Amn Academy

About Amn Academy

The Academy of Applied Movement Neurology: Providing further education for health /fitness /wellbeing professionals in over 52 countries.


Amn Academy Description

Movement patterns are the scaffolding on which cognition is built, essentially, our capacity for complex movement whether the resonance of neurons within the brain and spinal cord or the intricate coordination of muscles & joints as we move through the world is everything that we have and it should not be limited.
Focused movement or 'exercise' does not have to fit in to a single ideal. It does not have to be compartmentalised, isolated or avoided. When we learn something new that stimulates us, our brains pay attention. Novelty is the key missing factor in health and fitness. The Mass excitation of vast numbers of neurons within our brains in response to achieving a new skill makes us feel the same satisfaction, enjoyment and excitement as when we meet a new person that we like, learn the answer to something we've been wanting to know or witness something that inspires us.
Learning to move and integrate with our potential to make us strong, mobile, coordinated and flexible, promoting the neuro chemistry of our brains, is health and fitness. . Or at least it should be!
AMN will teach you how to truly understand your own and your clients nervous systems as it pertains to movement. Blending functional neurology, biomechanics, gymnastics, hand balancing, martial arts and tricking in to a progressive, teachable system that focuses on skill, fun and the joy of the incredible human form.
If you are a high level trainer or therapist with a passion for movement and a desire to learn, Applied Movement Neurology will change your own and your clients lives forever.

AMN, evolving the Health & Fitness industry.

David Fleming & Luke Sherrell



Touch can provide a wealth of information about the body. Use this simple method to identify which lower limb joints will benefit from a Piezoelectric (tapping) stimulus.


VLOG #49 Touch can provide a wealth of information about the body. Use this simple method to identify which lower limb joints will benefit from a Piezoelectric (tapping) stimulus.


VLOG #48 In this holism video blog, watch how tapping on the body, which liberates a natural electrical charge into the system can improve range of motion instantly


VLOG #48 In this holism video blog, watch how tapping on the body, which liberates a natural electrical charge into the system can improve range of motion instantly


HIP WARM UP ROUTINE You can only move as well as you can feel. Here's a quick hip mobility drill that will increase range of movement & very likely improve function by driving the brain to pay attention to the sensory feedback it's receiving from the sensory receptors around the hip, along the spine & indeed throughout the entire body.


HIP WARM UP ROUTINE You can only move as well as you can feel. Here's a quick hip mobility drill that will increase range of movement & very likely improve function by driving the brain to pay attention to the sensory feedback it's receiving from the sensory receptors around the hip, along the spine & indeed throughout the entire body.


Black Friday Super Sale eals/


SPECIALISED SUPPLEMENTS CONTEXT. In this vlog, Dr Dillon discusses how to specifically use supplements to supplement your therapy regimen. Supplements are not meant to replace medication, but rather can be used to aid healing the body. Make sure to incorporate all necessary lifestyle modifications to maximize your body's healing.


SPECIALISED SUPPLEMENTS CONTEXT. In this vlog, Dr Dillon discusses how to specifically use supplements to supplement your therapy regimen. Supplements are not meant to replace medication, but rather can be used to aid healing the body. Make sure to incorporate all necessary lifestyle modifications to maximize your body's healing.


I can honestly say it is a great pleasure to spend one week each year, teaching, healing and learning from a most incredible group of people at the AMN Mastermind Retreat.
Some of the changes I have witnessed in long term conditions governed by brain injury and other ailments of life have been nothing short of miraculous!
... The research and data on mind-matter interactions, the power of conscious intention and the un-ignorable (I think I made that word up) efficacy of what is commonly termed ‘energy healing’, but I call ‘intention ‘calibration’ should shake the current world view on what is possible between human beings to its core.
A method of identifying and recognising the client’s ‘needs’, coupled with an approach that provides the innate resources biology requires to heal is both logical and greatly effective. (This is the method we teach)
Put that in the hands of people who are open and willing to apply the information and exploit the influence of a resonant group of people, and magic happens.
I am deeply grateful to be able to share and apply my work with the AMN community and those who attended this years Mastermind Retreat in Bali.
Here’s looking forward to next year!
See More


SHOULDER WARMUP ROUTINE A quick shoulder warm up drill that’s suitable as a precursor to any kind of strength training & is designed to increase active range of movement, as well as boosting performance via an increase sensory awareness around the entire shoulder girdle.


SHOULDER WARMUP ROUTINE A quick shoulder warm up drill that’s suitable as a precursor to any kind of strength training & is designed to increase active range of movement, as well as boosting performance via an increase sensory awareness around the entire shoulder girdle.


Day 2 @amnacademy Mastermind Retreat.
Movement Session underway with AMN Master Practitioner and Senior Lecturer Scott Robinson @the.brain.guy #amnacademy #amnpractitioner #appliedmovementneurology #mastermindretreat


Day 1 of the AMN Academy Mastermind Retreat, Bali 2019!
Everyone’s arriving for a relaxing day at the pool before kicking off a week of learning and hanging out with some of the top AMN practitioners from all over the world.
#amnacademy #amnpractitioner #appliedmovementneurology #holistichealth #workingholiday @luke.b.sherrell @davidflemingamn


And the Winner is......🥁


Last chance to win an AMN Academy Certification Scholarship!

More about Amn Academy