Anne Lovelock Tuition

About Anne Lovelock Tuition

Anne Lovelock Tuition provides one-to-one and small group tuition for young people and adults, specialising in English, Literacy and Dyslexia Support.

Anne Lovelock Tuition Description

'Like' this Facebook page for updates, links, schedules and other information about tuition sessions and related issues.

Check out my website: www. annelovelocktuition. co. uk
for more information about Anne Lovelock Tuition or contact me on 01903 201056 or by email at anne@annelovelocktuition. co. uk



For those who are concerned about school closures or thinking of taking their children out of school, I hope this will be helpful.


This is exactly what a 'reading' class should look like. I really love that shared reading has happened naturally, whilst at the same time, the bookworms have taken themselves to a cosy corner to escape.


Home Ed Drama Sessions for 11yrs+ - Mondays in Worthing


Hello everyone,
Welcome back to the new term. I hope that your fresh start to the school year is happy and productive for you. I just wanted to let you know, I'm still available for tuition until 11th October, then will be taking a break until the end of the year, but I will be back in January 2020 in time for the run up to GCSEs.
... I wish you good luck with whatever you are doing this week and look forward to working with you in the next academic year.
Anne :)
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To everyone who has just got their GCSE results, well done for getting through such a stressful time. I hope that you are happy with your results, but if you are not, please do not feel that GCSE results define you. They can help you to make a new beginning but there are many routes you can take to find fulfilment in life, and sometimes our disappointments can lead to new opportunities, just as much as our successes. So whatever your results, be proud of arriving at this crossroads in your education, and I wish you all happiness in your Post GCSE future.


Hello everyone, Just a note to say that my website is currently offline, so my FB page is the best way to contact me or get information about Anne Lovelock Tuition. 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂


Happy summer holiday. Whether you are relaxing or doing a little studying, I hope you have a positive few weeks and find a way to enjoy this untypical British summer! x


Hi all - apologies to anyone who has left a message on my landline. My answer phone has been hiding them from me and so I have only just heard them. As it's now 11pm, I will leave it till tomorrow to call you back - but just wanted to let you know I'm not ignoring you.


Right in the middle of exam season - wishing the best of luck to all GCSE students sitting their English Language papers this week. Remember first and foremost - treat yourself to sleep, healthy food and drinks to keep yourself hydrated, especially in the warm weather.
And to my students - don't forget your highlighter pens! 🍀


Looking forward to getting started. Home Ed teens and nearly teens, I hope to see you on 16th.…/a.5743901362 69…/574386736269964/…


Something exciting for spring - in April, as well as tuition, Anne Lovelock Tuition is branching out into Drama classes for home educated young people (age 11+). This is something I have wanted to do for many years, especially as I really enjoyed teaching Drama in my early years of teaching, and this feels like the right time as there isn't anything of this sort currently on offer in Worthing. So, watch this space and I'll let you know details as soon as I have them confirmed.


A new group for visual stress (also known as Meares Irlen, Irlen Syndrome, Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome.) There is a massive information gap about VS and where and how it can be diagnosed and supported, so this group is really needed. It is run by a VS expert and an expert parent - so you will get different perspectives and a lot of helpful information. (If your child's school hands out coloured overlays for dyslexia, they are actually confusing the symptoms of dyslexia with VS - although the two can co-occur, not all people who are dyslexic have VS and not all people who have VS are dyslexic.) 941637/


Huge respect for Carrie Grant for replying in such a measured but heartfelt way to press criticisms of parents of children with autism. I know that many of you who check out my page will understand how hard parents have to fight for understanding and support for our children with SEND.


Hello all - I'm having a few problems receiving emails at the moment, so if you would like to contact me, then you could send a message through this FB page. Alternatively you could ring on 01903 201056. If you call and leave a message, I will get back to you as soon as I can - it may be two or three days if things are a bit hectic here, but I promise I will return your call as soon as I can. Thanks for your patience. 😍


'Vocab building: some useful synonyms,' she said! 😁 5Q


So many students are struggling with anxiety these days, due to the pressures of the current school and exam system. There really does need to be more support for them, rather than being treated as if they somehow can control their mental health issues or as if they are just truanting.

More about Anne Lovelock Tuition

01903 201056