Amazing Grazing

Monday: 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 18:00
Friday: 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 20:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 20:00

About Amazing Grazing

Grazing tables are the latest trend in event catering - Gone are the days of traditional (boring) buffets! Instead, our stylish spreads are designed to make a statement at your next event.

Amazing Grazing Description

Amazing grazing



Get yer sel' t' factory tap in Kendal this weekend. All kinds of deliciousness, and some lovely pints to wash it down. Tres bon!


Menu dishes.


Greetings Grazers. A re-post of the Yule event, there's a few changes. The seats are almost all taken so if you'd like to be involved yule know what to do.


Some images from the spring bank holiday. Was certainly a warm one.


Into the woods.


Dear Grazers, wishing you all the best for the new year. here's a new project i'm having a doo at if anyone would like to get involved, there's a bit to read, but if you have the time.... On the weekend after the 150th Eskdale show 2018 I will be holding a pop up restaurant in Eskdale village hall. What I want to do is use as much produce as possible from the Eskdale valley. It will be a yearlong project, produce will be preserved throughout the year. I am also very inter...ested in seeing if WE, can start a collective of vegetable growers, a community working together to grow food. The project will be an experiment sponsored by Amazing grazing. We will look at quality of soil and see how we can produce better tasting, healthier vegetables. We will see what the earth can provide rather than relying on corporations for our food. We will see what we can achieve as a community, as a collective. I do have plans on tying this project into other local events and institutions. If I still have your attention and you don’t find this incomprehensible I would like to invite anyone interested in this project to a meeting at the village hall on Monday the 29th of January. In attendance will be myself who will shed more light on the project and our expert of the evening will be Helen from “Helen’s herbs” who will be talking about what to grow and how to grow, community growing et cetera… I am hoping, throughout the year we will hold more meetings where I will invite other expert speakers giving us all a chance to learn something. It will be as much about what we can put back in to the earth than as we can takeout. It is my intention to go through with this project anyway, I just thought it would be a good idea to see if I could do it with you, together, as a collective sharing Knowledge and perhaps a few turnips or parsnips or whatever, if you are interested I shall see on the 29th of January, 7.30pm at Eskdale village hall. As Lou Reed once said, “you’re going to reap just what you sow.” Thank you very much for your time.
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This was last weeks project, Hawkshead. this Saturday coming the 9th will be trading in Ulverston... hopefully this time we might be near to where something is happening ; )


We made a new sandwich down in Ulverston last weekend... it was very nice, in my humble opinion.... thanks to Frazer North for the images, cooking with fire and for making us look hipster.... it's a shame you missed this one grazers, we shall use it again however, but will endeavour to make it more original... don't think we really need to be copying dishes..... eh?


Dear Grazers. A.G has been nominated for the countryside Alliance awards, I am flattered and would just like to thank those who nominated, thank you very much😊. A letter came in the post advising on the encouragement of nominations. As amazing grazing will not be trading before that deadline I thought I would post it on here; the data on this page says it has one like so if you're reading this it must be you, nice one, thanks for the like😍. With the letter came a window sti...cker and as seen as A.G doesn't have a window I thought I would post it on here as well. Would you even nominate a business without a window. Could it even be trusted? At least the window won't need replaced I suppose. You will see attached to this post two letters, it is actually the same letter, one has the address covered, that was to deter any storkers, after pondering a while.......... I thought perhaps it would be quite interesting to have a storker, hence the image with the address. For what it is Grazers, I do think the business supports farmers in the area. I also think the principles of the business are very commendable.... on point. Despite not having a window.... it is what it is. Kind regards Young Tim...on behalf of amazing grazing.
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Hey up Grazers! Ca va? Did you see us on t' telly. Apologies🤡....was feeling like there should be some photo uploading done, then I realised I didn't have many. So you can have a la'al gadgie at these. Reckon we could be in the market for a photographer... if there's anyone out there? Maybe I should just ask the BBC. It's Eskdale show next week, eh? Will we be seeing you there? Let's hope for Clement conditions... Bon app.

More about Amazing Grazing

Monday: 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 18:00
Friday: 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 20:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 20:00