
About Amberol

Amberol horticultural suppliers produce products for a Cleaner, Greener Environment including self watering planters, recycling bins and seating.

Amberol Description

Amberol products help town and city councils to maintain a visibly attractive high street while caring for the environment. The range includes self watering planters, recycling bins and attractive recycled plastic furniture and bollards.



Watch newborn lambs frollicking and penguins splashing alongisde other animal highlights, through these animal live streams from around the world. Thanks Country Living!


What lovely plant up from Wellington College Gardens here! It's great to know our product can help in unexpected and unplanned circumstances. How kind of them to take the time to share this with us on Twitter! Read about our range of self watering planters here:


Drip, drip drop…..enjoy the sprinkling of April showers in-between the sunshine. Here are your top gardening jobs to do this month: via the @The_RHS


Regular followers of Amberol’s news will know recently we ran a competition to name our Chocolate Orange bird litter bin. We can now announce that our chocolate orange friend has a name at last – so say hello to Chomp! Full story on our website:


Amberol’s ‘Inspiring Plant-Ups’ – winners announced


Coronavirus has plunged the world into uncertainty and the constant news about the pandemic can feel relentless. All of this is taking its toll on people's mental health, particularly those already living with conditions like anxiety and OCD. So how can we protect our mental health? Advice here from the BBC:


This handy little guide from @GrowWildUK will help you identify those all-important wildflowers on your next woodland walk and why they're so important for our environment and natural habitat.


GOOD NEWS! Amberol factory re-opens for production and new orders
Further to the announcement made on 23rd March around the temporary pausing of production at the Amberol factory, the company’s management team has spent the last two weeks evaluating documentation and the situation around Covid-19. Having carefully reviewed new government guidelines and guidance from the Health & Safety Executive, Amberol has announced that the factory is now able to re-open for production. to review to ensure compliance: Amberol’s MD Patience Atkinson-Gregory explains. “We have always put the safety of our staff and customers first so, when the lockdown was first announced on 23rd March, we followed advice issued by the government at that time. This has since been revised to enable the opening of businesses such as ours that are able to meet specific health and safety criteria.
“As a result, we are able to re-start production during the week following the Easter break. We will be trialling the manufacturing process by initially bringing in a third of the workforce to ensure that we are able to maintain social distancing and adhere strictly to regulations.”
Production restarts: Production at the factory will focus on fulfilling any outstanding orders first and foremost, then moving on to fulfil new orders. Patience and the management team will constantly monitor and review the situation to ensure that all staff are operating in a safe and responsible manner.
However, reps are still unable to offer face-to-face demonstrations or make sales visits for the time being. “Although we are now ready and able to take new orders, it would contravene guidance around non-essential travel and social gatherings for our reps to go back out on the road. Again, we will review the situation and keep customers appraised when this changes,” Patience explains.
“We are acutely aware of our duty of care to customers and staff as well as our role in supporting our local economy and the livelihoods of our employees. We would like to thank staff and customers for their support and understanding. This is a difficult time for all of us, but we will continue to work together and keep you appraised of events.”
If you have any queries, please contact a member of the Amberol team by emailing or by calling 01773 830 930.…/amberol-factory -re-opens-for-produc…
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Congratulations to Shirley Tuck, Secretary of Blundeston in Bloom, who was the lucky winner in our chocolate orange bird bin naming competition. Shirley's name suggestion CHOMP was pulled out of the hat from over 100 entries, and wins her the bin! We hope the people of Blundeston (especially the children) enjoy using CHOMP to keep the town tidy! Our educational bird bins come in many varieties, and you can find out more about them on our website, including the very popular penguins, chick, robin and parrot varieties


What can we say? We've been bowled over by all the names you've suggested for our one-off Chocolate Orange bin! We did not realise how creative our followers can be, with some of the best suggestions coming from children themselves! Next time we have to think of a name for a new product, we are definitely going to ask for your help! We thought you'd enjoy finding out what everyone suggested before we reveal the lucky winner who will be taking delivery of this cute little educ...ational bin, so have a look at all the brilliant names in this picture - our bin is clearly saying 'wow' at all your clever ideas! And if you take into account that 26% of suggestions were either 'Terry' or 'Terrance', we've had well over 100 entries! The winner has been picked by a draw, and will be announced later today. Our educational bird bins come in many varieties, and you can find out more about them on our website, including the very popular penguins, chick, robin and parrot varieties
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Happy Easter everyone!


Our MD comments on the cancellation of Britain in Bloom: “In these difficult times I think we all need something to cheer us up and to lift our spirits so the hard work that councils and Britain in Bloom groups have already put in to create beautiful floral displays will be much appreciated I’m sure.”


“These times of quarantine and lockdown can be very isolating, particularly for those living alone. However, the Amberol family of customers is very much a community, and there are several ways to keep in touch with us - and with others who are committed to making Britain tidier, better and more beautiful.”


30 Delicate Animal Portraits Created From Things Found In Nature By Raku Inoue arrangements-raku…/


Competition ends April 3rd, so please hurry up if you want to take part - please email with your suggested name, plus your contact details including name and phone number and the organisation you represent (if any). the competition is open to anyone.


As the government encourages "social distancing" in the fight against coronavirus, older people are facing the prospect of being told to stay at home for weeks. But what if a parent or older person in your life, doesn't already have access to video calling tech? Welcome advice here from the BBC 33618


Well, we might have to stop visiting people at the moment, but there's nothing to stop us looking out for wildlife that's visiting us! Thanks to The Woodland Trust for this guide to finding out if a hedgehog is visiting your patch #SmallComforts

More about Amberol

01773 830 930