All Hallows School

About All Hallows School

A happy, friendly day & boarding school for boys & girls aged 3-13. A creative approach both in & outside the classroom is producing outstanding results.

All Hallows School Description

All Hallows School is a leading Independent Preparatory School welcoming boys and girls aged 3-13. Set in a beautiful rural estate close to the cities of Bath, Bristol and Wells.

Rated Excellent in all categories by ISI.



It's good to be back! Happy children everywhere this morning as we welcomed back all of our pupils and parents for the start of our Michaelmas term. The whole school came together for Assembly this morning and raised the roof with their fantastic singing of 'Give me joy in my heart' a brilliant start to the new term.
#Welcomeback #BacktoSchool2018


Not long to go now! The school is looking spick and span and we are so looking forward to welcoming our pupils and parents back on Wednesday for the start of the new school year.
#Backtoschool #Michaelmasterm2018 #freedomtolearn


Our school year drew to a close on Saturday with pupils, parents and teachers celebrating all that has been achieved together in our Prize Day. We were thrilled to be joined by special guest Carlos Acosta who shared the fascinating story of his extraordinary journey from very humble beginnings in Havana, Cuba to becoming one of the biggest ballet stars in the world.
Final words from Dr Richards: "I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your trust, back-up, willingness to work in partnership and support for one another, which is a key contributor to the education we provide. I wish you and your family a very happy and relaxing summer, and I look forward to welcoming you back in September". uh6VA


'It started with a Flourish’… it certainly did as the Brass Buddies opened the Summer Concert last night. There were some incredible performances throughout the evening and a real range of talent and diversity including a musical theatre performance from The Greatest Showman (Bea & Emily), a beautiful flute recital (Hugo) and an exquisite piece on the violin (Xanthe). The All Hallows’ Big Band got the audience going with a brilliant rendition of ‘Tequila’ and were also joined by Yr6 pupil Bel who sang the perfectly timed ‘Summertime’ to a rapt reception (see below):…/Sp ectacular-Summer-Con…


A glorious Sports Day was enjoyed by all at the weekend, thank you to all of our parents and friends for your fantastic support. Click on the link below to read about all of the records that were broken and to see photographs from the day:…/Re cord-breaking-Sports…
#AHPrepSchool #SportsDay


Our Year 8's have been having an incredible time on their camping trip. They've been kayaking today down the river Wye in glorious conditions and yesterday they enjoyed a bike ride through the woods. Tonight they will celebrate their last night camping together with a BBQ as they enjoy their final week together. More photos on Flickr..
#AHPrepSchool #PostCE #TopoftheTree


The choir sung beautifully in yesterday's mass as we witnessed the confirmation of Tia, Jenny, Jonathon, Archie, Charlie and Kristian. Confirmation is a Sacrament in the Catholic Church in which the confirmandi receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit through the imposition of hand and anointing with oils, bringing you deeper into communion with the Church. Our prayers our with the children as they continue on their spiritual path.
More photos available:


In case you didn't make it to the 'All the Fun' exhibition, this is the beautiful film our Yr8 pupil Ava created especially for the show.


Thank you to all of the schools that came to our Primary School Sports Day, Mr Emsley organised a really fun event assisted by some of our very helpful Year 8 pupils. Butleigh Primary School were the winners on the day and received a huge chocolate cake (made by the lovely Annette) as their prize. Ice lollies all around to the runners up: Beckington First School, Mells First School, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, St Joseph & St Teresa Catholic Primary School.
#AHPrepSchool #PrimarySportsDay


It's summer, and that means the days are long, the field grass is knee high, the plants are growing like crazy and the sun is out. It's the season of lemonade, bubbles, lawn-mowing and laughter. And it's time for fun!
We all look forward to an opportunity to set the rest of life aside and to escape into the sights, sounds and feelings that combine to create a delightful experience that is unquestionably nostalgic, while at the same time timeless, no matter who you are. So,... take a look at our pupils' artwork capturing the atmosphere of fun and exhilaration in its various forms. Whether circus, theme park, fairground or carnival. It's a jamboree of wonderful art from the pupils of All Hallows from Year 1 - 8.
Thank you to all of the parents who came to 'All The Fun' an art exhibition inspired by the concept of Amusement and Carnival at the Silk Mill Frome on Saturday. All who came, agreed that Ms Guppy had created an incredible exhibition and were blown away by the talent of the All Hallows' children who in turn were so excited to see their work displayed in such a dynamic, inspiring space.
#AHPrepCreative #AllTheFun
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Tia, one of our Year 8 boarders gave a very well thought out and informative talk in this morning's assembly on why she loves boarding. This comes at the end of a very busy week supporting the Boarding School's Association's National Boarding Week; celebrating all that goes on in our fabulous boarding house. This week has seen yoga, early morning runs, a barbeque, disco, brownie making as well as all the usual activities that make up our daily routine.
Do please take the time to listen to why Tia thinks that boarding is so good at All Hallows.
#iloveboarding #nationalboardingweek


A big thumbs up from the boarders tonight.
The sun came back out to play just in time for the organised Barbecue and Bop night. For those who didn't feel like dancing, football viewing was also on offer to those who were drawn to the Spain vs Iran match.
#iloveboarding #AHPrepBoarding #nationalboardingweek
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Music was blaring out in the Art room yesterday as Yr1 were learning to create Abstract art by responding to music. Pop, rock and the blues were just some of the different genres they listened to and then expressed their emotions straight onto paper. Looked like a whole lot of fun!
#AHPrepCreative #EYPS


Huge excitement in school today as children's author Jeremy Strong arrived to open our new library. After the cutting of the ribbon ceremony, Jeremy spent time in the library chatting with different year groups and captivating them with stories of how he was inspired to become an author.


It was a beautiful service on Saturday to celebrate the First Holy Communion of Olivia, Elsie, Fede, Chiara, Sebbie, Emilija, Ruby, Sarah, Jenna and Lorcan. A huge thank you goes to Mrs Atkinson for all her hard work behind the scenes making this a memorable and special occasion for all the children, and to Annette for the incredible rainbow cake!


Year 4 were delighted to present a cheque to Nicky Halford of Time is Precious today in their Junior Assembly.
Time is Precious is a local charity which has been running since 2011. It was set up by Neil and Nicky Halford in memory of their son Ben who sadly died from cancer in 2010. He was cared for at Bristol Children's Hospital, Frenchay and RUH children's ward for almost four years.
The aim of the charity is to help create a more comfortable and relaxed atmosphere for children and their families. The charity works alongside specialists to purchase equipment and refurbish areas to support not just those children who because of illness or disability find themselves in hospital for treatment but also their families who want to be with them because time is just that, precious.


Our young entrepreneurs have been very busy preparing for the 'The Enterprise Team - Market Stall' which will be happening tomorrow (Wednesday 13th June - 4.15pm - 5.15pm) in the Courtyard (under the colonnade if raining) There will be items for sale including chocolate, popcorn and if you feel like getting your hair done there is even a hair braiding service!
There are four teams taking part and each team has devised their own theme, products, marketing and pricing as part o...f the process, all monies raised will be going to charity.
#SaturdayEnrichment #AHPrep #YoungEnterprise Edit YESTERDAY
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Year 3 teachers Lucy Mackenzie and Charlotte Hunter's annual camp was another fantastic success this year, they even sorted the weather!
Tents were pitched on the top field and then parents were invited by their children to join them in the woods for supper. This year Mr Rothwell and Mr Masson-Taylor took control of the pizza oven whilst the children made their own pizzas. Mr Gales and Mr McKie were the BBQ chefs with lots of willing helpers, resulting in the whole group d...ining in style in Scouts Wood. After supper the happy campers returned to the top field to enjoy the sunset and a game of football, followed by marshmallow toasting around the camp fire. The children enjoyed a bedtime story read by Miss Hunter - always a treat :-)
As always parents, children and staff had a wonderfully relaxed evening enjoying each other's company.
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More about All Hallows School

All Hallows School is located at Cranmore Hall, East Cranmore, BA4 4SF Shepton Mallet
01749 881600