Anglia Ruskin'S Harry Potter Society: Order Of The Ruskin

About Anglia Ruskin'S Harry Potter Society: Order Of The Ruskin

Welcome to the offical Facebook page of The Order of Ruskin, Anglia Ruskin University's Cambridge Society! Like us to socialise with other members, keep up-to-date with news and events and keep the magic alive!

Anglia Ruskin'S Harry Potter Society: Order Of The Ruskin Description

“Whether you come back by page or by the big screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home. ” – J. K. Rowling

The Harry Potter Society: Order of the Ruskin aims to spread the magic of Harry Potter, as created by J. K. Rowling, and to provide a safe and enthusiastic environment for fellow Potterheads of all Houses and affiliations as you journey through your O. W. L. s and N. E. W. T. s at Anglia Ruskin.

We’ll be hosting O. W. L. and N. E. W. T. pub quizzes, Horcrux Hunts, and so much more, so come along and join us because ‘it does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live! '

Ministers of Magic (Co-presidents)
Georgia Rudd & Seth Valentine

Keeper of the Keys (Administrator)
Seth Valentine

Gringotts Goblin (Treasurer)
Rosanna Hamlin

The Quibbler (Social Media and Communications)
Seth Valentine

Minister of Magical Games and Sports (Events Coordinator)
Georgia Rudd

Contact us:

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Facebook group - Order of the Ruskin Members Forum
SU Website - /7017 /

More about Anglia Ruskin'S Harry Potter Society: Order Of The Ruskin

Anglia Ruskin'S Harry Potter Society: Order Of The Ruskin is located at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire