Andy Ingham - Macro Nutrition

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About Andy Ingham - Macro Nutrition

Nutrition and weight management advisor. Offering bespoke diet and nutrition plans for weight loss, gain and a balanced diet.



Those people who have a big meal with a diet coke ūü§¶ūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹ Whats the point in that, you'll hear people say.
I'll tell you the point, zero calories. As in no calories added to your overall intake for the meal.
A couple of refill full fat cokes at Nandos or a beer of 2 add another 250-400, even 5 or 600 calories to your meal.
... That's the point, these people aren't dumb, they're smart ūüėĀūüĎć
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Food from though for everyone ūüĎĆ …


So for most people they hear protein intake and think bodybuilding meat heads ūüí™
Protein within your diet has many benefits but for the average Jo the main benefit is satiety ūü§Ē
Protein is the nutrient that keeps you feeling fuller for longer.
... When you're dieting this is exactly what you needūüĎĆ
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If you're in a diet and don't eat cheese everyday you're doing it wrong!
This goes for any of your favourite foods. If you have a food you love you shouldn't be denied it.
You can work almost any food into a flexible diet ūüėĀūüĎĆ


Starting your weight loss journey can be a bit daunting, so keep it simple.
1, Eat in a calorie deficit. Eat fewer calories than you burn. ‚úĒÔłŹ
2, Move more. Whenever you can....walk ūüŹÉ It's that simple to start with. Always aim for 10k steps a day.‚úĒÔłŹ
... 3, Stay hydrated. Aim for at least 2L of water per day. ‚úĒÔłŹ
4, Get your sleep. Ideally 8+ hours per night. ‚úĒÔłŹ
*** The gym, 100% has its place but the initial focus should be on your diet. Then introduce some resistance training ūüĎĆ
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I saw these the other day and though I'd check the nutrition stats. All less that 400 calories and between 42 and 48 grams of protein per tin! ūüĎĆ You really can't be off that!!!
I've tried and tested them, they're actually good.
I'm not saying ditch the whole food and home cooked sauces etc, but....Having something like this in the cupboard just in case isn't a bad idea.
... When you can't be arsed cooking, it may prevent a takeaway.
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Saturday night tea. Chicken marinated in tandoori yogurt, homemade naan bread and a shit load of riceūüĎĆ
Naan bread was so good, came in around 300 cals for half what you see in the pictureūü§ó


The scales can have you doubting yourself daily if you let themūü§Į
If you're hitting your goals daily and maintain your calorie deficit it will happen. You just need to trust in the process. It does work.
The very best results come to those who are patient and consistent ūüĎĆ


WOW!! This what we're up against.
800 calories a day and basically no carbs is not good for you at allūüė°
The most concerning thing is all the comments from @slimmingworld members saying how good this is and how well this person has done.
... Just shows how uneducated, blinkered and ridiculous their teachings are. How can this be a positive thing!
Please, please, please people don't do this shit!
ūü§¶ūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹūü§¶ūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹūü§¶ūüŹ ľ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹ Good work #slimmingworld
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If you're in a diet or even just being more mindful of what you're eating, there shouldn't be things you can't have.
There's a time and a place for any food really, just work it into your gaols.
If you want that pudding, just hold back some calories the day before and/or after! ūüĎĆ


I hear this so much! I can't have that I'm on a diet, followed by pulling a sad face ūüė≠
Being on a diet shouldn't be a bad thing, you're only trying to improve your health!!! Which is great ūüĎĆ
However, restrictions like this do 2 things. Make you crave and want foods more. Which makes dealing with your plan harder than it needs to be. Secondly, breads a negative relationship with 'bad' foods.
... There's no such thing as bad foods, it's just the quantities they're eaten in.
I'm not saying for a minute that this is a health or optimal for nutrition, but it's by no means a sin ūüė†
#weightlossplans #myplan #workonyourself #fatloss #diet #dietplan #macrocounting #macro #protein #fitfam #fitness #wellbeing #weightloss #dothisforyou #caloriedeficit
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Friday night tea ūüėć
Still 200 calories left to play with. I think I'll save those for tomorrow ūüĎĆ


What's your trigger food?? ūü§™ūü§Į Mines chocolate. When I start I just want more. This is something you need to manage. I ate this last Sunday before 8am. It set the tone for the rest of the day. If you want a treat, have one, but save it till the end of the day. Rather than trigger cravings that you have to fight all dayūüĎĆ
#flexabledieting #weightlossjourney #nutrition #fitfam #weightlosstransformation #diet #caloriecounting #macrocounting #protein #weightlosshelp


Was this worth 998 of my 2000 calories today?? ūüßź Too right it was ūüėú
How can I do it? Fasted in the morning as I knew I was out for lunch. I had a 2 coffee's and 1.5L water through the morning, a snack around 4 and a normal calorie tea.
Protein intake was a little low today so not optimal but I had a great day out and enjoyed my day off ūüėĀūüėĀūüėĀūüėĀ That's what life is all about!


Who's blown their diet brains out this weekend??ūüôĄ Booze, takeaway, hangover binge??ūüė≠
So the plans to restrict yourself for a few days to make up for it right?? No....this will just lead to another binge on Wednesday/Thursday.
Just eat sensibly, hold back a few calorie for a couple of days and drink plenty water. You'll be back on track in no time ūüĎćūüĎćūüĎć
... Have a good week everyone ūüėĀ
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I have this discussion with so many people. This statement is so true ūüĎĆ
You can't out train a bad diet ūüĎé
You can train as much as you like. You'll become stronger form a muscular and CV point of view. Which is great, but if your diet isn't right you won't shift the weight.


Sunday check ins earlier with a little help from my assistant. Although she soon got bored ūüėā


There's so much more to weight loss than what the scales tell you ūü§™
Weight loss and FAT loss are 2 different things. This is why cloths fit better but the scales don't move ūüėĶ
Don't sweat it, it's working in the back ground, just keep going!! ūüĎĆ

More about Andy Ingham - Macro Nutrition