Alton Wahlberg Music

About Alton Wahlberg Music


Singer /Songwriter /Musician
Director at AWM Next Generation

Alton Wahlberg Music Description

Welcome to my page! Here you can watch my latest videos, listen to my newest songs, check out the most recent gig pics and find out where my next gigs are! Feel free to 'share' any vids and post pics or artist recommendations on my page to share with the music community!



Was great to be a part of the Thetford Business Awards launch celebrations last night.... and to be invited to say a few words....
Times have changed in the music industry. It’s not enough to just turn up, plug in and play. Not if your serious about music.
Music is a business. It’s more essential than ever to network with other artists, musicians and management companies. You need to understand marketing, sales, advertising, promotion, distribution, web based platforms and m...etrics. You need to be familiar with royalty collection, licensing and entertainment law. You need to master social and entertainment media, print and web journalism, film, video and audio recording.
As with any business you need passion, strategy, discipline and professionalism.
All this before you even think about plugging in and playing.
Musicians are now more like entrepreneurs and it’s great that people are recognising the work that goes in to it.
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Tonight’s the night folks!
The launch of the first ever AWM Candlelight Sessions!
Join me at Arlingtons Cafe, Bar & Dining in IPSWICH from 8pm with my special guest James Nunn Music!


Brand new AWMTV episode for you guys tonight featuring the amazing Serena Grant - Singer, Guitarist & DJ
Serena is young singer-songwriter from Sudbury looking to focus on her original material. As always your feedback helps these guys out so much, so let us know what you think of her song 'Wonderstruck'....


....when you finally sit down to answer your emails...
There’s no chance is there?!
I promise you - if you’re waiting for a reply I’ll get there eventually!


Quick notice for anyone who was coming to this Sunday’s Candlelight Session in NORWICH....
Due to a slight hiccup at the venue, there will be a little delay with launching the Norwich Sessions at Last Pub Standing.
New date will be 4th August, apologies for the inconvenience but I promise it’ll be worth the wait!
... In the meantime, you can still catch this Thursdays IPSWICH session at Arlingtons Cafe, Bar & Dining from 8pm!
Come and enjoy an intimate night of original music in a beautiful setting. I’ll be joined by special guest James Nunn Music.
P.S. This now means I have no plans for this Sunday. It’s been a long long time, but I’m up for a busk if anyone has any suggestions of where????
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Interesting story for you...
It’s 2013. I’ve been plugging away for a good amount of years now and desperate to start reaching new audiences and spread my music as far as I can.
I took a week off and decided to busk around the country in a different city every day, trying to blag a gig in the evening at wherever would have me.
... I’d had a pretty rotten week. The weather had been terrible, I’d blagged some pub gigs in Derby, Birmingham, Leeds, Nottingham and although didn’t get paid a penny, (why would anyone pay a stranger off the street?), I was thankful at least for a warm pub and a free beer.
I found myself in a hostel in Manchester. It had rained relentlessly whilst I was busking and I’d made no more than a tenner all day long. This was the only place I actually had a gig booked before I’d set off, so I was kinda excited about that. I strolled up to the venue, set everything up and asked the guy behind the bar what time doors opened? ‘Doors are already open.’ came the reply.
I was due to go on stage at 8pm. At 8:15 when the bar was still empty, the sole bartender suggested I start playing and people might walk in. Two hours later I had finished my set and not a soul had come through the door! I played 2 hours to one barman and I didn’t even get paid.
I walked back to my hostel that night, I was wet, cold, lonely, I missed my family back home and was really missing my wife, so I did the only thing that ever makes sense at times like this......... I took a shot of whiskey and poured all my emotions and every piece of my heart out in to a song!
I went home the next day and played it to her - and she hated it! 😂
So I never played it again, until the good people at GingerDog Records persuaded me to put it on the album!!!!
So this is it. Please enjoy ‘Rain in Manchester’.
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Proper excited to announce that after our little collaboration last week, Laura Wyatt Music and I have been invited to perform a set together at Retrodubsuffolk Festival on 21st September!
Book it in your diary, should be fun!!!!!


So excited to officially be launching ‘The Candlelight Sessions’ this week!
These are much more than your average pub gig! I’ll be performing an intimate set of original music and then introducing a new up-and-coming musician each time. We’ll have a chat, you can get involved and ask them questions, then they’ll perform a set for you too!
The first two are happening this week!
... Thursday night I’ll be at Arlingtons Cafe, Bar & Dining in IPSWICH from 8pm with my guest James Nunn Music
Sunday night I’ll be at Last Pub Standing in NORWICH from 8pm with my guest Joe Keeley Music
If you’re a real music lover - you don’t want to miss these!
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Happy to announce the £21 ‘bounty’ for Wonderwall was met last night!
That means, if you want me to play it in the future, you’ll need to have a whip round to make at least £22 !!!!


Ok... I was gonna wait til 7pm to post this up, but I’m just too damn excited and can’t wait, soooo.......
As promised, here's a little treat for you Shallow fans tonight!
Had a visit from the amazing Laura Wyatt Music yesterday so we cooked this up for you guys!
... Enjoy! Let us know what yoiu think!
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Got a little something special for you tonight... Check back at 7pm!!!!!Got a little something special for you tonight... Check back at 7pm!!!!!


Friends in PETERBOROUGH...
I’m coming to see you for a right old jam this Friday night at The Apple Cart from 8pm!!!!!
Come say ‘Hi’!


Phones been going absolutely mental today! Thank you so much to everyone who has tagged me or sent me this link, what an opportunity from BBC Music Introducing in Suffolk .
What you saying peeps......? Would you come??!!!


This right here, is EXACTLY the reason I love my AWMTV project so much!
Check out tonights episode featuring Bridget Holmes and tell me - should this voice and this talent really go unheard?
I know I bang on a lot about it, but the feedback you guys give and the support I get to keep this project going means young artists like this get just a tiny piece of the exposure they deserve, so thank you to everyone who gets involved!


If you've ever watched an episode of my AWM project, please spare me 60 secs to watch this.........


Today I had the absolute pleasure of delivering a social media marketing masterclass to the fine people at Clued Up Escape Rooms....
By ‘masterclass’ I mean they had to sit there whilst I waffled on for hours about my favourite subject!
Thanks for staying awake guys!


Thetford chums!
If you find yourself in Tesco at any point in the next couple of weeks, please be a little treasure and drop a blue chip in my slot!
The support from you guys means I can continue to host showcase music events for up-and-coming musicians as well as help them create promotional material! Your help truly means so much!
... If they don’t give you a chip - just ask!
Tesco. Every little chip helps.
Much love!
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Puppy feeding time is the cutest!


Happy to announce the £21 ‘bounty’ for Wonderwall was met last night!
That means, if you want me to play it in the future, you’ll need to have a whip round to make at least £22 !!!!

More about Alton Wahlberg Music

Alton Wahlberg Music is located at Northwold, Ip26 Norwich, Norfolk