Antenatal And Postnatal Relax Stretch And Breathe Yoga Inspired Classes

About Antenatal And Postnatal Relax Stretch And Breathe Yoga Inspired Classes

Virtual online Zoom
Pregnancy yoga Thursday evening from 7. 00-8. 00pm
Mummy virtual online Zoom 8. 15-9. 15
Mum and baby yoga Tues 11. 00-12 & 1. 00-2. 00

Antenatal And Postnatal Relax Stretch And Breathe Yoga Inspired Classes Description

Classes start run on Tuesday's 7. 00pm until 9. 00pm at Solihull Renewal Centre Union Rd Off Load lane The cost is £10. 00 per session. Relax Stretch with Baby runs on a Monday 10 /11. 30 also at the Renewal centre cost is £48. 00 for 6 sessions.
If you would like to book a place and or have any other questions please contact me on or tel;07846006630.

NCT Relax Stretch and breath classes are yoga inspired classes that focus on gentle postures, breathing techniques, positions for labour and relaxation. The aim is for you to have an enjoyable and relaxing time, whilst improving your physical and emotional wellbeing and helping you feel more confident and positive about birth. The postures are very gentle, specifically designed so you can attend throughout your pregnancy (after 12 weeks) and can be adapted to individual needs.
The classes are suitable for all women, regardless of their fitness level. No previous experience of yoga is necessary.
Benefits of these classes include:
• Reduced back ache
• Improved quality of sleep
• Reduced anxiety
• Strengthened joints and muscles
• Increased flexibility
• Increased blood circulation
• Reduced swelling from fluid retention
• Improved posture and body awareness
• Strengthened abdominal and pelvic muscles
• Improved digestive system

For those who are already mothers, the class will be a time when you can relax, concentrate on the new baby, and think about your wishes for this birth.
For 1st time mothers, there will be lots of practical tips and opportunity to meet others and ask questions.

About me
I am an Antenatal teacher who has undergone extra training with the university of Worcester to enable me teach Relax Stretch and Breath classes. I am passionate about yoga and believe exercise has a positive impact on pregnancy and birth.
and recovery.

Hi Guys

Hope you are all well and enjoying your babies.

As promised details of The New Relax Stretch With Baby Class

Classes Run on Monday's 10 /11. 30 at Solihull Renewal centre they will be hold in the Family centre which is on Union rd just Off Load lane

Classes start on Monday 9th September and are booked in blocks of 6 sessions.

The cost is £48. 00 for the 6 weeks which is to be paid on the 1st session. On week 4 you will be given the opportunity to re book for the following 6 weeks and so on.

Places are limited so please book ASAP.

To book or for further information please contact me on Tel;07846006630,


Relax & Stretch with Baby

NCT Relax & Stretch with Baby is a unique and fun exercise after pregnancy programme designed for mother and baby.

NCT Relax & Stretch with Baby classes provide a wonderful opportunity for you as a new mother to ease your way back into exercise after birth. Each class comprises gentle yoga-based exercises for both you and your baby to do together. Classes are suitable for you and your baby to attend from six weeks after birth. *

Structure of Class:

Classes will start with circle time were we discuss a different topic each week for example teething, followed by Yoga inspired exercise for both mother and baby, we also look at breathing and relaxation techniques which can be used in day to day life. We will finish with Tea and Cake.

Mums will have the opportunity to do post-birth exercise and stretching to:
•strengthen and tone your muscles; especially abdominals, pelvic floor and back muscles.
• increase your fitness levels.
•regain and maintain good posture.
•provide some vital relaxation.
•re-energise and motivate you for the rest of the week.

Babies will have the opportunity to experience some yoga and massage especially for them to:
•encourage their reflexes to develop.
•enhance their motor development.
•increase their awareness of their surroundings.
•calm and relax them, helping them to sleep better.

The class has a fun and relaxed atmosphere. We play music, sing, and allow time for you and your baby to bond, enhancing your understanding of your baby.

More about Antenatal And Postnatal Relax Stretch And Breathe Yoga Inspired Classes

Antenatal And Postnatal Relax Stretch And Breathe Yoga Inspired Classes is located at Warwick Rd, B93 9LW Solihull