veganlife #rawfood #healingfoods #alkalinecleanse #crueltyfree #glutenfree #dairyfree #cleaneating #organic #plantbased #fruit #healthyfoods #veganinbarbados #wholefoods #eatclean #cleaneating #health #healthylifestyle #wearewhatweeat #gratitude #plantpowered #fruitarian #positivevibrations #spreadjoy #happiness #love #beinspired
@ Oistins Fish Market
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Mindfulness and clarity of thought..., maybe drift into space and take a deep breath and jump in with a clear heart and a true intention. As you feel every cell and blood vessel explode into infinite exhilaration. Heart pumping blood rushing endorphins surge on a tidal wave of life. Heaven and earth come crashing together in triumphant applause as the Universe breathes a heavy sigh in equilibrium. Peaceful energetic full bodied surfs up and has been since the weekend or is it... since the beginning of time. Sun Moon and Earth in Mother Nature symphony of wonder unlock my emotions bringing me into peace and harmony...., and calm. To love and be in awe of all my life experiences and to give thanks to all the uncovered mysteries that is life and love and experience.🙌🏾 I’m and will be forever gracious in coming and going, in pushing and pulling towards the never ending ebb and flow...., the high and the low. To watch it grow and fade but never die. I can stare for hours and listen on a loop for days..., never tired never weary of its magic or mysterious ways. The Sun and the Moon and the forces of nature combined in Universal asymmetry. It defines me so deeply to a rhythm that is pure as I breathe a sigh and lock into it charm. Lost in the moment forever. A pleasurable paradox of truth. Sometimes I embrace with open arms but other times I just want to listen to a quintet of distorted sound. Sun Moon Wind Temp Salinity??....., can hold me on the vibe for eternity!! Oh I do love to be beside the seaside..., oh I do love to be beside the sea. #calm #peace #love #nature #meditation #life #sky #soul #spiritual #sea #relax #wisdom #hope #mind #spirituality #compassion #sunset #beautiful #travel #pray #grace #forgiveness #goodvibes #motherearth #sunandmoon #changingtides #motivation #healing #alkalinecleanse #natureinspiredpoetry
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Da Raw Ting!!🌱🦍 Day 10 of just eating raw (mostly fruit) and fresh coconut water and mi nah luk back!!😉 Feeling great! One of my biggest problems has always been not drinking enough💧but since Da Raw Ting I’m backing 2-2.5 litres of coconut water a day 💦🥥👀which for me is incredible.🙌🏾 It has really aided my muscle/ injury recovery no end 💪🏾🙌🏾as well as helped with my moods and my mental clarity also.🤔... Hydration is really important and critical to our longevity. Admittedly living on endz with a glorious electric food supply, fresh coconuts everywhere and the gift of sun sea and sand on tap, has been a massive boost too.💯💯🙏🏾 I’m of the belief that our environment shapes our wellbeing massively and supercharges the motivation in the most positive of ways💯 Didn’t set any time limit with Da Raw Ting but I’m not craving cooked food at all. Run out of soursop tho😢and haven’t seen any on the roadside stalls for a few days either.😳🤭 Soursop radar might need a lil tweak and feeling like a soursop expedition will be necessary asap.👨🏾‍🌾🇧🇧They’re sooo delicious and nutritious and recently I got a good link to a local source that I must checkout today🤞🏾🌅 This sh🌱t is serious💯 if I don’t get my soursop fix (I’ve been spoilt) and mangoes are taking long to spring forth from the trees atm coz it’s been soooo dry and hottt here. Mango is my second favourite fruit💚💚after soursop..., and then it’s fresh coconut, then red grapes w seeds💚, then it’s fig bananas, then it’s Paw Paw...., and then it’s most of the berries apart from cranberry and the other mock berries that you can find out there. What’s your favourite fruit(s) and why? What fruit(s) gives you the most satisfaction to mashdown raw??💚🙏🏾 #rawfood #vegan #rawalkalinevegan #rawvegan #healthyfood #plantbased #healthy #veganfood #detox #organic #cleaneating #glutenfree #love #healthylifestyle #food #nutrition #fruitarian #superfood #healthisyourwealth #plantpowered #wellness #stayhydrated #juicing #health #whatweshouldalleat #alkalinecleanse #foodismedicine #healing #plantpowered #gorillafood
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Without the Sun and the Moon could there be life?! Could anything grow?! Ok..., as I understand it, the Sun is who we strive to be, while the Moon is what we are most deeply.💯💯 The Sun is our outward projection of ourselves..., what we wish to be I guess and the Moon is our inner self..., which we often suppress..., most of the time.🤭 So the best time to plant a seed in the ground and for that seed to grow into a beautiful soursop and propagate another healthy seed is mostly ...linked to the relationship between these two universal entities. So...., if we are the seed then we should recognise that our optimum time for our development, for our growth, for new discoveries and for our true alignment with the universe and it’s immense power is to be in full alignment with the Sun cycle and the Moon phases.💯 Come on!!! What’s stopping you? Only yourself!🤫 #ancestralgold #asnatureinteded #permaculture #meditation #higherconsciousness #chakras #happiness #gratitude #awareness #knowledge #innerpeace #guidance #thirdeye #crystals #spiritualgrowth #love #peace #spiritualawakening #life #wisdom #soul #inspiration #enlightenment #healing #mindfulness #energy #lawofattraction #universe #positivevibes #freedom
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Without the Sun and the Moon could there be life?! Could anything grow?! Ok..., as I understand it, the Sun is who we strive to be, while the Moon is what we are most deeply.💯💯 The Sun is our outward projection of ourselves..., what we wish to be I guess and the Moon is our inner self..., which we often suppress..., most of the time.🤭 So the best time to plant a seed in the ground and for that seed to grow into a beautiful soursop and propagate another healthy seed is mostly ...linked to the relationship between these two universal entities. So if the Sun and the Moon are such natural companions..., when we worship the Sun as we do, we should also take into consideration the lunar cycles and worship the Moon as well..., standard!! So...., if we are the seed then we should recognise that our optimum time for our development, for our growth, for new discoveries and for our true alignment with the universe and it’s immense power is to be in full alignment with the Sun cycle and the Moon phases.💯 Come on!!! What’s stopping you? Only yourself!🤫 #ancestralgold #asnatureinteded #permaculture #meditation #instagood #higherconsciousness #chakras #happiness #gratitude #awareness #knowledge #innerpeace #guidance #thirdeye #crystals #spiritualgrowth #love #peace #spiritualawakening #life #wisdom #soul #faith #inspiration #enlightenment #healing #mindfulness #energy #lawofattraction #universe #positivevibes #freedom
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Day 9 raw fresh fruit and coconut water only and I’m craving kale and have finally run out of soursop😳🤔 Without the Sun and the Moon could there be life?! Could anything grow?!Question or Answer?! Ok..., as I understand it, the Sun is who we strive to be, while the Moon is what we are most deeply.💯💯 The Sun is our outward projection of ourselves..., what we wish to be I guess and the Moon is our inner self..., which we often suppress..., most of the time.🤭 So the best time to... plant a seed in the ground and for that seed to grow into a beautiful soursop and propagate another healthy seed is mostly linked to the relationship between these two universal entities. So if the Sun and the Moon are such natural companions..., when we worship the Sun as we do, we should also take into consideration the lunar cycles and worship the Moon as well. So...., if we are the seed then we should recognise that our optimum time for our development, for our growth, for new discoveries and for our true alignment with the universe and it’s immense power is to be in full alignment with the Sun cycle and the Moon phases.💯 Come on!!! What’s stopping you? Only yourself!🤫 #ancestralgold #asnatureinteded #permaculture #meditation #instagood #higherconsciousness #chakras #happiness #gratitude #awareness #knowledge #innerpeace #guidance #thirdeye #crystals #spiritualgrowth #love #peace #spiritualawakening #life #wisdom #soul #faith #inspiration #enlightenment #healing #mindfulness #energy #lawofattraction #universe #positivevibes #freedom
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Day 9 raw fresh fruit and coconut water only and I’m craving kale and have finally run out of soursop😳🤔 Without the Sun and the Moon could there be life?! Could anything grow?!Question or Answer?! Ok..., as I understand it, the Sun is who we strive to be, while the Moon is what we are most deeply.💯💯 The Sun is our outward projection of ourselves..., what we wish to be I guess and the Moon is our inner self..., which we often suppress..., most of the time.🤭 So the best time to... plant a seed in the ground and for that seed to grow into a beautiful soursop and propagate another healthy seed is mostly linked to the relationship between these two universal entities. So if the Sun and the Moon are such natural companions..., when we worship the Sun as we do, we should also take into consideration the lunar cycles and worship the Moon as well. So...., if we are the seed then we should recognise that our optimum time for our development, for our growth, for new discoveries and for our true alignment with the universe and it’s immense power is to be in full alignment with the Sun cycle and the Moon phases.💯 Come on!!! What’s stopping you? Only yourself!🤫 #ancestralgold #ancestralmagic #asnatureinteded #permaculture #meditation #instagood #higherconsciousness #chakras #happiness #gratitude #awareness #knowledge #innerpeace #guidance #thirdeye #calm #crystals #spiritualgrowth #love #peace #spiritualawakening #life #wisdom #soul #faith #inspiration #enlightenment #healing #mindfulness #energy #lawofattraction #universe #positivevibes #freedom
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Day 9 raw fresh fruit and coconut water only and I’m craving kale and have finally run out of soursop😳🤔 Without the Sun and the Moon could there be life?! Could anything grow?!Question or Answer?! Ok..., as I understand it..., the Sun is who we strive to be, while the Moon is what we are most deeply.💯💯 Like..., the Sun is our outward projection of ourselves..., what we wish to be I guess and the Moon is our inner self..., which we often suppress..., most of the time.🤭 So..., ...the best time to plant a seed in the ground and for that seed to grow into a beautiful soursop and propagate another healthy seed is mostly linked to the relationship between these two universal entities. So if the Sun and the Moon are such natural companions..., when we worship the Sun as we do, we should also take into consideration the lunar cycles and worship the Moon as well...., shouldn’t we!? So...., if we are the seed then we should recognise that our optimum time for our development, for our growth, for new discoveries and for our true alignment with the universe and it’s immense power is to be in full alignment with the Sun cycle and the Moon phases.💯 Come on!!! What’s stopping you. #ancestralgold #ancestralmagic #asnatureinteded #permaculture #meditate #instagood #spirit #higherconsciousness #chakras #happiness #gratitude #awareness #knowledge #innerpeace #guidance #thirdeye #calm #crystals #spiritualgrowth #forgiveness #love #peace #spiritualawakening #life #wisdom #soul #faith #inspiration #enlightenment #healing #mindfulness #energy #lawofattraction #inspiration #universe #positivevibes #freedom
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Very friendly and professional service give, there pancakes are delicious and I thought the juice that the lady made for me was amazing as I was spoilt for Choice but they did recommend me and make me a lovely juice


The perfect hangover cure �


So good, lovely staff and amazing food. We will be back.


Selling Everything you need to bring balance and well being to your soul 🙏🏾❤️🕊


Really nice people. David the owner is a genuinely lovely guy.

Super healthy food and juices.

You can tell they are passionate about what they do.

Now my regular drop in place


Really amazing food in terms of freshness, quality, range and, importantly, taste. I also think the price: quality ratio is incredible. Service is reassuringly slow - no premade dishes being shoved in a microwave here! I love this place. I wish I lived right next door. I'm thinking of kidnapping the extremely knowledgable and friendly chefs.


My husband first spot this place even though we literally live 7minute walk... definitely recommend it, great smoothies/juices... delicious will definitely be replacing my Starbucks pick me up for this place ....


Lovely juices and tasty wee wraps. I recommend it and I'll go again! A couple of seats on the bar to sit, but its not a 'sit down restaurant' set up. Decent prices. Friendly staff �


Just had breakfast with three beautiful women. I tried the the Alkaline Power Porridge. Filling, nutritious and splendidly presented, in vessel and hospitality ❤


I love this place , the juices are pure and delicious. So many to choose from . Slowly working my way through.

David the proprietor is a delight


I love the way the shop looks and how everything is made fresh and right in front of you. This place is a winner!


I learn something new about nutrition and myself every time I walk into Alkaline. I don't think it's an understatement to say that the good food and drink that is produced here is able to awaken the mind.


I have to say this place is live in all sense of the word from the vibe of the staff to the eating and drinking of the food ...#EATTOLIVENOTTODIE


Great service. They don't just make you a juice or a smoothie, they know everything that's going in their products and what it does for your body. Good to see a business that's passionate about what they do. Keep up the amazing work


Great people, great business and education all in one place. Yet to try the food but juices are A1 �


Great juices, delicious pancakes all served with exceptional service.. If you haven't been yet, what you waiting for?


Absolutely love this place. From their pancakes to their savoury food. Every Saturday after my circuit class at a local gym I come here to get that alkaline goodness. Highly recommended


A lovely little independent business for great raw juices and vegan foods.


1st of all let me say bless to the owner and staff (I salute u all) I turned vegan 2 yrs ago and dived straight into a alkaline diet so this shop is much needed I will say whenever I'm back in my ends visiting (as I moved out of London) I will be making my trip for breakfast and dinner trust me�. Service was A class u didn't even feel like a customer in a shop I felt like we was all friends chilling� I've never had that experience before and I once again salute you all for that. Now the food was finger licking and my alkaliser juice was on another level. The community needs you guys and I will make sure I will always support you and I'm sure the rest of the community will aswell. See you on my next visit salute and blessings.


Very friendly and professional service give, there pancakes are delicious and I thought the juice that the lady made for me was amazing as I was spoilt for Choice but they did recommend me and make me a lovely juice


The perfect hangover cure �


So good, lovely staff and amazing food. We will be back.


Selling Everything you need to bring balance and well being to your soul 🙏🏾❤️🕊


Really nice people. David the owner is a genuinely lovely guy.

Super healthy food and juices.

You can tell they are passionate about what they do.

Now my regular drop in place


Really amazing food in terms of freshness, quality, range and, importantly, taste. I also think the price: quality ratio is incredible. Service is reassuringly slow - no premade dishes being shoved in a microwave here! I love this place. I wish I lived right next door. I'm thinking of kidnapping the extremely knowledgable and friendly chefs.


My husband first spot this place even though we literally live 7minute walk... definitely recommend it, great smoothies/juices... delicious will definitely be replacing my Starbucks pick me up for this place ....


Lovely juices and tasty wee wraps. I recommend it and I'll go again! A couple of seats on the bar to sit, but its not a 'sit down restaurant' set up. Decent prices. Friendly staff �


Just had breakfast with three beautiful women. I tried the the Alkaline Power Porridge. Filling, nutritious and splendidly presented, in vessel and hospitality ❤


I love this place , the juices are pure and delicious. So many to choose from . Slowly working my way through.

David the proprietor is a delight


I love the way the shop looks and how everything is made fresh and right in front of you. This place is a winner!


I learn something new about nutrition and myself every time I walk into Alkaline. I don't think it's an understatement to say that the good food and drink that is produced here is able to awaken the mind.


I have to say this place is live in all sense of the word from the vibe of the staff to the eating and drinking of the food ...#EATTOLIVENOTTODIE


Great service. They don't just make you a juice or a smoothie, they know everything that's going in their products and what it does for your body. Good to see a business that's passionate about what they do. Keep up the amazing work


Great people, great business and education all in one place. Yet to try the food but juices are A1 �


Great juices, delicious pancakes all served with exceptional service.. If you haven't been yet, what you waiting for?


Absolutely love this place. From their pancakes to their savoury food. Every Saturday after my circuit class at a local gym I come here to get that alkaline goodness. Highly recommended


A lovely little independent business for great raw juices and vegan foods.


1st of all let me say bless to the owner and staff (I salute u all) I turned vegan 2 yrs ago and dived straight into a alkaline diet so this shop is much needed I will say whenever I'm back in my ends visiting (as I moved out of London) I will be making my trip for breakfast and dinner trust me�. Service was A class u didn't even feel like a customer in a shop I felt like we was all friends chilling� I've never had that experience before and I once again salute you all for that. Now the food was finger licking and my alkaliser juice was on another level. The community needs you guys and I will make sure I will always support you and I'm sure the rest of the community will aswell. See you on my next visit salute and blessings.

More about Alkaline Juice Factory

Alkaline Juice Factory is located at 100b Brixton hill, SW2 1AH London, United Kingdom
Monday: 08:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 19:00
Friday: 08:00 - 19:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 19:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 17:00