Anna Marsh - Healthy Body, Healthy Mind, Happy Heart

About Anna Marsh - Healthy Body, Healthy Mind, Happy Heart

I am empower women who are achieving in their lives but still feel like a piece of the puzzel is missing. I work with their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual parts to help them build a healthy body, healthy mind and a happy heart.

Anna Marsh - Healthy Body, Healthy Mind, Happy Heart Description

Hi, IвАЩm Anna

I am empower women who are achieving in their lives but still feel like a piece of the puzzel is missing.

As an achiever myself I know it is very easy to become addicted to the pattern of setting the next goal or the next bench mark and achieving it (whether it be in your career or personal life) to feel good enough.

The hardest thing to do often is to be still, be present and not continuously be competing with yourself in the pursuit of happiness.

What I had to learn was that I was very good at achieving, but that didn't always mean I was following my heart. This meant even though I was "successful" externally, I often felt a sense of lack internally. There was a bottomless pit that always needed to be filled.

I went through my own personal journey and realised there is another way to achieve. When we learn to slow down, to look after ourselves, to love ourselves and tap into our feminine energy, we can still achieve, but with less pushing, forcing and a whole lot more fulfillment, purpose and flow.

Most of us seek to achieve in our physical word, but for true success, happiness, joy and love of life, we must also address our mental, emotional and spiritual world too.

It became very difficult for me to name this page and tell people what I do. Because, as an achiever, I have a very long list of qualifications and letters I can put behind my name. But there is no one word or short collection of words that sums up what I do.

So, if you choose to work with me what you need to know is that I am very well qualified to work with your entire person.

вЮ°пЄП Physically - I am certified Functional Meidicne Practitioner with an MSc. in Personalised Nutrition, BSc (Hons) in Nutritional Therapy, Human Kinetics and Ergonomics, BSc, Biochemistry, I hold a personal training qualification and I am a qualified pilates instructor with a personal love for yoga, weight lifting and delicous food including chocolate and cupcakes!

вЮ°пЄП Mentally and Emotionally - I am a certified NLP practitioner and coach. I have a diploma in Psychoneuroimmunuology and many years of coaching experience. I have had the opportunity to work under some incredible coaches and I also have a firm belief in using physical and energetic practises such as yoga, meditation and reiki to create true transformation in my client's lives.

I believe in working with the entire person.

Most of my clients come to see me for a physical complaint; weight loss, poor functioning digestion, hormonal imbalances or low energy. However the physical is usually a manifestation of the mental, emotional and spiritual imbalances. в≠Р

(and if you want to know why you feel stuck on the hamster wheel, this is why)

In order to change the physical outer world, we must first change the inner world because that is where the magic happens.

If you have resonated with anything I have said above I would love to work with you.

You can apply to do so here
вЮ°пЄП http://annamarshnutrition. co. uk /womens-weight-loss /



Would you like the opportunity to change your life? To take better care of yourself? To set better boundaries? To build your confidence? To be kinder to yourself?... To embrace your body? To let go of lifelong body dysmorphia? To be more present? To be more connected and have better relationships? To be more self aware? To put yourself first? To say no? To slow down? To have more resilience and handle stress better? To listen to your body and rest without guilt? Yes? This is everything you could expect to gain, and more, from joining Grounded Goddess 2.0 в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А GG 2.0 is my 16 week Group Program for busy women who feel overwhelmed, exhasuted and keep burning out. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А Over 16 weeks you will learn: вЬФпЄПGet CLARITY on what you DO want and shift your focus away from what you dont (overwhelm comes from lack of clarity) вЬФпЄПCreate a foundation of self-care by really understanding your needs so you can meet them with less wasted time and energy вЬФпЄПMake friend with your body and your emotions and learn how to harness emotional energy for positive change вЬФпЄП Take your power back! Gain control in your life and ooze confidence вЬФпЄПExperience what it really means to fill up your cup so that you can truly connect with loved ones from a place of wholeness вЬФпЄПLearn to set boundaries, say no and let go of people pleasing вЬФпЄПEmbrace your body and quit the negative self talk, cultivate a loving relationship with yourself so you can heal your past relationships with food and exercise. вЬФпЄПLearn life-long tools that you will take with you forever в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А All the content is taught via group coaching with myself - which means, yes, it is NOT a self-study course, although you will have some yummy delicious homework to do each week which is designed to help you feel less stressed, more connected and GOOD! в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А This program starts in just 6 days! I still have spaces available for the right Goddess to be. Pop a вЩ•пЄП in the comments and I'll message you with the deets.
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Almost a year ago, this is how I felt... в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А I had pain every day in my shoulder and neck. I was so tired and lethargic that I just didn't have the energy to go to the gym. - which is a big deal for me because I love the gym! Even my yoga practise was getting slower and slower. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А Despite sleeping enough at night it felt like I never had enough. ... в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А My hormones and digestion, which were issues I had worked through before, were starting to niggle again. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А I couldn't understand it because I felt like I was doing it all right! I was following the rules of eating really well, sleeping, exercising. meditating a bit here and there, doing yoga. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А But I had massive blindspots. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А Although I had my "Wellness Checklist" I was also putting a huge amount of pressure on myself to work really hard in every minute outside of when I was doing my "healthy stuff". в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А Additionally, I was out of alignment with where I was placing my energy. I was so determined to achieve and get things done, I completely forgot to take stock of the fact that everything I was putting my energy in to, wasn't actually what I wanted. #facepalm в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А I was so angry with my body for not "behaving" but now I see it was a massive gift. It was the gift which forced me to slow down so I could actually get some perspective on the fact that there was work to be done. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А But not the busy external work that I was already doing, the inner work. I needed to change the inside of me, so that I could show up better on the inside. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А This was the inspiration for creating the Grounded Goddess Program. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А I want to empower achieving women who are burning out and suffering in their health because they are just like I was; So caught up in the busy-ness that they cannot see any other way for things to be. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А I want you to know that there is another way. But before things change on the outside, you have to do the work on the inside - which is what GG 2.0 is all about в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А Pop a <3 in the comments and I can send you all details.
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I see you... в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А You are exhausted, overwhelmed and feel like someone took your fire. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А You feel stuck and unable to pursue your goals (classic I know what I should be doing blah blah blah...)... в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А You might even be asking... who am I? Is this really me? в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А The things that used to work might no longer be stacking up. Deep down you know that the answers aren't in another diet or exercise regime - let's be honest, you don't have the energy or headspace for that anyway. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А When it actually comes down to it, you want to feel good. To feel happy. To feel filled up (but not with carbs or wine) but the lack confidence, self-esteem, battle with your body image internal fear holds you back. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А Sound about right? в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А Then I have a Grounded Goddess Spot with your name on it. Basically I am offering you the opportunity to transform over the next 16 weeks so that you can start 2019 whole, connected and empowered. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А This is an opportunity to work on all of you from the inside out! в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А Shift INTERNALLY to create a different life EXTERNALLY. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А From more than a decade working with women in the health and fitness space I have learnt a few things... you know, maybe just one or two. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А So many of my clients are busy women who are running themselves into the ground due to the high expectations and pressure they have placed on themselves. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А When we pick it all apart is usually down to a conscious or unconscious need to feel good enough. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А Do you think it would help you if we could rewire some of this programming? в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А Do you think it would help if you could retrain yourself to think differently about things so that you could feel differently every day? в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А Would you like to create some spaceousness and get connected with your heart again? в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А If your head is bobbing along I would love to tell you more about GG 2.0 which starts a week today! в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А I still have spots available and if think you could be ready to make some changes just pop a вЩ•пЄП in the comments and I'll message you with all the deets. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А Mwah! <3
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In case you didn't already know - Monday is the day the latest episode of @kombucha_and_colour gets released!
Kombucha and Colour is the weekly podcast cohosted by myself and Che Dyer, inspiring women to live life bright.
We pretty much talk about everything from health, fitness, mindset, creativity, manifesting, yoga, meditation and creating a high vibe life.
... This week Che surprised me with three questions which lead to a juicy discussion about books and personal development.
I share some of the things that have made the biggest impact on me... I think Joe Dispenza's name might get mentioned a few times too ;)
You can download by searching "Kombucha and Colour" on Stitcher or Itunes.
If you LOVE the show please leave us a review to help our rankings and help more people find a bit of love and inspiration in their lives.
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Ever felt like there were so many parts of you getting pulled in different directions? Yep - I hear you. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А Almost this time last year @indieyogalife and I went to Bali to run two weeks of retreats. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А The run up to the trip had been an exceptionally busy time for me and when we arrived in Bali I felt like something hit me. ... в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А We had a few days to recover from the jet lag and adjust to our surroundings as we prepared for our guests. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А In this time I was hit by this feeling that somewhere along the way I lost myself. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А Now, I don't really believe that we lose ourselves, but I do think that sometimes we place so much energy and attention outside of ourselves that we forget to come back inside and catch our breath. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А I was finding myself constantly burning out with "unexplained fatigue" which I couldn't understand because I take such good physical care of myself... в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А ...or so I thought. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А I had major blindspots because I was busy DOING that I hadn't really taken a moment to take stock of who I was BEING. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А When I reflect back now, I'm not very proud of who I was being. But I also know at the time I was just doing the best I could with the resources I had. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А Fast-forward a year from then, on the outside I probably look exactly the same. But internally there have been massive shifts which have had a knock on effect in my business, my relationships and my health. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А This personal journey was the inspiration for the Grounded Goddess Program. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А I wanted to share my learnings across and empower women who were running similar patterns to me and help them rec-connect with themselves. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А To take better care of themselves. To set boundaries, to respect themselves, to embrace their bodies, to be more present, to show up more powerfully, to feel in control, to feel comfortable in their skin, to slow down, listen to their bodies, rest without guilt and come home to their hearts. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А Want in? в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А The next round starts in 7 days and I still have some space. Drop me a DM and I'll send all the info
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/Things You Need To Know If You Are a Woman Wanting To Uplevel Your Life
For those of you who don't know my story so well, 4 years ago I moved from London to Bournemouth to live by sea, get out of the stressful city and have a better quality life.
In doing so I made the decision to take my business online. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А...
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I've created the Grounded Goddess 2.0 Program to help busy, burnt out women, slow down, reconnect with their hearts and live a happier, healthier life. рЯТХ
Click Here for More Info рЯСЙ
The words "Life Changing" have been thrown around by the members for Grounded Goddess 1.0 рЯ§©.
... I know most people just want to be told what to eat and how to work out.
From more than a decade in the industry telling people "what to do"... I realised the thing is not the thing рЯЩЕвАНвЩАпЄП.
My clients health issues - whether that be weight, hormones, digestive imbalances, fatigue, skin conditions or auto-immunity or just general unhappiness - were a symptoms of a bigger problem .
Too much self-imposed stress and an overloaded nervous system рЯШ£.
Yes, there are physical strategies we need use to support the body (which is why I have included the "physical" BONUS modules in GG 2.0) - but this program is about giving yourself the space to reconnect with and learn to love you рЯШН.
If you know you need a little more spaciousness, a little less busy, a little more calm and connection in your life but you can't find the exit off the hamster wheel, I'd love to show you the way рЯЩЛвАНвЩАпЄП.
In 16 weeks when everyone is burning out before Christmas, you can be unleashing a more whole, more connected and powerful version of yourself рЯТГ.
Starting on the 3rd September and less than £30 per week!
Click Here to Join рЯСЙ
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вЮ°пЄПJoin The Grounded Goddess Community >>>>>>< br>


// UPLEVELLING YOUR SELF-CARE - PART 8 в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А вП≤пЄПрЯТ∞ 8. Manage Your Time and MoneyрЯТ∞вП≤пЄП в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А Time, money and energy are some of our most precious resources. I have, at times been scarce in all three.... в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А This very last week I felt like I had allowed my diary to get out of control and I had to spend two days in bed as a result recovering. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А Not only does my failure to self manage zap my energy, take away my time, but it ruins my productivity which has an impact on my finances. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А Having вАЬnever had a real jobвАЭ вАУ aka IвАЩve always worked for myself вАУ IвАЩve had to learn to manage my money because unexpected things happen and people let you down or expect you to share the burden of their financial mis-management. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А Getting your finances in order is incredibly freeing because it enables you to shift your entire energetic state from one of scarcity to one of abundance. There is no better way to say вАЬI am worthyвАЭ than feeling worthy to receive. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А PS. If you've just found yourself reading my self-care posts you can read the full blog and all of the other 8 self-care strategies on my website . . . . . . . #lifecoach #risesisterrise #autoimmunity #healing #functionalmedicine #functionalmedicinepractitioner #healthcoach #nutritionist #womenshealth #digestivehealth #loveyourgut #pcos #endo #endosisters #soulsister #lightworker #soulhealth #selflove #selfcare #groundedgoddess #loveyourself #energy #energyiseverything #dolessbemore
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I literally just got off a call with someone who was enquiring about working with me. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А I often get enquiries from people who are "just looking for a nutrition plan". в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А I am pretty conscious when this is the request to make it clear from the beginning that this is not what I do. ... в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А I have over a decade of experience in helping people (especially women) create healthier bodies, minds and happy hearts. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А Most women when they reach out to me are focussed on the body "part" and the mind and heart aspects are often not on their radar yet. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А This is why I don't offer individual consultation or nutrition plans. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А Yes, I really believe that anyone who is working on their health will benefit from a personalised nutrition approach and making some good investments in their lifestyle (movement, sleep, restoration and hydration) but the thing is more often than not the thing. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А My experience, at least with the clients I attract, is that the nutrition aspect is a small bandaid which is trying to cover a gaping wound. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А From the very first time I speak with someone I can tell from the language they use and how they show up what their unconscious mind is doing. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А These are the blindspots that the client often doesn't see at first. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А My goal is to help my client integrate and make friends with all parts of themselves - body, head and heart. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А When we are fully integrated and whole, it is so much easier to do the things we know we need to do, but just can't wrap our head around. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А THIS is why I created the Grounded Goddess Group Program - to help women slow down, raise their awareness and make friends with themselves again after perhaps years of abuse and mistrust. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А Enrolment is Open NOW and we start September 3rd - more info via the link in the comments.
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// UPLEVELLING YOUR SELF CARE - PART 7 в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А рЯРҐ 7. Do Less Than What You Think You Can рЯРҐ в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А And rest more than what you think you needвА¶... Just because you can fit 1 million things into a week, doesnвАЩt mean you should. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А This is a lesson I have had to learn the hard way. When I started my online business I would fit clients in morning, noon and night, because I could. I would reply to emails and Facebook posts at all hours, because I could. I would work on the weekends and build membership sites, create content and respond to enquiries, because I could. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А What that left me with was my вАЬfeelings of inflammationвАЭ - fatigue, pain, low mood and lack of joy, confidence and self worth. I was burnt out! в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А It would be easy to beat myself up about it but I donвАЩt have to because IвАЩm learning the lesson instead. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А I know my limits now. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А I know how many clients I can speak with each day and what can be achieved in a week. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А When I honour this I show up as the best version of me. в†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†Ав†А In showing up as my best self everyone wins. _______________________________________

More about Anna Marsh - Healthy Body, Healthy Mind, Happy Heart

Anna Marsh - Healthy Body, Healthy Mind, Happy Heart is located at BH13 7BB Poole, Dorset