All Soles Reflexology And Reiki

About All Soles Reflexology And Reiki

My name is John Wilmot, and I practice reflexology, reiki and reiki drum. Treatment can take place at my practice in Aylesbury or in your home.



Busy day?
Just take 2 minutes for yourself. Find a quiet spot where you won’t be disturbed and close your eyes
... Inhale for the count of......One........Two.........Three
Exhale for a count of.........One.....Two...........Three... .......Four
Continue this breathing pattern for the length of time you have available.
Taking two minutes for yourself can turn your whole day around.
If you need to take more time for yourself then get in touch to talk about how a Reiki treatment could help.
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Slightly cooler now than it has been but be sure to still drink enough water in this heat to stay hydrated! Ways to stay hydrated include - Drinking water and other fluids like fruit tea - Having water within easy reach - Eating fruits and vegetables with high water content like oranges and cucumber... - Treating yourself to an ice lolly (fruit ones are great)
Wishing you all a great summer :-)
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I attended an Indian Head Massage course in London with Rhian Thomas this week.
It was a very enjoyable, informative and relaxing experience.
Indian Head Massage treatments to follow shortly 😀


I have updated the website - please drop by and take a look and tell me what you think.


If you have never tried reflexology before then get in touch. If you fancy trying it again I would love to hear from you too.
I offer reflexology on the hands and feet and am always excited to welcome new clients.
Treatments available daytimes and Wednesday evenings.
... Get in touch to book a session at my Aylesbury treatment room.
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I will be offering appointments on Wednesday nights in July from 6pm onwards.
These are open to new and existing clients for reflexology and reiki.
Contact me to book yourself in.


I have 3 available Reflexology appointments on Saturday 30th June.
Times are 9am, 10.15 and 11.30am.
Existing Reflexology customers only.
... Contact me to book one.
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On Friday I shared Reiki with Freddie the dog for the third time. He was receptive and open to the treatment.
He was very interested in the flow of reiki energy coming from my hands as he has been previously. He looked intently, sniffing and licking each hand in turn at the beginning of the treatment before settling down.
He spent twenty minutes with his eyes open breathing very long deep even breaths and making low muttering noises as he relaxed. ... When it was time to end the session he closed his eyes and slept. Waking up about ten minutes later energised and very bouncy.
I am still looking for some horses for my upcoming case studies.
If anyone owns a horse and would be interested then please get in touch.
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I started a new course in animal Reiki last month. Animals reaction to Reiki fascinates me and I am learning lots about their behaviour.
Today I shared Reiki with a cat who has not experienced it before. She was interested in connecting with the energy but not completely sure. She sat a short distance away in a safe place and observed. She took what she needed and wanted from the treatment and afterwards sat quietly basking in the energy.
It reminds me that we are all different in how we experience things.


Here is an offer for anyone with a friend who would like to try Reflexology


Check out my latest blog post on Hand Reflexology /hand-reflexology


From now until 27th April I am offering a Reiki taster session for anyone who has not had Reiki with me before for only £25. The session lasts an hour.
Please get in touch to book - or with any questions.


My early experiences as a Reiki practitioner…/ my-early-experiences…


I just wanted to say welcome to my page. I am so happy that so many of you are showing your support. Please keep an eye out for future posts that I hope you will find interesting. Feel free to get in touch with me and please share my page with any of your friends that might be interested. I look forward to connecting with you, John


All about the treatments and training available


How I first became involved in healing.


Welcome to the All Soles Reflexology page. I have been interested in Reiki and healing and how it can help people improve their lives for many years. I hope you like my page.

More about All Soles Reflexology And Reiki

All Soles Reflexology And Reiki is located at Meadow Way, HP20 1 Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire