Anti-Slavery International

About Anti-Slavery International

World's oldest human rights organisation, dedicated to ending all forms of modern slavery around the world. www.



Today is World Chocolate Day. Let's ask our favourite chocolatiers what they do to ensure that there is no #slavery in their supply chains. Take to social media, find it and ask, it's that simple.


"At the moment many survivors are more likely to be treated as immigration offenders than as victims. We need o create a system where people can come forward to authorities safe in the knowledge that they will be supported and cared for". We went on Channel 4 News last night to discuss the shocking news on a gang that mercilessly exploited up to 400 people in Birmingham.


Absolutely horrific conditions described here for up to a huge 400 people trapped and controlled right here in the UK over the years. We're pleased to see the exploiters have been held accountable for their actions....we just hope the victims are being properly supported. #protectnotneglect


An 11-year-old schoolgirl from Kent is the last person you'd think would get trapped in a criminal drug gang. But read this harrowing and horrifying account from a schoolgirl of being tangled in the life of abuse and slavery. And it happens to thousands - no exaggeration - of children across the UK, and it's simply unacceptable!


A huge win for survivors of slavery in the UK and our campaign to Protect, Not Neglect the victims of slavery in the UK.
Following a breakthrough case, the Home Office have been forced to provide them with long term support. Our UK Programme Manager, Kate Roberts, blogs on what this means for survivors.


A major win for survivors of slavery in the UK.
Survivor's support has been extended for as long as they need - which we've long campaigned for. Previously, they only received a maximum of 45 days. However, the devil will be in the detail, when we see the actual support that is provided to survivors.


Good result. The UK government must protect victims of slavery, not neglect and treat them as criminals. #ProtectNotNeglect


Today is International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. So many vulnerable children in the UK get caught up in county line trafficking, yet, as outlined in our research, the UK government doesn't have a clear strategy to prevent it. Full story:


The UK government must do more to ensure that garment workers, including at factories in the UK, are not being exploited and paying the price for our cheap goods.


Absolutely horrific conditions described for people who were trapped in modern slavery in London. We hope they are receiving the proper and full protection they need. #protectnotneglect


It is estimated that over 40 million people are in modern slavery across the world. That is 40 million human tragedies, people living in fear and not able to make the most obvious basic of daily choices.


Horrific living and working conditions, no contracts, illegally low pay, even deaths - horrific ways in which vulnerable migrants in South Italy are taken advantage of is laid bare in this excellent (but disturbing) by the Guardian. It’s time to rethink how the economy providing us with everyday products works - we shouldn’t just accept that what we eat might be tainted with human suffering!


Refugee children are highly vulnerable to trafficking. The UK government must increase the protection it gives to child refugees. #WorldRefugeeDay


Juneteenth commemorates the day - 19th June 1865 - in which slaves in Texas learned they were free. Abraham Lincoln was key to the abolition of slavery in the United States and he still inspires our work against modern slavery today.


Today across the United States people will observe Juneteenth, commemorating the abolition of slavery in Texas in 1865. Sadly, over 150 years have passed since this date and slavery still exists in every country in the world, including the US, affecting over 40 million people.


Good article showing the mechanism by which kids in the UK get trapped in crime and how horribly it affects their lives. We agree - these kids are not criminals but victims. The UK govt must do more to prevent children from getting caught up in this, and support victims that do.


Today on the International Day of the African Child we celebrate all children we provide freedom to. From child domestic workers in Tanzania, to children forced to beg across West Africa by their Koranic masters, to children born into slavery in Niger. All children deserve a life in freedom!


NEW BLOG: What's the relationship between climate change, migration and the exploitation of vulnerable people? Chris O’Connell blogs about his research examining this link in Peru and Bolivia.

More about Anti-Slavery International

Anti-Slavery International is located at Thomas Clarkson House, Broomgrove Road, SW9 9TL London, United Kingdom