Anicca Massage Therapy

About Anicca Massage Therapy

Intuitive Massage Therapy. Combining bodywork, energy work and breathing practices to facilitate the release of physical, emotional and energetic blockages.

Anicca Massage Therapy Description

Anicca is a Pali word, the language used by the buddha. Its meaning relates to the impermanent nature of reality. That everything is energy, everything vibrates and everything is in a continuous state of change.

in reality when we try to hold on to anything in life, be that positive or negative, we are going against our natural way of being. Anicca teaches us that all we can do is let go and allow life to flow.

Stress, depression and anxiety is of epidemic proportions in todays society, we all feel the strain of misalignment with ourselves and with nature itself. My mission is to help people connect to the natural flow of life through facilitating the release of physical and emotional blockages.

Wether it be stress or painful past experiences, emotional memory is stored in the tissues of our body which then affects our behaviour, health and attitude towards life. Removing negative emotions and heavy vibrations from the body will uncover a more natural, peaceful state of being, where the body will naturally begin to heal itself.

I am trained in Raynor Naturopathic Massage and in Reiki, I use a holistic system of bodywork developed by Naturopath Brandon Raynor. Its origins are in Ayurvedic Massage, Chinese Medicine, reflexology, Shiatsu and yoga breath work. There is a special emphasis on the Eastern medical theory that the physical body is a gross manifestation of a subtle body composed of our life force energy, emotional stressors and physical stressors are interrelated and each has an effect on the other.