Angie Horan-Sibley Personal Training Abs Life, Style & Fitness

About Angie Horan-Sibley Personal Training Abs Life, Style & Fitness

Personal Training, Sports Therapy, Life coaching and Mental and Well being Therapist, We mentor and coach people and groups in all areas of their life, to enable them to be the best version of themselves.

Angie Horan-Sibley Personal Training Abs Life, Style & Fitness Description

Sport is my passion, I have been a Personal Trainer and Sports Therapist since 2002.

I am a level 3 trainer, the highest you can achieve. I have excellent personal skills, strong determination, resilience but more importantly have the passion and love for sport, and for every individual to be happy with themselves and through my training meet their individual aspirations. I train both female and male clients, as well as children from 6 years of age.

I have a track record of having a positive impact with my clients. I believe everyone is an individual and their needs are the upmost importance to me. I enjoy the diversity of my training. I am also a qualified Sports Therapy, Sports Massage, Sports Nutrition, and many more which I have listed below, and I feel very confident that I offer the complete package for your needs.

I get so much pleasure to see people develop in fitness and grow in confidence through my training.

I am qualified in the following


I also run BodyBlast, Circuits, PiYo & Insanity classes in Surrey.

contact me on 07720047400



How is everyones new year training going? are the gyms full to the brim at home??? Keep your goals realistic, and don't set yourself a massive life change if its unrealistic. Keep it real guys xxxx


We would like to wish all our clients a merry Christmas and here’s to 2019! More goals to be smashed. We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and thank you as always to all of you that support our wonderful business. Xxxxx


Ah so nice to see some of the old crew tonight. Miss you all and thank you so much for coming to say hi xxxxx❤️


Even Santa goes to the gym!!!!!


Squat your way into 2019!!!!!


Good morning monday...


Good morning guys, the months are flying, love hearing the fine details of Mikey’s Pt sessions and the incredible work your putting into your sessions. My PT sessions online are working a dream, it’s always a concern when your taking a new route in your business, but I have to say nothing has changed session wise apart from giving out a physically hug.
Absolutely love that I have found away to continue my love for this industry whilst my son is been educated here in Spain. ...As always you know with me I am always planning and developing new things, so I am working away in the back ground on our next project for training, I haven’t just disappeared and topping up with copious amounts of vitamin D. But I will say I was burnt out getting up for 16 years at 4.20am and finishing at 10pm, without a day off was slowing killing me. I still don’t have a day off and managing to work the two businesses side my side is so enjoyable. But I now get up at 630am(530am for you guys mind in the U.K.) but I am now in control of what I do and when I do it.
I am looking forward to the new year, new goals. But most of all supporting people reach their goals.
Have a great day xxx
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Good morning folks..... remember get started on your vitamin D.... keep your immune system strong...Good morning folks..... remember get started on your vitamin D.... keep your immune system strong...


Happy Monday
I love Monday’s, it’s a great day kick start your training and lifestyle choices...
Last week I ached from the gym, using different muscle groups really made my body stand to attention! I love that feeling mind...
... Here is a recipe for you to try. Give it a good. Very simple to make xx
Creamy chicken with vegetables
Serves 4-6 people
11/2 lbs of chicken 1/2 onion diced 340g sliced mushrooms 2tbsp olive oil or coconut oil 2 minced garlic cloves 230ml coconut milk 120 ml chicken stock 1lb courgette or yellow squash cut into half moons 350g fresh spinach 75g fresh basil chopped
Heat frying pan over a medium heat. Once hot add oil. Add the onions and sauté for 5 mins or until the onions have softened and slightly browned. Add the mushrooms, garlic and chicken and stir, cooking for approximately 5 mins Mix in all remaining ingredients and cover and simmer for 10 mins or until the chicken is cooked.
Enjoy x
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Good morning peeps
I have been quite on here, coming into winter and was thinking I may do some more winter recipes for healthy eating and how to keep healthy in the winter?
Let me know if you would like that!!!! Xxxx


Love Mexico and love all inclusive but why do people think they have to eat everything in sight??????
I stare at them every day and wonder why. Self control...... but also when your full your full?!!!!
The waiter looks at me and I think mikey and always concerned we may still be hungry!!!
... We are the only ones that do not go up twice or five times.. and don’t dribble over the dessert table 🤣🤣
Self control is key in all areas of your life. Food is no different...
I want to give them ALL A LECTURE!!!! but figure I shouldn’t 😂
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Thank you Leon and Tayana for representing Abs yesterday evening at the awards. Unfortunately we didn’t win but we are thrilled to be shortlisted in the top 3..... go abs...... you both look so amazing xxx


I am back in town just for one class....


Everyday we have an opportunity to be healthy... small changes can make huge differences.....


Happy Friday....


Staines prep school xx
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New month peeps! Do not waste it!!!!!!


Good luck to all the Windsor half marathon runners tomorrow. Good conditions to run in!!!! It’s always so well supported so enjoy the atmosphere xx


Well where to start....... I known Angie for about 10 years now, And iv always know what Angie dose for a living but id always been to shy and embaressed to go along and join in her class's. Iv always thought I'm pretty active as I'm a horse rider and liked the gym but after a car crash 5 years ago my gym work suffered along with my riding, I'd damaged my hip and pelvis and already suffering from hypermobility I struggled to get back into things, After several failed P.T's at my gym I saw Angie was starting insanity, Which id always fancied trying, It took a great deal of courage to turn up at the first class and the rest they say is history, Iv never looked back, I go to her insanity and circuits class on a Tuesday and Wednesday and the changes iv noticed in my look and in my strength is amazing, The classes are full of happy people not your gym bunnies that was my worst fear.....nobody with wobbly bits wants to be jumping around next to so super fit body perfect that dosen't break a sweat! Angie is knowlagable beyond beilefe no question is to silly and nothing is ever to much to ask she greets everyone that walks through the door like she's known them a lifetime, And the classes are so friendly of mixed ages abilities shapes and sizes, and in the 2 years since I walked through that door iv met some lovely people and made some great friends, its like a family, Angie even helped me complete a 5k fun run which to some is no major biggie but to someone who's never ran further than 100m and not very well I may add, Angie and her husband got me round at my pace pushing me when she knew I needed it and encouraging me the whole time with not once sounding patronising! She is so sincere and every client is treated like family, She listens and I mean really listens to your needs and wants and your goals and she is with you every step of the way till you meet that goal and there after. I cannot praise or thank her enough for all she has helped me with an continues to help me with! And even better I cancelled my gym membership which I atteneded for 5 years 5 times a week and in all that time not even one person greated or knew my name, Angies classes are actually cheaper then my membership, so not only am I fitter I'm richer too!


We wanted to write some feedback to Ange and Mike regarding the ABS classes we have attended for just under a year so far.

The classes are run very professionally. The organisation of disciplines and events are planned to the very minute. We are kept to a tight schedule that has been painstakingly designed by Ange back at base prior to the class. Ange and Mike are very experienced and recognise the strengths and weaknesses of an individual from barely moments of seeing them exercise. Individual technique changes and/or speed changes are fed back to the individual to help them complete the exercise properly concentrating on isolating the particular area the exercise is designed for.

We train in a wonderful facility that is Staines Prep School. The gym is very comfortable featuring a slightly cushioned floor, which helps immensely with the floor exercises.

The classes are full of fun, great music and team camaraderie. New starters are always welcomed and need not be nervous about what level they are starting at. There is a wide range of ages in the group and we are all very friendly; it really is a great evening!

Alongside the midweek classes (Tuesday and Wednesday nights) there are also the boot camps. These are of either in the form of a one day event (same location as the midweek classes), or a three day event held in Spain. We will be completing our second Spanish boot camp in two weeks’ time. Exercising near the beach by the crashing surf is a legendary feeling.

Does it work? We were told at the beginning that the most important parts of the body were the quads, core and shoulders. Concentrate there and the rest of the body will follow naturally. Seemed odd to hear at the beginning but boy is it true. Our bodies have transformed throughout the year, the shape, definition comes from deep within to produce strong defined muscle groups along with lots of stamina. Muscle growth may be quicker by doing pure weights in gyms, but that will not build the stamina we gain from the classes. Muscle growth and fat loss are happening; you just may not see it initially as it starts from within. In the mirror we are completely different people to when we first attended. Wonder what the possibilities are for the next year!

Yes it works!

Léon and Tayana Harding


So I’ve just worked out that I have been training with Angie and Mikey now for nearly 4 years!! � (Hence the long review - sorry in advance!!)

They take time to know each of their clients abilities and will push each person to their own individual limits - which is what will get you results!

Angie quote: “Training should never get easier! As you improve, you should push harder and harder!”

Angie misses nothing (so no skiving! �) and has a sixth sense with when you need a mental pick-me-up! Mikey is The Terminator (I think Angie plugs him in at night) with endless positive energy that is completely contagious!

Their classes are for ALL abilities - no cliques, no judgement, no set standards - just one big, friendly Abs family!

E.g. I currently go to Abs Boxing with my Dad. He’s 64, got 2 bad knees, 1 dodgy foot and sarcoidosis. Ang makes sure he has modifications when needed but he trains hard and loves it!

Angie’s food plans and meal advice are fab...and FREE! Pre-Abs I never thought I would have dinner without a carb!

Granted, I’m not one of those crazy clean eaters that is happy having one biscuit a month. �I’m still a complete sugar-addict and love a dominos (Sorry Ang!! �) But my point is that, even if you love food as much as me, changes and improvements are achievable and can then become habit. Before you know it you’ve made a ‘lifestyle change!’��

Straight after I ordered my wedding dress I sent Angie a photo and told her what I wanted to achieve. Angie helped with food and training to make sure I felt great on my wedding day. �

They are the ultimate dream team and between them they could help you reach any goal you set yourself!!�


Love the classes that Ang & her husband Mikey delivers! Means that men & women feel comfortable being in the class. People in the class are at different levels, so there's no need to worry if you think your unfit! You get pushed but not beyond what your capable off and never feels like you've not done well. Totally recommend the classes or PT sessions or even one of Angs sports massage. Don't believe me?!.... Try any of the above!


I’ve been training with Angela for over 3 years, body blast, boxing, circuits, Spanish and local boot camps. Always great, friends classes. Supportive PT, advice and help always on offer even for other sports and activities. Highly recommended.


Incredible training sessions with two amazingly motivated, inspiring and personal trainers. The key word here really is personal, whether in a group session or PT you know their support and guidance is guaranteed. They really do have eyes everywhere! This is great for keeping your technique correct and really pushing you to reach your goals. I can not recommend them enough for all ages, fitness and whatever your targets, they have a class for everyone!


I suffered from

Osteoarthritis on one of my knees and was struggling to find a trainer or classes that could help me without making it worse and also sympathetic and understanding of my schedule. After attending PT sessions with Ang and some classes I am now pretty much pain free which will now motivate me to attend general classes and join in other activities that I was struggling with. I could not have done it without their support and I appreciated their flexibility and encouragement.


I met Angie and Mike through a friend who constantly raved about the classes. I had just had my third baby, looking frumpy and a lack of self confidence. Angie was so friendly, introduced me to all the lovely ABS crew and went through what I wanted to achieve and any modifications needed. I got fit, strong and built my confidence up which my children have witnessed. I now live on the other side of the world and still follow my Abs personal training card, and Angie is always on hand if I have questions or need some motivation. I still feel part of the team with Mikey's challenge! Absolutely love it!!


I met Angie & Mike thorough a school Mum friend and I'm very glad I did. Their classes are fun, pretty gruelling (in the nicest possible way!) and interactive. No two classes are ever the same. The camaraderie between all who take the classes is great and they're so welcoming. I have started with the boxing and even though I'm only doing that at the moment, I have already started to notice a difference in my core muscles and my stomach (yay!), and even the shuttle runs. I will increase to the circuit classes again soon too. I've also taken my son along for the family circuits and he loves it, with both Angie and Mike being so supportive and encouraging. Happily recommend them to all, for the human and real touch, with effective results, and fun classes.


I love abs classes friendly , fun but tuff you get pushed to your limit . Your tough the right way to exicise lots of advice and encouragement from Ang and mike thank you for all your help and hard work 😓


I have trained with ABS training individually for many years, I can't believe the difference in my strength, stamina and shape. Ange teaches you no pain no gain and tailors the session to your needs. I look forward to my training sessions, Ange has the ability of making training a joy! I am addicted to my training.

Added value is additional training with Angie's classes for just £5 per session working on cardio and core muscles making you super fit. Hard work but enjoyable. Phenomenal attention to those that are new to fitness,within weeks such a change to stamina levels.

The added bonus when you are stressed or have embarked on a race running,cycling whatever Ange can ease the pain with her fabulous sports massage.

ABS training is the best investment I ever made!



I have done so many other classes/gyms before joining ABS in 2016 but from day 1 i knew that i wouldnt go to any other classes or GYM as soon as i join i felt this feeling of such goodness. My love for angie and mikey is so much i couldnt thank them enough for making me a strong and a Can do person considering i hated the though of excrise before. These classes are tough but they are so worth it. Angie put in so much time in creating these classes and day bootcamps and spainish bootcamps she and mikey are incredible. �.


Great classes and even greater personal trainers! My husband and I travel 45 minutes away to work out with Abs on a weekly basis. Angie and Mike are amazing People (not just amazing at their job!) 🙌🏻


Feeling like you want to take control of your fitness but worried about your ability? Fear not, Ange and Mike are amazing and will help you achieve your goals. I went along for one session 3 years ago and never looked back. (Honestly, I couldn’t even walk up the stairs without getting out of breath before I started these classes. There is no level of fitness too low to prevent you from taking part.) I can’t extol the benefits of ABS classes highly enough.


Fantastic fitness training, friendly classes on a Tuesday and Wednesday at Staines Prep 7.30pm, Great cardio and core strength that compliments any sport. Well organised one day and weekend bootcamps, amazing personal training and sports therapy, couldn't recommend Angie enough, if you have goal or are looking to get back into fitness, check out the classes!


Best Personal trainer I’ve ever had, whenever I visit the south I try to book in for a few sessions with this lady. Ange listens to all your personal needs and understands everything you want, she works you really hard but you definitely get fab results, i just wish she you lived up north. Anybody out there looking to find a friendly, professional PT instructor Ange is your lady!!


Angie and Mike are first class trainers second to none because of the passion they have for seeing people's health and fitness improve. They care about and look after your health and wellbeing while encouraging you to achieve your fitness goals.

Their classes are very friendly, exciting and motivating with a great team spirit. In 25 years of doing exercise I have never been to a better class or had better personal training or sports therapy massages, abs personal training offer the complete package at a great price. Results and happiness guaranteed.


Ange and Mikey are two of the loveliest people I know. I was a total newbie to boxing training and circuit training and they made me feel welcome. They offer lots of encouragement, advice, and support and you feel like you’ve really pushed yourself hard but mainly the sessions are just so much fun! Love love love my Wednesday nights!! �


Amazing! Angie and Mike are fabulous personal trainers - they are dedicated to helping people get real long lasting results, they are personable, genuine and really invest in their clients wellbeing. They work on much more than just physical well-being and have an incredible field of knowledge. �


Well where to start....... I known Angie for about 10 years now, And iv always know what Angie dose for a living but id always been to shy and embaressed to go along and join in her class's. Iv always thought I'm pretty active as I'm a horse rider and liked the gym but after a car crash 5 years ago my gym work suffered along with my riding, I'd damaged my hip and pelvis and already suffering from hypermobility I struggled to get back into things, After several failed P.T's at my gym I saw Angie was starting insanity, Which id always fancied trying, It took a great deal of courage to turn up at the first class and the rest they say is history, Iv never looked back, I go to her insanity and circuits class on a Tuesday and Wednesday and the changes iv noticed in my look and in my strength is amazing, The classes are full of happy people not your gym bunnies that was my worst fear.....nobody with wobbly bits wants to be jumping around next to so super fit body perfect that dosen't break a sweat! Angie is knowlagable beyond beilefe no question is to silly and nothing is ever to much to ask she greets everyone that walks through the door like she's known them a lifetime, And the classes are so friendly of mixed ages abilities shapes and sizes, and in the 2 years since I walked through that door iv met some lovely people and made some great friends, its like a family, Angie even helped me complete a 5k fun run which to some is no major biggie but to someone who's never ran further than 100m and not very well I may add, Angie and her husband got me round at my pace pushing me when she knew I needed it and encouraging me the whole time with not once sounding patronising! She is so sincere and every client is treated like family, She listens and I mean really listens to your needs and wants and your goals and she is with you every step of the way till you meet that goal and there after. I cannot praise or thank her enough for all she has helped me with an continues to help me with! And even better I cancelled my gym membership which I atteneded for 5 years 5 times a week and in all that time not even one person greated or knew my name, Angies classes are actually cheaper then my membership, so not only am I fitter I'm richer too!


We wanted to write some feedback to Ange and Mike regarding the ABS classes we have attended for just under a year so far.

The classes are run very professionally. The organisation of disciplines and events are planned to the very minute. We are kept to a tight schedule that has been painstakingly designed by Ange back at base prior to the class. Ange and Mike are very experienced and recognise the strengths and weaknesses of an individual from barely moments of seeing them exercise. Individual technique changes and/or speed changes are fed back to the individual to help them complete the exercise properly concentrating on isolating the particular area the exercise is designed for.

We train in a wonderful facility that is Staines Prep School. The gym is very comfortable featuring a slightly cushioned floor, which helps immensely with the floor exercises.

The classes are full of fun, great music and team camaraderie. New starters are always welcomed and need not be nervous about what level they are starting at. There is a wide range of ages in the group and we are all very friendly; it really is a great evening!

Alongside the midweek classes (Tuesday and Wednesday nights) there are also the boot camps. These are of either in the form of a one day event (same location as the midweek classes), or a three day event held in Spain. We will be completing our second Spanish boot camp in two weeks’ time. Exercising near the beach by the crashing surf is a legendary feeling.

Does it work? We were told at the beginning that the most important parts of the body were the quads, core and shoulders. Concentrate there and the rest of the body will follow naturally. Seemed odd to hear at the beginning but boy is it true. Our bodies have transformed throughout the year, the shape, definition comes from deep within to produce strong defined muscle groups along with lots of stamina. Muscle growth may be quicker by doing pure weights in gyms, but that will not build the stamina we gain from the classes. Muscle growth and fat loss are happening; you just may not see it initially as it starts from within. In the mirror we are completely different people to when we first attended. Wonder what the possibilities are for the next year!

Yes it works!

Léon and Tayana Harding


So I’ve just worked out that I have been training with Angie and Mikey now for nearly 4 years!! � (Hence the long review - sorry in advance!!)

They take time to know each of their clients abilities and will push each person to their own individual limits - which is what will get you results!

Angie quote: “Training should never get easier! As you improve, you should push harder and harder!”

Angie misses nothing (so no skiving! �) and has a sixth sense with when you need a mental pick-me-up! Mikey is The Terminator (I think Angie plugs him in at night) with endless positive energy that is completely contagious!

Their classes are for ALL abilities - no cliques, no judgement, no set standards - just one big, friendly Abs family!

E.g. I currently go to Abs Boxing with my Dad. He’s 64, got 2 bad knees, 1 dodgy foot and sarcoidosis. Ang makes sure he has modifications when needed but he trains hard and loves it!

Angie’s food plans and meal advice are fab...and FREE! Pre-Abs I never thought I would have dinner without a carb!

Granted, I’m not one of those crazy clean eaters that is happy having one biscuit a month. �I’m still a complete sugar-addict and love a dominos (Sorry Ang!! �) But my point is that, even if you love food as much as me, changes and improvements are achievable and can then become habit. Before you know it you’ve made a ‘lifestyle change!’��

Straight after I ordered my wedding dress I sent Angie a photo and told her what I wanted to achieve. Angie helped with food and training to make sure I felt great on my wedding day. �

They are the ultimate dream team and between them they could help you reach any goal you set yourself!!�


Love the classes that Ang & her husband Mikey delivers! Means that men & women feel comfortable being in the class. People in the class are at different levels, so there's no need to worry if you think your unfit! You get pushed but not beyond what your capable off and never feels like you've not done well. Totally recommend the classes or PT sessions or even one of Angs sports massage. Don't believe me?!.... Try any of the above!


I’ve been training with Angela for over 3 years, body blast, boxing, circuits, Spanish and local boot camps. Always great, friends classes. Supportive PT, advice and help always on offer even for other sports and activities. Highly recommended.


Incredible training sessions with two amazingly motivated, inspiring and personal trainers. The key word here really is personal, whether in a group session or PT you know their support and guidance is guaranteed. They really do have eyes everywhere! This is great for keeping your technique correct and really pushing you to reach your goals. I can not recommend them enough for all ages, fitness and whatever your targets, they have a class for everyone!


I suffered from

Osteoarthritis on one of my knees and was struggling to find a trainer or classes that could help me without making it worse and also sympathetic and understanding of my schedule. After attending PT sessions with Ang and some classes I am now pretty much pain free which will now motivate me to attend general classes and join in other activities that I was struggling with. I could not have done it without their support and I appreciated their flexibility and encouragement.


I met Angie and Mike through a friend who constantly raved about the classes. I had just had my third baby, looking frumpy and a lack of self confidence. Angie was so friendly, introduced me to all the lovely ABS crew and went through what I wanted to achieve and any modifications needed. I got fit, strong and built my confidence up which my children have witnessed. I now live on the other side of the world and still follow my Abs personal training card, and Angie is always on hand if I have questions or need some motivation. I still feel part of the team with Mikey's challenge! Absolutely love it!!


I met Angie & Mike thorough a school Mum friend and I'm very glad I did. Their classes are fun, pretty gruelling (in the nicest possible way!) and interactive. No two classes are ever the same. The camaraderie between all who take the classes is great and they're so welcoming. I have started with the boxing and even though I'm only doing that at the moment, I have already started to notice a difference in my core muscles and my stomach (yay!), and even the shuttle runs. I will increase to the circuit classes again soon too. I've also taken my son along for the family circuits and he loves it, with both Angie and Mike being so supportive and encouraging. Happily recommend them to all, for the human and real touch, with effective results, and fun classes.


I love abs classes friendly , fun but tuff you get pushed to your limit . Your tough the right way to exicise lots of advice and encouragement from Ang and mike thank you for all your help and hard work 😓


I have trained with ABS training individually for many years, I can't believe the difference in my strength, stamina and shape. Ange teaches you no pain no gain and tailors the session to your needs. I look forward to my training sessions, Ange has the ability of making training a joy! I am addicted to my training.

Added value is additional training with Angie's classes for just £5 per session working on cardio and core muscles making you super fit. Hard work but enjoyable. Phenomenal attention to those that are new to fitness,within weeks such a change to stamina levels.

The added bonus when you are stressed or have embarked on a race running,cycling whatever Ange can ease the pain with her fabulous sports massage.

ABS training is the best investment I ever made!



I have done so many other classes/gyms before joining ABS in 2016 but from day 1 i knew that i wouldnt go to any other classes or GYM as soon as i join i felt this feeling of such goodness. My love for angie and mikey is so much i couldnt thank them enough for making me a strong and a Can do person considering i hated the though of excrise before. These classes are tough but they are so worth it. Angie put in so much time in creating these classes and day bootcamps and spainish bootcamps she and mikey are incredible. �.


Great classes and even greater personal trainers! My husband and I travel 45 minutes away to work out with Abs on a weekly basis. Angie and Mike are amazing People (not just amazing at their job!) 🙌🏻


Feeling like you want to take control of your fitness but worried about your ability? Fear not, Ange and Mike are amazing and will help you achieve your goals. I went along for one session 3 years ago and never looked back. (Honestly, I couldn’t even walk up the stairs without getting out of breath before I started these classes. There is no level of fitness too low to prevent you from taking part.) I can’t extol the benefits of ABS classes highly enough.


Fantastic fitness training, friendly classes on a Tuesday and Wednesday at Staines Prep 7.30pm, Great cardio and core strength that compliments any sport. Well organised one day and weekend bootcamps, amazing personal training and sports therapy, couldn't recommend Angie enough, if you have goal or are looking to get back into fitness, check out the classes!


Best Personal trainer I’ve ever had, whenever I visit the south I try to book in for a few sessions with this lady. Ange listens to all your personal needs and understands everything you want, she works you really hard but you definitely get fab results, i just wish she you lived up north. Anybody out there looking to find a friendly, professional PT instructor Ange is your lady!!


Angie and Mike are first class trainers second to none because of the passion they have for seeing people's health and fitness improve. They care about and look after your health and wellbeing while encouraging you to achieve your fitness goals.

Their classes are very friendly, exciting and motivating with a great team spirit. In 25 years of doing exercise I have never been to a better class or had better personal training or sports therapy massages, abs personal training offer the complete package at a great price. Results and happiness guaranteed.


Ange and Mikey are two of the loveliest people I know. I was a total newbie to boxing training and circuit training and they made me feel welcome. They offer lots of encouragement, advice, and support and you feel like you’ve really pushed yourself hard but mainly the sessions are just so much fun! Love love love my Wednesday nights!! �


Amazing! Angie and Mike are fabulous personal trainers - they are dedicated to helping people get real long lasting results, they are personable, genuine and really invest in their clients wellbeing. They work on much more than just physical well-being and have an incredible field of knowledge. �

More about Angie Horan-Sibley Personal Training Abs Life, Style & Fitness

Angie Horan-Sibley Personal Training Abs Life, Style & Fitness is located at London, UK