American Butterfly

Monday: 10:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 22:00
Friday: 10:00 - 22:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 22:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 22:00

About American Butterfly

American Butterfly: Economic Science, Theory of Everything.
In March 2011 a eureka moment lead to plans for a global travel network becoming the foundations for a global economic solution, including a solutions to Global warming.

American Butterfly Description

American Butterfly Book 1: The Theory of Every Business
The first of four books written in continuance of the research and theories first presented on the S-World. biz website. S-World is the business development website for the Global Travel Network. First considered as a virtual travel network in 2004 then adapted and in March 2011 a business plan was written for Virgin and later in July 2011 adapted for Facebook as Facebook Travel.

S-World. biz theorises the profits made from Facebook Travel alongside fresh investment are reinvested into a city sized property development, which becomes the network Capital. This then opens the door to adapt the software and concepts to other industries, as only companies in the network city can supply or build the network. Once created the companies within reinvest in accordance with the (POP) Pressure of Profit investment principle, created to mitigate rounding errors within network systems, found to have surprising efficiency benefits when used as an investment benchmark.

As an economic theory, the first model was based in Laconia Greece, the development called “New Sparta, City of Science. ” On paper, the results were fantastic, seeing the Greek economy quickly out of trouble with Greece and the S-World Network being in a position to propel a positive economic cause and effect butterfly effect assisting the Eurozone and other countries economies.

American Butterfly began on the 1st January 2012, preliminary writing was recorded on the S-World website. Whilst the model for Greece was a success on paper, it required the assistance of many US companies. Practicalities dictated that such assistance would more readily be met should this economic theory first take root within the US. Four months of furious work followed, translating the principle, and at one point all seem lost, but by following the mathematics of Pressure of Profit finally an adaptation the Baby POP Investment Principle was first considered. American Butterfly is the story of how this principle develops and later seem to combines with string theory and other mathematics to create the foundations for a new digitally enabled economic science and one heck of a business plan.

Started on the 16th April 2012, the first five chapters were completed by June 2012 at which point they were tested (the questions within answered) and copy written by Mensa and small town Americans Jerine Watson. Upon receiving and further encouragement from TED's (Ideas worth sharing) Sacramento’s Lee Chazen chapters 5 to 7 were completed by August 2012. At this point on a math related tangent, three more books were written before returning to complete chapter 8 in June 2013.

Introduction: "Einstein Says…. ”
The Theory of Every Business starts from where the S-World. biz leaves off, with a thesis and business plan addressed to The Corniche Group Equity Company. This draught however was written specifically for Tanya Capper, a friend of sorts, who was personal assistant to the boss. As a result, the writing was much simpler and so to the quote from Einstein, “If you can’t explain something simply you do not know enough about it. ” The introduction skims over details such as project definitions, the core network, economic black holes, interactive butterfly Q& A’s and Chaos Science.

Chapter 1: Economics, S-World & the Core Network
Chapter 1 presents the case for why the USA needs assistance, this is assisted by The Kobayashi Maru GDP game, an interactive spreadsheet that spells it out, the simplest way for the USA to stay strong, is to mitigate its future Medicaid and Medicare bills. Hence, the first network priority as an economic solution for the USA was to make a long-term solution where the Network absorbs US Medicaid and Medicare liabilities.
The beginning of a argument for corporate tax breaks for network companies is presented alongside which the practical point of eco developing on farmland vs. forested land is made, suggesting land rezoning on farmland be relaxed in certain instances.
A brief introduction to the S-World and the core network are mentioned

Chapter 2: The Suppliers Butterfly
Economically “The Suppliers Butterfly” could be American Butterflies most important chapter. It describes a Mother Network and follows a fictitious company called “The Window Factory” who have invested $2. 5 million. A spreadsheet is then created showing progress from 2014 to 2036 by which point the Window Factory have recorded over $100 million in profit.
The magical formula lies within The Window Factory receiving tenders for the future 15 other property developments that will be created in the “string” of developments created by the POP investment principle alongside numerous other network benefits.
The figures are clear and easy to understand, assisted by a Q& A that accompanies the chapter, eventually by Book 4 we find half of all Mother (first phase) Networks are using the Suppliers Butterfly method in one way or another.

Chapter 3: The Theory of more than we know now
The Theory of more than we know now starts with the principle of "Spartan Contracts, " designed mainly for non-graduate workers providing self owned housing, education and opportunities. Jobs are created in each resort networks operation centre, which doubles as a university. Specialising in research and development, building and logistics, software development, network support, sports, media, doctoring and nursing.
An extra cost is entered into the budget for the building and staffing of enough hospitals to cover the USA Medicare and Medicaid liabilities.
Lastly, each resort network is responsible for providing enough alternate energy to power its sector by the min century and the promotion of electronic cars.
At first consideration, costs seem in unfathomable restricted via many interwoven complex strategies the associated costs for all initiatives are well within budget, with power eventually becoming a profit centre.

Chapter 4: The Locations Butterfly
First considered in May 2011 within a business plan for Google, the locations butterfly looks at how we popularize the S-World Network property developments.
16 powerful location enhancing exercises are presented: Resort style towns, plenty of jobs, downtown and shopping malls, hospitals, university, golf courses, luxury and quality affordable housing, a business centre and conferencing facility, S-World virtual city planning, sports village and global league structure, ecological guarantees, powered by renewable energy, The Disney Effect, Little Hollywood, the World Cup Effect and the brand love associated with the special projects commenced. These 16 points deployed simultaneously, seeing an initial investment return in the region to 200% to 600% return.
The importance of this relates to initial investment into the network, as these who invest into the network own the real estate industry and commercial property built.

Chapter 5: Economic Stimulus & Investment
This chapter looks at the investment model in more detail and introduces "Economic Stimulus, " and a rule that a certain amount of combined network profit will be spent to prop up each networks manufacturing and rental companies, distributing “Network Credits” to the local community in methods such as local sports completion sponsorship and S-World UCS (strategic training game) prizes.
Following the Profits vs. Revenue approach, the minimum target for a company that wishes to join a “resort network” as they are named, is to create 40% of their initial investment on their 5th year of trading, accompanied by a list of reasons why companies types in different industries would.
A first phase investment spreadsheet is included, split by industries and countries, with essential partners accounting for 25% , with the majority of investment desired from many small businesses, the network ideology favoring large collections of small businesses to big business due to enthusiasm and loyalty advantages.

Chapter 6: Facebook Business Development
The Facebook chapter starts with the Facebook Gifts idea, created as a game in June 2011 on S-World. tv
The game and idea were inspired by the Clients Gits concept created within the basic programming of the S-Web system as was originally included within the first business plan made for Virgin where a percentage of profit was dedicated to sending clients gifts of special occasions. This initiative still features within the S-Web plans.
The “Idea” was to introduce the concept to Facebook the point of the game was to show how effect e-commerce can be with nearly a billion members and to show how sustainable growth would be if half the profits were used for the betterment of all, this concept coined the phrase “Give Half Back” and becomes a a powerful branding concept
The chapter describes this gift service develops into e-commerce, enhanced by "the per human experience search engine" and “economic stimulus” To compliment, Facebook Stores are planned in all network development. The resulting profit figures for Facebook are extraordinary

Chapter 7: S-World VSN (Virtual Social Network)
This chapter details development into S-World VSN (Virtual Social Network) looking at internet and mobile applications and integration with Facebook, Twitter and indeed all other social networks. A Virtual World is created that mirrors earth, within which in rendered areas it is possible to find the location of friends and celebrities and “teleport” to their location, seeing all that they can see in virtual reality.
The technology needs to be built for the travel and real estate sectors to virtually catalogue their portfolios. This was the original “big idea, ” first considered in 2000.
The chapter continues to describe S-World VSN TV before describing S-World VBN (Virtual Business Network) where businesses display their goods and services within the virtual environment. S-Web is next, albeit a fleeting visit leading into the business workflow software, which is in many ways the central nerve station of the network, described in four categories Business, Finance, Organisation and Commerce.

Ch 8: S-World UCS (Universal Colonization Simulator)
S-World UCS is a tutorial game, initially designed to teach people in all industries how to use and get the most of the software by playing a game and developing an business in Cyberspace, this was first described as the first point in the Facebook Travel business plan, albeit the roots go back to early 2000’s and “Villa Mogul. ”
However, with the assistance of a little Quantum Theory the specifications for S-World UCS are now closer to an economic time machine. Designed to create a perfect world for us to live in by the mid century, via a series of ecological and complexity saving “special projects. ” S-World UCS creates a virtual copy of the S-World VSN and VBN networks and send them forward in time, where business is conducted in future cyberspace before real time decisions need to be made. Triumphs are emulated and disasters avoided.
Logistics divisions set up camp strategically in future times, 8, 16 24 years ahead, their job to make a realistic future scenario of how things can be, that is continually probable, adapting to progress and failures, dictating the way to success, one way or another. Not predicting the future, rather painting is 3D picture and dangling it inside peoples computers TV’s and devices every day.

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American Butterfly Book 2: Spiritually Inspired Software

This book’s title Spiritually Inspired software originated as the final concluding chapter to the original Facebook business plan, it was further described as the original homepage for this website titled The Theory of just about Everything.

It had long been planned for the ninth chapter of American Butterfly to be a middle-eight of sorts, delving into the world of theoretical physics, noting certain similarities before introducing the Baby POP investment principle and spreadsheet were described. Then to return to the business with a concluding analysis.

This “physics” chapter had been prepared with some ideas relating to the dimensions of string theory and a fledgling theory on economic black holes. This however seemed far to coincidental for a serious chapter, until a view of Garrett Lisi’s Theory of Everything lecture, presented multiple timeline quantum mechanics from which the inspiration for S-World UCS’s future simulations were first considered. And the consideration, maybe one did not need to create new physics, rather just look at current physics and see if it can be adapted to other areas of the network design.

The phrase "be careful what you wish for" rang true as idea followed idea and one chapter turned into another and then another. Until at the end of a quite fantastic journey, two economic equations were released. From string theory was created the M⇔B Sting, re-working the Suppliers Butterfly model to even greater efficiency, and from Quantum mechanics and a continuation of the economic black hole theory was born the RES> + 100% equation, which in simple terms is Initial Revenue x QE (Profit vs. Revenue) Efficiency x Spin (occurrences within a year) must equal over 100% . Revenue x Efficiency x Spin the RES equation, essential programming for a global network.

The book currently has three complete chapters with ideas for preceding chapters, it is adventurous and highly creative written showing areas of mostly theoretical physics delving and then showing how the principle is applied to the network, and how it will make the network more successful. These highly creative considerations form part of the journey to QuESC the Quantum Economic System Core, which via S-World UCS combines human reasoning and flair into the bedrock programming of the network computer mainframe.

Despite economic inspirations, the work could not be presented as a serious piece of physics, but along the journey, valid points came. At 4 points of similarity between the network design and theoretical physics one says conscience, and eight and nine one starts to consider the possibilities then at 16 and rising it was time to start afresh and itemize them and see how they could work together.

American Butterfly Book 3: The Network on a String

The Network on a String began in September 2012, in two parts; the first is a simple explanation to CFM (Compatible Finite Mathematics) and the Baby POP principle and spreadsheet. The second part: “16 points of SUSY similarity” (SUSY is the abbreviation for supersymmetry the stable mate of string theory within superstring theory) is divided into 16 chapters, the first of which is presented on the website.

Chapters one to eight are complete and enhance the American Butterfly network plans expanding the US framework globally. Chapter 2 describes the M⇔B Sting with the RES equations covered in extended detail in chapter 4, each chapter has its own significant story to tell and all contribute to sustainability and balance. Of philanthropic importance is the third evolution of the POP principle creating Angel POP, which creates a system that describes certainty in the eventual success of all third world mother networks.

Chapters nine to thirteen in draught format deal with the specifications and concepts within S-World UCS, chapter 14 describes QuESC and explains how the human data collected in S-World UCS is used in conjunction with computer hardware to continually improve financial and lifestyle results. Chapter 15 looked back at the origins of physics inspirations and Chapter 16 is to describe the Butterfly Dimension, which as yet has no practical application except as a explanation for Multiverse communications within a film plot.

It is possible that like Henry Cavendish the experimental scientist who noted that water was made of Hydrogen and Oxygen whilst trying to perform alchemy. The results of the American Butterfly experiment are significant even if the theory is complete nonsense, the work has yet to be peer reviewed and it could simply be a case of 16 SUSY coincidences.

However, a theory has been created, and now following the scientific method the theory must be tested. Therefore, we must put together the framework and run the experiment with the deciding factor of success being financial gain, popularity and special project initiatives enacted. If that result occurs, the experiment will have been a success, and be it influenced by string theory and quantum mechanics or simply the best way to structure a business network in the new digital age, a success is still a success, and on the scale of American Butterfly, quite a success.

More about American Butterfly

American Butterfly is located at 5 Elm Grove, KT18 7LZ Epsom
+44 1372 724 844
Monday: 10:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 22:00
Friday: 10:00 - 22:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 22:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 22:00