Amaze Yourself

Monday: -
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:00
Friday: 10:00 - 13:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Amaze Yourself

Are you looking to grow your business without the overwhelm of having to work 24 /7? Then book a Power Hour with me today.

I'll help you to double your turnover, not your hours.

Amaze Yourself Description

Double your turnover, not your hours.
Are you a driven business owner who never seems to have enough hours in a day?

Do you feel like all you seem to do is work? Are you getting tired of it, as itŌĆÖs not even getting you the best results and itŌĆÖs starting to deteriorate your health?

Are you looking to raise your productivity without raising your working hours? Being able to expand your business now, instead of waiting for the moment when ŌĆ£business cools downŌĆØ?

If so, I can help!

My coaching is all about helping you to do a bucket load of work in very little time, so you have time to grow your business at your own pace and go to the pub with your mates afterwards.

IŌĆÖm Yvonne Dam, a recovering workaholic. I have spent the largest part of my career working all hours of the day until a burnout stopped me.

I then quit my job, to continue elsewhere. Always with the same work ethos ŌĆ£Only by working hard can I be successfulŌĆØ.

Until I discovered different ways, optimized my performance through a combination of goal setting, extreme focus and bringing fun back in the equator. These were life-defining moments, I became the CEO of my life and started Amaze Yourself coaching.

DonŌĆÖt wait until itŌĆÖs too late. Stop trying to break your work addiction on your own. Together youŌĆÖll get the results you want at twice the speed.

If you are ready to be the CEO of your life too, this is how we can work together.

Power Hour ŌĆō online coaching session + recording
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An introduction to working with me. Gets you results in a short period of time and is focused on the now and the near future. Analyse, re-strategise and getting you to take the right actions. Only Ōé¼99, -

Coaching programme 3- 6 months
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Achieving your mid-term goals faster by working smarter not harder, in 3 months.

And if you are looking for a sustainable change implemented in your life, allowing you to break the habit of always having to work hard, then come and work with me for 6 months.

Drop me a message for more info, or book your Power Hour directly.



ŌŁÉ’ĖÅHappy HolidaysŌŁÉ’ĖÅ
Wishing you a joyful and peaceful holiday season! Merry Christmas to those who celebrate this. May your holidays be filled with fun and laughter, help each other out where you can and make the best of it. Overall I hope it makes you smile, like these elephants.


ŌŁÉ’ĖÅSUNDAY - SLOWDAYŌŁÉ’ĖÅ - The holidays are here! Today I am taking a SLOW day ŌØż’ĖÅ - What about you?... - #holiday #slowday #amazeyourself #worklifebalance #onlinelifecoach #enjoylife
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ŌŁÉ’ĖÅITŌĆÖS OKŌŁÉ’ĖÅ - Not to do it all. - Do you still have a million things to do? But do you feel like you are Running out of time?... - Let it go and know: itŌĆÖs ok. ItŌĆÖs ok - not to do it all. - Give yourself what you need: some well deserved relaxation time. - ItŌĆÖs ok- not to do it all. - Do what matters ŌØż’ĖÅ not only now, but in 5 years ­¤ż® - #chooseyou #worklifebalance #onlinelifecoach #amazeyourself #embracelife
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ŌŁÉ’ĖÅSAFE GROUNDSŌŁÉ’ĖÅ - What do you need to get to safe grounds? - My client had a lot of anxiety problems... She could not stop that nasty feeling that would somehow appear Especially when flying It would start as soon as she boarded a plane Ō£ł’ĖÅ - We used a special technique During a coaching session I asked her to envision SAFE GROUNDS And to go from the spot where she felt anxious to these SAFE GROUNDS - She envisioned it and this picture shows you what she saw: High cliffs boarding a rough sea ­¤īŖ The rough sea ­¤īŖ symbolised the anxiety spot.. She stepped out of the roughness on dry green land.. and felt good - It was like magic The next time she had to fly Ō£ł’ĖÅ She envisioned the shore and felt ­¤śā - It was an amazing experience for me! I felt humbled - What are your safe grounds?! - #onlinelifecoaching #enjoylife #yourlifeyourrules #makeitagoodone #youcandoit #anxiety
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How do you deal with very negative remarks? The below the belt comments that nock any Christmas spirit out of you. Christmas is coming up and that's the time when bumping into profound naysayers is a real possibility. Read my blog, link in the comments below, to see how you can avoid painful situations over the holiday.ŌĆ”/how-to-not -get-affected-by-whŌĆ”/


ŌŁÉWINTER WONDERLANDŌŁÉŌĀĆ ŌĀĆ Baby, it's cold outside­¤ÄČ ŌĀĆ ŌĀĆ Don't you love it when it gets cold? I love to snuggle up under a blanket and share stories about my day. What about you? ŌĀĆ... ŌĀĆ ŌĀĆ #onlinelifecoach #amazeyourself #embracelife #winterwonderland #yourlifeyourrules ŌĀĆ ŌĀĆ
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So everyone who knows me a bit.. knows I love penguins ­¤É¦ I really do.
When I read the sad news that they are severely endangered my heart sinks..
... If youŌĆÖre looking for a GREAT Christmas gift Or If you simply love penguins
ADOPT one today! Your support makes a difference ŌØż’ĖÅ
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ŌŁÉ’ĖÅMAKING A LIFEŌŁÉ’ĖÅ - DonŌĆÖt focus on making a living - rather focus on making a life ŌØż’ĖÅ - ­¤śŖ­¤śü­¤śå­¤śŹ­¤śś­¤ż¬­¤ź│­¤ż®­¤ś┤­¤żŻ­ ¤śŚ­¤śÄ­¤śÅ
... #onlinelifecoach #amazeyourself #embracelife #makealife #yesyoucan #yourlifeyourrules
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ŌŁÉ’ĖÅHOME IS WHERE THE HEART ISŌŁÉ’ĖÅ - Over this past few weeks I have discovered how true that saying is for me. - I have also learned that some (business) dreams have to be put on hold, just because your life and your overall happiness is more important... - Currently I am living in the U.K. My love changed jobs and relocated. My vision was not to expand my business in that new relocation country. - My vision was to expand my business in a warmer Southern climate. So I thought about moving there - South-, and not join this new relocation. Because I wanted to follow my heart and my dreams. - But while thinking it through there were already so many obstacles that made me decide against it. Instead I am relocating as well - to a bit chillier place. - But I am so happy I decided to do that. As after weeks of a weekend relationship, I know when I feel best. And that is not when I am home alone. To be completely honest - than I am not at home. I am just in a house. - So new adventures here I come. I am taking a detour. More chill coming, up but I am pretty sure I will be kept warm ŌØż’ĖÅ - What do you say: does the saying apply to you too? - #onlinelifecoach #embracelife #amazeyourself #worklifebalance #homeiswheretheheartis #yesyoucan
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ŌŁÉ’ĖÅYOUŌĆÖVE DONE ENOUGHŌŁÉ’ĖÅ - Are you still running around like crazy? - Getting everything sorted last minute?... Know that youŌĆÖve done enough It will sort itself out There are enough presents There is no need for that something extra You can let go - You have done enough - ItŌĆÖs time for you to unwind To let go of it all and be merry To just sit and relax To breath in and out - You have done enough - Enjoy these final days of the year - youŌĆÖve earned it ŌŁÉ’ĖÅ -
#onlinelifecoach #worklifebalance #chooseyou #yourlifeyourrules #youhavedoneenough #amazeyourself
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ŌŁÉ’ĖÅSUNDAYŌŁÉ’ĖÅ - Time to relax and unwind - I am spending this Sunday with my love ­¤śŹ sipping champagne and eating oysters-what about you?... - #onlinelifecoach #worklifebalance #chooseyou #amazeyourself #embracelife
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ŌŁÉ’ĖÅYOU CREATE YOUR OWN LIFEŌŁÉ’ĖÅ - Your own happiness and misery Your own laughter... and tears Your own calm and stress - You create your own life >> how are you feeling right now? Is that how you WANT to feel? - Where are you on your life path? Is that where you WANT to be? - What could you do today to feel a bit more like how you WANT to feel ŌŁÉ’ĖÅ
#onlinelifecoach #enjoy #embracelife #amazeyourself #worklifebalance #chooseyou
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ŌŁÉ’ĖÅLETŌĆÖS GET COSYŌŁÉ’ĖÅ - Here in the UK itŌĆÖs that time of year: early dark, cold and more often wet.. it calls for cosiness. - I love to be inside with the candles on, blanket whilst the rain tortures the windows.. What about you?... - #onlinelifecoach #cosy #yourlifeyourrules #amazeyourself #embracelife
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ŌŁÉ’ĖÅI AM ŌŁÉ’ĖÅŌĀĆ ŌĀĆ The most powerful words you can and will use.. how often do you use it against yourself?ŌĀĆ ŌĀĆ Do you often say (even if it is just in your mind):ŌĀĆ... ­¤ś┤I am so tired?!ŌĀĆ ­¤ż¬I am so busy!ŌĀĆ ­¤śżI am unable to do that..ŌĀĆ ŌĀĆ Be aware of what you are thinking and saying. I am is affirmative. By saying it you enforce it. Say it often you enforce it over and over again. ŌĀĆ ŌĀĆ Rather start saying the opposite .. even if you are not there yet. YouŌĆÖll get there by just saying / thinking it to yourself again and again. One day it will be true. ŌĀĆ ŌĀĆ So rather say:ŌĀĆ ­¤śüI am getting more and more energyŌĀĆ ­¤ż®I am getting so much doneŌĀĆ ­¤śŖI am working on being able to ŌĀĆ ŌĀĆ Try it and youŌĆÖll feel great ­¤æŹ I am happy it is Friday what about you? What are you ­¤śśŌĀĆ ŌĀĆ #onlinelifecoach #careercoach #chooseyou #yesyoucan #yourlifeyourrules
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What is your favourite me-time moment?

More about Amaze Yourself

Monday: -
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:00
Friday: 10:00 - 13:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -