Anamaria Puscas Life Coach

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Anamaria Puscas Life Coach

Anamaria is a Mental Well Being & Resilience Coach, Qualified Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher, passionate about helping others discover themselves and gaining confidence to go after their dreams. She lives in London, loves travelling & cooking (plant based)



Bali is magical. One of the most striking aspects of #lifeinBali are definitely it’s people. They live simply, they are very kind, always smiling, generous and so warm! They don’t rush and do even the most mundane tasks as if it’s a ritual and with amazing connection to themselves, the Divine and everything around them . .... Wherever you go in Bali, from spas to shops to taxi cars, even on the motorbikes, you will see these small ‘offerings’ called canang sari. These are hand sized intrinsically constructed open boxes which often contain colourful flowers with each flower containing a different colour and significance, small bits of food and burning incense sticks. In all homes, businesses, cars and temples, these offerings are made every day, sometimes twice a day . . Each Balinese home has its own temple and the whole family starts their day by praying and meditating for at least 30 mins no matter the age. When they have a conflict with sm1, they go and meditate or pray . . The offerings are a sacred form of gratitude for what is and a wish for peace and abundance for the entire world. The time and effort taken to prepare these offerings model the devotion, love, generosity and faith that #Balinesepeople cultivate every day . . This is in stark contrast to how we live in the West, always rushing, self centred, with an angry energy and always wanting to get ahead of someone else... . . Perhaps Being vs Doing, Deep Gratitude, Outward focus vs Selfishness and living life as a Sacred Gift is the reason why they smile and their energy emanates so much joy every day; despite living very simple and modest lives compared to what we’re used to in the West. In my one month here I still have not met 1 Balinese person whose energy I did not like. Their warmth and love is just so beautiful. . . I think this is the reason I feel so peaceful, healed, not lacking anything and at home here . . #balineseculture #travel #bali #yoga #grateful #lifelessons @i_am_yogi_coach
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It’s called #gateofheaven for a reason... The beginning of my spiritual school into realising my True Self is coming to an end but this is just the beginning. I am excited about this new chapter of my life which has already brought me so much more joy, peace, love and freedom! I’m very proud that I had the courage to follow my heart and start breaking the chains of living my life in Maya (illusion) . .... I’m taking with me so many beautiful teachings and lessons from #ytt teachers and local people alike with Love, Surrendering and Trust in the Divine (which resides inside each one of us) being one of THE MOST IMPORTANT lesson . . ‘Yoga isn’t about mastering the body but about mastering your own mind and the subtle energy body’ . . The fundamental problem to human existence? The illusion that pleasure = happiness. ‘Activity is obstructive to liberation as any results obtained are impermanent and creates more bondage’ Ramana Maharshi . . #truepathofyoga #truehappiness #bliss #surrender #justbe @i_am_yogi_coach
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The ultimate beauty standard that everyone is wanting to achieve. Beauty industry is trying to capitalise on this but spoiler alert: this cannot achieved from a bottle, no matter how high its pricetag. How do we achieve it? #meditation #selfcare #mindfulliving . . We all have heard that inner glow comes from beauty within but what does that actually mean? A new emerging field of research in the West, psycho dermatology, shows that skin conditions are influenced by underlying... emotions (which oftentimes were not even aware we are carrying) and our diets. Our skin goes pink when we’re embarrassed or white when we’re sick or scared, no? The wise #yogic and #Ayurvedic traditions have known and applied this information for hundreds & hundreds of years . . When meditating, the inner glow is released from #Ojas which is one of the three essences #prana #teja #oja or positive forms of #vatta #pitta #kapha imbalances. Ojas is the positive of Kapha imbalance. Ayurvedic texts show that ‘when ojas are diminished the person is fearful, weak, always worried, materialistic, apathetic, slow, lazy, complacent, has many attachments, suffers from disorders in chest, lungs, throat, fat, lymph and pancreas, swollen glands, obesity and, when left untreated for a long time it can turn into tumours. . . We decrease #ojas through emotional reactivity, stress, anger, anxiety, overexerction, excessive sexual activity, drugs or stimulants. We increase #ojas are through meditation, yoga asana, tonic ayurvedic foods, organic milk, honey, almonds, dates, whole grains and healthy oils. . . What small steps can you take today for a healthier, happier and more mindful you? . . #iam_yogi_coach #ayurveda #yoga #lifestyle #trueknowledge
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I surrender. I surrender to the light and bliss that only resides within me. Finding true bliss, the most amazing feeling 🙏 . . No outside ‘thing’, person, career, relationship status, physical look, social media popularity, etc will ever be able to offer that what we are so desperately trying to find. It lies within us and it’s discoverable by peeling down the layers of ego and toxic noise (news, newspapers, social media accounts making you feel you’re not enough, and many m...ore others) . . The more we try to fit into a mould dictated by society, the more we move away from our true essence. We live so disconnected from the truth that it’s no wonder we have a constant feeling of lacking. And no matter how much we get on the outside, it’s not going away... . . All we have to do is surrender and just be. Trust. Have faith. Be disciplined. Meditate. Pray. Be with yourself . . . So just be. Get to know yourself, it’s best gift you can give to yourself and to others. Surround yourself with people that uplift you. Meditate, it will change your life, that’s my promise to you. . . #meditate #truepathofyoga #pray #bliss #spiritualawakening #forgetnorms #dontfitin #findyourpath #bali #travel 🙏 🧘‍♀️
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Why are you trying to hold on to things as you know them? How do you know the side you’re used to is better than what’s to come?
Let go, surrender and trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. Allow life to unfold before you without trying to desperately control the outcome. Change will happen whether you desperately try to resist it or not and the new side will either teach you something, bring more bliss or is a result of your karma which needs to unfold. Surre...nder, pray and accept what’s to come with grace and gratitude .
#change #karma #yoga #life #grace #gratitude #pathofyoga #wisdom #teachings #iam_ap_coaching
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Own private pool immersed in the sounds of river and jungle. Nothing else... . . How does it get better than this? What did I do to deserve this? I am not sure but I’m deeply grateful 🙏 .... . @ubudcorner88 @bloominglotusyoga #Yogateachertraining #deeplygrateful #paradise #yoga #bali #karma
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What do you want to achieve in five years time? Are you clear about where you want to be in the next year or even what you want to achieve by end of this day?
If you want to succeed, you need to set up goals; without being clear on your goals it would be like getting in a cab asking the driver to start driving but you have no clear destination. You will end up taking turns and roads that will take you further away from your destination and you’ll end up paying a high price f...or the ride.
To accomplish your goals you need to know how to set them. You can't simply say, "I want" and expect it to happen. Goal setting is a process that starts with careful consideration of what you want to achieve, and ends with a lot consistent hard work on a daily basis to achieve those goals. There is no easy way.
Here are 5 golden tips for setting up goals:
1. Set up goals that motivate you: make sure these are important to you and there’s value in achieving them. Motivation is key to achieving success. Goal achievement requires commitment
2. Set SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time bound)
3. Set goals in writing: you will have no excuse to forget about it.
4. Make an action plan
5. Stick with it: your goal plan is an ongoing activity, set up daily reminders, carve time to do them and prioritise them in your day. It is up to you to do this
Nature and essential oils are also here to help you. For a sense of focus and a clear mind #doterra * Basil * Douglas Fir * Vetiver * InTune®
What helps you achieve your goals? I’d love to hear your ideas in the comments below.
#coaching #iam_ap_coaching #goals #goalsetting #workhard #noeasyway #naturehelp #doterra #motivation
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‘Do what you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life’ - one of the most popular ‘inspirational’ quotes out there. And I totally agree with it! How could I not? I’m all about making big changes, getting out of your small pond and swim in a bigger one when you’ve outgrown it and it starts to feel uncomfortable, following your heart, hustling hard and believing in your dreams.
However, there is the widespread misconception that you have to do what you love and tur...
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‘Be aware of the faults of others but do not dwell there for too long. The more you focus on darkens, the more it will continue to exist. Your real work is to see the goodness inside the hearts of even those that disturb you’ @bloominglotusyoga . . Very wise words and much needed right now. 🙏


Ah, Spring! My favourite season of the year and my birthday month! 🙂 Spring is the season which represents revival, new beginnings, fresh energies, the season where we get rid of heaviness of winter months, the time when we breathe new life into our ever growing list of hopes and dreams, things we want to achieve and accomplish, etc. It's the season where we walk with a spring in our step; see what i did there? 😉
But what happens if this is not true for you? What happens if’re left deflated and wondering? When life doesn’t quite go according to plan or when it does go to plan but doesn’t feel quite like you expected it to? Or if life throws you an unexpected curve ball. How do you get reconnected with the sense of passion and drive? How do you deal with the ‘expectation hangover’?
We all go through times of expectation hangovers, I certainly did many times, and they can be very uncomfortable. But, if we are brave enough to walk through them, these can open valuable new doors for transformation, love, purpose and growth. I believe that with the right tools and attitude, you can walk through these successfully and come away feeling connected and empowered to accomplish all you set your mind to.
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My journey from 👩🏼‍💻 to 🧘‍♀️continues...Thank you for taking the time to read this 🙏 . . This week I’ve been working on recharging my batteries, still shaking off the flu. I’ve stuck to my morning routine of long meditations as soon as I get up - I’ve been doing kundalini awakening meditation every day this week, I’ve been writing my #morningpages and finished off with yoga practice. During the day, I’ve been working on my business plan 😉 What is surprising is that I’ve been ...waking up daily before 7:00 am with no alarm clock 😱 Ya, this is a big thing for me...might be because I am no longer sleep deprived... . . You might wonder what Kundalini is: it is a word in Sanskrit that means dormant life force energy that each of us have in our body. ‘Kunda’ means pit or container and ‘lini’ means dormant, sleeping or silent. It is a more complex issue but in simple terms it’s a life force energy of awareness which exists in each and every one of us. When this dormant energy is awakened we become who we are meant to be and wake up to our destiny. All of a sudden our old life and our old ways are just not serving us any longer, our creativity and intuition are infinitely more acute, we experience incredible synchronicities, we become more empathetic and want to be of service, we have a desire to spend more time in nature, a strong need to de clutter our lives (of old habits that’s keeping us stuck, broken relationships, our homes) and we suddenly realise that we cannot wait any longer to start living because life is Happening Right Now . . Current situation: very content with sipping a lavender & rosemary infused G&T, reading a good book before cooking with my love. Tonight we did lemon, thyme cod & chicken with crushed potatoes and green beans. 🤤 . . Life is good and I’m very grateful for it🙏
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Days 5-7 of journey from 👩🏼‍💻 to 🧘‍♀️ . . I am pleased with encouragements from some of you to continue sharing feelings and what is unfolding for me in this process. You see, doubt starting kicking in: ‘what if I bore people with my blabbering? I don’t always have time to write’ and others like that. I know some of you are inspired and interested so I will keep sharing ☺️ .... . Last weekend we spent 3 days in ☀️ Palma de Mallorca, what a stunning surprise that was! Not sure if we watch too much Channel 4 (actually we only watch one show - Celebrities go dating, very bad but funny) but we expected chavy, drunk and party town. None of that at at all! Lucio did a Spartan race, which I was jealous I wasn’t par taking, and we spent the whole time exploring the streets of the old town. Extremely charming with a lot of hidden gems, ate really good food, interacted with most open and friendly restaurant workers and went to bed before 23:00, we’re very fun like that... 😅 . . Highlight of the trip was the Sunday morning when we sat down for a 3 h lunch by the beach and we just people watched. Families, couples, friends, little 5 yo boy on beach being trained by his dad to go up and down a sand dune (dad wants him to be next Spartan elite was our guess), weirdos with Spartan medals on their bare chests trying to climb a lamp post 😂 but everyone seemed to be in such a light, happy mood cycling, walking around, exercising or just enjoying each other’s company and the glorious weather . . We talked about how, even on a beautiful day in London, you just don’t get the same care-free and quality time feeling. I wonder why? Might it be because we are always on the go, always trying to fit into a crowded train or bus or not be late to something? I think that if we just slowed down a little, breathe and be in the present moment we would enjoy life so much more... Also, not doing politics but why wouldn’t UK want to be part of Europe who has so much to offer? 🤷🏼‍♀️ . . To put it into perspective: it costed us £27/pp flight tickets plus £8/pp buses to and from airport in Spain vs UK £48 for Stansted express and £70 in Uber. Beautiful, sunny mood, 23 Celsius Spain vs grey, rainy 6 Celsius London where all trains and mode of transport were stalled because of overhead wires. Uber drivers were calling me ahead of arriving to ask how far I was going so they decided if they will take my ride... 🤦🏼‍♀️ Didn’t feel like a warm welcome back at all.
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Everyone needs to watch this video, feel free to share.
Keeping salary secret only helps the employer, not the employees. ‘information asymmetry’, they way in which the part that has the information can control the outcome of the negotiations (this is valid in relationships also) can save the company a lot of money in short run but will result in other party feeling undervalued and discriminated against.
Even if the employee is paid at the market value, how are they suppose...d to know if they are not allowed to discuss salaries with their peers? Of the employees feeling underpaid or undervalued, 60% intend to quit.
Similar to leaving a long term relationship that just isn’t working, it is not easy to make the decision to walk away but, having tried to work on it with no results, it is a necessary step towards moving on. When making such hard decision, we may question whether the happiness we seek even exists, and we may wonder if we might be wiser to simply settle where we are, making the best of what we have. I know I deserve to be happy, no matter what my current situation and will always move towards the direction that brings me my greatest fulfilment. I believe that in order for one door to open, I need to close one that no longer serves me.
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Happy International women’s day to all the women out there! And for those amazing women in my life, thank you! Thank you for always being an inspiration to me and for having my back, life is better with you around ❤️ . .
I’m very passionate about unshackling women from the chains of societal limits, choices and images constantly promoted on social media. Every woman should be free and empowered to look, dress, choose the life and career and life they want, wear/not wear makeu...p, follow their dreams and not be afraid of ‘what people will think’. It’s about time women start living just the way they want to. Feminine energy is extremely powerful and creative (no, that is not stilettos and lipstick, it’s a lot deeper than that) and women should not neglect it. Yoga, meditation, dancing, art, being creative connects you with this beautiful energy . . I have myself allowed the people around me to influence my ideas of what I should be striving for in order to be successful. My first ‘going against the rules’ was at 25 years old when I decided to break free from a marriage that was not right for me (I got a divorce and with that a lot of judgment from those I considered good friends, even been told I am going to go to hell, reply was ‘if that’s true, I might as well have fun in the meantime’) 😈😬 It was not easy but it was the best decision I could have done and this allowed me to start climbing to the peak I wanted to get to . . This is why I put so much passion into my working with women: I truly believe that when women come together and sustain each other, miracles can and will happen
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#pooltime #metime #pooltimereading #theprosperouscoach. Thank you Joshua Riffe - FUNancial Services for the recommendation 🙏 . . I can count on one hand how many times we took advantage of the beautiful pool we have where we live in London in last 15 months. Why? Because we are too busy working to make money ➡️ pay the rent ➡️ be able to have nice facilities ➡️ actually not using them because we are too tired or get home too late. 😳🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ doesn’t make sense, does it?


Day 3 & 4 of journey from 👩🏼‍💻 to 🧘‍♀️ . . Spending both days nursing a cold, second big one in less than a month...not good and a serious signal sent from my body .... . Have you ever wondered why, after a stressful period (at work, school, exams, etc) as soon as you stop, body goes into shut down mode and why this happens not during the stressful period but after? It’s not a fluke but a phenomenon called ‘the let down effect’ and it has been studied by scientists. Research has linked the ‘let down’ of perceived stress with flare ups of pain: during stress periods the body produces cortisol, adrenaline and other stress hormones to prepare itself for flight or flee from danger. In the process, latent viral infections which are the cause of fatigue, asthma, cold sores, sore throat or swollen glands and even panic attacks are only obvious after a few days after the period passes . . I’m used to hearing a lot about how harmful stress is and, this might sound bad, but tended to dismiss it. I thought living an intense and full of adrenaline life, country and city hopping, always on the go and constantly multitasking is what takes to be successful. I was so wrong and I’m very happy and proud of myself for having the power to remove myself from that ‘rat race’ that wasn’t bringing me happiness and that I never wanted to be in anyway...I value a simple and authentic life more than a glitzy one . . I’m definitely a lot more conscious about how my lifestyle affects my health: my pledge is to eat well, exercise, yoga and meditation every day and just breathe, trust that I’m on a better, healthier path . . How do you look after yourself and are you listening to signals your body is sending? Let me know . . ⬇️🖋
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Day 2 of my journey from 👩🏼‍💻 to 🧘‍♀️
There are exactly 30 days to go until my month long yoga teacher training in beautiful Bali and I couldn’t be more excited!! 😝 I chose this place as it has changed the way I see the world 2.5 years ago and I’ve since dreamt about returning to learn more. Blooming Lotus Yoga is one of the most holistic and authentic yoga teacher trainings in the world. ‘In traditional Yoga there was never a focus on anatomy and physiology but rather, up the energetic and physical body, their focus is on the subtle body, the mind, the emotions, and freeing one's self from limiting thought patterns and emotions’. No money, nor education, nor relationship, nor career, can ever replace the gift of realizing my True Self. I’M READY! 🤓 . . Over next month I’m advised to do a daily asana practice and sit for at least 30 mins in meditation, eat a healthy, organic vegetarian diet, abstain or limit all alcohol and wake up before sunrise . . Been practicing by downward dog cuddles with newly groomed Layla, pub lunch and balancing a glass of red with @saz66 and making hard nail colour decisions. That counts, no? 😅
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More about Anamaria Puscas Life Coach

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -