Anthony Sigrist

About Anthony Sigrist

Speaker, Mental Health trainer and Acupuncturist. Call for corporate or individual mental health and wellbeing solutions



I apologise to all of you that I haven’t made any official announcements yet.
To clarify however, I have ceased all of my existing planned business activity, both Acupuncture and Mental Health First Aid training (which cannot be delivered remotely), until such time as the coronavirus is brought under control.
I will be looking at the viability of some online courses or talks and will keep you posted on here. Once I get some clarity on the insurance situation from my regulato...r I may also offer some advice on acupressure. Please bear with me however. I have applied to work temporarily with the NHS to help with the burden of this crisis and if they need me this will clearly take priority.
Please stay well everyone. These are challenging and anxious times and we need more than ever to look after ourselves and each other. If you have any concerns or need further advice please get in touch.
Best wishes
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It’s is with regret that with the evolving situation regarding the COVID-19 outbreak I am cancelling my next two Adult MHFA courses, the first at the Acupuncture Academy 4/5th April and the second, 25th/26th April in Newcastle-under-Lyme. As soon as I’m able to reschedule these courses I will. In the meantime please keep an eye on my page for updates and (hopefully) online offerings.


Phew, new supply of acupuncture needles have arrived. That’s the Brexit and Coronavirus effect navigated for a few months!
#brexit #coronavirus


WHO - “The bottom line is: We are not at the mercy of this virus”
If you know someone who is anxious about the Coronavirus, acknowledge their very real fears but try to support them in staying grounded #mentalhealth #workplacehealth #wellbeing


Interesting project in Cornwall. 75% of all mental health struggles begin before the age of 18. That’s why my community interest company @TalkingFreEly works in schools. Because a mental health strategy that doesn’t invest in young people is like trying to fill a bath without putting the plug in. The current mental health crisis is our generation’s present, it doesn’t have to be our young people’s future!


Alcohol and #mentalwealth are poor companions and in the last year I have embraced the positive effects of abstinence as part of my personal #wellbeing
I cant recommend it enough but if it feels a bit drastic, mindful drinking is an alternative approach to alcohol moderation, as discussed in this article.…/alcoholism-sober- curious-mindful-drin…


Fantastic 2 days delivering the Adult MHFA course to members of the HR team at Christie’s Auction House. Changing the language of mental health one conversation at a time.


Gearing up for a 2 day delivery of Adult MHFA in London tomorrow #mentalhealth


This is what my end of week treat looks like these days. Excepting a wee bit of Champagne on Christmas Day it’s been 10 months since I last drank alcohol. I do miss beer and good red wine but what I’ve gained in #mentalwealth is worth the sacrifice. #teetotaler #wellbeing


Great start to the day sharing Mental Wealth with a fantastic team at 3i as part of Team CHAMPS. I used to hate this commute. Now I love it! Amazing how the destination can change the journey!


As I was sharing knowledge and resources on mental health recently (as I do frequently in my professional and personal life) I realised that what I was actually doing was administering mental health first aid.
Ive never really framed it like that because when we make the physical health comparison its easy to see First Aid as CPR and defibrillators, forgetting about the numerous cuts and bruises we manage every week and month of the year.
When we consider mental health firs...t aid, its an equal comparison. Its fantastic (and critical) to feel empowered to support a crisis but actually the many smaller opportunities to apply our skills is hopefully preventing struggles from ever reaching that point. A true skill for life!
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Keeping busy in the community. Every day is a day to Talk FreEly ...


Today I was out in my community marking Time to Talk day by Talking FreEly at Ely library. No big planning, guest speakers or attendance draws. Just straight forward opportunity to talk. Most encouraging surprise of the day was male attendees outnumbering the ladies. Why encouraging? Men are just as vulnerable to mental illness but much harder to reach. Bridging this gap to have men not only attending but also Talking FreEly is a proud accomplishment. I don’t know if was coincidence, a result of me being a male facilitator or a result of a general increase in the growth of open conversation about mental health. What I do know is that Talking FreEly is never wasted. We started as a whisper in 2017 but bit by bit each conversation is making things louder and louder. I hope you had “Time to Talk” today but if you didn’t theres always tomorrow. Because its time to talk everyday!
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One of the most common questions I’m asked about mental health is how to “get someone to admit they need help”.
It always a tough one. Human nature is to try to ease someone’s pain and this is amplified if its someone you know and love. Ultimately however we cannot force people to seek help, unless they are in crisis. What we can do is show them we love and care for them and keep the positive, compassionate and well informed lines of communication open.
This link has some great advice, not only for helping others but also for helping ourselves, because caring for someone who is struggling can be tough for us too. #selfcareisnotselfish


75% of all mental health originates in the teenage years. That’s why I work with @TalkingFreEly to get the messages out to young people. Because sorting out the present without securing the future is like trying to empty a bath with the tap still on


Hot off the press, the latest report on why employers should invest in the mental health of their employees.

More about Anthony Sigrist

Anthony Sigrist is located at 23 Wensum Way, CB62WY Ely, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom