Anne Grange Writing

About Anne Grange Writing

I will help you to tell your story. I write, edit and proof read. I can help you to write your memoirs and also be the "ghost writer" for your story. I can format your book, design an eye-catching cover, and help you with a publicity plan.

Anne Grange Writing Description

My services include:

Bespoke biographies, compiled from your memories and photographs, ideal for landmark birthdays and anniversaries. I can use graphic design, photography and hand-crafted elements to reflect your personality.
Surprise bespoke biographies for a friend or relative. Ideal for special events such as hen-nights and weddings.
Support for people who lack confidence with computers, such as typing, layout and formatting.
E-Book Publishing (creating a downloadable book that people can read on the Kindle, Kobo or other electronic devices).
Proof-reading and editing.
Press and publicity material.

More about Anne Grange Writing