Anna Mcdermott Artist

About Anna Mcdermott Artist

© Anna McDermott Fine Metal Artist based in Exeter, Devon creating paintings and sculpture

Anna Mcdermott Artist Description

It seems ironic that all the devices we use to connect with each other on social networks, reflect our faces like mirrors. Yet for us to see what's on the screens, our brains are forced to 'ignore' our reflected faces, with the use of colour and light.

I'm fascinated by this process and the associated psychological effect of being forced to ignore our presence, whilst being compliant to the constant bombarded by news and commercial media. Especially when taking into account the high level of negative world events and the lack of reliable reporting sources.

It's almost a form of gas-lighting - a type of psychological abuse in which a person is manipulated into doubting their own memory, perception and sanity. Something which I've unfortunately experienced several times, resulting in my identity and intuition being smothered by others to justify their positions, or by myself, in order to cope.

These are aspects which I explore with my work. Except that instead of being forced to ignore your reflection with a metallic device, my art incorporates metal that comes alive with your reflection. So that the viewer looks beyond the composition to themselves and the impact of their movements.

Such change of focus, causes the initial impact of the painting's image to cease in importance, because attention is drawn to the detail – the spaces between the lines, where reflections exist in an abstract form. Allowing consideration of what defines our perception and sense of self.

Reflections are chased with tilted heads, bodies bent this way and that, looking from side to side, in exactly the same way I moved to create the painting. It's like a universally known but never learnt dance – a visceral response between us.

It's an aspect that I intend to explore and develop further using a sensual, sculptural experience, as part of the visual. Such as deep textures alongside ultra smooth surfaces, with reflective iridescent colours that dance across the composition, being tensioned with the opaque, creating an illusory, interactive art experience.

I am on a journey of exploration that continually changes and develops. My compositions and techniques are transitory steps toward a deeper need to explore greater visceral connections with my work, as a way of connecting to an inner landscape within us all.