Angelic Guidance - Angel Card Readings Lancashire

Monday: 10:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 22:00
Friday: 10:30 - 22:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: 16:00 - 22:00

About Angelic Guidance - Angel Card Readings Lancashire

Want peace of mind?
Answers to your most pressing questions?
Need support and guidance?

Angel card readings can connect you with your own guardian angels, the Archangels, spirit guides.

Angelic Guidance - Angel Card Readings Lancashire Description

An Angel Reading: What’s in it for you?

Strengthens your connection with the Divine and to your Higher Self
Gives you the guidance, encouragement and direction you seek
Opens your heart to give and receive more love
Brings refreshing clarity to complex situations
Showers blessings of comfort, peace, protection and reassurance
Facilitates healing and transformation on many levels
Cultivates self-trust, deeper awareness, and joy
Develops and deepens your own relationship with the Angels
Empowers you to find your own answers and act on them

Angel cards access the energies of angelic beings that want only to love, care for and protect humanity. Having infinite compassion for the human condition and acting in accordance with divine laws, these beings provide guidance and insight.

The lessons the angels provide cover all aspects of human life, but centre on spiritual advice. Angel messages provide encouragement, positive affirmations for whatever challenges you face.

Through my own life experiences Angel cards have guided me through the rough times giving me hope and positivity to see the light.



Morning all
Change can be exciting bringing you opportunities for joy, learning and success. Don't be anxious about the newness as this change will bring many blessings for everyone involved.
Have faith that you'll know what to do in each moment and trust that your needs will be met every step if the way, as long as you follow your inner guidance. Approach it with a spirit of adventure and excitement.
... Hope you all have a lovely day.
Sandy xxx
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Morning all
The results of the situation you are thinking about is entirely in your hands. By taking a proactive approach you can affect the outcome of any challenge.
Stand in your own power and have confidence that you have what it takes.
... Have a lovely day
Sandy xxx
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This is the one stop shop for all you need to make your wedding day special.


Morning everyone.
Just a little reminder today that we all have a guardian angel. They will help with everything you just have to ask.
Have a lovely day
... Sandy xxx
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Good morning all
Have you changed your mind about a previous decision and struggling with the possible repercussions. Are you worried about what others will think or you or another will suffer consequences from changing your mind.
However, do you know more now than you did when you made your 1st decision and wish you'd done more searching?
... Changing your mind is an option for us all and we all have the free will to do so. Learn from it and in the future take some time to decide what you want.
Hope this helps.
Have a lovely day.
Sandy xxx
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Good morning all
Have you got an unhealed situation from your past? If so then this is the perfect time to work on this situation so that it can be resolved in order for you to move forward.
Having guidance from a therapist or support group may help you face your feelings. However there is nothing to fear as this will lead you to let go of heavy weights that you may not of realised you were carrying around so that you can enjoy your life and move forward.
... Have a lovely day
Sandy xxx
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Have a lovely day xx


Want to treat your mum to something different this year.
Why not buy her a 1-1 reading either face to face or by telephone or a gift voucher.


Good morning everyone
Have you been seeing feathers, coins, repeated numbers or even a certain song?
These are signs from above and they're trying to tell you something.
... Take notice of these signs and trust that you're being watched over.
Have a lovely day.
Sandy xx
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Good morning all
Have you got inner conflict? Struggling to decide your next actions? Worrying whether following your desired path is the right choice and how it will impact others.
The answer is "you must remain true to yourself" Compromising your vision will put you our of sync with the rhythms of success, health and happiness.
... Be assertive speak your truth and stand up for your beliefs. Accept and enjoy your unique qualities and don't be swayed by outside pressure.
Have a lovely day
Sandy xxx
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Good morning all
Hope you've all had a wonderful weekend.
The 1st card of the week - Emotions
... This means that because youre evolving and progressing your perspective is different to what is was before. Your emotions are speaking to you so it's very important that you listen. If you ignore them they will only grow stronger and louder. There is a situation in your life that you were able to endure or enjoy but has now becoming intolerable and this is because you and your emotions have changed. Please be honest with yourself and notice how you're feeling. Just acknowledging your own feelings so that your heart feels heard and understood is sometimes enough as you do not have to resort to drastic action to resolve anything.
It could also mean getting guidance from a therapist or joining a support group, dealing with an emotional loved 1, empathically absorbing other people's emotions.
Have a lovely day.
Sandy xxx
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Good morning all
Sorry for not posting anything yesterday but I had an extremely busy day.
Following on from the cards last week I thought this week I'd post affirmations to help you a long the way.
... Have a lovely day.
Sandy xxx
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If you're booking a reading or session with me please read my Terms and Conditions
* Privacy & Confidentiality Any personal details you share with me will always remain private, as will your reading and details of your treatment. They will never be disclosed elsewhere or with anyone unless you give permission.
... * Trust Your reading is yours and not copied or recycled from anyone else’s which is why I prefer to do personal or video call readings. I also have a duty of care to my clients that they do not become dependent on readings. I will not take advantage of my clients in any way.
* Impartiality You will never be judged for the issues you share prior to, during, or after your treatment, or questions you are seeking guidance on in your reading.
Healing & Empowerment My duty as a reader is to empower you to make decisions and heal yourself using the guidance I channel through Spirit and your guides. I will not tell you what to do. I can only give you the guidance you need to hear through your reading and make suggestions to give you insight about your question or situation, but it is up to YOU to apply your guidance and take action.
* Predictions I like to focus my readings in the present since that is all we have control over. The future is subject to change depending on your free will and choices so your reading will focus on the steps you can take from NOW in a general sense based on your current circumstances.
* Your reading will identify the blocks, self-limiting beliefs, and steps you can take to change the energies surrounding you and, if you put in the work you’re guided to, ultimately change the direction and make positive life changes for your highest good. Your Reading is about YOU I prefer not to answer questions about another person or people without their permission, please be mindful of their choices and free will.
* Your reading is not a replacement for legal, medical or financial advice Please seek the appropriate professional as I do not give legal, medical or financial advice in my readings unless it is in a general sense.
* This is a Business As much as I love to share my gifts and abilities, I still need to pay my way in the world. I do occasional free readings but this is how I earn a living, so please respect that.
* You must be 18 years old and above for a reading.
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Well i'll be honest. i have never had anything like this before and wasn't sure what to expect.

I suffer terrible anxiety, to the point where i am actually sick and worry aboit everything. So the very lovely Sandy, came to my house and gave me an ANGEL THERAPY session.

Her demeanour, put me at ease straight away, i can't really explain what she did, but OMG!!! she completely blew me away. I am not exaggerating, when i say i physically felt it. Body temperature changes and complete calmness.

She has left me with instructions and tips so i can carry on at home.

Since the session,i have felt able to cope in stressful situations.

Thank You Sandy, you really are one of lifes Angels. xx

I highly recommend xxxxx


Very friendly and easy to talk with. I particularly likes that Sandy didn't ask any questions and we followed the cards rather than trying to push things in any particular direction. Whether you believe that guidance comes from Angels, Spirit or just intuition sometimes you just need to open your mind, speak with someone whos only interest is in helping you and seeing what comes though.


Thank you Sandy for the reading. The cards I chose were relevant to me. Sandy didn't know anything about me but it was amazing to see that the reading was spot on. Thank you Sandy xx


Sandy put me at ease straight away and made me feel relaxed and comfortable. I loved my reading and came away feeling positive and inspired. Thank you so much �


Sandy does wonderful work helping people. She is genuine and warm-hearted and has a unique gift. Highly recommended.


Sandy arrived to give me a card reading and I wasn't sure what to expect. Luckily Sandy's calm and cheery nature soon settled me down and I was able to enjoy the journey.

Sandy explained what she was going to do at the outset and I was determined not to give any clues but they weren't necessary as the cards I chose and the interpretation Sandy gave of them was spot on with where I am in my life right now and what I need to do.

She carefully explained the meaning of each of my chosen cards and then connected them into 'my story'. It was a truly positive and uplifting experience that I'd recommend to anyone, even if you're a sceptic like I was.

I'm now looking forward to a party night which I imagine will be amazing fun :)


I really enjoyed my Angel card reading with Sandy. The cards I turned over were so relevant to my life at the moment and Sandy was able to put them into my story in a way that made so much sense. I now feel positive and refreshed. She gave me advice about being open to help from the angels and the very next day I saw a white feather in my path. Normally I would have nothing of it but now I believe it was a sign that I'm not alone. Thank you Sandy


I had a reading yesterday and it was very relevant to what is happening in my life right now. It certainly gave me the impression there will be a positive outcome which is a huge relief. Thank you Sandy


I had a card reading today. I wasn’t sure what to believe about these type of things before & was very sceptical. However, after my reading today I am now fully converted. Everything I was told was completely right & I just hope with all my heart that I get the future it predicted for me... Thank you Sandy Pugh.


I had a angel reading today very positive ,very relevant to me .I had never met Sandy before and the reading was spot on thank you Sandy


I had a 1-1 reading with Sandy recently. The cards that were picked out were incredibly insightful and Sandy’s interpretation of them was spot on. Sandy explained everything to me and left me reassured about things we discussed. I would recommend Sandy and Angelic Guidance to anyone. Thank you Sandy, and I’ve started my ‘homework’ 😘


I can not thank Sandy enough for her Angel reading ..... I chose the cards myself and oh my goodness they were so relevant to me giving me a lot of guidance and a lot of thought about my life ..... it is amazing how Sandy knows nothing about me however the reading was so spot on Thank you Sandy xx


I attended an Angel Party and honestly had no idea what to expect.. I had never heard Angel card reading before and not sure I actually believed in it to be honest. My life was at a crossroads in terms of my career so I was a bit spooked that all the cards I chose related to this as no one could possibly have known because I hadn't discussed it with anyone. The reading turned out to be so relevant to me and actually helped me to make the decision I needed to make. Sandy is a lovely lady who made everyone feel at ease and even though I only knew one other person there, by the end of the evening we all had such a good night we left as friends. I would thoroughly recommend you either have a one to one or host a party. I will definately have another one.


Well i'll be honest. i have never had anything like this before and wasn't sure what to expect.

I suffer terrible anxiety, to the point where i am actually sick and worry aboit everything. So the very lovely Sandy, came to my house and gave me an ANGEL THERAPY session.

Her demeanour, put me at ease straight away, i can't really explain what she did, but OMG!!! she completely blew me away. I am not exaggerating, when i say i physically felt it. Body temperature changes and complete calmness.

She has left me with instructions and tips so i can carry on at home.

Since the session,i have felt able to cope in stressful situations.

Thank You Sandy, you really are one of lifes Angels. xx

I highly recommend xxxxx


Very friendly and easy to talk with. I particularly likes that Sandy didn't ask any questions and we followed the cards rather than trying to push things in any particular direction. Whether you believe that guidance comes from Angels, Spirit or just intuition sometimes you just need to open your mind, speak with someone whos only interest is in helping you and seeing what comes though.


Thank you Sandy for the reading. The cards I chose were relevant to me. Sandy didn't know anything about me but it was amazing to see that the reading was spot on. Thank you Sandy xx


Sandy put me at ease straight away and made me feel relaxed and comfortable. I loved my reading and came away feeling positive and inspired. Thank you so much �


Sandy does wonderful work helping people. She is genuine and warm-hearted and has a unique gift. Highly recommended.


Sandy arrived to give me a card reading and I wasn't sure what to expect. Luckily Sandy's calm and cheery nature soon settled me down and I was able to enjoy the journey.

Sandy explained what she was going to do at the outset and I was determined not to give any clues but they weren't necessary as the cards I chose and the interpretation Sandy gave of them was spot on with where I am in my life right now and what I need to do.

She carefully explained the meaning of each of my chosen cards and then connected them into 'my story'. It was a truly positive and uplifting experience that I'd recommend to anyone, even if you're a sceptic like I was.

I'm now looking forward to a party night which I imagine will be amazing fun :)


I really enjoyed my Angel card reading with Sandy. The cards I turned over were so relevant to my life at the moment and Sandy was able to put them into my story in a way that made so much sense. I now feel positive and refreshed. She gave me advice about being open to help from the angels and the very next day I saw a white feather in my path. Normally I would have nothing of it but now I believe it was a sign that I'm not alone. Thank you Sandy


I had a reading yesterday and it was very relevant to what is happening in my life right now. It certainly gave me the impression there will be a positive outcome which is a huge relief. Thank you Sandy


I had a card reading today. I wasn’t sure what to believe about these type of things before & was very sceptical. However, after my reading today I am now fully converted. Everything I was told was completely right & I just hope with all my heart that I get the future it predicted for me... Thank you Sandy Pugh.


I had a angel reading today very positive ,very relevant to me .I had never met Sandy before and the reading was spot on thank you Sandy


I had a 1-1 reading with Sandy recently. The cards that were picked out were incredibly insightful and Sandy’s interpretation of them was spot on. Sandy explained everything to me and left me reassured about things we discussed. I would recommend Sandy and Angelic Guidance to anyone. Thank you Sandy, and I’ve started my ‘homework’ 😘


I can not thank Sandy enough for her Angel reading ..... I chose the cards myself and oh my goodness they were so relevant to me giving me a lot of guidance and a lot of thought about my life ..... it is amazing how Sandy knows nothing about me however the reading was so spot on Thank you Sandy xx


I attended an Angel Party and honestly had no idea what to expect.. I had never heard Angel card reading before and not sure I actually believed in it to be honest. My life was at a crossroads in terms of my career so I was a bit spooked that all the cards I chose related to this as no one could possibly have known because I hadn't discussed it with anyone. The reading turned out to be so relevant to me and actually helped me to make the decision I needed to make. Sandy is a lovely lady who made everyone feel at ease and even though I only knew one other person there, by the end of the evening we all had such a good night we left as friends. I would thoroughly recommend you either have a one to one or host a party. I will definately have another one.

More about Angelic Guidance - Angel Card Readings Lancashire

Angelic Guidance - Angel Card Readings Lancashire is located at FY2 0RJ Blackpool
Monday: 10:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 22:00
Friday: 10:30 - 22:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: 16:00 - 22:00