
About Alternatives

We host weekly talks and workshops in central London featuring world leaders in spirituality & personal development www. uk

Alternatives Description

Alternatives is an events organisation that host weekly talks and workshops in central London featuring world leaders in spirituality & personal development www. uk



Living in the Universal Heart with Jude Currivan - Think Cosmic, Feel Global, Act Local -
Saturday 1st September
... It’s becoming ever clearer that during the coming years we will encounter major tipping points in our relationships with each other and our planetary home, and have to make choices that will determine whether we are to not only survive, but thrive and evolve as a species.
Living in the Universal Heart is a breakthrough in our understanding, invites us to expand our minds and think cosmic; enhance our hearts and feel global and extend our hands and act local.
It empowers us to come together to value our personal uniqueness and celebrate our abundant diversity as microcosmic co-creators – to embody such unity awareness and to live, love and evolve in the universal heart of the Cosmos.
In Living in the Universal Heart you will:
Discover, in an easily accessible way, the latest evidence and insights across many fields of scientific research, showing that our Universe is literally a ‘cosmic hologram’: existing and evolving as a coherent and unified ‘thought’ in the mind of the infinite and eternal Cosmos
Share co-creative and inner reflection exercises and attunements, to support your experiential and embodied awareness of this emergent perception of unified reality
Experience how such unity awareness naturally encompasses and underpins supernormal phenomena, multi-dimensional communications and focused intention
Explore how understanding, experiencing and embodying the unity awareness of its wholeworld-view has the potential to empower transformational change on personal, collective and planetary levels
Dr Jude Currivan is a cosmologist, planetary healer, futurist and author.
Date: Saturday 1st Sept, 10.30am - 4pm Venue: De Vere West One, 9-10 Portland Place, London, W1B 1PR Tickets: £85 / £70 concs (over 60's, full time students, job seekers, disability)
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The aim of this workshop or creation space, is to guide women through the process of creating a vision board, affirmations and goals that are heart centred and soul focused, in an intimate, warm, safe space. During the day, you’ll:
Discover the purpose of heart centred affirmations Create your own set of goals... Discover the magic of a well made vision board Create your very own vision board by the end of the day Create a daily ritual you can use to make use of all 3 tools
All the materials you need will be provided for you to make your very own vision board. This will include card, magazines, decorations, glue, sticky tape, scissors, colouring pens and more.  By then end of the day, you’ll have produced a set of 9 goals, 9 affirmations, a vision board and a daily ritual to combined all 3.  This workshop is designed to help you:
Plan a life that brings your joy Take consistent powerful action on things that are important to you Becoming unstuck and create positive movement in your life Achieve goals you’ve been putting off or haven’t found time for Become crystal clear about who you are now and who want to become
Leah Salmon - The Naturally You Coach is a bestselling author of 6 books, speaker and nurturing and supportive nutritionist & life coach.
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Hungry for More with Mel Wells - Monday 23rd July at St James's Church Piccadilly 7pm - 8.30pm
In her first talk with Alternatives, Mel will help you discover how navigating your relationship with food can help you heal your life. She will help you dive deeper into your food and body psychology, to help you understand how your unwanted eating patterns and cravings might not be due to a lack of will power but a lack of fulfilment. What’s more, if you pay attention to them, the...y might actually point you in the direction of your soul’s true calling.
Date: Monday 23rd July 7pm - 8.30pm Venue: St James's Church, 197 Piccadilly, London, W1J 9LL Tickets: £20 / £15 concs (over 60's, job seekers allowance, disability, full time students)
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Overcoming Stress with Dr Marilyn Glenville - Monday 16th July at St James Church Piccadilly 7pm - 8.30pm
Nowadays stress is blamed for everything but does it have a positive side? When does stress become distress and then how does it affect your health? In this talk, Dr Marilyn Glenville will describe the effects of stress on your health and give you 7 practical ways to reduce it.
The talk will also cover how certain toxins are increased by stress and which nutrients are de...pleted by it. Stress can affect so many different systems in your body including your immune function, nervous system, heart health, skin, digestion, oral health and reproduction.
Dr Glenville will explain how you can test to see if stress could be affecting your health.
Date: Monday 16th July 7pm - 8.30pm Venue: St James's Church, 197 Piccadilly, London, W1J 9LL Tickets: £15 / £10 concs (over 60's, job seekers allowance, disability, full time students)
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Saturday 14th July - Conway Hall - 14:30 - 16:30 - £25
In this Sound Journey session San Lau will offer a Healing Gongbath, Crystal bowls and Drums and an introduction to Stellar Spiral Healing.
Come along and immerse yourself in the healing vibrations of sounds!
... Please bring along a yoga mat and something warm to wrap yourself with.
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From Grief to Peace: Tools for true healing and happiness with David Kessler
Saturday 7th July - Unitarian Church, Notting Hill Gate
David’s personal experience as a child witnessing a mass shooting while his mother was dying in the Intensive Care Unit helped him begin his journey. Based on decades of working with people facing breakups, divorce, betrayal, pet loss, dying and grieving, as well as his work with co-authors, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross and Louise Hay, this remarkabl...e workshop will transform your work and your life.
The workshop will help those in grief directly and those who work with people experiencing loss. All are welcome to learn these simple yet effective tools that David has been teaching to counselors and other professionals for decades.
- How to prevent suffering that often complicates the pain
- Techniques to stop replaying negative images around loss
- Learn skills for healing that apply to all losses - divorce, breakups, betrayal and death
- Ways to find peace and happiness after tragedy
- Techniques to deal with the aftermath of child loss, shootings, suicide and addiction
Do join us on Saturday for a day long workshop with David and learn more about how to use the tools in your everyday life.
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This evening with Mooji is a powerful opportunity to immerse yourself in the presence and pointings of a great spiritual Master. In Satsang, Mooji shares his profound teachings and guidance for awakening to our original nature. He introduces the direct path to freedom through self-inquiry and the Invitation, which is proving to be one of the most effective aids for true and lasting Self-discovery. Satsang with Mooji is a unique chance to ask questions about who we really are ...and how we can find true and lasting happiness. Mooji guides, challenges and responds to questioners with wisdom, love, humour and searing honesty. Through Mooji’s presence and direct pointings to Truth, the unfading love, joy and peace that so many are searching for are revealed to be our very nature and Self. Satsang with Mooji is a compelling invitation to all who are called to discovering this timeless Truth through his guidance. Welcome!
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Join renowned spiritual medium James Van Praagh for an evening filled with laughter, love, and profound spirit connections! James will deliver detailed messages from the other side to members of the audience, proving to all that there is life after death!
You will leave feeling a deeper connection to Spirit and comforted in knowing that your loved ones on the other side of the veil are always with you. Ask your most weighty questions about life, love and the afterlife in intimate, safe setting!
If you feel called to, please bring along a photo of a loved one that you'd like to connect to.
With most of the time dedicated to delivering messages of love, comfort, forgiveness, and joy weaved through the evidential memories and specific details the spirit people wish to impart. Once you are touched by the power of Spirit, your life will never be the same again. Please join us.
Date: Saturday 16th June, 7pm - 9pm Venue: Tuke Hall, Regent's University London, Regent's Park, NW1 4NS Tickets: £40 / £30 concs (over 60's, job seekers allowance, disability, full time students)
Buy your tickets here! -of-spirit-message…
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Join renowned spiritual medium James Van Praagh for an evening filled with laughter, love, and profound spirit connections! James will deliver detailed messages from the other side to members of the audience, proving to all that there is life after death!
Date and time: Saturday 16th June 7pm - 9pm Venue: Tuke Hall, Regents University, Inner Circle, Regents Park, London, NW1 4NS Price: £40


Lars Muhl is a visionary, mystic seer, musician and teacher. He is the author of the trilogy The O Manuscript (The Seer, The Magdalene and The Grail) which has become an esoteric cult classic.
His new book The Gate of Light teaches an ancient healing method used by the Essenes, or The Sons of Light, 2500 years ago. In this workshop Lars will bring this long forgotten practice to the modern age, complete with practical tools, meditations and visualisations.


“There is a destiny for you. A fulfillment of your purpose. A high frequency for your total life experience. Kundalini puts and keeps you in charge of your own destiny.” – Guru Jagat
Intuition and clarity of mind + body are powerful commodities in the Age of Aquarius. Learn to maximize your bio-energetic field of awareness and neuro-chemistry through breathwork, sound science, sophisticated kriya movements, and effective meditations for deeply fulfilling visions of your own s...overeignty and a sustained experience of total elevation.
Date: Tuesday 5th June, 7pm - 9.30pm Venue: Porchester Hall, 45 Porchester Road, W2 5DP Tickets: £40
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Award-winning author and channel Paul Selig will lead an intimate channeled weekend workshop where you will work directly with his Guides and their practical program for achieving personal growth and overcoming the obstacles that are hindering you on the way. Through lectures, attunements, Q&A and energy work, Paul and his Guides will lead you on an unprecedented journey of self-development to achieve new levels of alignment, healing and life purpose.In this workshop, you wil...l:
Receive individual instruction and teaching from Paul's Guides Become attuned to a higher frequency in a way that you can trust and feel Learn to send and receive healing energies Develop your own abilities as an empath Free yourself from patterns of limitation and fear Gain tools to transform your life and awaken to your own divine nature
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There is a new revolution occurring in health today. That revolution is you. Join the bestselling author of The Healing Self, Deepak Chopra, on 22 May at The Royal Festival Hall exploring some important and baffling questions surrounding personal health.


There is a new revolution occurring in health today. That revolution is you.
In the face of environmental toxins, potential epidemics, superbugs, and the accelerated aging process, the significance of achieving optimum health has never been more crucial – and the burden to achieve it now rests on individuals making the right lifestyle choices every day.
That means you. You – not doctors, not pharmaceutical companies – are ultimately responsible for your own health.
... Join The New York Times bestselling author Deepak Chopra as he shares new insights from his latest work The Healing Self and explores some of the most important and baffling questions surrounding personal health.
Deepak Chopra, founder of The Chopra Foundation and co-founder of The Chopra Center for Wellbeing, is a world-renowned pioneer in integrative medicine and personal transformation, and is Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolism. Chopra is the author of more than 85 books translated into over 43 languages, including numerous New York Times best sellers.
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Join renowned spiritual medium James Van Praagh for an evening filled with laughter, love, and profound spirit connections! James will deliver detailed messages from the other side to members of the audience, proving to all that there is life after death!
Date: Saturday 16th June 7pm - 9pm Location: Tuke Hall, Regent's University London Inner Circle, Regent's Park, London, NW1 4NS... Price: £40
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Paul Selig returns to Alternatives in June for workshops in London and Edinburgh! Paul will present 'Beyond the Known - A Channeled Workshop for a New World' . More details here -…/beyon d-known-channeled-wo…

More about Alternatives

Alternatives is located at 197 Piccadilly, W1J 0 London, United Kingdom
02072876711 Or tweet us