Anisa Lewis - Positive Parenting Coach

Monday: 13:30 - 17:30
Tuesday: 13:30 - 17:30
Wednesday: 13:30 - 17:30
Thursday: 13:30 - 17:30
Friday: 13:30 - 17:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Anisa Lewis - Positive Parenting Coach

Anisa is a Positive Parenting Coach who empowers parents by giving them skills and know how to raise happy and confident kids no matter what the challenge.

Anisa Lewis - Positive Parenting Coach Description

Serving Parents the world over.

Passionate about parenting, education and life. Mum, wife and all round positive person. Helping parents make sense of it all via workshops and Parent Coaching and Mentoring.

You are welcome to visit my blog at www. where I muse about parenting, ideas to make your parenting life easier and how what I do can help you and your family.

I am passionate about helping children, parents and families think in a positive way and wanted a tool to help with this process. Having searched the Internet for children's affirmations to help my daughter and not really finding anything that resonated with what I needed, the seed was sewn to create my own set and that I did!

These cards can be used in many different ways from taking a random pick each day to purposefully choosing one to be your daily mantra. You might even want to pick specific cards to send to friends or loved ones.

The affirmations would be suitable to be used with children, parents, grandparents, teachers, childminders, people without children, really ANYONE who wants to be reminded on a daily basis how great they are or aspire to be.

Purchase your set here: https://www. /listing /556461923 /family-affirmation-cards?ref=shop_home_active_1



Our kids are always watching us, and then whether we like it or not, they repeat and mirror back to us our own responses and behviours. This Mindful Parenting article expands further.
I particularly liked reading point 3, all about listening to your children and hearing their voice. You don't always have to agree but let them feel heard.
Join me and Melissa from Children Inspired by Yoga on the 6th October for a Mindful Families event where parent and child can come together... to learn some mindfulness tools and engage in a parent and child yoga class. See my events page for more information.…/mindfu l-parenting-how-to-r…
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I am looking to start Mindfulness Classes for kids in the Ilkley/Harrogate area & need some venue suggestions to investigate.
The venue needs to be softer & more inviting than a village hall. My groups will be kept small to allow for much benefit to the participants, so a smaller venue would be good. Any suggestions?


Tell me, what time do your kids go to bed?
There are no right or wrong answers here folks, just curious. As I know what works for one family may not work for another.


Is this statement on loop in your households? 'I'm bored', 'I'm bored', 'I'm bored'.
It seriously does my head in, rooms full of toys, a garden to play in, and so much more, yet our kids find it hard to work out what to do.
One of our family rules is to 'be problem solvers', therefore when my daughter comes to me stating she is bored, my standard response is something like 'What are you going to do about it?'. It is not my job to 'fix' the boredom, she has to problem solve ...her way through it. We have spent time during a family meeting or during a car ride talking through what she could do should she ever be bored, so it is not as though I am leaving her to completely fend for herself. However, at the end of the day, her boredom is not my problem! Harsh, possibly a little, but you know what she is able to find her way out of it this boredom.
Read on to see what else I have to say on the subject of boredom and practical tools to help you keep positive. d/
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Say 'yes' to your children, hope this doesn't fill you with fear.
Using the word 'yes' may seem counter intuative, however, our children hear the word 'no' around 130 times a day and only hear 'yes' about 10.
How can you change a 'no' into a 'yes'?
... Yes, you can have a cookie, after dinner. Yes, you can go to bed later, on Friday when there is no school the next day. Yes, you can buy that toy, if you use your pocket money.
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Invite me into your home to deliver one of my workshops, it will give you the skills and know-how to raise happy confident kids whatever the challenge.
Comment below or message me to find out more.


Join me for a Positive Parenting Event in the Autumn.
Dates still to be added: - Building a growth mindset in your children (new workshop) - Mindful Parenting (new workshop)... - Mindfulness Classes for children, 8 - 11yrs (new class) - & more, so much to be excited about
Remember my events and workshops travel, so do get in contact if you would like to host or can suggest a venue.
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This workshop forms part of a 'Just Be' Day at The Acorns. Spend the morning enjoying their facilities, then a nutrious lunch, followed by an afternoon of positive parenting.
Tickets for this event are purchased from The Acorns directly.
Positive Parenting Workshop... In this workshop we look at some of the skills and tools you can use to raise your know how to raise, happy confident kids whatever the challenge in a positive and meaningful way. I want you to learn ways to connect with your kids before you have to correct them.
Our aims:- • Tackling challenges with a positive approach • Providing structure and creating fair boundaries • To show you how to use effective praise to increase the behaviour you want to see more of • To show you how to use commands in a way that doesn’t require shouting or nagging • To create happy parents and happy kids
Potential outcomes:- • Finding alternatives to the naughty step • Getting rid of those shouting matches and stand offs • Reducing the tension in your household • Developing more respect for each other • Feeling empowered to be a great parent • Creating a calmer and happier home
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Ticket for this event are sold through The Acorns Wellness Retreat.
Come and spend a 'Just Be' day in the wonderful setting of The Acorns, in the morning, use their facilities and then the afternoon join me for a Confidence Boosting workshop.
Boost Your Child's Confidence... Are you concerned that low confidence in your child might be having an emotional, academic or social effect?
Do you want to learn new tools and skills to help you parenting your child(ren)?
Either way this workshop will be of benefit to you.
In this workshop we will: • Teach you how to instil a ‘can-do attitude’ in your child that will enable them to take on new challenges. • Give you an opportunity to explore your child’s confidence level in depth so you can find the right solution. • Explore how we can ‘role-model’ confidence skills to our children. • Look at some step-by-step tools e.g. dare to raise your/their own voice and opinion, communication skills and how proper listening and praise can help build your child’s self-esteem. In this workshop we will: • Teach you how to instil a ‘can-do attitude’ in your child that will enable them to take on new challenges. • Give you an opportunity to explore your child’s confidence level in depth so you can find the right solution. • Explore how we can ‘role-model’ confidence skills to our children. • Look at some step-by-step tools e.g. dare to raise your/their own voice and opinion, communication skills and how proper listening and praise can help build your child’s self-esteem.
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Stuck at home on a rainy day or turning your attention to the start of a new academic year, it is a great time to simplify life and all that kids bring to it. Read on to find out what Kate from A Tidy Mind suggests.…/24/8-ways-to-s implify-life-with-k…/


Stop and think, what memories are you filling your child's heads with?
I am not asking you to be Mary Poppins, seriously who could keep that up 24/7? With what ever time you have available to your kids, how are you filling it?
Our children want our time most of all. It is wonderful to do big adventures but in my house the ones that are remembered are the smaller moments, the hugs, the family dinners, the walk to the park, the laughter.
... I strive each day to be a positive parent in the way I talk to my daughter and the children that I work with. Through my actions but above all in how I am role modelling the game I am playing of being an adult. Some days, I really could be wonder woman (well in my head anyway! not sure I could get away with her outfit!), the rest of the time I am just me, perfectly imperfect.
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Catch my blog over on the Mumbler site, have you reached the 'I'm bored' stage of the holidays yet? Read on to find out my thoughts.


Looking for some more mindfulness in your lives? Or perhaps something that you can come and learn together with your child? Look no further!
Join me and child yoga expert, Melissa from Children Inspired by Yoga for a Mindful Families event in October. Quite frankly, it is never too early to reserve your place as tickets are limited!
Hosted in Harrogate at Onewellness, we are going to spend 2 hours learning about what Mindfulness is and then filling your families tool kits w...ith ideas that you can take home and do, including a parent and child yoga class. This is a hands on workshop with lots of activities for you to take part in with your child. It is suitable for parents who have primary school aged children. 972102/
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Just back from running an evening of Positive Parenting for a group of local mums in the comfort of one of their homes.
I love delivering this workshop, as it is fundamentally about communication and connection, giving your child a voice and the power a few parenting tools can have to bring about positive change.
Do let me know if you are interested in hosting a workshop in your home or work place.


This is one very loved bear.
This is one very loved bear who got put somewhere in our house by my dear daughter this morning.
This is the bear my daughter formed an attachment to when she was born and still has to this day.
... This is the bear that had all members of our house searching for it.
This is the bear that was FINALLY located still in my daughter’s bed!!!
I really love that this bear is more precious than gold to her, I just wish that I had put a tracking device in him years ago.
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Thought it might be a good reminder, as we perhaps are becoming increasingly frustratrated over the Summer with our kids, juggling life and their constant demands for snacks and to be entertained that developmentally, some of the behaviour you are seeing is in line with where they are at with their development. It is 'normal' not that there is anything normal about raising another human being.
This guide takes you right through to teens, so get yourself a cuppa, sit down and have a read. stage/


Self care comes in many forms. Tonight I took some time out to learn more about essential oils. Truly fascinating. I learnt to blend oils and have come away with lots of ideas of how essential oils can be used with children & us as parents. So watch this space!
I believe that your parenting tool kit can never be too full. Throwing everything you have got at your disposal at an issue, situation or concern can only help or simply to boost the well being of your family. If this comes in the form of perhaps a parent coach, essential oils, learning or being remind of skills that may aid your parenting journey or recommendation of a good book then what have you got to loose?
As for me being a mother IS the most important job I will ever have.


Yesterday my husband and I attended Anisa's workshop on boosting children's confidence - it was a fantastic session with so much advice and information to digest. We took away loads from it and are really excited to implement some of the strategies that Anisa has suggested. Thanks so much for a great workshop and all your amazing advice Anisa! xx


Very much enjoyed the Positive Parenting workshop with Anisa - so many great tips which are easily put into practice in our busy, chaotic lives! Anisa creates a relaxed and safe environment for open discussion and makes you feel very comfortable opening up to her about any concerns you might have. I left with an “I got this” attitude!


Throughly enjoyed the Postive Parenting Workshop, the information and tips Anisa gave us are easy to digest, practical and simple to action in real life.

Would highly recommend!


The family time session with the Mighty Chefs was great fun. My daughter felt really proud that she had made meatballs and lemon cheesecake, and we enjoyed the company of the other families. It was very well organised. I have to say the cheesecake was demolished very quickly once we got home!! Looking forward to the next family cooking session!

Gaynor & Elizabeth xx


My 3 year old and I attended the Family Time event with Mighty Chefs - and we loved it! So well organised which ensured all that was left for us was to have fun, it really was a fab event. He was so proud of his achievements and it was such a lovely thing to do together - lots of fun, can't wait for future sessions :)


I took up the Screen Time Challenge - 5 days of material thoughtfully put together with extra reading around the subject if wanted. Each day there was a family challenge which we all got a lot out of. It really made me think about how, why and when as a family we use screens - lots of food for thought and now some changed behaviours, both from me & the children. I would thoroughly recommend


I took part in Anisa’s online Managing Screen Time. There was a lot to read and consider over the five days. I liked the approach of including mindfulness and therefore considering the wider situation. Really very good value. Thank you.


I recently received a set of the Parenting Success Coaching's affirmation cards. Not only was the package a lovely surprise on a day when I needed it most, but the packaging was so uplifting and beautiful that I was already smiling by the time I read the first affirmation. Then the smile got bigger and bigger, as I read through each card.

The value for the cards and the thoughtful ideas that Anisa creates are delivered with enthusiasm, love and a true passion for her clients and their success(es.) I have used her guidance and the affirmation cards with clients and friends in a variety of ways and the resulting feedback is amazing! I like them so much I will be ordering more for my colleagues because they are a must in the therapy room. Thank you for your brilliance, Anisa!


I have attended the Raising Independent Children and Effective Consequences workshops with Anisa, both of which I would highly recommend. The tools, tips and strategies provided by parenting success workshops have really helped to make everyday tasks less stressful, like getting ready for school, bedtime, getting my children to listen & take more responsibility for their own daily routine....the list goes on! Overall since attending the workshops our household is definitely a much more calm and happy place! I never think you stop learning where children are concerned as the goal posts are constantly moving. From my perspective it has been nice to have some time to take a step back, talk about any challenges with the children and realise that you're in the same boat as most other families! Anisa has a relaxed, warm, confident and fun way of delivering workshops and I and a group of friends who have attended have certainly got a lot out of them so far. Anisa's advice is so simple to put into practice and from my experience really does work. I will definitely be attending more workshops in the future and without a doubt would use Anisa for 1:1 support whenever the need should arise. Thank you! X


I have attended "the Positive Discipline" as well as the "Effective Consequences" workshops. Both sessions were full of practical strategies that I am now using to encourage positive behaviour from my kids aged 4 and 7. The strategies she suggests have worked in practice and have reduced my stress levels. Anisa is professional but friendly in her approach. She is accepting of your circumstances and works with you where you are at. I am planning on doing one of her 1:1 sessions focusing on our family, with my husband, in the near future. Her sessions are very affordable and in my opinion money well spent!


I had a wonderful and very helpful discussion this morning with Anisa regarding homework struggles. We met in a lovely small group at Otley Library and enjoyed talking about each other's experiences and had some giggles too. I can't wait to start implementing some of the advice she gave me. I would highly recommend this group! X


I go to Anisa's single mum support group. Anisa has brilliant strategies and ideas on how to use positive discipline as a single parent, she's helped me immensely. I also recently went to her saturday morning family time which we all really enjoyed and I can't wait to go to the next one. Anisa is very approachable and non judgemental with a lovely soothing, calm personality. You can see with her interactions with her own daughter that she definitely uses all the methods she teaches herself. Her daughter is both cool and confident.


I first attended Anisa’s workshop at my children’s school and instantly was taken by Anisa’s positive outlook on parenting. I have consequently taken part in further sessions. I would highly recommend for all parents whether or not you are struggling with parenthood. For me it was mainly about getting further tips on how to be a better mother. For instance, we love our family rules the favourite being ‘add adventure’. Thank you Anisa and I look forward to attending Mindful Parenting workshop soon.


I completed the screen time challenge and can already see benefits. Anisa was very supportive and the materials provided were excellent. I enjoyed the fact that it was on-line and completed as part of a group. I would recommend this to anyone regardless of the age of their children. Thank you Anisa.


I attended a second workshop "Raising Independent Children" this time a joint one with my husband. It was brilliant experience! It was so incredibly useful to take some time out talk about our children with a professional who seriously knows her stuff. We gained lots of realistic tips that we could slot into life immediately. I can't really think of a more valuable way to spend a few hours.


I attended Anisa’s positive parenting session a few weeks ago now, what a great evening it was very informative and inspiring. I felt as if I left with an abundance of new ideas and tools to use going forward. Thanks so much Anisa. X


I attended Anisa's Positive Parenting workshop earlier this month and I found it really useful. As a busy parent it is so easy to end up "parenting by default" and blaming all your frustrations on the fact that you just do not have enough time with each kid. Anisa gave us some useful tips to help make the time you have with the children count. She also provided some tools to help us all communicate more effectively as a family and ensure that everyone at home (grown ups and kids) can feel like they have a voice are being listened to.

The workshop also allowed me to reflect on the values i want to instill in my children and the type of relationship I want to have with them.


Fantastic session led by a fantastic coach - really knowledgeable and professional and so packed with ready to use ideas for every family - only wish I’d known about Anisa when my kids were little!


Anisa's affirmation cards arrived at a very opportune moment in our household as my youngest daughter was about to sit her SATS tests. Each night, before her tests, she would choose an appropriate card for the following day. Anisa had helpfully suggested several creative ways in which to use the cards. The cards were of huge benefit and helped my daughter stay positive and calm. The cards are fantastic value for money and I would urge you to purchase a box. There are cards to suit every occasion. As a family, we are really looking forward to using the cards on a daily basis. Thank you Anisa! x


Yesterday my husband and I attended Anisa's workshop on boosting children's confidence - it was a fantastic session with so much advice and information to digest. We took away loads from it and are really excited to implement some of the strategies that Anisa has suggested. Thanks so much for a great workshop and all your amazing advice Anisa! xx


Very much enjoyed the Positive Parenting workshop with Anisa - so many great tips which are easily put into practice in our busy, chaotic lives! Anisa creates a relaxed and safe environment for open discussion and makes you feel very comfortable opening up to her about any concerns you might have. I left with an “I got this” attitude!


Throughly enjoyed the Postive Parenting Workshop, the information and tips Anisa gave us are easy to digest, practical and simple to action in real life.

Would highly recommend!


The family time session with the Mighty Chefs was great fun. My daughter felt really proud that she had made meatballs and lemon cheesecake, and we enjoyed the company of the other families. It was very well organised. I have to say the cheesecake was demolished very quickly once we got home!! Looking forward to the next family cooking session!

Gaynor & Elizabeth xx


My 3 year old and I attended the Family Time event with Mighty Chefs - and we loved it! So well organised which ensured all that was left for us was to have fun, it really was a fab event. He was so proud of his achievements and it was such a lovely thing to do together - lots of fun, can't wait for future sessions :)


I took up the Screen Time Challenge - 5 days of material thoughtfully put together with extra reading around the subject if wanted. Each day there was a family challenge which we all got a lot out of. It really made me think about how, why and when as a family we use screens - lots of food for thought and now some changed behaviours, both from me & the children. I would thoroughly recommend


I took part in Anisa’s online Managing Screen Time. There was a lot to read and consider over the five days. I liked the approach of including mindfulness and therefore considering the wider situation. Really very good value. Thank you.


I recently received a set of the Parenting Success Coaching's affirmation cards. Not only was the package a lovely surprise on a day when I needed it most, but the packaging was so uplifting and beautiful that I was already smiling by the time I read the first affirmation. Then the smile got bigger and bigger, as I read through each card.

The value for the cards and the thoughtful ideas that Anisa creates are delivered with enthusiasm, love and a true passion for her clients and their success(es.) I have used her guidance and the affirmation cards with clients and friends in a variety of ways and the resulting feedback is amazing! I like them so much I will be ordering more for my colleagues because they are a must in the therapy room. Thank you for your brilliance, Anisa!


I have attended the Raising Independent Children and Effective Consequences workshops with Anisa, both of which I would highly recommend. The tools, tips and strategies provided by parenting success workshops have really helped to make everyday tasks less stressful, like getting ready for school, bedtime, getting my children to listen & take more responsibility for their own daily routine....the list goes on! Overall since attending the workshops our household is definitely a much more calm and happy place! I never think you stop learning where children are concerned as the goal posts are constantly moving. From my perspective it has been nice to have some time to take a step back, talk about any challenges with the children and realise that you're in the same boat as most other families! Anisa has a relaxed, warm, confident and fun way of delivering workshops and I and a group of friends who have attended have certainly got a lot out of them so far. Anisa's advice is so simple to put into practice and from my experience really does work. I will definitely be attending more workshops in the future and without a doubt would use Anisa for 1:1 support whenever the need should arise. Thank you! X


I have attended "the Positive Discipline" as well as the "Effective Consequences" workshops. Both sessions were full of practical strategies that I am now using to encourage positive behaviour from my kids aged 4 and 7. The strategies she suggests have worked in practice and have reduced my stress levels. Anisa is professional but friendly in her approach. She is accepting of your circumstances and works with you where you are at. I am planning on doing one of her 1:1 sessions focusing on our family, with my husband, in the near future. Her sessions are very affordable and in my opinion money well spent!


I had a wonderful and very helpful discussion this morning with Anisa regarding homework struggles. We met in a lovely small group at Otley Library and enjoyed talking about each other's experiences and had some giggles too. I can't wait to start implementing some of the advice she gave me. I would highly recommend this group! X


I go to Anisa's single mum support group. Anisa has brilliant strategies and ideas on how to use positive discipline as a single parent, she's helped me immensely. I also recently went to her saturday morning family time which we all really enjoyed and I can't wait to go to the next one. Anisa is very approachable and non judgemental with a lovely soothing, calm personality. You can see with her interactions with her own daughter that she definitely uses all the methods she teaches herself. Her daughter is both cool and confident.


I first attended Anisa’s workshop at my children’s school and instantly was taken by Anisa’s positive outlook on parenting. I have consequently taken part in further sessions. I would highly recommend for all parents whether or not you are struggling with parenthood. For me it was mainly about getting further tips on how to be a better mother. For instance, we love our family rules the favourite being ‘add adventure’. Thank you Anisa and I look forward to attending Mindful Parenting workshop soon.


I completed the screen time challenge and can already see benefits. Anisa was very supportive and the materials provided were excellent. I enjoyed the fact that it was on-line and completed as part of a group. I would recommend this to anyone regardless of the age of their children. Thank you Anisa.


I attended a second workshop "Raising Independent Children" this time a joint one with my husband. It was brilliant experience! It was so incredibly useful to take some time out talk about our children with a professional who seriously knows her stuff. We gained lots of realistic tips that we could slot into life immediately. I can't really think of a more valuable way to spend a few hours.


I attended Anisa’s positive parenting session a few weeks ago now, what a great evening it was very informative and inspiring. I felt as if I left with an abundance of new ideas and tools to use going forward. Thanks so much Anisa. X


I attended Anisa's Positive Parenting workshop earlier this month and I found it really useful. As a busy parent it is so easy to end up "parenting by default" and blaming all your frustrations on the fact that you just do not have enough time with each kid. Anisa gave us some useful tips to help make the time you have with the children count. She also provided some tools to help us all communicate more effectively as a family and ensure that everyone at home (grown ups and kids) can feel like they have a voice are being listened to.

The workshop also allowed me to reflect on the values i want to instill in my children and the type of relationship I want to have with them.


Fantastic session led by a fantastic coach - really knowledgeable and professional and so packed with ready to use ideas for every family - only wish I’d known about Anisa when my kids were little!


Anisa's affirmation cards arrived at a very opportune moment in our household as my youngest daughter was about to sit her SATS tests. Each night, before her tests, she would choose an appropriate card for the following day. Anisa had helpfully suggested several creative ways in which to use the cards. The cards were of huge benefit and helped my daughter stay positive and calm. The cards are fantastic value for money and I would urge you to purchase a box. There are cards to suit every occasion. As a family, we are really looking forward to using the cards on a daily basis. Thank you Anisa! x

More about Anisa Lewis - Positive Parenting Coach

Anisa Lewis - Positive Parenting Coach is located at Regent Rd, LS29 9EA Ilkley
Monday: 13:30 - 17:30
Tuesday: 13:30 - 17:30
Wednesday: 13:30 - 17:30
Thursday: 13:30 - 17:30
Friday: 13:30 - 17:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -