Anne Whitehouse Phd - Changing The World For Women

About Anne Whitehouse Phd - Changing The World For Women

I help women defeat the unconscious bias, overcome imposter syndrome, ditch self-doubt and magnify their confidence, so they can reactivate their true female power and embody their highest vision in the world, effortlessly.



Each time we change a limiting belief, unlock a trauma or release negative conditioning it gives us a blank slate to create something new and amazing in our lives. Things didn’t change before simply because our programming was the same. Take control of your programming and transformation can be very quick indeed. ❄️ See link in bio for a coral colour healing to boost self-esteem. Cinderella Bootcamp® Live Online starts January 21st ❄️ . #cinderellabootcamp... #confidence #selfesteem #transformyourlife #empowerment #femininepower #healyourpast #stressrelief #traumahealing #bodyconfidence #personaldevelopment #healing #selfnurturing #reclaimyourvoice #reclaimyourpower
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Don’t wait for permission. Don’t wait until you have proof you can do it. The only failure is never to have tried. If you take that leap of faith you’re already a million times further on than the people who never leap. Now is your time. ❄️ See link in bio for a coral colour healing to boost self-esteem. ❄️ . #cinderellabootcamp... #confidence #selfesteem #transformyourlife #empowerment #femininepower #healyourpast #stressrelief #traumahealing #bodyconfidence #personaldevelopment #healing #selfnurturing #reclaimyourvoice #reclaimyourpower
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My beautiful birthday present “Somewhere In Time” by Simon Kenny, now up in my healing room. Orange for the transformation of trauma into enlightenment, gold for wisdom and alchemy, turquoise for communication and healing, and pale lilac for the gateway to the next level in our journey. Simply perfect! 🌟Thank you @whitewallgalleries @simonkennyart #selfesteem #transformyourlife #empowerment #femininepower #healyourpast ... #stressrelief #traumahealing #bodyconfidence #personaldevelopment #healing #selfnurturing #reclaimyourvoice #reclaimyourpower
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Time to complete and release any lessons 2018 brought you. Mentally give yourself a clear slate to create love, health, expansion and abundance for 2019. Allow the new to break through. ❄️ See link in bio for a coral colour healing ❄️ . #cinderellabootcamp... #confidence #selfesteem #transformyourlife #empowerment #femininepower #healyourpast #stressrelief #traumahealing #bodyconfidence #personaldevelopment #healing #selfnurturing #reclaimyourvoice #reclaimyourpower
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You are perfectly prepared to fulfil your higher purpose in life. Your unique gifts, talents and life experience make you the only person who can do this. ❄️ Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re not good enough. You’re precisely who you need to be. Have faith in yourself. See link in bio for a coral colour healing ❄️... . #cinderellabootcamp #confidence #selfesteem #transformyourlife #empowerment #femininepower #healyourpast #stressrelief #traumahealing #bodyconfidence #personaldevelopment #healing #selfnurturing #reclaimyourvoice #reclaimyourpower
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It’s easy to forget to take time for ourselves. Somehow there’s always something to do, email to check, family to sort out etc, But if we never stop, we end up burning out. 🌸 Whatever you’ve got on, make sure you take a few minutes to relax, unwind and do something just for your own benefit. You not only deserve it, you need it!! 🌸 See link in bio for a coral colour healing 🌸... . #cinderellabootcamp #confidence #selfesteem #transformyourlife #empowerment #femininepower #healyourpast #stressrelief #traumahealing #bodyconfidence #personaldevelopment #healing #selfnurturing #reclaimyourvoice #reclaimyourpower
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It’s ok to make time for us. We deserve to relax and enjoy ourselves too! I’m giving myself permission to put my feet up and enjoy an old movie today. What are you doing for you? 🌸 See link in bio for a coral colour healing 🌸... . #cinderellabootcamp #confidence #selfesteem #transformyourlife #empowerment #femininepower #healyourpast #stressrelief #traumahealing #bodyconfidence #personaldevelopment #healing #selfnurturing #reclaimyourvoice #reclaimyourpower
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Most of us find it easier to give than to receive. On a deep level we think it’s selfish. But when we allow ourselves to receive - a gift, love, the abundance of the universe - we allow the energy of creation to express itself. Everyone’s vibration goes up and everyone benefits. 🌸 When you allow yourself to receive this demonstrates as much love as giving. 🌸 See link in bio for healing to unblock receiving 🌸... .
#cinderellabootcamp #confidence #selfesteem #transformyourlife #empowerment #femininepower #healyourpast #stressrelief #traumahealing #bodyconfidence #personaldevelopment #healing #selfnurturing #reclaimyourvoice #reclaimyourpower #receiving
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Don’t be held back by your upbringing, your heritage or your ancestry. Those who came before you were limited by lack of opportunity and the beliefs of times past. They were just as capable as you. When you fulfil everything of which you are capable, you show the quality of your heritage and honour your ancestry. 🌸 Now is the time to release your blocks, limitations and inner glass ceilings. Now is the time to fly high. 🌸 See link in bio 🌸... .
#cinderellabootcamp #confidence #selfesteem #transformyourlife #empowerment #femininepower #healyourpast #stressrelief #traumahealing #bodyconfidence #personaldevelopment #healing #selfnurturing #reclaimyourvoice #reclaimyourpower
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Your worth isn’t defined by what people said to you. It isn’t defined by what people did to you. If you’ve been abused this does not contaminate you - it only contaminates the abuser. Your worth is defined by the energy of your heart and soul which is priceless. 🌸 Reclaim your worth and know it every day of your life. 🌸... Early Bird for Cinderella Bootcamp® ends tonight, Dec 21st See link in bio 🌸 .
#cinderellabootcamp #confidence #selfesteem #transformyourlife #empowerment #femininepower #healyourpast #stressrelief #traumahealing #bodyconfidence #personaldevelopment #healing #selfnurturing #reclaimyourvoice #reclaimyourpower
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The structures of our world taught girls to keep their heads down, to live in a supporting role and be demure. In order to succeed, we’ve often had to take on a male energy, but this comes at a price because it shuts down our unique feminine essence, and this can lead to stress, anxiety and burnout. 🌸
There is a better way. When you reconnect to your inner feminine brilliance, reclaim your power, and free yourself from the old conditioning, that’s when you blossom, and become... stronger than you ever imagined possible. That’s when you truly fulfil your potential. 🌸
It’s not easy to do this alone, but in a group of like-minded women on the same journey all your efforts are magnified and it’s so much easier to hold that new vibration in your life. 🌸
Early Bird for Cinderella Bootcamp® ends Dec 21st See link in bio 🌸 .
#cinderellabootcamp #confidence #selfesteem #transformyourlife #empowerment #femininepower #healyourpast #stressrelief #traumahealing #bodyconfidence #personaldevelopment #healing #selfnurturing #reclaimyourvoice #reclaimyourpower
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The world would have us believe there’s something wrong with us and we need something external to make us whole - a man, a slimmer body, a younger face, the latest accessory. But we know better!! This is just manipulation to prevent us seeing our true power. 🌸 Inside each of us is unique brilliance - complete and perfect - just waiting to blossom. Nothing is needed to make us whole, good enough or worthy of receiving love. 🌸 Early Bird for Cinderella Bootcamp® ends Dec 21s...t See link in bio 🌸 . #cinderellabootcamp #confidence #selfesteem #transformyourlife #empowerment #femininepower #healyourpast #stressrelief #traumahealing #bodyconfidence #personaldevelopment #healing #selfnurturing #reclaimyourvoice #reclaimyourpower
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Do you judge your body as unattractive and inadequate because you don’t fit a certain set of measurements? Subconsciously we’re all conditioned to compare ourselves with whatever society tells us is the ideal. So of course we fail every day and end up criticising ourselves. This lowers our vibration, undermines our confidence and it blocks the energies of love and abundance in our lives. What if you could reprogramme your subconscious mind to understand that you are beautif...ul exactly as you are? 🌼 Every woman has a unique beauty to radiate in her life. You deserve to know and feel that, and be free of the ridiculously narrow definitions of society. Now is your time to shine.
🌼 See link in bio to book your Q&A call with Anne. 🌼 . #cinderellabootcamp #confidence #selfesteem #transformyourlife #empowerment #femininepower #healyourpast #stressrelief #traumahealing #bodyconfidence #personaldevelopment #healing #selfnurturing #reclaimyourvoice #reclaimyourpower
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We talk a lot about empowerment and taking our power back, often without really understanding what this means. Truth is, each time we are put down, each time we feel intimidated or traumatised, we subconsciously shut down our power, allowing others to determine the course of our lives. This sucks! 🌼 How do you know if you’ve given away your power? - you feel unsafe - you struggle to speak up ... - feel held back with stress or anxiety - you feel that invisible blocks are stopping you from shining and expressing your true brilliance - you yearn to achieve and shine but keep holding yourself back. If any of these ring true to you, then you’ve probably got stuck in a pattern of disempowerment. I’ve designed Cinderella Bootcamp precisely with the intention of unlocking those patterns and bringing your power back in a very tangible way. Every woman deserves to have her full power and express her full potential in life. 🌼 Cinderella Bootcamp® Early Bird registration ends Dec 21st. 🌼 Go to to book your Q&A call with Anne and find out if bootcamp is for you. 🌼 . #cinderellabootcamp #confidence #selfesteem #transformyourlife #empowerment #femininepower #healyourpast #stressrelief #traumahealing #personaldevelopment #healing #selfnurturing #reclaimyourvoice #reclaimyourpower
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Each of us has unique brilliance within, just waiting to be expressed. Often our life experience shuts us down and crushes our inner spark - it certainly did with me! But you can free yourself. 🌼 Those who put you down and hurt you only serve to motivate you. You can expand into your zone of greatness. Now is the time to free yourself and shine. 🌼 Cinderella Bootcamp® Early Bird registration ends Dec 21st. ... 🌼 See link in bio to book your Q&A call with Anne. 🌼
#cinderellabootcamp #confidence #selfesteem #transformyourlife #empowerment #femininepower #healyourpast #stressrelief #traumahealing #personaldevelopment #healing #selfnurturing
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Today should have been my little girl’s 12th birthday. We should have been opening presents and planning a party. Instead, it’s now four years since her sudden, unexplained death. . Although we have embraced life again and rebuilt our shattered world - today has been hard. . For me now, the important thing is to live a life not forever blighted by the fact that I lost my child, but instead to live a life of meaning, purpose and love.
... . #cinderellabootcamp #lifeafterloss #transformyourlife #empowerment #femininepower #healyourpast #stressrelief #traumahealing #personaldevelopment #healing #selfnurturing
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At this time of year I expect that many of you are up to your eyes in it, organising Christmas for yourselves and your family. For many women this is a ridiculously stressful time of year as they shoulder the responsibility of making sure that everyone else has a marvellous time and that nobody is forgotten.
Who is it, I wonder, that remembers you?
... Who is making sure that you’re ok? That everything that you need is provided for? That you are not left out when it comes to thought and care?
We women are often running deep programmes that mean that we sacrifice ourselves for the benefit of everyone else. We do this all year round, but at this time of year it is particularly noticeable, and Christmas can often be an endurance test rather than a pleasure.
I’d like to offer you this little, nurturing, energetic pick me up as an early gift.
You can open it now!
Take time out for a few minutes, to relax, re-energise and recharge your batteries. You deserve it.
Click link to receive your healing 🌷 urturing-healing/
. #CinderellaBootcamp #transformyourlife #confidence #empowerment #femininepower #healyourpast #stressrelief #traumahealing #personaldevelopment #healing #selfnurturing
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Our energy and vibration create the world around us. So focus on releasing your blocks, your sabotaging past and limiting patterns, and raise your vibration to that of the world you wish to create.
Hold that vibration. Own your power as a creator. ... Expect the change.
See link in bio 🌷 . #CinderellaBootcamp #transformyourlife #confidence #empowerment #femininepower #healyourpast #stressrelief #traumahealing #personaldevelopment #feminineleadership
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When you allow yourself to shine the world gets the benefit of your unique gifts, talents and experience.
Don’t hold back to avoid hurting others. Holding back hurts you and benefits nobody. We are all unique and there is no competition.
Now is the time to allow ourselves to blossom and become all that we can be.
... Cinderella Bootcamp® registration for January is now open. See link in bio 🌸
#CinderellaBootcamp #transformyourlife #confidence #empowerment #femininepower #healyourpast #stressrelief #traumahealing #personaldevelopment #feminineleadership
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More about Anne Whitehouse Phd - Changing The World For Women