Anita Hutt Will Writer

Monday: 09:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 20:00
Friday: 09:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 20:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 20:00

About Anita Hutt Will Writer

Professional tailor made will drafting and Lasting Powers of Attorney, in the comfort of your own home.



I am now offering Telephone meetings, in response to Government self isolation recommendations; for my more vulnerable and senior clients. I hope this helps to keep you all safe. Please call, message or email me to arrange a telephone meeting.


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Merry Christmas to all of my customers and Best Wishes for 2020.


With Dementia and Alzheimer’s on the increase don’t forget to ensure that you and your loved ones have Lasting Powers of Attorney in place.


Very busy again this week, but I have a few appointments left next week. Please contact me if you’d like to arrange a meeting.


Busy week this week - Bodmin, Okehampton, Plymouth and Looe. Still a few appointments available if you’d like to arrange a meeting.


Many of you will have already seen my name linked to Michael T Grundy will writing, who I have worked alongside for many years. However, the time has come for me to fly solo and draft independently! This is a very exciting time for me. I am now a member of the Society of Will Writers; a non-profit making organisation, who ensure it’s members have: professional indemnity insurance, the relevant skills to offer a professional and reliable service and undergo continued pro...fessional development, so you can be sure that the advice received is relevant and accurate.
I obtained my Law Degree in 1998 and went on to complete the Legal Practice Course (solicitors training) in 2000. So am legally qualified, unlike so many other will writers offering services today.
* I will visit you in your home * Offer advice based on your requirements (including ways to protect your home from being used to pay for possible future care home fees) * Draft a will tailored to your requirements * Advise and draft Lasting Powers of Attorney (Finance & Property and Health & Welfare)
Please contact me on: 01579 344433 or mobile 07971 280 510 if you would like further information.
Anita Hutt LL.B(Hons) MSWW
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A legal document that allows you to appoint people, of your choice, to make decisions on your behalf – in the absence of this document, the court may appoint an individual that you do not approve of. * You can only create these documents whilst you have mental capacity * Creating a Lasting Power of Attorney now, will make things easier, faster and more economical, than applying to the courts for a Deputyship order at a future date.... * Your chosen attorneys can make decisions regarding Financial and Property and Health and Welfare matters. * These documents are just as important as a will – life expectancy inclines and so does the risk of mental incapacity
Call Anita Hutt LL.B (Hons) MSWW on 01579 344433 to arrange a visit at your home
Reasonably priced, no VAT, legally qualified and member of the Society of Will writers.
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Professional mobile will writing service – I always come to your home I offer: *Property Protection Wills... *Lasting Powers of Attorney *Standard wills at a reasonable price
I am legally qualified and a member of the Society of Will Writers. I offer a friendly, professional service, with no up-front fees, you only pay when you are completely satisfied with the service provided.
Call Anita Hutt LL.B(Hons) MSWW on 01579 344433, to arrange a home visit
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Do not disinherit your children!
We all know someone disinherited as a result of a second marriage or relationship. Whether this was intentional or an oversight, it happens all too often. Many people enter into second marriages or relationships, which can result in estates being distributed unevenly, or completely one sided. If one of the parties to a marriage, die without making a will, the surviving spouse will take a large proportion, if not all of the estate, as dir...ected by The Inheritance and Trustees Powers Act 2014. Resulting in disinheriting one side of the family. Married couples or partners, may draft wills leaving everything to each other. This could have the effect of disinheriting one side of the family. Wills may be drafted leaving everything to each other, but containing a provision stating that on the death of both parties, the estate will be divided between all children from both parties. However, there is nothing preventing the survivor from altering their will at a later date, thus disinheriting one side of the family completely. If you own a property or a share in a property, you could ensure that your share in that property passes to your family. You could also provide protection for your spouse or partner, by creating a life interest in that property, in their favour, which means they could remain in the property, for the duration of their lifetime, but upon their death, your share in the property would pass to beneficiaries of your choice. Do not leave things to chance or trust others to do the right thing, call Anita Hutt LL.B(Hons) MSWW on 01579 344433 to arrange a home visit.
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Local, legally qualified, Will Writing company, visiting clients in their own home. The first meeting is to offer advice and discuss requirements. The second meeting is to obtain signatures. I offer advice regarding protecting your home from being used to pay for future care home fees. I also draft Lasting Powers of Attorney, which are becoming increasingly important. Lasting Powers of Attorney, are legal documents enabling your chosen attorneys to manage your affairs a...nd make decisions, if you are not able to do so. In the absence of these documents, the court could appoint someone to manage your financial affairs and Social Services may override your loved one’s decisions regarding health and welfare matters.
I have a law degree, post graduate law degree, vast experience and am a member of the Society of Will Writers.
Please contact Anita Hutt LL.B(Hons) MSWW on to arrange an appointment at your home
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If you have pets you really should make a will. Pets are often treated as one of the family, so shouldn’t we be making provisions for them in our will, to ensure they are adequately catered for? If you were to die without leaving provisions, who would care for them? Who would pay expensive vets bills, livery costs? Would your animals be cared for by someone that you disapproved of? If you make a will you can specify who you would like to care for your animals if you s...hould predecease them. Or you could appoint trusted executors to make these decisions on your behalf. In the absence of adequate provisions the executors or administrators of your estate will decide your pets fortune.
What if you have exotic animals or elderly animals who need medical care or are expensive to keep? What if you have equines or animals that are time consuming and costly to keep? This may deter friends or family from offering care, as they may not be in a financial position to. If you make a will, you can address these issue and may even wish to leave a trust fund to ensure that your pets financial needs are met. Call Anita Hutt LL.B(Hons) MSWW on 01579 344433 to arrange a home visit.
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Lasting Powers of Attorney – Do I need one?
It is a good idea to draft a Health and Welfare Lasting Power of Attorney now, so that if mental capacity is lost in the future, as a result of: an accident, dementia, Alzheimer’s, a stroke etc. you have legally given authority to your chosen attorney(s), to make decisions on your behalf. You may already have a Finance and Property Lasting Power of Attorney in place, which will allow your Attorney(s) to look after financial and pr...operty matters, but this will not enable them to make day to day decisions regarding health and welfare matters. This authority can only be given via a Health and welfare Lasting Power of Attorney document. A Health and Welfare Lasting Power of Attorney will allow your Attorneys to make decisions such as: where you will live and who with, your day-to-day care, arrangements for medical, dental or optical treatment, consenting to surgical treatment, arrangements for community care services, your social and leisure activities, who should have access to your personal information, making a complaint about the way you are cared for or treated and your attorney(s) can also give or refuse consent to life sustaining treatment on your behalf if you wish. If a Lasting Power of Attorney is not in place, these decisions will not necessarily be made by next of kin, but by medical professionals and Social Services. In the absence of a Lasting Power of Attorney, any decisions regarding Health and Welfare matters made by next of kin, can be overruled by Social Services. The majority of people would prefer such decisions be made by friends or relatives, rather than outsiders. Call Anita Hutt LL.B(Hons) MSWW on 01579 344433 to arrange a home visit.
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Lasting Power of Attorney – Do I need one? Yes you do, as without them, nobody has legal authority to deal with your affairs if you become incapacitated.
Should you become incapacitated, who would have the authority to: manage your finances withdraw money from your bank accounts... pay your bills or manage any property that you own?
Only the account holder, their attorney (if a Lasting Power of Attorney has been drafted) or the property owner have legal rights over these matters.
Therefore, bills may go unpaid, savings, investments etc. frozen.
What if your property had to be sold in order to meet care costs or to purchase a more suitable property?
Are your family in a financial position to loan money to you, in order to meet these expenses? If the answer is no, you really do need a Finance and Property Lasting Power of Attorney.
What if you were hospitalised, for a period of time or unable to manage your affairs indefinitely?
Unless you have a Lasting Power of Attorney in place, your next of kin would have to employ a legal professional and apply to the courts for a ‘Deputyship’ order. This can take months and is extremely expensive, in comparison to a Lasting Power of Attorney.
What if the court appoints someone you are unhappy with? There may be certain members of your family you would not wish to have this type of power or authority. The court could appoint someone you do not trust.
Lasting Powers of Attorney can be drafted now and you could appoint someone of your choice to manages your affairs, if necessary. It may also save you money and will be less stressful for loved ones. Call Anita Hutt LL.B(Hons) MSWW on 01579 344433 to arrange a home visit.
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More about Anita Hutt Will Writer

Anita Hutt Will Writer is located at Belle Vue, Higher Road, PL14 5NQ Pensilva, Liskeard, Cornwall
Monday: 09:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 20:00
Friday: 09:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 20:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 20:00