Anthony Nolan

About Anthony Nolan

Anthony Nolan is the UK's blood cancer charity and bone marrow register.

Anthony Nolan Description

House Rules

Welcome to our Facebook page. We have created this page for you to share comments, feedback, questions, photos and videos. We want you to feel safe and comfortable using this page so please have a look at our House Rules.


People who use this page often want to post messages of support for loved ones who have been diagnosed with a blood cancer. This is a really great thing to do, but we need to make sure you are aware of data protection requirements concerning privacy.

If you want to name individuals who have been diagnosed with a medical condition, you must get their explicit consent before doing so.

To protect privacy, we may remove posts which reveal confidential information about patients, transplants, any of our donors (including donors of blood stem cells , bone marrow or umbilical cord blood ), or anything relating to collections from our donors. You can find out more about data protection and privacy on the Information Commissioner’s website: http://www. ico. gov. uk /for_the_public. aspx or our website: http://www.

Medical Concerns

People may post medical tips and ideas in the page. Please remember that any content posted here should not be considered medical advice. You should discuss any questions or concerns about your health with your healthcare professional(s).


Please keep all posts relevant and respectful of others. This is a safe space for people to communicate safely and comfortably. Anthony Nolan may, at our sole discretion, remove any posts which we consider inappropriate or offensive, including posts which are harassing, abusive, obscene, hateful, racist, sexist or homophobic, as well as posts which promote commercial products or illegal activities, or which violate Facebook’s terms of service. If you continue to post inappropriate or offensive messages we may remove you from the page.

Our Facebook page is normally only monitored by us Monday-Friday 9am - 5pm excluding bank holidays in England and Wales.

If you think someone is misusing the page or breaking the House Rules, or if you have any feedback on how to make this group a better space, please contact:



It's one week until the 2018 Simplyhealth Great North Run with 350 runners in Team AN! 💪💚
So far our runners have raised enough to add 5,000 new potential donors to the register.
Trevor, one of our Team AN heroes, donated bone marrow a few years ago to Mike - and they’ve become close friends. Since receiving his transplant, Trevor thinks Mike might have inherited his rubbish dancing skills and receding hairline! Trevor is running with friends Penny and Janine, and already t...hey have raised over £2,000. And Mike will be there cheering on the day too! 🙌
If any of you are near Newcastle and want to be part of the cheer squad, sign up at:
If you want to be part of Team AN at next year’s event, keep an eye out next week for more info about getting involved!
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We’re all deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Warwick Lane yesterday.
Warwick, a 25-year-old sports reporter from Nottinghamshire, was told his leukaemia had returned in July this year and that he would need a stem cell transplant.
While in hospital, Warwick launched a campaign to encourage more people to join the stem cell register. He was determined to help other people who needed a matching donor and his efforts have given hope to patients and their families.
... Warwick’s actions were inspirational, and our thoughts and best wishes are with his family and friends at this sad time.
His colleagues have shared this tribute:…/sports- reporter-loses-leuka…
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‘14,000 of you amazing people have signed up since we started #marrowformarley - YOU ARE ALL AMAZING! From the bottom of my heart thank you.’ 💚
- Shaney, Marley’s mum
We’re so pleased that so many people have signed up to become potential lifesavers but there’s still more to do.
... We need as many people as possible to join the Anthony Nolan register so we can find a matching donor for everyone who needs a stem cell transplant.
You can give hope to families like Marley’s by signing up.
Our research shows young people are most likely to be chosen to donate, so if you’re aged 16-30, apply at:
And if you're 31+ you can sign up at:
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Now’s the time to tell your MP (or MSP if you’re in Scotland) how lifesaving your community is!
In the run up to Blood Cancer Awareness month, we’re launching our new Communities vs Blood Cancer campaign so you can find out how many incredible people in your area are on the stem cell register.
You can then email your MP or MSP to share your local lifesaving stats.
... Too many blood cancer patients still can’t find the match that could save their life – but with your help, we can ensure our politicians are doing everything they can in the search for stem cell donors.
Check your stats and support the search for more lifesavers. 💪
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Please watch and share this emotional video ** some of you may find it upsetting ** from Marley's mum, Shaney, after the family got the devastating news that a match hasn't been found for Marley.
You can give hope to more families like Marley's by joining the stem cell register. If you're aged 16-30 and in good health, sign-up and become a potential lifesaver: 👈


‘Saving the life of someone who has no other option is the best feeling in the world and it should be felt more often.’
- Sam, Walking Together fundraiser
Sam and his friends raised £900 by walking through Cornwall, following his sister’s leukaemia diagnosis in 2017. ‘I wanted to give back to the charity which helped to save my sister’s life’.
... Now he wants to encourage more people to join the register.
Every day, five people start searching for a stranger to save their life. Anthony Nolan is the charity that finds them matching stem cell donors, and gives them a second chance of life.
Get in touch now to order your free Walking Together pack, and we’ll be there to help every step of the way!
Find out more about how you too can save lives by Walking Together.
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We're so pleased that 175 of our supporters from across the country have already signed up to Walking Together to raise lifesaving funds for Anthony Nolan!
This Blood Cancer Awareness Month, September 2018, you can head out on your own sponsored walk to raise lifesaving funds for Anthony Nolan.
Every day, five people start searching for a stranger to save their life. Anthony Nolan is the charity that finds them matching stem cell donors, and gives them a second chance of life....
Get in touch now to order your free Walking Together pack, and we’ll be there to help every step of the way!
Find out more about how you too can save lives by Walking Together visit: 👉
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'Donated bone marrow. It was fine, no pain, nice drunk feeling for free and a load of sleep thrown into the deal.
'Sign up to the register everyone. It's really easy, you might save a life, and you get a few days off work'.
- Ian, bone marrow donor.
... 👈
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In this joyful video, Kaiya tells us that - as well as turning six in a few weeks - she has another great reason to celebrate...
Kaiya has a match! And she will be having her transplant very soon.
We're so happy for Kaiya and her family. And although Kaiya's journey doesn't end here, this is a huge milestone.
... There are still so many people out there looking for a match, and our work doesn’t stop here - we’re going to keep working to make sure all patients find the matching donors they need.
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When packing your suitcase to travel the world you need to remember your clothes, toothbrush, and, for Sean... a bright red chair. 🗺️
Sean is a photographer travelling all over the world with exactly that, a bright red chair.
After losing his friend, Doug, to leukaemia in 1996, Sean realised that people simply weren’t talking about the importance of bone marrow donation.
... The Untitled Chair Project aims to raise awareness of the importance of bone marrow donation by inviting participants to pose with the chair, open up a conversation and share the images through social media. 📢
You can find out where the chair has been, where it is now and where it is going next by following on Facebook at: and on Instagram at @The_Untitled_Chair_Project
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'I don’t even know how to describe it without saying that our whole life completely flipped overnight.'
- Emilie, whose husband Ben had a transplant in 2014.
In this blog post she talks about supporting Ben, coping with anxiety and raising their little boy James.
...…/coping- with-anxiety-while-…/
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‘When I signed up I never thought I would actually donate, it’s such a good feeling knowing that I might have helped someone, and all the people at Anthony Nolan and the hospital have been so amazing’
- Rob, stem cell donor
Rob didn’t expect that he’d ever be a match for a patient, by being on the register he made sure a patient had a match when they needed one.
... If you’re in good health and aged 16-30, you can sign up here:
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'Ava wanted to have a good sleep so decided to wear her eye mask 😂.... today was the day she started school...... Primary 1... the school may not be ready for her BUT she's 100% ready for school.....
'A day we never thought would happen... A day most people take for granted... 1st day at primary...
'I have lost my side kick.... but some times you need to let someone go for them to gain their own identity....'
... - Ava's mum, Marie.
Our John Petchey Young Hero of the Year 2017, Ava Stark, went to school for the first time this week. And we couldn't be more happy for her.
If you're feeling inspired by Ava, don't forget to nominate your Anthony Nolan Supporter Awards hero: 👈
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Can you help? Marley, 6, needs a bone marrow transplant.
Marley was diagnosed with rare blood disorder, aplastic anaemia, earlier this summer. And he's now been told that he needs a bone marrow transplant.
Marley's mum, Shaney, says:
... 'To say it was a shock was an understatement. The only way I can describe is like someone dropping a grenade. And then you're left to pick up the rest of it. He's always been happy, healthy, never had a concern, and then this.'
Our research shows young people are most likely to be chosen to donate, so if you’re aged 16-30, apply online at:
And if you're 31+ you can sign up at:
Please share this post - help us spread the word as far as possible.
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‘It’s only as I’ve grown up I appreciate what Anthony Nolan has done for me. To sum it up, I just simply wouldn’t be here without you guys!’
Chris was just nine years old when he was diagnosed with leukaemia, and was told he’d need a stem cell transplant to save his life.
‘Unfortunately, no-one in my family was a match, which is where Anthony Nolan got involved and found me a match.
... 'Last year, 19 years after my transplant, I wrote my donor a letter just telling them how I was doing and to say thank you. It was incredible thing to receive a reply and that spurred me on to do something, to show my thanks to my donor.’
‘I enjoy walking and have done some fairly tough challenges in the past just to test myself. When I decided to spend a day walking up some of England’s highest peaks, I wasn’t sure if anyone would be up for doing it with me, but I’ve got an amazing group of friends.
‘I asked a few of them and I was astounded by the response. Nearly everyone said yes plus the response from people donating and doing other things to support our fundraising has been great.’
Chris and his mates took part in Walking Together to say thank you to the donor that saved his life, and raised over £2,000 for Anthony Nolan to help save many more.
Find out more, and order your free Walking Together pack: 👈
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Nominations for the Anthony Nolan Supporter Awards 2018 close in just one week.
If you know someone you want to thank for going the extra mile to help save lives, don't miss your chance to give them the recognition they deserve.
At last year's awards, four year old transplant recipient Ava Stark won the John Petchey Young Hero of the Year Award.
... Ava inspired thousands of people to join the stem cell register and become potential lifesavers. And Ava's mum, Marie, campaigned tirelessly to highlight the importance of stem cell donation.
We think that Ava and her whole family are heroes, now you can nominate yours: 👈
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This time last week we were at the British Transplant Games in a very hot and sunny Birmingham. Transplant recipients of all ages came from all over the country to compete in a wide variety of events. 🏅
Maddie celebrated her two year transplant anniversary this year, and couldn’t wait to take part in the Games. As well as this brilliant performance in the 25m dash, Maddie also went on to win bronze in beanbag archery.🥉
Thank you to all of our competitors and supporters for another amazing weekend, we look forward to seeing you all next year. 💚


'I pride myself on being one of life’s positive people, and even though I know this treatment will be more gruelling and longer than the last there isn’t a single part of me that isn’t determined to get through this.’
Warwick, a 25-year-old sports reporter from Norwell, is calling on people to join the stem cell register after being told he needs a lifesaving transplant.
... He was first diagnosed with the blood cancer, acute myeloid leukaemia, in April 2017. He underwent four rounds of chemotherapy, which brought him to remission.
But following a routine blood test in July this year, his doctors found the leukaemia cells had returned.
Now Warwick needs a transplant, and although Warwick has been told that a number of matches have been found for him - he's determined to spread the word about stem cell donation.
'The phone call to tell me they had found these cells in my blood was completely devastating because I’d knew how hard I had worked to beat this illness the first time round.
'I consider myself one of the lucky ones. There will be people like me out there who will be hoping and praying that a match comes through.
'If fate has decided that I'm going to have to beat this illness for a second time, then I at least want to do it knowing I've helped and positively impacted as many people as I can.'
- If you're aged 16-30 - help give more people like Warwick a second chance and join the stem cell register here:
- And if you're 30+ - you can join through DMKS UK here:
Please like and share this post, help get the word out there.
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Went back to work this week, 5 months to the day after my transplant. Thank you so much!


We donated both of our new borns cord blood. Such a simple process for such a worth while charity.


Through the whole process from being told I was a potential match right up to the collection date and after the people at Anthony Nolan were nothing but helpful. The whole process was easy and they made it very simple


So sad no one told me about Anthony Nolan before I have birth back in Feb. I would have 100% donated. Need to get the word out!!!!!!!


My husband received his donor stem cell transplant last week. At Manchester royal infirmary .This last year has been life changing for the whole family . But we couldn’t of got through it without the help of the wonderful staff at the hospitals and the Anthony Nolan register. We need to give a huge Thankyou to all the inspiring registered donors .You are all literally life savers .��


I received my transplant 7 months ago, diagnosed with AML this time last year and without the quick response from Anthony Nolan, my donor and my team at ward 19 Heartlands Hospital, im sure I would still be waiting for things to happen, great work ...and thankyou! �


I received a stem cell transplant 8th of June 2017 and I am doing really well. I was deteriorating quickly last year and simply wouldn't be around without my donor. I have not just survived I am thriving and my kids still have a dad, my wife a husband, my sister a big brother. It's not just the one life saved it's the impact all around the recipient. Someone out there saved me; it's such a powerful and selfless act, donors are heroes.


I donated today and yesterday at the London clinic. My Anthony Nolan coordinator Paul has been fantastic throughout getting everything organised and keeping me updated. The whole process from finding out I was a potential match to the actual donation was very straightforward. The nurses who came to give me my injections beforehand were lovely. All the staff at the London clinic, from doctors and nurses to catering staff, were all brilliant. If you are under the age of 30 and aren’t already on the register then I urge you to get yourself signed up! It’s so simple and you could be saving a life.


I donated my umbilical cord when I gave birth to my son in July, I had a lovely young lady come and introduce herself from Anthony Nolan whilst I was in labour, she explained to me what you guys do..(even though I knew prior to her coming that I wanted to donate!). Once my baby boy was born we had a visit a few hours later from a friendly chap and had a good chat about everything along with receiving a goody bag for the baby. It was such an easy and great experience and something I will 100% do again with my next child. Thank you!


I donated my sons placeta 9 weeks ago and the lady that dealt with me was amazing so nice and helpful plus you get a little vest and certificate to put in your child's memory box I was the 9th person to sign up that night to donate and the woman said she might not be able to collect it as she was the only one of shift I was so happy to be the 1st out of 9 ladies to donate so glad I went to the big hospital where you have a centre rather than my local hospital just wish I could of done it with my other 3 children thank you for the amazing experience!!


I donated my sons Umbilical cord and was the best thing I could do so glad I got the opportunity to do this when they came round and asked me if i wanted to do this i was like yes do it the fact you can do that is amazing and would do it all again and my little man got a vest and certificate for it that is now in his memory box and will stay there x x


I donated my placenta & cord when my baby was born in June 2017. I always knew I wanted to. There was a kind lady who came round to talk me through it when I was in labour. We got a lovely pack afterwards with a certificate, a baby vest, muslin & information about what our donation would do to help save lives (all of which I will keep in my baby’s little keepsake box) Such a great feeling. would absolutely do it again if I have another child xx


I donated my bone marrow yesterday at The London Clinic. The whole process has been incredible and I feel so lucky to have had the opportunity to do so. Since my surgery, I’ve had a dull lower back ache at times but certainly wouldn’t call it painful. All the staff and doctors have been amazing and my two reps that visited me post-op from Anthony Nolan were so friendly too. A special mention to Zia who has been fabulous throughout. Thank you to you all, I’m very proud to say I’m part of the 10% who donate their stem cells through bone marrow and in doing so, hopefully my recipient has had his lifesaving transplant this morning. �


Great charity, just wish more of my younger black and Asian friends would donate ������


Great charity doing remarkable work. Take great care of doners. Do sign up to their database.


Donated last week without hesitation at St Mary’s Maternity Hospital. A lovely person came to run through the forms and gave us a lovely little thank you card, babygrow and muslin cloth. So pleased to know that the cord and stem cells are going to help someone who needs it.


Donated Eloise’s cord at St Mary’s, Manchester and was told they managed a double amount and two direct matches for transplant (had a huge cord!!). Beyond pleased to have helped and think it’s just amazing. Staff were fab and helpful and my baby started life helping others. Couldn’t be prouder! �


Anthony Nolan found me a donor in 2007 and then again I needed their assistance after a relapse in 2016 . they do amazing work and anything you can do to assist them in their work like becoming a donor and saving someone life to donating monies or just spreading the word on the invaluable work they do then DO IT ! THANK YOU ANTHONY NOLAN are awesome !


All the best to my beautiful friend Margaret as she gets to go home today 128 days after her stem cell transplant. Thanks to Anthony Nolan Trust she was able to be with her husband throughout the treatment.


Went back to work this week, 5 months to the day after my transplant. Thank you so much!


We donated both of our new borns cord blood. Such a simple process for such a worth while charity.


Through the whole process from being told I was a potential match right up to the collection date and after the people at Anthony Nolan were nothing but helpful. The whole process was easy and they made it very simple


So sad no one told me about Anthony Nolan before I have birth back in Feb. I would have 100% donated. Need to get the word out!!!!!!!


My husband received his donor stem cell transplant last week. At Manchester royal infirmary .This last year has been life changing for the whole family . But we couldn’t of got through it without the help of the wonderful staff at the hospitals and the Anthony Nolan register. We need to give a huge Thankyou to all the inspiring registered donors .You are all literally life savers .��


I received my transplant 7 months ago, diagnosed with AML this time last year and without the quick response from Anthony Nolan, my donor and my team at ward 19 Heartlands Hospital, im sure I would still be waiting for things to happen, great work ...and thankyou! �


I received a stem cell transplant 8th of June 2017 and I am doing really well. I was deteriorating quickly last year and simply wouldn't be around without my donor. I have not just survived I am thriving and my kids still have a dad, my wife a husband, my sister a big brother. It's not just the one life saved it's the impact all around the recipient. Someone out there saved me; it's such a powerful and selfless act, donors are heroes.


I donated today and yesterday at the London clinic. My Anthony Nolan coordinator Paul has been fantastic throughout getting everything organised and keeping me updated. The whole process from finding out I was a potential match to the actual donation was very straightforward. The nurses who came to give me my injections beforehand were lovely. All the staff at the London clinic, from doctors and nurses to catering staff, were all brilliant. If you are under the age of 30 and aren’t already on the register then I urge you to get yourself signed up! It’s so simple and you could be saving a life.


I donated my umbilical cord when I gave birth to my son in July, I had a lovely young lady come and introduce herself from Anthony Nolan whilst I was in labour, she explained to me what you guys do..(even though I knew prior to her coming that I wanted to donate!). Once my baby boy was born we had a visit a few hours later from a friendly chap and had a good chat about everything along with receiving a goody bag for the baby. It was such an easy and great experience and something I will 100% do again with my next child. Thank you!


I donated my sons placeta 9 weeks ago and the lady that dealt with me was amazing so nice and helpful plus you get a little vest and certificate to put in your child's memory box I was the 9th person to sign up that night to donate and the woman said she might not be able to collect it as she was the only one of shift I was so happy to be the 1st out of 9 ladies to donate so glad I went to the big hospital where you have a centre rather than my local hospital just wish I could of done it with my other 3 children thank you for the amazing experience!!


I donated my sons Umbilical cord and was the best thing I could do so glad I got the opportunity to do this when they came round and asked me if i wanted to do this i was like yes do it the fact you can do that is amazing and would do it all again and my little man got a vest and certificate for it that is now in his memory box and will stay there x x


I donated my placenta & cord when my baby was born in June 2017. I always knew I wanted to. There was a kind lady who came round to talk me through it when I was in labour. We got a lovely pack afterwards with a certificate, a baby vest, muslin & information about what our donation would do to help save lives (all of which I will keep in my baby’s little keepsake box) Such a great feeling. would absolutely do it again if I have another child xx


I donated my bone marrow yesterday at The London Clinic. The whole process has been incredible and I feel so lucky to have had the opportunity to do so. Since my surgery, I’ve had a dull lower back ache at times but certainly wouldn’t call it painful. All the staff and doctors have been amazing and my two reps that visited me post-op from Anthony Nolan were so friendly too. A special mention to Zia who has been fabulous throughout. Thank you to you all, I’m very proud to say I’m part of the 10% who donate their stem cells through bone marrow and in doing so, hopefully my recipient has had his lifesaving transplant this morning. �


Great charity, just wish more of my younger black and Asian friends would donate ������


Great charity doing remarkable work. Take great care of doners. Do sign up to their database.


Donated last week without hesitation at St Mary’s Maternity Hospital. A lovely person came to run through the forms and gave us a lovely little thank you card, babygrow and muslin cloth. So pleased to know that the cord and stem cells are going to help someone who needs it.


Donated Eloise’s cord at St Mary’s, Manchester and was told they managed a double amount and two direct matches for transplant (had a huge cord!!). Beyond pleased to have helped and think it’s just amazing. Staff were fab and helpful and my baby started life helping others. Couldn’t be prouder! �


Anthony Nolan found me a donor in 2007 and then again I needed their assistance after a relapse in 2016 . they do amazing work and anything you can do to assist them in their work like becoming a donor and saving someone life to donating monies or just spreading the word on the invaluable work they do then DO IT ! THANK YOU ANTHONY NOLAN are awesome !


All the best to my beautiful friend Margaret as she gets to go home today 128 days after her stem cell transplant. Thanks to Anthony Nolan Trust she was able to be with her husband throughout the treatment.

More about Anthony Nolan

Anthony Nolan is located at 2 Heathgate Place, 75-87 Agincourt Road, NW3 2QG London, United Kingdom
0303 303 0303