Apex Fitness Systems - Body Transformation And Performance Specialists

About Apex Fitness Systems - Body Transformation And Performance Specialists

Personal Training. Nutrition Consulting. Creating superheros one person at a time. www. apexfitnesssystems.com



There's only really one major difference between the habits that will get you lean and toned, and the habits that will turn you big and bulky.
Yes this is blunt and to the point.
No this is not intended to promote one look / goal for everyone, or that one is necessarily better than the other.
... But the reality is, there are still thousands of women everywhere who are afraid lifting weights will turn them into the body type on the right.
So drop those ideas, lift your weights, eat your protein, and watch your body change 👌
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Earlier I posted this screenshot on my personal page of a message I received from a client this morning.
Since then I’ve had a few DM’s from people who either are concerned about becoming diabetic, or have relatives who are, asking if this was achieved via any special diet.
No special diets, no massive restriction on carbs, just a consistent calorie deficit, resulting in a 3 stone weight loss over 4 months.
... I’m by no means a specialist in the area of diabetes management and prevention, far from it, but if there’s one thing we can equivocally say at this point in the research, it’s that weight reduction is a hugely effective tool in combatting it.
Life changing results come from hammering the basics consistently.
Get into a calorie deficit and stay there long enough to watch your health improve.
As a side note, a few people also asked how to get tested.
It’s simple, have your GP check your blood sugar levels, and it takes about 1 to 2 days for the results and diagnosis to come back.
Diabetes is a horrible condition that I wouldn’t wish upon my worst enemy, so if you think you’re at risk, getting tested might mean you catch it early enough to do something about it like my client has!
Matt - #TeamApex
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Have you ever heard of the health halo effect?
What if i told you it could be one of the reasons why you're not losing weight?
A ‘health halo’ occurs when a single health claim causes a consumer to have positive impressions of a product.
... This in isolation wouldn't be bad.
The problem however, is that when we believe certain foods are health promoting, research shows that we then tend to overeat them.
Because more of that healthy food MUST be better.
Take the comparison below for instance.
Most people will believe that a wrap is a healthier and lighter option than a sandwich, and that by default it's the better option to pick when trying to lose weight.
However, in this example the option marketed as healthier is substantially higher in calories than the option most would view as 'bad'
So remember, if your goal is to lose weight, be a savvy consumer.
Don't listen to marketing and buzzwords, always check the label first!
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Check out the second article from our client Kerry-anne over on The Canary about her experience working with us so far.
We're extremely proud of how she's getting on, and also pretty proud that Apex is getting featured on such a huge national news site!
... https://www.thecanary.co/…/its-my-third -week-of-superhero-…/
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New Video!
Here are just 3 of the biggest lies the diet industry is telling everyone.
Don't be drawn in by BS!
... If you find this helpful, give it a like and share :)
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Zero Hour Games 2018 is in the books!
It was an incredible day, thank you to everyone who came and took part.
Shout outs to
... Mojo Active for hosting the day
Trojan Fitness Bristol for the assault bikes
Flynn Guard Photography and Joe for the 📷 ( check out the full album below this post and go tag yourself! )
Ollie for use of the tank
Finally, huge congrats to Chloe, Kimberley, Jack and Chris of Team Alpha for winning the day and taking home the Zero Hour sword!
We look forward to bringing back a bigger and even better event next year 💪
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Looking for some inspiration to start your own fitness transformation?
Over the next year we'll be working with Kerry-anne as she begins her journey to superhero.
Along the way, she'll be documenting every step of her journey over on The Canary in honest and inspiring detail.
... Check out her first article, where she talks about why she made the choice to improve her health, and taking those all important first steps down the road to change.
https://www.thecanary.co/…/i-start-my-s uperhero-training-t…/
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If you can't travel to see us, but have always wanted to work with us, this is your last chance this year!
Tonight we close the doors to 2018's final intake of our online group transformation challenge - The Superhero Body Online.
... We already have an awesome bunch of people signed up and ready to begin their transformations over the next 3 - 4 months...
The question is, will you be one of them?
If you want to
✅ Lose unwanted body fat
✅ Increase your muscle definition
✅ Get fitter, stronger and healthier
✅ Feel confident in and out of the gym
✅ Learn how to do all this in a realistic and sustainable way based around YOUR lifestyle.
✅ Do this all for less than £3 per day.
Then come join us, and let us turn you into the very best version of yourself before the year ends.
Lose fat with Winter Warrior - https://www.apexfitnesssystems.com/winter -warrior
Gain muscle with Geek To Freak - https://www.apexfitnesssystems.com/geekto freak
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Lads, we have 2 final spaces remaining on our upcoming online group coaching muscle gain program - Geek To Freak.
Are you serious about gaining muscle?
... Do you want to get stronger?
How about finishing 2018 in the absolute best shape of your life?
No need to see us in person, everything is done online.
You get :
✅A fully customised training program, designed to increase your strength and muscle mass month after month.
✅ Complete nutrition program designed around you. Struggle knowing what to eat to gain muscle? We got you covered.
✅ Access to our private members group where we post daily content like videos and recipes to keep you motivated.
✅ TWO experienced Apex coaches with you every step of the way.
👌 Increased confidence
👌New found strength and fitness
👌Direction in the gym
👌Results that will no doubt turn heads
All for less than £3 per day.
Once the spaces are gone, they're gone.
Sign up here -
https://www.apexfitnesssystems.com/geekto freak
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On Monday we announced doors are now open for the next intake of our massively successful group online transformation challenge - The Superhero Body Online.
Since then spaces have been flying out of the door, we are now 75% full for our fat loss program, and 50% full for our muscle gain program.
That's just 5 spaces left on each!
... We limit spaces as we're not interested in providing a sub-par service to hundreds of people at once, we are here to COACH you.
We've had quite a few questions about what's involved, so if you're wondering, below is the exact process we provide members of the challenge throughout the next 12 - 16 weeks.
A few of the most popular questions :
Q - Do I need to meet you in person for sessions?
A - Nope! Everything is done online, so you don't need to live in Bristol, or even the U.K! All you need is an internet connection.
Q - What's the time commitment?
A - All you need to have time for is 3-4 exercise sessions a week lasting roughly an hour, and of course a bit of time each day to cook tasty healthy food.
Q - Do I need to be super fit?
A - Absolutely not! You'll be in a group with everyone from experienced gym goers, to rank beginners, to those who are returning to exercise after a few years off. Everything is tailored to your experience level.
Q - Do I need to be a member of a gym?
A - To get the most from your training program, access to a well kitted gym is recommended. If you can't always make it however, home workouts can easily be provided!
To find out more, and to sign up and reserve your space, follow the links below :
Lose fat and get lean with the Winter Warrior Program - https://www.apexfitnesssystems.com/winter -warrior
Gain muscle and strength with the Geek To Freak Program - https://www.apexfitnesssystems.com/geekto freak
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Sign up for the next intake of The Superhero Body Online is now open!
Over the past week you've seen just a handful of the transformations produced in our last group over the summer, so why not be the next person we help transform?
... It's can be so easy to lose motivation over the next few months of the year.
With summer coming to and end, it's all too easy to coast through the final months, saying to yourself " It's fine, I'll do something about this in the new year "
Don't let that be you.
If you want to finally take control of your health and body goals by the end of this year, we want to work with you.
✅ Fully customised training program to follow throughout the 12 weeks, designed to help you drop body fat and clothes sizes, or build lean muscle.
✅ Bespoke nutrition program designed to show you how to manage your diet effectively in the real world. No boring salads or weird health foods.
✅ Private members group for the entire 12 weeks. Fresh content delivered daily including Q&A videos, recipes and handy tips.
✅ Full daily support and accountability from TWO Apex coaches, here to keep you motivated the whole way.
✅ Do all of this along side a group of others all working towards the exact same goal as you - to turn yourself into the best version of YOU possible.
Spaces are limited, with quite a few gone already.
For more information and to sign up, follow the links below -
Winter Warrior fat loss program - https://www.apexfitnesssystems.com/winter -warrior
Geek To Freak muscle gain program - https://www.apexfitnesssystems.com/geekto freak
Let's do this 💪
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The Superhero Body Online, group coaching results - day 6.
Sammi joined the challenge wanting to get leaner and more defined, while improving her eating habits and increasing her fitness.
Her results speak for themselves - 14 pounds / a stone of body fat down, increased definition, and a huge 10cm off both hips and waist.
... In her own words :
" I joined Apex because my eating habits had gone down hill and I was in a bit of a rut exercise wise.
Three months on and I’m feeling lighter, leaner and much stronger than before. Apex has taught me how to achieve a healthier, balanced and realistic diet.
I now have the tools to make make smarter food choices and am loving the gym (which is something I never thought I’d say)!
Matt & Tom have been great and are always there to help! If you’re thinking about signing up, do it!! 🙂"
Looking awesome Sammi, great results 💪👌
Want some transformation results for yourself?
Stay tuned, because sign up for the next intake will be opening tomorrow!
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The Superhero Body Online, group coaching results - day 5.
Bex joined the challenge wanting to drop some body fat, aiming for a leaner and more defined shape, which she has definitely achieved!
She's also gained lean muscle and strength from her consistent work ethic in the gym.
... In her own words :
" This isn't my first Apex challenge and it won't be my last - Matt, Tom and the team are so knowledgable and always get results. In 12 weeks I am stronger, leaner, lighter and armed with so much knowledge "
Congrats Bex, looking lean! 👌💪
Want in on the next intake? Due to popularity and to ensure we cater for both goals, our next intake will have 2 groups.
Winter Warrior - 12 week fat loss
Geek To Freak - 16 week muscle gain
For your chance to be notified when sign up opens before anyone else, click the link in the comments section!
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The Superhero Body Online, group coaching results - day 4.
Rachel joined the challenge already in great shape, looking to become more defined and build some lean muscle.
I think it's fair to say she has completely smashed those goals! Dropping over a stone of body fat and multiple inches, while gaining lean muscle and improving her strength.
... She's achieved this as a mum with a busy family life, while also managing her diet and training while on holiday during the 12 weeks.
In her own words :
" I have just finished my first challenge with Apex Fitness Sytems and can honestly say they know their stuff.
Great to have a team working with you from nutrition and training background to get you the best possible results.
They keep it real and only give you scientifically proven info and advice and if you follow their plan you will see great results.
Three months in i am stronger, lighter and a body shape that is much more defined. I feel confident now in making good food choices and know i will continue to lift weights as part of my weekly routine.
Thanks Apex. It's been great working with you "
Congratulations Rachel, awesome results 👌💪
Want in on the next intake? Due to popularity and to ensure we cater for both goals, our next intake will have 2 groups.
Winter Warrior - 12 week fat loss
Geek To Freak - 16 week muscle gain
For your chance to be notified when sign up opens before anyone else, click the link in the comments section!
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Superhero Body Online results - day 3.
Check out the results Rich achieved, who is looking like a new man after dropping just under 10kg in 12 weeks, losing an insane 14 cm from his waist.
Throughout his time on the challenge he stayed consistent with the nutrition program, continually dropping body fat even with a 5 day trip away on a stag do in the middle.
... He's also built visable lean muscle from following the training program, clearly putting the graft in in the gym.
In his words :
" Joining the Apex Summer shred was the kick up the ass I needed. I never anticipated the changes I saw to my body yet alone my mind set! I’m now set up mentally and physically to achieve and maintaining the healthy body I’ve been longing for years! These guys really know their stuff and I’m definitely going back for more!! "
Congrats Rich, we're looking forward to helping you smash more goals in the future 💪👌
Want in on the next intake? Due to popularity and to ensure we cater for both goals, our next intake will have 2 groups.
Winter Warrior - 12 week fat loss
Geek To Freak - 16 week muscle gain
For your chance to be notified when sign up opens before anyone else, click the link in the comments section!
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Check out the incredible progress from our Superhero Body Online client Leanne.
We're blown away by her consistency in the gym and with her nutriton, resulting in over 1.5 stone down but an even bigger transformation in measurements and body shape, dropping down 2 clothes sizes!
Here's Leanne's full review of the challenge :
... " I have never stuck to a diet in my life, always kept saying i would do something about my weight and never did until i saw a post about Apex on facebook.
I signed up with a friend so that we could support each other and it is the best thing i have ever done.
I have realised that food wasn’t making me happy and i needed to break the unhealthy cycle. With the right support and guidance i quickly realised where i was going wrong and just how bad my food choices were.
I learned what to eat to fill me up and committed myself to the training plan and surprised myself when i began to enjoy exercise for the first time ever!
The online support was great and the guides easy to use. I feel fantastic and can’t thank matt and tom enough.
For anybody thinking about this DO IT!! It will be the best decision you can make for a happy more healthy lifestyle! "
Congratulations Leanne, looking like a brand new woman! 💪👌
Want in on the next intake? Due to popularity and to ensure we cater for both goals, our next intake will have 2 groups.
Winter Warrior - 12 week fat loss
Geek To Freak - 16 week muscle gain
For your chance to be notified when sign up opens before anyone else, click the link in the comments section!
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We recently wrapped up the summer intake of our hugely popular online group coaching challenge - The Superhero Body Online.
This week we'll be sharing just a small handful of the incredible results achieved from our members.
Kyle smashed the challenge, losing an amazing 24 pounds of body fat, gaining lean muscle and dropping multiple inches.
... In his own words :
" I recently completed the 12 week Superhero body online challenge and everyone is amazed at the results I achieved in such a short time.
I have previously done fad diets, training with PT's but keeping my diet (slabs of cake) the same.
I got recommended Apex from friends and straight away knew I made the right decision. The meals plans, recipes, support, varied training plans and quality weekly tips from both Matt and Tom helped me not just lose weight but really change my mindset to my diet and training myself into a healthier person.
Although it was a group challenge I felt everything was tailored to me and my circumstances but the group support was great at helping motivate me further.
Thanks again guys and look forward to working together on the next challenge! "
Amazing work Kyle, and we look forward to helping you on the next step in your goals 💪👌
Want in on the next intake? Due to popularity and to ensure we cater for both goals, our next intake will have 2 groups.
Winter Warrior - 12 week fat loss
Geek To Freak - 16 week muscle gain
For your chance to be notified when sign up opens before anyone else, click the link in the comments section!
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A visual representation of my general Facebook experience.
Matt - #TeamApex


“I completed my 1st Apex challenge in 2016 with the aim to shred body fat, I was blown away with the results with The Nutrition and Training plans even with my skinny frame I lost over 6kg. So I returned in 2018 to get help to start bulking up. What I appreciate about Apex is their approach! It’s no nonsense expert advise to inspire their clients to achieve their goals and change their their mindsets on how to eat and train effectively. 5 🌟


Training with Apex has changed my life! From my approach to my training, the results I've achieved and the support I get - its second to none and worth every penny! The knowledge, skill and passion from the team is inspiring and sessions are always fresh and original and tailored to your needs. If you are looking for results this is who you train with!


Tom has been an amazing coach and mentor ever since I started grappling. I cannot recommend him enough!


These guys truly are the best at what they do. I will be continuing my fitness journey with them for the future!


Taking part in the superhero body challenge was my first time working with Apex and I loved every minute. Easy to follow workouts and flexible eating plans that really work, and prove what you’re really capable of over 12 weeks. I was a bit skeptical about online training, but Matt and Tom are engaging and easy to contact, the collateral provided is brilliant, and the results speak for themselves! Highly recommend!


So happy with the results I’ve achieved after just 12 weeks, the online coaching really keeps you going together with the support from fellow challengers. Looking forward to getting back on the next one & seeing my body change even more! 👍🏼😁💪🏼


Just finished my first challenge. Absolutely loved it. Amazing programme with superb weekly sessions and a fantastic finale at the end. I have increased all of my lifts during the challenge and got more than my money's worth. Can't wait to sign up for the next challenge. Totally recommend Apex!!!


I was first introduced to Apex Fitness Systems through nutrition. Matt wrote me a personalised nutrition plan and the weight literally fell off, and I was still eating normal, filling food! Once I had lost the bulk of the weight I wanted (about 10kgs at that point) I took the leap into the fitness side of Apex. I joined one of the Apex famous challenges. Having been mostly a cardio bunny before it was quite daunting, especially as I didn't know anyone. Everyone was so friendly and the challenge was awesome! Since then I have regular personal training with Coach Tom, have completely many other challenges and bootcamps and have updated my nutrition plan. My weight loss has continued and am now at a weight that I never thought I could achieve, I am also stronger and fitter than I have ever been! Apex is the best thing I have ever done!


I started training with them almost 3 years ago and they made this 45 year old life long couch potato fitter and healthier than at any time in my life. I would recommend them to anyone, they deliver a fantastic combination of fitness & diet knowledge with great fun motivation.


I started training with Apex nearly 5 yrs ago. I lost over 4st and around 14% body fat. I have easily managed to keep the weight off by using their nutritional plans combined with their unique exercise programs. This is not some fad of the day trend, but a tried and tested system based on actual science. I cannot recommend Apex highly enough. They changed my life.


I recently completed the 12 week Superhero body challenge and everyone is amazed at the results I achieved in such a short time. I have previously done fad diets, training with PT's but keeping my diet (slabs of cake) the same.

I got recommended Apex from friends and straight away knew I made the right decision. The meals plans, recipes, support, varied training plans and quality weekly tips from both Matt and Tom helped me not just lose weight but really change my mindset to my diet and training myself into a healthier person.

Although it was a group challenge I felt everything was tailored to me and my circumstances but the group support was great at helping motivate me further.

Thanks again guys and look forward to working together on the next challenge!


I really enjoy training with Apex they have helped increase my strength, knowledge and confidence inside and outside the gym. The professionalism and passion on focusing me help achieve my personal goals are second to none. The experience and commitment I receive help me secure continual improvements. I am looking forward to working on new goals with Apex.


I joined apex just over a year back and have never looked back they have given me the strength I require to perform at my strongest in the sport of mma there's not much more I can say really other than if u want results and are willing to put he hard work in then they are your guys 100% recommend


I have trained with Apex for over 2 years. With weekly PT sessions, several themed challenges, great training and top nutrition advice, the progress I have made physically and mentally has been amazing. From cardio bunny to strongman competitor I cannot recommend them highly enough!


I have just finished my first challenge with Apex Fitness Sytems and can honestly say they know their stuff. Great to have a team working with you from nutrition and training background to get you the best possible results. They keep it real and only give you scientifically proven info and advice and if you follow their plan you will see great results. Three months in i am stronger, lighter and a body shape that is much more defined. I feel confident now in making good food choices and know i will continue to lift weights as part of my weekly routine. Thanks Apex. It's been great working with you.


I have invested 35 years of my life building a half decent beer belly and love handles to be proud of, then Matt and Tom come along and within 12 weeks I have lost the lot!

My wife Jackie and myself decided 3 months ago that we were overweight and unfit, so after investigating several PT instructors we decided to work with Apex.

There are a lot of “one man band” PT instructors out there, who have spent a relatively short amount of time getting a basic PT qualification to be able to call themselves “Personal Trainers”. Not so with Apex Fitness Systems. Tom with a lifetime of fitness, weight training and MMA experience, and Matt with a huge amount of experience, qualifications and passion for nutrition knowledge.

Matt and Toms combined advice is the perfect recipe for health and fitness. Matt has provided us with delicious and easy to follow nutrition plans which have been expertly tailor made to guarantee weight loss and maintain muscle, while Tom with his lifetime experience in gym work has guided us to achieve strength levels that 3 months ago we never had imagined we would ever reach.

Looking forward to another 3 months of hard training, and healthy eating, followed by another 5 star review!


I came to Apex as I wanted to get in shape, but didn't really have much understanding of what was necessary to really get there effectively. All the coaches I have worked with are incredibly kind and talented people who have a deep understanding of the fitness industry. The results speak for themselves and I really can't recommend them enough.


I came to APEX Fitness Systems to change my lifestyle from an unhealthy one to a healthy and happy one. Following the free consultation it was agreed that a change to my nutrition was very much required to reach my overall aim. How right they were!!! in 12 weeks I can honestly say that not only do I have an understanding of nutrition, but I also have, for the first time in my life, a routine of eating, furthermore, containing really healthy and delicious food! Needless to say that with APEX I not only achieved my aim, but continue to progress even further with my training and weight loss. For this I thank, and wholeheartedly recommend APEX to anyone wanting to make a positive change in their lives. Thank you guys!


Having always battled with the dreaded ‘rubber ring around the middle’, I decided to something about it two years ago and start exercising, properly for the first time, at the ripe old age of 35. Thanks to CrossFit, within months I certainly felt fitter - both mentally and physically - but knew I hadn’t quite hit the nail on the head when it came to nutrition. After hearing fantastic feedback regarding Matt from fellow CrossFitters I decided to give it a go myself – and never looked back. After my first 12 weeks I noticed an incredible transformation, better than I ever expected. With a wedding and honeymoon a few months ahead of me I continued see Matt as his encouragement and knowledge helped me reach every goal I never thought possible. Couldn’t recommend enough!!

More about Apex Fitness Systems - Body Transformation And Performance Specialists

Apex Fitness Systems - Body Transformation And Performance Specialists is located at Hayward Road, BS16 4NY Bristol, United Kingdom