Anthony Laville

About Anthony Laville

Property Developer Journey



Question: “What was the turning point of choosing to do Big Deals and why didn’t you do it earlier?”
I strongly believe that I can achieve anything that I want to, however unrealistic it may seem to others, doesn’t impact me.
It’s why one day I’m going to be in Astonaut @nasa or @virgingalactic hold my place!
... Self Belief is one of your most important assets
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There’s a lot of risk in doing Big Developments that need to be managed properly. One of these risks is the build cost and keeping that down.
A Fixed Priced Contract is a good way to do this but to get the best price possible you need to remove some of the ‘risk’ in the ‘Unknown’s’ for the building contractor or they will price this ‘risk’ into the contract sum which will mean a more expensive build.
This is one of the ways to reduce that risk and avoid Provisional Sums or ...a Very Expensive Build.
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A clip from my last London property Meet-up during the Q&A
It’s not real until it’s realised (in your pocket)


👁 Can you see our vision at for part of this canal in Birmingham City Centre ?
This scheme will be in for full planning soon.
Spotting and acting quickly on opportunities before others do is key to this.
... #BigDealsOnly
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Tickets to my 3rd FREE Property Meet-up are released at 7pm tonight on Eventbrite
As requested, I’ll be discussing Finding Deals, Structuring Deals and Financing Deals
Who’s coming ?
... #BigDealsOnly
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Make up your own rules #BigDealsOnly


I’m always about my business
It’s still very alien to me to pull out my phone and start recording and taking pictures. I’m more of a ‘live in the moment’ person.
This is a good reminder to post more though, thank you


What would you do if you called a seller (that you’re in the middle of a deal with) and he picked up the phone and pretended to be someone else? 😂
This happened to me a few months back.
Undoubtedly in order to get ahead in whatever you’re doing, eating SH*T is part of that and if you’re not willing to do that on occasion it can make things more difficult.
... I’ve probably eaten SH*T dozens of times in the past year alone! I talk about 3 of them in my YouTube video link in bio #thesideyoudontsee #property #propertyinvesting
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I have countless examples of how this is true for me and why it’s true for anyone.
Here’s 1:
I met with a seller a few months ago and he said that he gets letters like mine all the time. The only reason he called me back was because he got a few letters from me and so he “knew I was serious”. He then took me around 5 of his potential development (big) sites which I didn’t know he owned....all off-market.
... Follow up (persistence/ resilience/ tenacity etc) is the route of all success.
This is a FACT OF LIFE
#mondaymotivation #successmindset
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I’m planning on hosting another FREE #London #BigDealsOnly #propertynetworking meet up thingy next month, it’s been over 6 months since my last... who’s in?
My 2 previous #London events ‘sold out’ same day - Tag a Friend that you think would like to attend also @ London, United Kingdom


I’m Looking forward to getting this one done and dusted, it’s not been without it’s complications as it should have been completed in By September 2020 (the 2nd time around) but unfortunately various factors meant it wasn’t possible. I learn something from every deal which I immediately implement into new deals.
Everything from planning, design, value engineering, legals, debt financing has seen challenges in some form... it’s the nature of the beast. The fact that this is s...o time sensitive as it’s in the student market, makes it even more challenging. The upside is that when I do complete the construction and let the building, I’ll personally profit 7-figures (as too will my JV partner on this) from this deal as with all my Big Deals. Can I pull off my first of an 8-figure profit deal in 2020? Stay tuned.
My pipeline is strong and I’m growing this further beyond the current £100m in 2020 with my experienced Board of Directors, predominantly buying sites that already have planning in place.
Anyone else going bigger this year ?
#BigDealsOnly #roadtoabilli
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When you set and work to achieve lofty goals, your activities and priorities change to adapt to what it takes to reach that big goal. Small level thinking doesn’t allow you to reach your full potential.
I was working on the wrong stuff for 3-4 years longer than I should have been. I should have moved up a while back but I simply did not set big enough immediate short term goals, which helped to reach the overarching goal. If you want more, Get yourself around people that want... more and are already getting more. Your activities change and your results will too.
If you want to get around people more successful than you, you need to be on 💩. Successful people like to be around the up and coming also if they feel like they’re the next big thing. Everyone wins.
If you come with your hands only, you’re going to leave with them still empty.
#notetoself #sundaywisdom
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I’ll share the letter I send to owners of the properties that I approach. It’s a very simple, but effective letter that allowed me to do my #BigDealsOnly
I’m trying to build my reach so once I get x100 shares of this post to x100 different insta stories, I’ll post a copy of the letter and the follow up letter that I send @anthonylaville - we may never get to the 100 shares so you may never get to know 🤷🏾‍♂️ 😆- let’s go!!


So it took me nearly 11 months to agree and finally buy this unit (which is part of a £7-8m Development Plan) however what I didn’t tell you was that I sent 3 letters to the owner before he responded so we could start negotiations...
5/11/2018 6/12/2018 17/12/2018
He got in touch in early January 2019 and the deal completed at the end of November 2019
... Next step is planning which could take 9-12 months? Then the build which would be 12-15 months? Best Case Scenarios
Wonder why I’m on that #BigDealsOnly flex ?
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I’m looking forward to tomorrow where I’m on a Panel speaking at the Finance Professional show about the Future Development of PBSA (Purpose Built Student Accommodation), Hotels & Serviced Accommodation.
It’s a great place to meet new funders and those active the property finance industry.
I’m always on the lookout 👀 for great deals 🏢 and funding 💴 like any good developer and property investor should be.
... You can never have enough deal-flow and money-flow
#pbsa #fpshow #rundmc
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My first meet-up in Birmingham is next month on Thursday 12th from 6pm.
It’s a FREE event that’s limited to 50 tickets. Come and meet me and others involved in or interested in property. I’ll talk through some of my development projects in the city and open the floor up to a Q&A.
It’s the first one in my hometown and I’m genuinely interested to you there.
... I’ll release the tickets on Friday at 6pm - first come, first serve basis. 1 ticket per person. Tag someone that’ll be interested in attending.
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#Anthony365 #VolumeProperty #StudentAccommodation #PBSA
My Bridge Street West and Hanley Street projects both have industrial buildings on them that are being demolished by two separate demolition contractors. So far, it's gone smoothly and the contractors have been good.
This time next year we hope to be walking around an almost complete new building, so let me know what you think about the progress so far.
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More about Anthony Laville