All Party Parliamentary Group On Social Integration

About All Party Parliamentary Group On Social Integration

Official page of All Party Parliamentary Group on Social Integration. Chaired by Chuka Umunna MP. Secretariat by The Challenge.

All Party Parliamentary Group On Social Integration Description

Welcome to the Official page of All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Social Integration.

The APPG brings together Parliamentarians from all political parties with an interest in the issue. The group's mission is to drive forward a cross-party conversation on policy solutions to break down barriers to integration and create opportunities for people from all walks of life to build bonds of trust.

The APPG is chaired by Chuka Umunna MP, with the Secretariat provided by The Challenge, the UK’s leading social integration charity.

The APPG will hold regular meetings featuring guest speakers, agree draft policy reports, and take evidence from individuals and organisations.

The direction and the focus areas of the APPG’s work will be decided by its members – potential areas of focus include how the government and local authorities could better support communities to manage rapid demographic change; and the manner in which the UK’s school system and housing policies contribute to and could be reformed so as to remedy social divides.

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