
About Alt.Com.Cab.

Alt. Com. Cab. is The Alternative Comedy Cabaret.
A comedy production company of sorts, reprehensible for a host of different comedy events in Sheffield.

Alt.Com.Cab. Description

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Alt. Com. Cab (Alternative Comedy Cabaret) create nights dedicated to showing off the diverse and eclectic range of comedians on the circuit. With an emphasis on alternative and unique styles of comedy.

"dirge" Colin Drury, Sheffield Telegraph 2011
"Absolutely not dirge [. . . ] A top show in all. Not, of course, that anyone cares what I think. " Colin Drury, Sheffield Star 2013
"a great night of quality entertainment"
"I’d most definitely recommend going to see Alt. Com. Cab for yourself – not least because it’s very difficult to put into words exactly what on earth is going on. For £3 it’s an absolute bargain night out and, like me, you might surprise yourself by finding it one of the most refreshing and entertaining things you’ve seen in ages. " - Postcode Gazette
"will have you in stitches"
"range[s] from the poor to the downright awful" Colin Drury, Sheffield Telegraph
"I heart Alt. Com. Cab. [. . . ] A fantastic night to play and attend" - Callum Scott
"compere Sean Morley is a leftfield treat, lobbing surreal observations into the audience and watching to see what explodes and what doesn't. Most do. " - Colin Drury, Sheffield Telegraph
"Best new comedy show to meet Sheffield since Nick Clegg" Sam Morley-Short, Forge Media
"decidedly different to your average comedy club" - welcometosheffield. co. uk
"Alt. Com. Cab. (as it is widely abbreviated) is never going to give you the same experience twice. You might not enjoy all of it, some of it might make you pretty uncomfortable – but you’re not going to be bored. Morley has aspirations, sure, and with his help alternative comedy is being given a new lease of life in the steel city. But that won’t be in packed-out arenas with plastic cups of overpriced beer – it will be in the heart of the stand-up circuit, in places like the Riverside, where it belongs. " - ForgePress

More about Alt.Com.Cab.

Alt.Com.Cab. is located at The Riverside, 1 Mowbray Street, Sheffield, S3 8EN Sheffield