Anastasis Tzanis

Monday: 07:00 - 16:00
Tuesday: 07:00 - 16:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 16:00
Friday: 07:00 - 15:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Anastasis Tzanis

I am a yoga instructor specialising on breathing.

Anastasis Tzanis Description

People living stressful lives share 2 traits : they have stiff body and short breath. I help them use yoga and breathwork to fix their posture and clear their mind.



. * Nasal cycle & alternative cerebral hemisphere activation • . #fact1 : the 2 sides of the nasal cavity go daily through a cycle where when one side is more congested & the other more open .... #fact2 : the congestion / blockage of the nose has an impact on our Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) by activating the sympathetic response . A study by Werntz B in 1983 showed that the blockage of one 👃🏼 side causes sympathetic activation of the same side 🧠 hemisphere & increase in blood supply in the opposite. . Does that mean that digital breathing practiced in yoga can bring balance between the 2 sides of the 🧠? . Although the study above would support the idea I am not sure. Based on my experience there is no consistency in which side of the brain students bring clarity through digital breathing. This of course can be due to other inflammatory, neurological, cardiovascular issues going on. .
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Connecting the dots
While the practice of yoga on its own can improve respiratory function, the use of breathing techniques to improve tolerance to CO2 can amplify its benefits.
The quickest way to start is practice with your mouth closed next time. If you feel the urge to breathe harder, let that be from the nose & if you have to open your mouth, take a sip of breath and carry one.
... Image reposted from: SomniFix
Next "Ice baths and Breath Control" workshop: LANO Yoga
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. • The 1st reaction & last impression • . Let me share with you 2 things on cold exposure: 1. The 1st reaction doesn’t mean anything, it takes some people longer than others but at the end everyone can calm down.... 2. The last impression doesn’t mean much either. Because you managed to relax for 1 min in an ice bath you have not turned into an iceman or icewoman. . Practice regular some cold exposure & you will see numerous benefits. . When I teach workshops with cold exposure I always cover some of the @oxygenadvantage material as I know no better way of controlling the autonomic nervous system. . 2 Feb “Ice Baths & Breath Control Workshop” LANO Yoga . 📸 credit: Lard Galloway taken at last year’s @we_togetherness festival in Dorset @ London, United Kingdom
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. • Our rhythm of breathing • . While there are 3 neural influences in our breathing, the main one is from the dorsal respiratory group located at the distal portion of the medulla. This “respiratory centre” receives signals from peripheral chemoreceptors via the vagus nerve to set our basic rhythm of breathing. .... Have an awesome week ahead. .
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. • An uneven arm balance • . Scroll through to see how I got into. .... Next Fri 30th of Nov I will be teaching a “Headstand to Handstand workshop” at @triyogauk Soho . Wish you an awesome weekend. . Anastasis Tzanis: headstand to handstand + getting aligned
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. • The forgotten role of the diaphragm • . The diaphragm apart from a respiratory muscle serves as a postural one as well. By the age of 5 months old the diaphragm in healthy babies supports arm & leg movements. Pilates teacher’s are fully aware of its role as one of the 4 inner unit muscles. The relationship between inner unit & respiration goes beyond the diaphragm though: .... “All 4 muscles of the inner unit support healthy respiratory function, despite the fact that the diaphragm is responsible for 70-80% of the breath’s biomechanics.” .
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• Why do more people switch to 👄 breathing during the winter? • . 1. 👃🏼 tends to block due to flu 🤧 ➡️ if you stop using your 👃🏼 it will get even more ⛔️ 2. The air is ❄️ so lungs have to work harder - it is easy to open the 👄 & get more air in... ➡️ use your 👃🏼 to 🔥 the air prior to reaching your lungs 3. The 🏠 tend to be over-🔥. As 👄 breathing cools us down we tend to breath more from the 👄 ➡️ turn the room 🌡 down & close your 👄 to avoid getting dehydrated . . ps: drop me a message with YouTube 🎥 topics. I uploaded one a few days ago on the difference between #oxygenadvantage & the #wimhofmethod breathing . The subtitles in this video were slow so switch 🔈on to listen to the rest. .
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In 2018 breathwork has attracted a lot of attention among athletes as well as yogis. A friend of mine Gray from Adventures In Movement recently said how: "Breathwork is becoming the new Mindfulness."
The popularity of breathwork has to a big extent risen due to the Wim Hof method. At the same time Oxygen Advantage, a breathing system - with testimonials from many elite athletes - seems to be advocating a different practice.
In this 🎥 I am: (a) briefly reviewing the 2 methods (b) listing their benefits (c) suggesting when each should be practiced.


. • The breathing gasses • . . Oxygen : ... • necessary for aerobic metabolism • has an alkaline effect in the blood • in healthy individuals the blood is ~ fully saturated with oxygen . Carbon Dioxide : • a byproduct of metabolism • has an acidic effect in the blood • the main marker chemoreceptors monitor to control the respiratory cycle • tolerance to CO2 will determine to a big extent the use of oxygen during exercise • vasodilator . Nitric Oxide: • produced & used when breathing in from the nose • vasodilator . What else would you add as a 🔑 characteristic of the 3 blood gasses? .
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That's the trailer of the a video titled: "Universal Yoga 4D Mandala" available on:


A new genetic report is currently available:
"Genetic Report for Sports performance and Mind-Body connection"
Current clients will receive a free update. Old clients can get in touch if they want to receive the report at a reduced rate.
... ⭐️Algorithms included ⭐️ Most suitable types of exercise 1. Training spectrum and traits indicative of elite athletes. 2. Is high energy exercise required for weight loss? Exercise Enhancers 3. Does caffeine intake improve performance? Learning Skills 4. How easy is it for you to learn motor skills? 5. Cognitive ability Tolerance to pain 6. How sensitive are you to pain? 7. Are you at risk of muscle pain from fibromyalgia? Stress response 8. Are you prone to elevated cortisol levels when under stress? 9. Are you likely to have a compromised stress adaptation due to dopamine’s function? 10. Are you at risk of experiencing a panic attack? 11. Is kava likely to be of help in a panic attack? 12. What is your risk for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? 13. Do you have difficulty with disengaging attention from emotional stimuli? Stress response 14. Are you at risk for lumbar disc disease 15. Are you at risk of cramping due to exertion? Misc 16. Are you prone to a novelty seeking behaviour? 17. Are you prone to an exaggerated placebo effect? 18. Are you at risk of experiencing misophonia?
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Last Saturday I run my first Oxygen Advantage workshop in Athens 🇬🇷.
It was split 50/50 between theory (which toool place at Athen’s only parkour gym Athens Parkour Academy) & practice.
Breathing is a big aspect of my work. I am grateful to be running workshops like this as I get the opportunity to clarify some of respiration’s very important functions.
... 🙏🏻
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. • Improve your breathing one step at a time • . If you have bad posture chances are it will take some time you fix it. Same thing applies for breathing. That’s not a reason not to start though. Small steps. .... If you think the 3 points above are not enough here’s a 4th one: 4. Practice humming when stressed. .
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. • is circulation on both sides of the body even? • . Chances are No. is that a big issue? It depends on the individuals health status I guess. Identifying an imbalance through the 2 arms is easy at least. .


Tomorrow's workshop will cover the science as well as the practice behind Oxygen Advantage. Dr. Joseph Mercola is not the only one who has credited the OA method as useful for performance. 545032/


. • Handstanding with my teacher @natalie_handbalancing • . I will be visiting Greece 🇬🇷 2-11 of November. Give me a shout if you want to arrange a workshop or train together. .


3 basic handstand lines on a handstand with thumbs together


. • Mind 🔗 Breath • . Depending on how we breathe we are manipulating the blood gassed in our blood & thus the oxygenation of our organise. Of all organs it’s the 💔 & the 🧠 the ones with the biggest impact in our experience of life. .... According to our breath our experience of life alters. . ps: looking forwards to visiting 🇬🇷 in a week’s time. I will be teaching an @oxygenadvantage workshop at the @ath_pk_academy on Sunday the 4th of Nov. Give me a shout if you fancy hanging out or training between the 2nd & 11th of Nov.
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great page, very informative !


Very good job!!!! Thank you for all the useful information!


Useful, informative and fun read page that helps to raise your health awareness - great job Anastasis, also as a yoga teacher!


The absolute dedication and commitment that Anastasis brings to yoga and nutrition takes his practice to the next-level. I have personally benefited from Anastasis's yoga teachings and passion for practice. His human-compassion and ability to coach each student towards their own personal best is an ideal blend that propels learning up to transformational change.


Really helpful advice. I will definitely put them to use. Love the recipes as well!!! Works of art on our table.


I was lucky to be coached by Anastasis once, he is a great teacher and all round nice guy. highly recommended. I'll be back.

More about Anastasis Tzanis

+44 7901 587268
Monday: 07:00 - 16:00
Tuesday: 07:00 - 16:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 16:00
Friday: 07:00 - 15:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -