Antony Calvert

About Antony Calvert

Antony Calvert is the Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Wakefield on June 8th



The afternoon after the morning before!
I am naturally very disappointed that I wasn't able to win Wakefield for the Conservative Party. My small, but very dedicated, team has worked superbly over the last 6 weeks or so.
Sadly the returning officer did not allow for defeated candidate speeches, so I wasn't able to say some words of thanks and congratulations. I'll do so here.
... Firstly the congratulation. Mary Creagh was returned with almost 50% of the vote. This was a remarkable result for her and her team, and I warmly congratulate her on such a win.
My team were fantastic. From my agent, Tony, to my brilliant association chairman, David, the team worked their socks off. Special thanks must go to Andrew, Sam, Sophie, Daniel, Howard, Richard, David, June, Margaret and Mr Choudhary.
My campaign manager, Dianne, was the obvious figurehead. Her chirpy Irish tones greeted the many hundreds of visitors who popped into our campaign office.
We got 45% of the vote, up almost 11% since 2015, and polled over 20,000 votes for the first time since 1992. In any conventional election this would be a winning total - so we can't be too disheartened.
Thank you to all who voted Conservative yesterday.
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Polls are now open and voting appears brisk in Wakefield. This election may have been a snap poll, but Wakefield Conservatives have made all the running. Labour, by contrast, have merely played negative - articulating no future for Wakefield or for Britain as we move to leave the EU.
I have been able to meet thousands of people from diverse communities around Wakefield.
I have met homeowners, who are scared of Labour's Garden Tax, which will see average Council Tax shoot up Wakefield by over £1,200.
I have met businesses who realise that Jeremy Corbyn's massive tax hikes will see their companies suffer and their workforce shrink.
I have met young people who really like the idea of thousands of new apprenticeships, T-levels and more good and excellent schools in Wakefield than ever before.
I have met NHS workers who can see past Labour's spin and nonsense. They know Labour privatised the infrastructure of Pinderfields to the tune of £1.2 billion. They also know that Jeremy Corbyn's plans for the economy would lead to economic chaos, with the NHS suffering massively as a result.
I have met hundreds of members of the Asian community. They feel let down by a local MP who promises to help them at election time, but then disappears without trace.
I was humbled to be invited to the Wakefield Central Mosque yesterday to speak with the community leaders in Wakefield. They told me how important language and tone is at this hyper sensitive time. They, like me, will be horrified by the sheer nastiness of the Labour campaign - with their graffiti of signs to the blatant and disgusting homophobic comments spat at my campaigners from senior members of the Labour team.
This is a choice between a Wakefield born and raised Conservative. Someone who will stand up to the Labour clique of Castleford councillors running and ruining this city. Someone who will campaign for a City Council for Wakefield and a new Community Stadium for the city. and Wakefield Trinity.
Or Jeremy Corbyn's London-centric Labour candidate. Someone who has been a 'yes man' to everything Labour has done in Wakefield. Someone who's leader even she admits to having no leadership skills and being someone who has close associations with terrorist groups in the UK and abroad.
If Jeremy Corbyn's candidate thinks Jeremy Corbyn will be a disaster for the UK then why should anyone, Labour, Conservative or other, vote for her?
Today the choice is stark. Vote Conservative for the strong, stable and determined leadership of Theresa May and myself.
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The events of last night in London show why we live in the most incredible country in the world. Those committing these evil acts of terrorism don't stand a chance when confronted by the incredible acts of warmth and generosity of the British people.
Far from being afraid of the vile terrorists who only try and divide us, ordinary members of the public rallied round. They aided and comforted those who were injured until paramedics arrived. They helped keep others safe until t...he police arrived.
Terrorism didn't win last night, Britain's incredible sense of resolve and spirit of strength did.
As with the events in Manchester the Conservative Party's national campaign is suspended. In line with other political parties I am also scaling down our local activity as a mark of respect for those affected last night.
We must, however, press on and hold this Thursday's general election on time and without hindrance. Those wanting to disrupt our democracy can not succeed.
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User…/conser vative-candidate-cal… - Let's take back control of Wakefield from Labour's Castleford clique. #Wakefield #CityCouncil #ge2017


Join me and my team tomorrow at 11am for a 1 minute silence in memory of those who died in this week's appalling terrorist attack in Manchester. Myself, my campaign manager Dianne and parliamentary agent Tony will be at 38 Westgate from 10am.
A cup of tea and warm company will be available to anyone who wants to come and pause for reflection.


In line with the national party I am suspending the Wakefield Conservative campaign until further notice. Last nights events showed two things. Firstly that we need to redouble our efforts to beat these terrorists who will stop at nothing to disrupt our way of life, even targeting children.
Secondly, and far more importantly, last night demonstrated the immense warmth, courage and decency of our community in how everyone has come together to help those affected. Seeing how united we all are today shows that terrorism merely serves to bring us closer. They are not going to win!
My thoughts and prayers are with those who have been affected.


On the day when Wakefield Trinity hammered Widnes at the Magic Weekend in Newcastle I am delighted to be supported by hundreds of Trinity fans at this election.
Fans know full well how this council, with its Castleford-clique of Labour councillors spending Wakefield's money in the east of the district, has let down Trinity. For six long years we have seen Labour councillors, supported by a silent Labour MP, kick the development of a new Community Stadium at Newmarket in the ...long grass.
A Labour MP can never stand up to this. Only a Conservative MP can push this over the line and get the stadium Wakefield needs, and Trinity fans deserve.
Mick Amos, the Director of Operations at the Community Trust, has backed my campaign. He said:
“Wakefield needs a new community stadium, this situation has dragged on for too long. Trinity fans have been let down so many times and we now need someone to really stand up and make things happen. I'm backing Antony on June 8th to stand up and get that Community Stadium.”
Wakefield needs a fresh start on June 8th. Labour has taken Trinity fans for granted for too long. Let's get on and secure that stadium for Wakefield.
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On a day when the Labour party sunk further into desperation by just making things up on the hoof about Conservative manifesto commitments I am delighted to be joined by more and more ex-Labour supporters who are backing our campaign for a strong voice in Wakefield, and a strong and stable government in the national interest.
The announcements to means test the Winter Fuel Allowance is sensible and prudent. We don't want millionaires like Jeremy Corbyn to get their £100-£300,... but those struggling with making ends meet. How Labour think this is unfair is beyond me!
Rebekah, from Ossett, has now joined the Conservative campaign. She told me:
“I come from a traditionally Labour voting background. However, I am definitely backing Antony this year. He knows the area and certainly gets Brexit and the NHS. There is no chance I'll be voting Labour this year. Wakefield needs a local MP in Westminster!”
Ex Labour voters know that it is Theresa May who can get us the best deal with the EU. A vote for Jeremy Corbyn's candidate in Wakefield will bring a chaos to Britain.
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I am delighted to be supported by hundreds of ex-UKIP voters. They know that the Labour MP voted time and time again in parliament against even triggering Article 50 to start the process of doing what 66% of Wakefield residents enthusiastically want to see - Britain leave the EU.
I respect those who voted to remain - indeed many of my local party did. They have, however, accepted the result and now want to get on with securing Britain the best possible deal from the EU and al...lowing us to trade freely with the rest of the world. This will be good for Wakefield and good for the UK.
In sharp contrast my Labour opponent simply refuses to back the overwhelming view of Wakefield voters.
Cllr Nick Farmer, a UKIP councillor for Ossett, is endorsing my campaign. He told us:
"I am a UKIP councillor on Wakefield MDC and in this general election we have decided, as a group, not to stand against Antony Calvert, who campaigned for Brexit."
"The Labour MP for Wakefield voted time and again in parliament against the wishes of 66% of her voters. I am also desperate to see a Community Stadium built, which Antony is committed to."
I will stand with Theresa May to get this country a great deal. It is only the strong and stable leadership of the Prime Minister that can give Britain, and Wakefield, the deal we need.
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As this campaign slips into top gear, one of the most remarkable things about it is the number of Labour to Conservative switchers. We have canvassed hundreds already, and I am so grateful for their confidence in the Prime Minister and in my local campaign to give Wakefield a real voice in Westminster.
One such new supporter today is the lovely Gillian who I met whilst canvassing on Eastmoor this morning. Not content with switching from a lifetime of voting Labour to backing... my campaign, she insisted we went out leafleting together! 200 or so leaflets later, and a few new friends found on Windhill Road, we were done and the kettle was on.
Thank you Gillian, and all of the other great additions to the Wakefield Conservative campaign team!
Remember, a vote for Antony Calvert is a vote for a strong voice in Westminster, fighting to get Wakefield a good deal from the government and to support Theresa May's strong and stable leadership for Britain.
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I am delighted to have been formally nominated as the Conservative Party candidate for the Wakefield constituency today. It is a great honour to be given the opportunity to stand with my team here in Wakefield, my home seat, to win here and elect Wakefield its first locally born MP in 30 years.
Earlier I was with the soon to be re-launched Mid Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce to talk about Brexit, devolution and how we can make Wakefield work again. We all agreed that Wakefield ...needs a strong economy and a good deal from our EU negotiations.
This election will be about who people in Wakefield trust more to deliver on the future of our country. Theresa May, with the strong and stable leadership which will stand up for Britain's interests in the EU and beyond. Or a Labour party led by Jeremy Corbyn and propped up by Diane Abbott and John McDonnell. Relics of 1970, wanting to drag Wakefield, and the country, back to a time of economic chaos and providing absolutely no leadership in Europe.
Businesses, residents and community groups in Wakefield, Ossett, Horbury and the Rural villages need a locally born and raised MP who will fight for the constituency's interest in Westminster. The Labour candidate, whilst MP, spoke consistently against the wishes of the majority of her constituents, only seeming to represent her own in parliament.
Whether it be on Brexit, the economy or the big issues about how we can properly fund quality public services it is the Conservatives making all the running, and Labour providing no answers at all.
Voting Conservative in Wakefield can return a locally born and raised MP, supporting Theresa May and giving the country, and the constituency, the strong leadership we all want.
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Antony Calvert welcomed Transport Secretary Chris Grayling to Wakefield today. Mr Grayling toured the recently refurbished Wakefield Kirkgate station before visiting the newly opened Eastern Relief Road.
Antony commented: "It was great to welcome Chris to Wakefield. I know how long people have been campaigning for Kirkgate to be refurbished. The facts are clear: Labour talked about Kirkgate for 13 years, the Conservatives deli...vered it."
"The key now is ensuring that Kirkgate can enjoy the regeneration a mainline station deserves. If elected on June 8th I will campaign to give the area a significant boost, bringing jobs and investment in the area."
Chris later visited the Eastern Relief Road. Another major infrastructure project delivered by a Conservative government.
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Wakefield parliamentary candidate Antony Calvert was joined this weekend by Environment minister, Therese Coffee, on the campaign trail. Therese visited Chantry Bridge to see the investment that went into flood prevention there following the Christmas 2015 deluge.
Antony said: "Back in 2015 serious flooding here badly affected the local area, specifically the Sea Cadets building. I was pleased to be able to show the minister what... has been done since then to ensure this doesn't happened again."
Therese Coffee commented: "Antony was very keen to highlight the disruption that was caused back in 2015. The government, through the Environment Agency, will ensure that funding continues to come to avoid this happening again."
The minister also visited the Wakefield Eastern Relief Road, opened last month. She added:
"Wakefield was one of the cities highlighted in a recent report focusing on air pollution hotspots. Wakefield needs a strong MP who can campaign to clean up Wakefield's air, and I know Antony is keen to work with the government here to achieve this."
Antony agreed with the minister:
"The congestion running through Wakefield has been historically bad. I hope this bypass will take traffic away from the city centre and alieve the problem. This bypass is another example of how a Conservative government is getting Wakefield a better deal. As the MP I will fight hard for more."
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2015 Conservative parliamentary candidate for Wakefield Antony Calvert has been reselected to fight the seat at the June 8th General Election. He was selected by the Wakefield Conservative Association on Saturday 29th April.
Antony, who also fought Morley and Outwood in 2010 and is a former deputy leader of the Wakefield Conservative group on Wakefield MDC, said:
... "I am delighted to have been given the honour of fighting my home seat of Wakefield again for the Conservative Party. This is going to be the most crucial elections in my lifetime.
Nationally the choice is stark. A vote for the Conservatives is a vote for the strong and stable leadership of Theresa May. A vote for Labour will get Jeremy Corbyn and his coalition of chaos.
Locally Wakefield voters have an equally clear choice. A Labour MP who admits that the views of her constituents are not part of her DNA, and Antony Calvert, who will work hard for his home city and campaign on issues that really matter to Wakefield residents in the Commons."
If anyone would like to help Antony win in Wakefield, please contact the Conservative Campaign HQ on 01924 290404. Alternatively email Do you want to get in touch with Antony? If so email
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More about Antony Calvert

Antony Calvert is located at 24 Zetland Street, WF1 1QT Wakefield
01924 290404