Anna Stainer Osteopath

About Anna Stainer Osteopath

Osteopathy works to achieve smooth functioning of the skeleton, muscles and ligaments, in the treatment of low back pain, headache, sports injuries etc.

Anna Stainer Osteopath Description

As an osteopath, I know that for the body to function well, its structure must also work well.
My job is to restore the body to a state of balance, where possible without the use of drugs or surgery, using manipulation, stretching and massage.
Osteopathic treatment increases joint mobility, relieves muscle tension and enhances the nerve and blood supply to tissues - helping the body's own healing mechanisms.
If necessary I may also give advice on posture and exercise, to aid recovery and prevent symptoms recurring.

All osteopaths in the UK are regulated by the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC) and are required to renew their registration each year by maintaining mandatory continuing professional development requirements and professional indemnity insurance.

Osteopathy is suitable for any age group, from young children through pregnancy, to the elderly. Both sportspersons and sedentary types can benefit.
It should never be painful, and patients often feel an improvement instantly.

More about Anna Stainer Osteopath

Anna Stainer Osteopath is located at 56B Collins Road, PO4 9NZ Southsea
023 9273 4815